
Create a Successful Holiday MarketingHello everybody. My name is Sonia Mansfield and I'm going to be giving you a few tips for boosting your sales and promoting your brown best brand -- brand with print marketing. First a little bit about me . I am responsible for creating and managing content at deluxe, for the last 10 years , the primary focus to inspire and educate customers on how to achieve a marketing and sales goal by using printed products. Keep in mind the puns are already, always intended . Here is what I will talk about the next 15 to 20 minutes or so. I am going to convince you that print marketing is still a thing and that it's a jolly good way to advertise your business during the holiday season. I will share with you the best ways to show customer appreciation and drive sales. And finally I will share three things you should include in your holiday marketing campaign. Let's get started. So, why print ? Every once in a while a customer says to me why should I use print marketing when everything is online now . Smart effective marketing uses both online and off-line efforts to reach and engage customers, because each channel offers its unique benefit and limitations. Knowing how each channel works for your business and your customers, is definitely a learning by doing situation . I am hoping you are excited to incorporate one or two print marketing ideas in your holiday campaign . print marketing can help you improve visibility, engage with customers, and reach more people. So I have a few things about print , that some of our customers including Rockwall wine company, senior rescue and [indiscernible] shared with me.'s best ash print is tangible . when people see your marketing piece you make an impression on them. The Rockwall wine company told me that print is a nice reminder for her customers. The slides jumped ahead. There we go. >> Print marketing has a great response rate . holding and reading a printed piece, you have less distractions. Print marketing has a chance of getting and holding customer attention . Maria told me some of her customers. Up a card and read it and immediately went on their phones and booked a birthday party at children's fairyland. Print marketing builds trust . Print marketing is a great way to legitimize your business in your customers eyes . It gives your business more credibility and increases engagement. Marie from Muttville senior dog rescue told me they had square business cards for an adoption event. Oversized square business cards. It demonstrates Muttville is a real nonprofit . >> We all agree print marketing is super important. Let's talk about what you should beat the holiday rush and order your materials now. I know it's only October. The next thing you know it's Halloween, then thanks get -- Thanksgiving. And then you're stuck in the hustle and bustle of shopping season. And I would love to tell you, you can just snap your fingers and your print marketing is ready. The truth is you need to factor in print marketing, the turnaround time, and mailing time. Keep in mind, good things come to those who wait, and you might have to wait three days before you get your print marketing order. Keep that in mind when you're planning your marketing campaign. My recommendation is to place your order right before hollowing . Halloween. Customers that start before Thanksgiving, will make an even bigger impact on the customers heart and mind, and moved to the top of their shopping list. If your holiday marketing material is first on the scene. Plus if you get your holiday printing finished early, you are free to focus your energy and hit the ground running, as soon as the busy holiday season kicks into gear in November. Before you start buying a bunch of print products, you need to focus on your goal. You don't want to just start printing things willy-nilly . It's best to have a plan of action . What are you hoping to find under your tree this holiday season? Are you hoping to increase loyalty, customer appreciation . are you hoping to attract new customers and drive sales, maybe all of that. A different set of products for each goal. Let's unwrap the first one. >> Here are the top two products, to show customers you appreciate their business this holiday season. I think the first one is pretty obvious. Holiday cards. They are the best way to send warm wishes to your customers. Remember, we buy on emotion and we justify with logic. Holiday cards help your business make a personal connection with your customers that can pay off . if you really want your cards to stand out, skip the boring store Bart bought cards and make them your own, relevant and personal if you can. Doing so helps you connect with the target audience above and beyond the level you can achieve with generic cards. When you send your greeting card, your greeting cards are all about branding and customer appreciation. The goal is to establish a relationship with your customer to build loyalty . If you want to include a free gift, such as a bottle of wine or a night out at a local restaurant, that is perfectly okay . don't use your greeting card to directly solicit a purchase. I know you are busy. You don't need to have mad the data -- map design skills to design a card . cards are available that can be personalized with your images and logos. You can create a holiday card that's unique to your business. One more thing about holiday cards, they are super important . at a handwritten message to your holiday card . you have too many customers to write personalized notes, which is a great problem to have, lucky you did consider writing messages to just the top customers. >> If you are looking for a perfect hollowly best ash holiday giveaway, calendars . wall calendars, desk calendars, are the gift that keeps on giving. Rending your business every day of the year . Remember it's important the imagery on the calendar relates to your business in some way. If you are a fashion retailer, and the calendar has classic cars, nobody will remember it's your business . Another few examples. A construction company