Please share these speaking points with members. Here are things to say when you have the opportunity to speak about the Elks National Foundation. Feel free to use this information in Elks publications or as a reference should you encounter questions about the ENF. For more information, visit the ENF website at enf or contact the ENF office at enf@ or 773/755-4728.Apply Now for the Beacon and Anniversary GrantsWhat to Say: Our Lodge doesn’t want to miss out on these exciting grant opportunities! Both the Anniversary Grant, which is available this year to celebrate the Order turning 150 through service, and Beacon Grant are open to all Lodges, regardless of whether we’ve met the ENF per-member-giving goal. We can learn more about the guidelines for each grant at the CIP website. Applications are due March 31.Learn More: Visit cip to learn more.Donate Before the Fiscal Year Ends!What to Say: Without the support of Elks and Lodges, the Elks National Foundation wouldn’t be able to continue to build stronger communities. To help, we must get donations to the ENF by March 31. Since the ENF office is closed for Good Friday on March 30, donations that are not in the ENF mailbox by March 31 will not be credited toward the current Fiscal Year and our Lodge’s per-member-giving total. Get those donations in as soon as possible so we don’t miss the deadline!Learn More: Visit enf.donate to donate online. Message for Loyalty Club MembersWhat to Say: The ENF Loyalty Club honors long-term support by recognizing donors who give annually for 10 or more consecutive years. You can track your progress toward Loyalty Club membership with your Leading to Loyalty membership card sticker, found at the bottom of your gift acknowledgement letter. Make sure to donate by March 31, if you haven’t already given this Fiscal Year, to continue to stay loyal to the Loyalty Club! Learn More: Visit enf.LoyaltyClub for full details.The Order is Turning 150!The Elks are celebrating with a birthday party at Downey, Calif., Lodge No. 2020, and we’re all invited! They’ll be live streaming it on the Elks website on February 16 at 7 p.m. PST. Tune in for remarks from the G.E.R., interviews, a toast, and big announcement about the celebration in San Antonio.Learn More: Tune in to 150 for the stream on February 16. ................

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