CARDIOVASCULAR PATHOLOGY GROSSING GUIDELINESNOTE: Please review all complex or “interesting” gross specimens with Dr. Michael Fishbein or Dr. Gregory Fishbein.Specimen Type: ENDOMYOCARDIAL BIOPSIESProcedure:Measure and describe, noting number of pieces (if > 5, state, “greater than 5”), color.Gross Template: Labeled with the patient’s name (***), medical record number (***), designated “***”, and received [fresh/in formalin] are [#] fragments of [color] soft tissue fragments measuring [sizes]. Entirely submitted in [cassette summary].Cassette Submission: For tissue received in formalin, submit entire specimen between blue sponges or in a tea bag and processed with H&E x 3 protocol.Saline soaked fresh tissue, if present, should be sent to the IHC lab for immunofluorescence. Transplant cases will receive the standard transplant protocol. Discuss native biopsy cases with the attending to determine what IF stains should be performed.Tissue in glutaraldehyde, if present, should be sent to the EM lab.Specimen Type: NATIVE HEART VALVESProcedure:Take gross photographsMeasure, range and aggregateDocument presence of lesions, vegetations, calcificationsComment on attached chordae tendinae, if presentLog as gross only as specimens may be reviewed at a later time or kept for teaching purposesGross Template:Labeled with the patient’s name (***), medical record number (***), designated “***”, and received [fresh/in formalin] is a [mitral/aortic] valve measuring *** x *** x *** cm. The [cusps or leaflets] are [yellow, smooth, calcified, and intact]. Tears in the leaflets [are/are not] identified. The chordae tendineae are [intact/ruptured/fused/thickened]. The papillary muscles are [hypertrophied/unremarkable/]. Vegetations [are/are not] identified. Gross photographs are taken. Representative sections are submitted, following decalcification [describe cassette submission].Cassette Submission: One cassette of representative tissue, decal as neededSpecimen Type: PROSTHETIC CARDIAC VALVES Procedure: Take gross photographs and x-raysMeasureDocument presence of lesions, vegetations, calcificationsComment on degree of pannus formation (i.e. tissue overgrowth)For bioprosthetic valves, submit sections of the leafletsLog as gross only as specimens may be reviewed at a later time or kept for teaching purposesGross Template: Labeled with the patient’s name (***), medical record number (***), designated “***”, and received [fresh/in formalin] is a [bioprosthetic/mechanical] valve measuring *** x *** x *** cm. [Describe type of mechanical valve, the inflow and outflow tract, fused, presence of calcifications or clot]. The leaflets are [yellow, smooth, calcified, intact]. Tears in the leaflets [are/are not] identified. Vegetations [are/are not] identified. [Describe thickness of cusps]. [Describe chordae tendineae, if present, noting thickening, shortening, or fusion]. [Describe any papillary muscle that is included with the specimen]. A gross photograph is taken. Representative sections are submitted [describe cassette submission].Cassette Submission: 1-2 cassettes of representative tissue (if present) Submit sections taken perpendicular to the surface of the valve from the point of attachment to the free margin. Submit cross sections of the chordae tendineae and the base of the papillary muscles, if present.Decalcify the sections if necessary.NOTE: Review all artificial valves with an attending pathologist.Specimen Type: ATRIAL APPENDAGES and OTHER NON-VALVULAR PORTIONS OF HEART Gross Template: Labeled with the patient’s name (***), medical record number (***), designated “***”, and received [fresh/in formalin] is a red-brown portion of endocardial-lined myocardium measuring*** x *** x *** cm. The endocardium is [describe surface and presence of fibrosis]. Sectioning reveals the myocardium is remarkable for [areas of fibrosis/necrosis/calcification]. Representative sections are submitted [describe cassette submission].Cassette Submission: 1-2 cassettes of representative sections Specimen Type: HEART TRANSPLANT (recipient explant specimen)Procedure:Discuss the case with the attending before putting the heart in formalin.Photograph the anterior and posterior surfaces; get an x-ray.Weigh and measure the specimen (base to apex; left to right).Provide an external examination with focus on the following:Is the heart dilated? If present, what is the morphology of the atrial