
Lesson Plan in Science & Health

Grade III


General: State that the environment is made up of life forms, land, water and


Specific: Describe the environment


Topic: Describing the environment

Science concept: Environment is the place where we live in. it is made up life

forms, lands, water and air.

References: Science and Health 3 pp. 21-204

Science and Health for changing world pp. 2-3

Processes: Identifying, observing

Materials: Pictures/textbooks

Value Infusion: cleanliness of the environment


A) Preliminary Reports

- Weather Reports

- Checking of Homework

- Unlocking of Difficulties

i. environment

ii. habitat

iii. surro

B) Motivation:

Through the use of pictures

Everyday you can observe things happening around you.

- Have you ever wondered why the things that you throw up fall on the ground?

- Why do dry leaves fall on the ground instead of going upward?

- When you see a rainbow after a shower, have you ever asked why it appears and why it shows several color?

- When you look at different plants, have you ever wondered why most of the leaves are green?

- There are many more questions that you and other children ask. (Based on the picture we can say that it is an environment where children play.)


I have here three words let us give the meaning

- environment, habitat, surrounding.

There are two kinds of environment – the natural environment and the man made environment. From this kind of environment we can say that environment is made up of life forms in land, in water and air.


Class what are the things that we can find in the environment in the following:

|Environment |Environment in Water |Environment in Air |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |


From the list that you have given we prove that different things, living or

non-living things live in a particular environment in different places.


1. What are the life forms found in land environment?

2. What are the life forms found in water environment?

3. What are the life forms found in air environment?

So, class environment is a place where man, animals live where they can find food for their survival and live happily.


Environment as a whole is made up of life forms in land in water and in

water and in air.


True or False

___________ 1. Human beings, animals and plants make up the living


___________ 2. There are things in the environment which are not living.

___________ 3. We live on the surface of the earth.

___________ 4. The water part of the earth is made up of oceans, seas, rivers

and other small bodies of water.

___________ 5. Air is all around the earth.


A) Enrichment

What are the different kind of landforms?

B) Remedial

List down examples of life forms found in land, water and air environment.

C) Reinforcement

Cut pictures of life forms found in land, water and air environment

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Division of Quezon

Catanauan District




1. Infer that the earth is made up of land, water and air.

2. Protect the lithosphere, hydrosphere and the atmosphere.

3. Fill up properly the activity chart by correct data required.


A. TOPIC: Earth

B. REFERENCES: Science 3 Skills book for Active Learners pp. 99

C. MATERIALS: Globe, Maps

D. SCIENCE CONCEPT: Earth is made up of living components called biosphere. Life forms thrive on earth because of presence of land, or lithosphere, water, or hydrosphere, and air or atmosphere.

E. SCIENCE PROCESSES: Observing, identifying, and describing.

F. VALUE: Appreciate and protect our natural resources.

III. PROCEDURE: (4 A’s Approach)


1. Review

a. Describe the following materials as opaque, translucent or transparent.

b. Give another example of opaque, translucent and transparent materials.

2. Motivation: Guessing Riddle

Teacher give the riddle for the pupils to answer:

➢ I cannot see, I cannot taste, but I can feel it, what is it? (Air)

➢ It is colorless, it is tasteless, I use it in taking a bath, what is it? (Water)

➢ We plant tress on it, we built our houses too, what is it? What is it? (Land)

➢ In what planet do we live on? (Earth)


1. Guided Inquiry

1. Ask the pupils. What represent the Earth? (Globe). What can you see on the globe?

(Maps, water, lands). What color can you see. Teacher points.

The solid part? (Land). The space outside the globe? (Air). The watery part? (water).

Which is bigger? Land or water?

2. Vocabulary development

A. Match the drawing on column A to the word on column B.


Lithosphere a. Living things that live

On land, water and air.

Hydrosphere b. Land

Atmosphere c. Water

Biosphere d. Air

B. Continent Teacher print one Continent as sample.

2. Guided Exploration:

2.1 Grouping: Pupils will be grouped into four.

2.2 Setting of Standards (Recall the standards in performing activity). “What are the

important things to remember while performing the activity”?

2.3 Distribution of the activity cards

2.4 Activity proper

Pupils perform their activities and record their observations/ answer

through the guidance of the teacher.