can feature images of their work . Maybe an accountant can print a calendar with currency from around the world. A pet store might print and distribute calendars with acute animal photo every month. It would include a code each month for an exclusive deal on food for that animal . we had a customer that did that, really cute. Don't wait until December to hand out your calendars . Timing plays a major role in whether your calendars will be used. Consider getting them out before Thanksgiving . even make the first month December for your calendar to be used right away. Include events and promotions on your calendar as reminders to customers. The holiday cards and calendars of the best way to show customer appreciation. Which meant product is the best for attracting new customers and driving sales? >> These marketing staples are real page turner's . booklets and catalogs the most obvious choice for seasonal marketing. Especially between November and December. Customers love holiday catalogs , because they can browse at their convenience anytime, anywhere. I know, I look through catalogs for inspiration and ideas. Your business will benefit from booklets and catalogs in the holiday season simply because people are searching for gift ideas and things to purchase. Last they help you maintain type , top of mind awareness , keeping your name in front of people willing and ready to spend their money. I didn't make that up I have fax to back it up. A multi-merchant state for selling products, booklets and catalogs are effective tools to bring customers to a company website. The U.S. Postal Service states 84 percent of millennial's take time to look through their mail, and 64 percent prefer mail over email when looking for useful information. Households receive an average of three catalogs per week, two thirds of which are opened and looked at. Unlike holiday cards you can do a sales pitch here . showcase your products and services , include coupon coals and VIP deals. Create desire, demonstrate you have the solution, deliver and offer, and motivate with a call to action. Here is a tip . if you need some help identifying your target customer , you can purchase a mailing list from a qualified printer. Super easy. You can select businesses, consumers, based on ZIP Code, income level, and a host of other details. >> If you are waiting for a sign about your holiday marketing plan, this is it. Banners, large wall graphics , festive window clings, posters and mounted posters . for a minimal investment. Lace banners and posters at strategic locations, but your holiday specials in front of hundreds or thousands of customers every day. Here are a few spots, busy roads and intersections, prominent public locations, outside shopping malls which is my favorite. Your competitor storefront. Banners, posters, window clings, signs, they always encourage public to stop into your store . here is a tip. Keep your sign design simple. Too much information will distract customers from your message. Two or three colors, and attractive offer, a clear call to action is all you need. Especially for a large vinyl banner in a high-traffic area. Customers only have a few seconds to see the banner so make an impression in that short amount of time. >> Stickers can promote your holiday sales everywhere, anywhere . It's easy to get them printed with your local colors. A great idea for stickers includes take-out boxes, shopping bags, even employee shirts. There is a wide variety. One of my favorites is a real estate company that had their stickers cut into the shape of the house and use them as envelope sealers on their holiday cards, really cute . A variety of sticker options out there, vinyl stickers, role stickers, sheet stickers. The easiest and most affordable options. Here is a tip . I know printing stickers might sound a little complicated, but similar to holiday cards they are easy to customize , sticker design templates are available. You don't have to be a skilled graphic designer to create professional, holiday themed stickers for your message. >> Here are three things to include in your holiday marketing campaign. Your logo. Obvious. Branding is a crucial part of growing your business. You can easily add your logo to all your print products. Here you can see one of our customers, arcade brewing. A cute card . In the holiday spirit with their greeting cards. You might also consider seasoning of your logo. Add tweaks to maybe make it festive red and green, or add snow entries. Really fun. Customers know you are celebrating. And a photo. It can be you and your employees, your products in a festive setting . Obviously a photo is great on your holiday card. This is a fun Ray a way to display your personality while you demonstrate how much you appreciate your customers business. You can print a poster or two to hang around an office, around the happy holiday season . it helps your customers put a face to your business and makes them more likely to return. And speaking of customers. You don't want to end up on the naughty list. Make sure you don't project a shoddy and much . don't send holiday cards or posters that you printed off of the office printer. A quality print job speaks to the quality of your business. Also if you are insecure about the graphic design prowess, think how many often offer design services , or you can use easy to design templates for most print products including all of the ones I covered today. >> And that is it for me. You can see I did one of the holiday templates here, that is me. A few takeaways, evaluate your options based on your unique goals and plan around your customers. You know them blessed best . and you know what would excite and delight them . remember use more than one channel to reach more of your target audience . online and off-line marketing are better together. And now I will turn it over to Noah. He will talk about online marketing. Awesome, thank you Sonia . That was such a great presentation on how to use print marketing during the holiday season. One of the first things people will do when they