
Sell a Cell Project

Name Date Period

What am I doing?

For this project, you are going to work with a partner to do three things:

1. Collect information about a cell organelle.

2. Build the organelle.

3. Set up an infomercial to convince us to buy your cell part.

Choose your organelle

To begin, pick an organelle from the ones listed below and then fill out the information guide. Use research materials and the internet in the library to complete this task. You and your partner only need to fill out one of these forms. Keep in mind, both you an your partner will be getting the same grade, so make sure you are involved in the decision process and are in agreement on all information provided.

• Nucleus

• Nucleolus

• Nuclear membrane

• Mitochondria

• Golgi body (apparatus)

• Ribosome

• Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

• Rough endoplasmic reticulum

• Chloroplast

• Lysosome

• Vacuole

• Centriole

• Cytoplasm

Build your organelle

Using household materials and perhaps items you would find at a craft shop, build a model of your organelle. Now, don’t grab a jellybean and say it is your chloroplast. The organelle should be around the size of a textbook, breadbox, snare drum, etc. Also, making a cross section of your organelle showing its interior will be more impressive.

Sell your Cell

You will make a 1 – 2 minute infomercial selling your cell part. This can be done at home or at school. Please use a video/movie file that is compatible with what is available on Minerva DeLand computers. When in doubt, bring in your file and check it before it is due. Convince the audience we need to buy your organelle. As an added bonus, the best infomercial in the class will be awarded their favorite candy bar. This video will go against the best from my other classes. The winner will receive bonus points on this project.

What are my expectations?

As honors students in the honors program, you are required to do honors projects. Failing to do these projects will result in lower quarter grades and you will not receive honors credit for this course.

This should look professional and show evidence of careful thought and time dedicated to detail.

Spelling and grammar will be a part of your grade.

See the attached rubric for other specifics.

How will I be graded?

Refer to the attached rubric for a specific breakdown of points.

Spelling and Grammar will be a part of the grade.

Time and thought dedicated to detail will be weighed as well.

Your creativity will also factor in to your grade.

Organelle Information Form




Class Period:

Due date:

General Description and Function of Organelle

Drawing of organelle

What organ or body system of a human is most similar to your organelle? Why?

Does your organelle have a different appearance or function between a plant cell and an animal cell?

Name at least one disease in humans that is associated with a malfunction of your organelle and describe the disease.

Do prokaryotic cells have your organelle?

Is your organelle specialized for work in one organ more than others? If so, where and explain.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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