Group Activity

Materials – crayon, pencil

What to do:

Complete the table below and learn more about the materials that make

up the earth.

|Lithosphere |Hydrosphere |Atmosphere |Biosphere |

|(Land) |(Water) |(Air) |(Living organism) |

|Continents (List the continents) |Oceans |(List the major gases|(Identify examples |

|EUR_PE |(Lists the oceans) |found in the earth’s |of living |

|AS_A |P_C_F_C |atmosphere). |organism). |

|NORTH AM_R_CA |_ND_AN |OX_G_N |(animals) |

|SOUTH _ME_IC |_TL_NT_C |C_RB_N DI_X_D_ |1. |

|AFR_C_ | | |2. |

|AUSTR_L_A | | |3. |

|ANT_RTIC_ | | |(plants) |

|Islands |Seas | |1. |

|(some islands) |(List the seas around the | |2. |

| |Philippine archipelago | |3. |

| |1. | | |

| |2. | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|B. Land forms |C. Other | | |

|(Identify five landforms and give |water | | |

|one example of each). |bodies | | |

|1. |(Give examples). | | |

|2. |1. | | |

|3. |2. | | |

|4. | | | |

|5. | | | |

3. Gided Discovery

1. Group report

2. Discussion and Analysis

1. What are the materials that make up the earth?

(Lithosphere or land, hydrosphere or water, atmosphere or air, and Biosphere or living things).

2. Give some example of lithosphere, hydrosphere, air and biosphere.

D. Generalization:

What makes up the Earth?

Concept: Earth is made up of land, water and air, in which living organism thrive on it called


E. Application

Activity 1. Using the web map.

Write the things that makes up the earth.


________________? _______________?


Answer the following questions:

Select the correct answer from the parenthesis.

1. Around how much of the earth is covered by land? (1/4, ¾, ½, 2/4)

2. (1/4, ¾, ½, 2/4) of the earth is covered by water.

3. (lithosphere, Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, Plants) covers the outer part of the earth.

4. We plant more trees and build houses on (lithosphere, hydrosphere, clouds, atmosphere).

5. Not throwing dead animals and garbage in the river and seas is protecting the (lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere).


I. Objectives

Describe the environment

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Environment (Water Forms)

Concept: Water may come from different sources such as rivers, seas, oceans, spring,

falls, lakes and ponds.

Process: Describing, Observing, Identifying

Materials: pictures of different water forms.

References: Growing with Science and Health 3, pp. 193 – 195

Value: Conserving the natural resources.

III. Procedure

A. Preparatory Activities

1. Checking of assignment

2. Review: What are the different types of land forms?

B. Lesson Proper

1. Guided Inquiry

a. Motivation

Show different types of water forms. (Lakes, river, falls, sea, pond, ocean, spring)

What are these pictures? Can you describe them?

a. Vocabulary Development

irrigation – (through picture)

contamination – (through picture)

2. Guided Exploration

a. Groupings: (Group the pupils into three)

b. Setting of Standards

What are the important things in performing activity?

c. Distribution of activity cards

d. Activity proper.

Group I – Draw/ Describe water from ocean and seas

Group II – Draw/ Identify water from lakes and ponds

Group III – Draw/ Describe water from spring and falls.

3. Guided Discovery

a. Group Report

b. Discussion/Analysis

1. Which sources of water is salty? Not salty?

2. What can you say about water from rivers, lakes and ponds? Are they safe to drink? Why?

C. Generalization/Abstraction

What are the different forms of water found in our environment?

D. Application

You saw a man throwing garbage into the sea or river? What will you do? Why?

IV. Evaluation

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which sources of water give salty?

a. Rivers and oceans

b. Seas and oceans

c. Lakes and seas

2. Which water is safe to drink?

a. Sea water

b. Pond water

c. Ground water

3. If we need water for irrigation, where can we get it?

a. from the rivers

b. from the sea

c. from underground

4. Which water sources is fresh and it is surrounded by land?

a. River and oceans

b. Oceans and seas

c. Lakes and ponds

5. What shall we do if we are not sure of the safety of our drinking water?

a. Heat it under the sun

b. But it inside the refrigerator

c. Boil it for at least fifteen minutes

V. Assignment

Describe the water that comes from deep well.