receive the print marketing, or a business card from you, any type of marketing from you, the first thing they will do is go online and they will Google your business name . Or they will Google your service or location. One of the things that is really important is to make sure the business is being found online . The next part of the presentation, we will talk about how to get your business found online . Especially during the holidays, this is especially important for most small businesses. As this tends to be one of the more busy times of the season. A little bit about me, I am Noah Turner , a senior search optimization manager here . I've been doing this type of work about 10 years. I started doing it just for small businesses like you on the phone . and I continued to do it for a lot of bigger corporations now, what I call enterprise marketing . Some of you are probably looking at my job title. With search engine optimization. That is very simply, it is my team , what we do is try to get more traffic on the search engine , such as Google, into your website . as many of you know many people use Google today to answer questions, shop for product, for all types of information . What we do is we consult with companies to make sure that their websites are showing up to the top of search engine pages. So that is what search engine entails. Jumping into it. I will give you guys a quick overview of what exactly is SEO and why is it important for your businesses especially during the holiday season . Out of all the ways you can attract customers to your website, 91 percent of Internet search users start their Internet experience with a search engine. That means when you open your fun or your chrome or Firefox, your phone, most people start the page on being or Google or being , everybody starts the Internet journey with a search engine and that is the number one way to get traffic to your website. All of us want more traffic to the website because that means more eyes on our product or service, more visits or calls on your website. And more people walking into your store, right. It's very important we are getting found online. >> So, how search has changed . I have been doing this 10 years. When I first started in SEO all I worried about was , 100 percent of Internet use was on desktop devices. Today we have a multitude of devices . Everyone is sitting there listening to the presentation with their cell phone on their desk, or in their hands multitasking. I had a smart watch at home that can actually be forced voice searched . they put searching cars now so you can search for the closest gas station, or maybe a grocery store near you. You have laptops, cell phones, all of those types of things. One key take away here, not only does your website have to be functional, and visually appealing on desktop sites, it's always great to make sure your website works on mobile devices. So if you guys are going to pull up your business website on your phone today, and you can't scroll around or click or the text is too small, that is one thing you want to make sure you do to make sure your website is optimized. Mobile friendly websites, deluxe is one of them. To make that possible. Definitely something you should do today. And another thing you have to consider is Google is not the only search engine in the world, eBay is one of the biggest search engines for selling stuff to each other. Amazon. ITunes, one of the biggest search engines in the world for music. Facebook, search engine for social connections and friends, and twitter is the same thing. Not only do you think am I showing up in Google, but the other search engines, make sure you are in those and you have a presence there. So what exactly are we trying to do today ? Where are you trying to get your website ranked on a page ? What I will give here is a quick example of what the search engine result page looks like. What are the opportunities for your website to show up on this page. At the top of the page you see I have a label called PPC. Pay per click advertising. If you don't have time to invest in SEO because it takes time , and you do it over , it's not a quick fix . if you have the budget available you can sign up with a PPC account today and you can hook it up to your credit card and start to bid on keywords that the company, people might use to search for your business. I did a search for chiropractor. The people at the top are paying to be at the top of that position. When somebody clicks on your ad, Google charges you for that. The chiropractor at the top, you might see ads at the top of every search engine. If you don't know, this is how Google has come to be a billion-dollar company. They make all of their money through this. What we are talking about today is the opportunity to bring in the blue section . this is where Google picks 10 websites to display on the first page to people. As you can see my results, Google is actually displaying a local map . What they are making the assumption, Google has gotten really good at, when I am doing a search for a chiropractor they have the idea I am probably looking for something in, near my location. They have the opportunity to show local businesses right there in my local community, right here in Shoreview where I am located. Minnesota did and below that is where they show the standard template for the standard website. This is a huge opportunity for your business to rank on the first page. There are a couple of tricks and tips and things you have to do better than your competitors to show up in this space. We will talk about that today. You might say Noah what is better? Paid search or time in SEO to get one of those spots in the top rankings? I pulled some studies and it looks like organic clicks, those areas in the blue section, are more likely to get clicked on then the paid results. Usually people know those top things are ads did you mine I trust the information because you know they are trying to get sold . the organic clicks, we know the websites are earning the right to be there, Google qualified for the best results for the type of search. 