appendages? What is the configuration of the great arteries? Are their pericardial adhesions? How much pericardial fat is there?If calcified, the coronary arteries may need to be dissected off before proceeding (x-ray can help decide this). If decalcification is needed:Dissect the coronary arteries from the heart noting course, size and dominance of vessels. Remove with any vein or internal mammary grafts.Fix overnight.Decalcify adequately.Cut at 3 mm intervals.Note distribution of lesions and degree of luminal narrowing.Note characteristics of lesions.Photograph.At a minimum, submit regions of maximum narrowing for histologic sections (LAD, RCA, LCx). If any gross lesions are identified, submit sections of those too.If grafts are present, submit regions of gross lesions and sites of anastomosis to coronary arteries (remove sutures if possible).Look out for stents (x-ray can be helpful). Hearts with congenital malformations must be reviewed with the attending pathologist prior to dissection. For all other hearts, unless otherwise specified:Breadloaf the heart from apex to mid ventricle (3 – 4 transverse slices). Photograph the slices.Open the heart in the direction of blood flow. Photograph any intracardiac lesions if present.The atria and/or appendages may not be included with the specimen, indicate if absent.Describe the individual chambers. Are they dilated? Are the walls thinned? Is there hypertrophy? Aneurysms?Describe the endocardial surfaces (Note thickening, hemorrhage, mural thrombus, fibrosis, etc…).Describe the appearance of the cardiac valves. For semilunar valves, note number of cusps, their thickness, and status of commissures. Note the presence of calcifications of leaflets or annulus. Examine chordae tendineae for thickening, shortening, or fusion. Measure valve circumferences.Examine the coronary circulation. Is it right, left, or co-dominant? Is the course normal or anomalous? Is the course epicardial (normal) or are there areas of myocardial tunneling. Are the ostia in the normal positions? At least one section of each major coronary vessel is recommended (LAD, RCA, LCx).If any hardware is present (e.g. ventricular assist device, pacemaker, etc…), photograph the hardware and note the serial number on the device. Try to be as specific as possible when describing the device (e.g. “HeartMate II” rather than just “LVAD”). Sample adherent tissue to evaluate for infection.Every heart is different, so the sections of myocardium you submit may be different on a case by case basis (discuss with attending). Always sample any focal lesions in addition to the standard sections, as illustrated below:AnteroseptalAnteriorAnterolateralPosterolateralPosteriorPosteroseptalRight ventricleTake sections from the mid-ventricle so as to include the papillary muscles. Make sure sections are transmural (include endocardium and epicardium). The endocardial side is of particular importance, since most pathology will be subendocardial. Sampling in this way will help identify which coronary vessel(s) are involved.For your write-up, list the primary pathologic process (e.g. atherosclerotic coronary artery/ischemic heart disease, dilated cardiomyopathy, complex congenital heart disease, etc…) followed by the sequelae of the primary disorder or secondary findings (e.g. myocardial infarction). List the past procedures and comment on the presence or absence of any device pathology, if applicable. Gross Template: Labeled with the patient’s name (***), medical record number (***), designated “***”, and received [fresh/in formalin] is a *** gram trans-atrially resected heart measuring *** x *** x *** cm. [Note: Photograph the heart before and after dissection – demonstrating the interior surface of the chambers and valves]. The epicardial surface is [adhesions/smooth/fatty]. The configuration of the great arteries is [normal, abnormal (describe)]. The atria are [normal size, dilated, hypertrophied]. The foramen ovale is [closed, patent]. The ventricles are [normal size, dilated, hypertrophied]. The mural endocardium is [translucent, fibrotic (distribution)]. The valves have the normal number of leaflets and are free of thrombi, calcification, myxomatous degeneration, and vegetations [if abnormal, describe]. The chordae tendineae are of [normal length and thickness, fused, shortened]. The myocardium is [brown and unremarkable, fibrosis, myocardial infarction]. The coronary