I. Objectives:

Describe the Environment

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Environment: (Land Forms)

B. Concept: Environment is an external condition and surrounding especially those that affect the quality of life plants, and animals. Land forms comprises of mountains, hills, valley, plateaus, plain, etc.

C. Value: Appreciate the beauty and protect the environment.

D. Process: Observing, Identifying, describing.

E. Materials: Picture of different land forms, cartolina, crayon.

F. References: Science 3, Skills for Active learners pp. 99

III. A. Preparatory Activities

1. Review

How does the sound produced?

2. Motivation Games (What’s the word; That’s the word)

Pupils from the magic word. This magic word has an equivalent number in every letter from the alphabet.

Clue words will help also to form the magic word.

5 9 17 9 19 15 9 10 5 16

Clue words: surroundings

form of land, water, air, animals

B. Lesson Proper

1. Guided Inquiry:

1. Picture showing of different types of land form.

What are these picture? Can you describe them?

2. Groupings: (Group the pupils into three).

3. Recall the standards in performing activity.

2. Guided Exploration

1. Activity proper

Group I – Draw/observe and describe volcano and mountain

Group II – Draw/observe and describe valley and hills

Group III – Draw/observe and describe plateaus and plains

2. Group Reporting

3. Analysis/ Discussion

1. Which land forms is a landmass higher than a hill?

2. Which land forms is a hill or mountains that has crater on top?

3. Which land forms is a flat surface on high land?

4. How can you describe a plateau? A valley?

3. Generalization

What are the different types of land forms?

4. Application

Mr. Cruz plan to have a plantation of fruits and vegetables, which land forms do you think are suited for? Why?

IV. Evaluation

Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is a flat land usually wide.

a. plain b. valley c. mountain

2. What do you call land form which is low land between hills and mountain?

a. volcano b. plateau c. valley

3. It is a flat surface on high land.

a. mountain b. plain c. plateau

4. It is a land mass higher than a hill.

a. hills b. mountain c. valley

5. It is a hills or mountain that has crater on top.

a. volcano b. mountain c. valley

V. Assignment

List down some water forms as part of our environment.



Identify natural resources found in the environment (eg. Water, soil, trees, plants and animals.)


TOPIC: Identifying Natural Resources Found in the Environment (e.g. water, soil,

trees, plants and animals)

A. SCIENCE CONCEPT: The water, soil, trees, plants and animals are very

important natural resources.

B. REFERENCES: Simply Science in the next Century 3

C. PROCESSES: Identifying, observing, classifying


a. Pictures of the things we get from water (fish, shells, crabs, shrimp)

b. Pictures of the things taken from the land (fruits, vegetables, crops)

c. Pictures of different animals

E. VALUE INFUSION: Usefulness of Natural Resources


A. Preliminary Activities:

(Science News)

1. Review: What is Natural Resource? Give and example of Natural


2. Checking of Homework

B. Motivation

Identifying pictures like fish, shells, crabs, shrimps, fruits, vegetables, trees and animals.

C. Lesson Proper:


Group 1: Name some other things we get from water




Group II: Name some other things we get from land.





I. a. What do living things need in order to live?

c. What are the uses of water?

II. a. What other resources are taken from the land?

b. How can we show care and concern from the land?


How can you compare water resources from land resources? Is it helpful to man and living things? What if there are no more resources, can we still live?


1. Observed the things you use in school and at home.

2. List down the things you use in the table below. Check (/) the column that tells

where these things are taken from.


|1. Paper | | |

|2. Fish | | |

|3. Rice | | |

|4. Crabs | | |

|5. Corn | | |


Identifying the natural resources if it is Water Resources and land resources.

1. Crabs and shrimps

2. Mining

3. Acacia Tree

4. Gold and Minerals

5. Clothes


A. Remedial: Draw some of our land resources and water resources in your


B. Enrichment: Write in 2 or 3 sentences how will you maintain the earth’s natural


C. Reinforcement: What are the different kinds of soil


I. Objectives:

Identify the natural resources found in the environment.

Describe the natural resources found in the environment.

Participate actively in group activity.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: The Natural Resources Found in the Environment

Reference: PELC ______, Science & Health 3

Concept: The Natural resources that can be found in the environment are water,

soil, trees, plants and animals.