94 percent is usually what's happening on the organic clicks. You might be sitting here saying my service or my business doesn't really matter online. I don't have a website. Take a look at this graph. A food and beverage section, these are all different types of categories that are definitely important. Definitely from a mobile perspective did the food and beverage category is one of the biggest multiple searched categories on the Internet, all the way down to banking . Most people do banking with their mobile app and that's one key thing . As your thinking about this it doesn't matter what line of business you are in, what products or services, if you have a brick-and-mortar store, more than one location, SEO, online media, having a website is definitely something you need to have during the holiday season. So this is the nerd part, I will tell you how Google works so you can understand things you have to do to be able to rank higher on the first page. How does Google actually have a copy of all of your website, how they take this information and decide where to rank your website compared to your competitors, or any other website in the world? Quite simply what they do, they are based in California and what they do is send bots or spiders, that crawl the web. The way they crawl from website to website as they follow links. If I have a link on to the New York Times, the bots follow the link and they crawl that website did they are doing this full time. A crawl website. You can think about it is Pac-Man . the little dots that he goes around and eats are the information on your website. Think about when the spiders come into your website, you might try to crawl the text on your page . He sees the headline, okay I know what the headline is on the page. Then they will crawl the tax text or links. To get a good understanding of what your page is about. Then what they will do is take that information and bring it back to Google. And they throw it in a giant file cabinet. What people call the index. Once the crawler brings that information, and a throat in the file cabinet. Just to let you know how big the file cabinet is, I have done a search for tattoo shops. In the bottom, you can see about 13 million results. That means there are 13 million different websites with pages that Google has an option to return to you for your one search. How the heck does Google figure out which website to rank over the others? What they have done, once again why Google is a billion-dollar company. They created this algorithm they call the Google ranking algorithm . this algorithm has about 200 factors. We will talk a little bit about those, we don't have to address all of them but there are a couple of things that can be consistent to stay ahead of that. This algorithm is updated two or three times a day. And it is also the last year they introduced machine learning. So the algorithm thinks on its own and it makes it even more difficult for you to rank on the first page. It has gotten smarter and smarter about delivering you the best result possible. >> That is Google's goal, to provide the best results possible for the type of search you enter in the search grid. If you went to Google and you typed in a question, and they didn't provide you with the right answer, you would stop using the search engine and go to Bing . But Google, 100 percent laser focused on this, concerned with mine their users the best possible. So how the heck can I keep up with those ranking factors, machine learning and all of that stuff. It comes down to three types of things. I've laid out the three things on the right-hand side and we will talk about a couple of those today. Really it comes down to premium content. What I mean by that, you type in a query that people might search for your business. And go to the first page and look at all of your competitors. People ranking on the first page . They are ranking there for a reason. Google determine this is the best result. The reason is because they probably have a deep content on your site, your homepage has a detailed outlook of what they do, videos, how-to guides. Awesome details of the products and services. Those are a couple of things when talking about premium content. Really simple, go see what your competitors are doing. Make sure you are equal or better to them. The next thing is tips and tricks you can do to your website that will help those crawlers, Pac-Man, crawl your website better so you are feeding the right information to Google so they understand what your website is about, where you are located, and when to serve you to your potential customers. In the last part is about earning trust. That really, that is if you launch a website today, you will not ring rank as high as a website around 10 years. Google likes to see websites that have been around for a while, that people can trust and have been too often. Might even have great content on your website and people link to your content. They might share your content via social. All things you need to earned trust. In one of the things you guys can do today that are free that may take a little time from your developer or whoever runs your website , to help you guys with getting your site found cut to get more customers in the holiday season. I kind of like to use the analogy if you have seen like Kevin Koster movies. I really simple SCO mantra -- SEO mantra . If you have this on your site you have the opportunity to rank for it. People come up to me and say I have this website, I'm automotive repair. Every time I go and look for great repair service, flat turnover flat tire repair service, engine repair, I don't show up online. And I say okay. Do you have a page on the website that talks about brake repair service ? And they say no just a homepage with a logo on it and my location. So why would you expect Google to display your website to users when you don't provide any relevant information? They say that makes sense . so to optimize a page, I will use an example. I own a bakery, and I want to