ostia are [in the normal position, anomalous (describe)]. The coronary arteries are [right dominant, left dominant] and have a [normal epicardial course, anomalous course (describe), intramyocardial course (describe location, length of intramyocardial component, and depth)]. The right coronary artery is [patent, calcified, % stenosis]. The left anterior descending coronary artery is [patent, calcified, % stenosis]. The left circumflex coronary artery is [patent, calcified, stenosis]. [Describe any stents or bypass grafts present]. The heart measurements are as follows:Tricuspid valve (cm): [circumference]Pulmonic valve (cm): [circumference]Mitral valve (cm): [circumference]Aortic valve (cm): [circumference]Right ventricular free wall (cm): [wall thickness measured ~1 cm inferior to PV]Interventricular septum (cm): [wall thickness excluding trabeculae]Left ventricular free wall (cm): [wall thickness excluding trabeculae][Describe any devices present – VAD, pacer wires, etc.]. Representative sections are submitted in [describe cassette submission noting blocks needing decalcification].Specimen Type: VENTRICULAR ASSIST DEVICESPROCEDURE: Review all ventricular assist devices with Dr. G Fishbein.Gross Template: Labeled with the patient’s name (***), medical record number (***), designated “***”, and received [fresh/in formalin] is a [type] ventricular assist device with the serial number “***”. The inflow cannula is free of thrombi [if not, describe location and size]. [If an inflow valve is present, describe]. There is no in-pump thrombus [if thrombus present, describe location and size]. [If an outflow valve is present, describe]. The outflow graft to the aorta is free of thrombi [if not, describe location and size]. The outflow anastomosis is [present and patent, present with pannus (describe), absent]. The driveline is [intact, damaged] with [no evidence of infection, infected]. A gross photograph is taken. The specimen is for gross examination only.Cassette Submission: No tissue submittedSubmit one cassette of representative tissue if adherent tissue is presentSpecimen Type: VESSELSProcedure:General CommentsMeasure length, diameter and wall thickness.Note presence of any dilatations or constrictions, zones of swelling or inflammation.Describe luminal contents, looking especially for thrombi. Lumen is best evaluated by a series of closely spaced cross sections.Note and sample any areas of hemorrhage, potential dissections, etc…AtherosclerosisSpecimens from endarterectomies and aneurysmectomies for atherosclerosis are frequently received as fragments of atheroma and some intima.Measure or weigh. Note range of piece sizes.Describe any identifiable vessel wall or thrombus.Submit representative sections of fragments cut perpendicular to the luminal surface and cross sections of vessels.If vessel is calcified, submit for decalcification.Varicose veins XE "Varicose veins" One block only is usually all that is necessary; describe dilatations, thickening of walls and/or presence of thrombi.Arteritis XE "Arteries, Surgical specimens" and other arterial lesionsArteries biopsied to rule out vasculitis should be grossed by the histotechs per protocol, not by PAs or residents.GraftsAll biologic grafts should be submitted for microscopic examination.Synthetic (dacron or Gore-tex) grafts with lesions should also be sampled, preferably at anastomosis with native vessel.Gross Template: Labeled with the patient’s name (***), medical record number (***), designated “***”, and received [fresh/in formalin] is a segment of vessel measuring *** cm in length x *** cm in diameter with a wall thickness of *** cm. The specimen is remarkable for [describe areas of dilations, constrictions, zones of swelling, inflammation (“tree-barking”)]. The lumen is remarkable for [describe luminal contents – looking especially for thrombi]. Representative sections are submitted in [describe cassette submission].Cassette Submission: 1-3 cassettesAtherosclerosis: Representative sections to include fragments cut perpendicular to the luminal surface and cross sections of vesselsSubmit for decalcification if necessaryVaricose Veins: 1 cassette is sufficientArterial lesions: Serially cross section. Submit 1 representative cross-section and sections of any focal lesions.Grafts: Include section at anastomosis with native vessel ................

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