2 | J u p ite r in A q u a r iu s M in i C o ur se

 2 | Jupiter in Aquarius Mini Course

Jupiter in Aquarius Mini Course

? The Dark Pixie Astrology


Lesson 1: Jupiter in Aquarius: December 2020 - May 2021, July - December 2021 3

Lesson 2: Important Times During Jupiter in Aquarius


Lesson 3: Jupiter in Aquarius in the Houses


Lesson 4: Jupiter in Aquarius Aspects


Lesson 5: Jupiter Returns With Jupiter in Aquarius


Extra: Transit Jupiter Interpretations


3 | Jupiter in Aquarius Mini Course

Lesson 1: Jupiter in Aquarius: December 2020 - May 2021, July December 2021

Entrance: ?Jupiter enters Aquarius on December 19th 2020 at 8:07AM

ET/5:07AM PT. Jupiter stays in Aquarius until May 13th 2021 (6:35PM

ET/3:35PM PT), and comes back to Aquarius July 28th 2021 (8:42AM

ET/5:42AM PT), where it stays until December 28th 2021 (11:09PM

ET/8:09PM PT).

Jupiter has been touring the sign of Capricorn for 2020, and this isn¡¯t a

sign it¡¯s very happy with. Capricorn is disciplined, focused, mature, and

restrictive, while Jupiter is the planet of expansion, opportunity,

adventure, and freedom. Aquarius is a sign that goes much better with

Jupiter¡¯s natural energy since Aquarius is also independent and

embraces change. This can be a huge relief, especially since the

Capricorn stellium with Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in Capricorn comes to

an end!

Jupiter in Aquarius wants to break out and try to do things differently.

We¡¯ve felt stifled with Capricorn, and Aquarius pushes us to step outside

of our comfort zones and try something unconventional. This can create

new opportunities for us, and we can go down new roads.

Aquarius is an original and big on individuality, so we may want to

express our true selves. Even if our true selves are really weird! Maybe

4 | Jupiter in Aquarius Mini Course

even more if that¡¯s the case, actually. We¡¯ve had to be boxed in with the

Capricorn stellium, and there have been hints of rebellion simmering

underneath. Jupiter in Aquarius gives opportunity to let that rise to the

surface and take over. Now, we do have to be careful we don¡¯t rebel just

for the sake of rebelling like dumb teenagers; as long as we¡¯re doing it

from an authentic place and have some direction, this can go well.

Capricorn is the sign of long-term goals and long-term plans, while

Aqurius is the sign of the future. We step from those big goals and plans

we put together during the Capricorn stellium of 2020 and move toward

what they mean for the future, and what we hope they will lead to. The

future is on the brain, and this can motivate us to make changes and try

new things.

Aquarius also rules causes that we¡¯re passionate about, and Jupiter

rules our beliefs, so we may be even more active and engaged in

causes. The focus on the future may be part of what fuels this, and

we¡¯re a lot more aware of how what happens now can have

ramifications later.

Aquarius rules groups and friendships and the masses - this has been a

little challenging thanks to COVID! We haven¡¯t really been able to come

together for a while (that¡¯s thanks to Saturn in Aquarius). Jupiter in

Aquarius would like some interaction and engagement, expanding

social circles and joining in, but it might be some time before we can do

5 | Jupiter in Aquarius Mini Course

that again like we used to. So, with Aquarius ruling change and doing

things differently we may find we embrace more fully the idea of

coming together and engaging and meeting new people in different

ways. No doubt technology plays a factor (which it already was

beforehand, but this can accelerate it).

Speaking of technology, Aquarius is the ruler of the internet, so

naturally, we may find even more of life is moved online! That just

makes logical sense with what¡¯s been happening, and hopefully Jupiter

makes the transition a little easier.

You¡¯ll find all of this impacts you most with the areas of life ruled by the

house(s) Jupiter in Aquarius tours in your natal chart.

The main keywords to focus on are:

- Change

- Dreams

- Independence

- Individuality

- The unconventional


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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