rank the bakery with chocolate doughnuts. The first thing I will do is make sure you are on my page is chocolate doughnuts. I will look at the page title, the meta-description, things that Google crawls to find out better information about what is contained on the page . Now jumping into the actual content of the page, you can see at the top I have a headline on my page. I have keywords to rank for, chocolate doughnuts from Mary's bakery. And the rest of the content of my page, I will write about how awesome my doughnuts are, and how much better they are than competitors . Here are things I see that others don't. That's why you should come to mind . Keywords is chocolate doughnuts, sometimes just doughnuts, sometimes chocolate. Also the image about chocolate doughnuts . When the crawlers come in and users, there is no doubt to what this page is about. You can apply this to any product or service that you guys want to rank for. An easy way to create pages is to sit down with your business partner, your family, coworkers and say if you were to search for my services what are keywords you might search for to find our business? Write those down on a piece of paper. Compare them to what you currently have on the website and start creating pages around those. You will have a better chance of ranking. Here is an example of a website we helped, trying to ram this for tattoo shops. The meta-description, URL, all keywords around the tattoo shop. One of the key things, especially it's important around the holiday season, if you have products or services that become popular during this time. You want to make sure one thing absolutely you do, go through and have separate pages on the website targeted towards your product and services. >> As you can see, this tattoo also does piercing and tattoos so we created a separate page for both. Different keywords on both pages. With the premium content. One of the things we did for them that competitors do, we know they have searches on, is instructions about piercings. The premium content that some of the competitors have . to rank for that so if someone doesn't search for how I take care of my piercing, there is an opportunity to gain that. Once again, always be making sure you are using keywords that people might search for when doing a look for your service. Talk to people, your coworkers, do the searches your self. And once again we have variations of the word tattoo did we know people like smaller or first-time tattoos did another thing that's really popular is cover-up tattoos. Large tattoos or returning tattoos. >> With variations in what you offer, make sure you include that content . One of the other really quick ways, really easy things to do is in the tattoo example, if I think about getting a tattoo, in my journey process I might not think the first thing I will do is Google the name of the tattoo shop and go there. I might start the process out with I wonder if the tattoo hurts. I will type that into Google . I wonder if I can get one tattoo removed once I get it. How do I take care of this. All of these anxiety questions I have for getting a tattoo, people search for that stuff on Google . there is plenty of content out there. One of the easy ways to rank and get traffic into Google is to get that traffic into your site before people are ready to make the purchase. A really easy way to do this is to create an FAQ page on your website. Once again sit down with your coworkers, your friends or family, and think what are some of the questions that people might have about my product and service. What are some anxieties people might have, things they might search about before they come to my business. Create an FAQ page is simple . create questions and then crawlers can come in and see content , and that you are providing good information to their user. When people search for the questions they will come to your site before they come to your competitors. And now that they are on your website and they see you offer these products and services, that will be huge. Once again this is really great stuff to do, really great to get your place found online. And to make sure your ranking for those all types of services -- searches related to your business, product or service. I hope I helped you guys figure out how to create maybe some new product pages or services pages for the holiday season. So when people start to do shopping, gift cards, any of that around the holiday season, that your website will be there and your business can be found online during the holiday season. So that wraps up my portion of the presentation. I am going to talk about some resources available to your, you guys that we provide every day. Small businesses like you guys if you want to visit sbrc, we have created a bunch of free resources , and financial information to help you keep track of your business information. There are tons of articles on there and we are updating it on a daily basis. There is tons of free great content, guides, all of that type thing. It is really awesome. And the last thing, I couldn't get off the phone without talking about, in case you haven't heard, Deluxe has partnered with Small Business Revolution, an awesome initiative where we have 1020 to shine the spotlight on small businesses, owned by our nation's economy. Season three, debuts today . you can go to small today and view brand-new episodes that are available on the website. The eight episodes, we chronicle the story in Illinois and how experts join Ty Pennington to bring $500,000 renovations to the towns small businesses . The six featured businesses are incredible. It really showcases how difficult it is to be a small business owner, and the biggest marketing challenges. With the launch of our brand-new season today, we are also launching the nominations for next year's season. Today you can go and nominate your favorite town for the next business revolution. Just visit small biz . For deluxe to come and revitalize your town and small businesses. That's all I have for today. Passing it back. Noah, thank you so much . Also the slide deck is downloadable from within the webinar platform . You can download that if you haven't already and access this information after the webinar session . We also are going to be sending out the presentation slide deck in an email, along with the recording link, so you can reference back to that. We will go ahead and start the Q&A portion of the webinar . We have received some really great questions. While we do our best to answer as many as we can within the time remaining, we do typically have more questions asked than time allows us to answer. So if we do not get a chance to address your question today, we do encourage you to connect with a SCORE mentor . You can do it after the webinar. There is a link available in the platform, to follow to make your request. And again we will be sending out the deck that has this information, to reach out to them for any questions. And so with that, let's go ahead and jump into these questions. Sonia and Noah, the first question comes to us from Peggy . She would like to know what do you recommend, or do your recommendations apply equally, to B2B . What revisions would you make ? I can take that one from get your business found online standpoint . From a B2B perspective, the recommendations are the same. Meaning that when people are finding B2B services or products, they are still using Google search engines , to research information and find out what the available options are. And find out what the available options are and to make purchases. The only thing that will change is maybe the type of content you are trying to offer. So instead of thinking about yes, I'm trying to think about consumers, what their needs might be about my product . What types of things are other businesses going to search for, when they are looking for this product. The recommendations stay the same, but the type of content and how people search for the products and services might differentiate. From the organic side that would be my opinion. And on the print side, calendars are still a really great thing to give away to other businesses. They are always useful, always appreciated. And if you are sending holiday cards, I would try to get the name of someone that actually works there instead of just addressing it to a general business. It will get lost in the big pile of mail . if you wanted to go to a specific person. To make that impression. Okay. The next question, comes to us from Liza, who asked if it's advisable to include a business card with the holiday cards? That is a good question. I would say you can do that. Maybe even put a note on the holiday card like you can contact me anytime basically . It makes it a little more personal if you write a note that says feel free to contact me anytime. Yes, you can, absolutely. All right. The next question from Kurt. Kurt ask when using the chocolate donut example, knowing that a donut shop may have 30 different doughnuts. What else could be done, other than a separate page, for each type of donut? >> Can you repeat the question? Sure. Kurt would like to know, he is referring to the chocolate donut example. Knowing a donut shop may have 30 different doughnuts, what could be done other than a separate page for each type of donut? Sure. Typically, let's use a bakery example . Doughnuts might be one thing you sell in the bakery. Maybe I have coffee and bagels . I will not create a page that talks about every different bagel . I might create one page about all of my bagels and talk about them all on one page. Or I might talk about the different types of doughnuts on a page. When it comes down to services and products, you want to break out each service, as in my example, each type of food, into a separate page. I wouldn't go into trying to create individual ones for each different variation of your product. That can be cumbersome and in small businesses we don't have time for that. Make sure you keep it high-level. Stick to the generalized terms most people would search for. >> And now I want to chocolate donut, thanks a lot Noah. >> I am on Central time and it's right during my lunch hour. So yes. Okay. The next question, which says at his location they don't collect any personal information from customers other than a phone number. How can we use print marketing to reach out to them to create a loyalty or drive more traffic. There are two ways you can do this. You could go through a printing company and purchase a mailing list, which then you can customize, do it by ZIP Code or business or consumer, age, things in common . you can also do a BDM postcards, every door direct mail . You can do it by ZIP Code and it is super easy. It is a really good service for restaurants and things where you are trying to maybe reach out to certain neighborhoods. I would do it that way. To piggyback . You can search like direct mail marketing, or E B DM postcards . To piggyback on that, don't be afraid to collect email addresses or personal information from people. In season two of last year, with the Small Business Revolution, I'm not sure if it's a retail business or work from home , but if you think about general purposes purposes , you cannot interact with businesses anymore without providing your phone number, address, stuff like that. And in season two, one of the things we recommended for one of our retail shops, was to put an email list or address list up on their checkout cart. People are more than happy to fill it out to receive discounts or marketing , any type of messaging from the store. Do not be afraid to collect that information from your customer. If you're going to provide them with relevant content, there is no reason why they wouldn't provide you that information. Rather than sending print marketing that doesn't matter to them. They are less reluctant to give you that information. One of the businesses we helped last season in the small business resolution -- Small Business Revolution . The next question is from page. What do you suggest being the best marketing technique for service companies? She is a personal development