A Guide for Creating Affordable and Accessible Community Living

Available FREE to the public Not for individual sale

This guidebook was developed for the Arizona Developmental Disabilities Planning Council by the Sonoran University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research and Service

Publication Date: May 2013

My House My Home


A Guide for Creating Affordable and Accessible Community Living

This guidebook was developed for the Arizona Developmental Disabilities Planning Council by the Sonoran University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research and Service

Publication Date: May 2013

A Community Effort

My House My Home, Real Homes for Real People was developed by the Sonoran UCEDD through a funding grant from the Arizona Developmental Disabilities Planning Council.

University of Arizona, Department of Family and Community Medicine and Sonoran UCEDD

Lynne Tomasa, PhD, MSW Leslie Cohen, JD Jessica Post, Sonoran UCEDD trainee and graduate student Celina Salas, graduate student intern Patricia Philbin

With Contributions from

James Anderson, Holly Bohling, Ronald Bourgault, Nan Carle, Clayton Guffey, Cathy Hunt, Jay Klein, Barbara Montrose, Peggy Morales, Lynne Oland, Nancy Thaler, and Joe Wykowski

Special Thanks to

Aaron, Brian, Gaby, Jerry, Jack, Jermaine/Johanna, Dirk, Paul, and Tina for sharing their lives with us.

Spanish Translation

Myriam Barrientos

For additional copies of this guide, or for more information, contact: Sonoran UCEDD 1521 E. Helen Street Tucson, Arizona 85719 Phone: 520-626-0442 Email:

Arizona Developmental Disabilities Planning Council Phone: 602-542-8970 or Toll-free: 877-665-3176

The University of Arizona ? ? 2012 Arizona Board of Regents

4 | My House ? My Home

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Transitions.................................................................... 7 Overview.................................................................................. 8 Personal Story - Jerry............................................................. 10 Think Future, Think Now, The Planning Process.................. 11 Personal Story - Tina............................................................. 12 Separation of Housing and Supports..................................... 15 A Team Approach to Planning and Support.......................... 16 Preparing for an Emergency or Disaster................................ 17 Resources............................................................................... 18

Chapter 2 Community Resources and Supports.......................... 19 Personal Story - Jermaine and Johanna................................. 20 The Developmental Disabilities Service System................... 21 U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) .................................................. 29 Frequently Asked Question - HUD........................................ 34 Arizona Behavioral Health System........................................ 36 Frequently Asked Question - Behavioral Health................... 39 Resources............................................................................... 41

Chapter 3 Community Living Options......................................... 45 Personal Story - Dirk............................................................. 46 What is Shared Living?.......................................................... 47 What is a Housing Cooperative (Co-op)? ............................. 54 What is Cohousing?............................................................... 57 Resources............................................................................... 59

5 My House ? My Home |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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