coaching , webinars and workshops. Does not have a brick-and-mortar store. Sure. Sonia talked a little bit about this in her deck . It comes down to your business goal. When you have those laid out, I can't give an exact recommendation based off, I don't know your business goals. If you don't have a brick-and-mortar location, I think it is more important to establish an online presence. If you don't have a place where people can come and view your products and services. They will really rely on your online presence, as kind of the billboard for your company. It is very important to have a Facebook social channel, a website that's mobile friendly so when people hear about you word-of-mouth the first thing they do a search for you and you are not a ghost online. That you are a legit business, all of that stuff, that would be my response to that. And I definitely think print marketing can help with this . it is something physical somebody could hold onto and you feel more legitimate. Definitely, you could use a postcard to drive people to your website . Especially if you want to give them any type of coupon code or anything like that. People love a coupon code. I know I do. Okay. And do you guys have any special tips for nonprofits? >> There are a lot of printing companies, I know PsPrint offers nonprofit mailing postcards at a discount. That is something really great to do. You can attach your own mailing list, get a mailing list, using a postcard. I think that is really helpful. Sending out calendars is an amazing thing. That is one of the most popular things that PsPrint prints during holiday seasons are calendars for nonprofits. The best giveaway. When people see them they felt like they should donate. My special tips for nonprofits. And for me, that was a really good tip. I also think, especially to get found online, website , online presence, one of the things I would echo with what she said is there are a lot of companies including Deluxe, that offer really great , all of their profit products and a discount for nonprofits. Offering good rates for email marketing services , food services, websites. One of the good things people love about nonprofits is the story, the impact they are having . All of that type stuff. The website is a really good way to get people enthused, wrapped around their idea or initiative around the nonprofit, to get the story out there and show success stories, testimonials, examples of things are helping out in your community, whatever your nonprofits goals are. A really awesome way to share your story, and have that then distributed to the print marketing or social channel. Through word-of-mouth, all of that is really great. >> All right, next question from Angela. Who would like to know if her business service is in multiple states? How does she rank SEO optimization for certain locations ? That is a great question. One of the things I recommend doing is a couple of different things. If you have a brick-and-mortar location , you will want to create an individual page for each of those locations. You will include local information about that business on that page . The local phone number, local address, directions. Information so callers and users can identify you have a location in that area. And another thing, if you don't have a broke -- brick-and-mortar location, the same tactic, but talk about the locations you want to target. For instance in Minneapolis, I am trying to do a chiropractic service . I want to cover both cities but I don't technically have a location in both . I am located just outside of Twin Cities. I might say, create a page called Minneapolis chiropractic . Talk about the things, using keywords like Minneapolis and other local towns to say I offer locations for people in this area. And then create a different page for St. Paul. To target those keywords. I might have a local phone number for each. . Products and services in that area. Understanding that will be better off for you. >> One last question, from Nick . >> Are there any hot keywords that could apply to most or all businesses? One of the things obviously, competitive keywords, all businesses tried to go after the keyword. Always looking for cyber Monday, if you're an online business, Black Friday is another thing. If you're in the retail space . People are also always looking for discounts or specials. If you have a Christmas holiday special, create a blog post around the types of services, products or offers, specials you are having. Those are all types of keywords that you want to make sure you include discount keywords, and also around the shopping holidays. Make sure you are targeting the keywords, even if you're using paid search. Put up the percentage of discounts you are offering. So when people come to your website, that you are one of the sites that has an opportunity to write for the keywords. Okay. Those are all the questions we have time for today. Thank you so much for submitting those. And if we did not have a chance to address your question during this webinar our , we encourage you to connect with a SCORE mentor who can assist you further with your business needs. We will also receive the slide deck after today's webinar did it contains Deluxe's information as well, to reach out for further information and assistance. If you have not signed up already, we hope you will will register for the SCORE small business success virtual conference. Being held on November 8 , for those of you who have not attended before, this is a one half day free event, consisting of nine educational webinars. One mentoring sessions, exhibitor booths, resources, networking chat rooms and much more. We hope you will sign up and join us. On behalf of SCORE and Deluxe Corporation, I would like to thank you for attending today and give a very big thank you to Sonia Mansfield and Noah Turner for presenting with us. Thank you so much . >> And thanks again everyone , we hope you have a great rest of your day, take care. [Event concluded] ................

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