Processes: Observing, Identifying, Describing

Materials: Illustration, chart

Value: Conserving the natural resources

III. Procedure:

A. Preparatory Activities

1. Checking of assignment

2. Review: What made up the environment?

B. Lesson Proper

1. Guided Inquiry

a. Motivation

Look outside or go outside the room. Ask the pupils to observe

and describe the environment.

b. Vocabulary Development

Environment - (through pictures)

- surroundings

Natural Resources – things natures has provided and man can

make use of.

2. Guided Exploration

a. Groupings: (Group the pupils into three)

b. Setting of standards:

What are the important things to remember in performing an activity?

c. Distribution of Activity Cards

d. Activity Proper

Group I

Materials: picture of environment

What to do: Identifying and list all the natural resources found in the


Group II

Materials: picture of environment

What to do: Draw and label all the natural resources found in the


Group III

Materials: picture of environment

What to do: Describe the different natural resources found in the


3. Guided Discovery

a. Group report

b. Discussion/ Analysis

What is an environment?

What can you see/ found in an environment?

C. Generalization/Abstraction

What are the natural resources found in the environment?

Are they important to us? Why?

How can we take care of them?

D. Application

Your mother forgot to turn off the faucet after watering the plants. Your younger brother played with the hose and water the plant repeatedly. What will you do?

IV. Evaluation

Check all the natural resources found in the environment:

_____ 1. water _____ 6. trees

_____ 2. garbage _____ 7. paper

_____ 3. soil _____ 8. animals

_____ 4. plastic wares _____ 9. computer

_____ 5. plants _____ 10. pollution

V. Assignment

Cut out or draw pictures of natural resources found in the environment. Paste them in typewriting papers and describe each.

Lesson Plan in Science III

I. Objectives:

Explain the importance of the different kinds of soil

II. Subject Matter

Importance of Soil

References: PELC VI.2 Science and Health 3 p. 164

Science for Daily use 3 p. 225

Process: Observing, Comparing, Classifying

Science Idea: The earth is 75% water and 25% land. The land is the solid part of the earth. Soil is the loose part of the earth surface. It is formed from the breaking down of rocks. It is made up of rock particles of different sizes and with air spaces in between. Soil important to plant and animals. It contains mineral and some amount of water that plants and animals need to grow.

III. Procedure

A. Activities

1. Review

What is the earth made of?

2. Checking of assignment

3. Motivation

1. Where do most plants grow?

2. Where do some animals live?

3. Where do we build our houses?

B. Activity Proper

C. Analysis

What you have found out.

1. What happened on the plants in different boxes with different kinds of soil?

2. What happened on the stick house in different boxes with different kinds of soil?

3. What happened on the clay doll in different boxes with different kinds of soil?

4. What happened on the sand paper in different boxes with different kinds of soil?

D. Abstraction/ Generalization

1. What are the 3 kinds of soil?

2. What are the important of these 3 kinds of soil?

E. Application

1. What kinds of soil have a lot of use?

2. Is these important to you? Why?

IV. Evaluation

Read each statement carefully. Write true if the statement is correct, false if the statement is wrong. Write the answers before the number.

__________ 1. The plant grows well in loam soil.

__________ 2. Sand used for construction purposes.

__________ 3. Clay used for making pots.

__________ 4. Sandy soil is good for planting rice.

__________ 5. Clay is also used in making concrete houses.

V. Assignment

List 5 ways how soil is used by people.

Semi Detailed Lesson Plan in Science

Grade Three

S.Y. 2009 – 2010

I. Objectives:

Identify the different kinds of soil according to their observable characteristics

Compare the different kind of soil as to texture and color.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Kinds of soil

Science Concept: There are four kinds of soil, sand, silt, clay and loam. They differ in texture and color.

Process stressed: Observing, Identifying, and comparing, and Inferring

Science Vocabulary: Loam, sand, silt, clay, soil

Materials: soil, can, water

III. Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Review

Different ways people use soil.

2. Motivation

Where do most plants grow?

Is it loamy? Is it sandy? Does it have plenty of pebbles and rocks?

B. Lesson proper

1. Activity

Get soil in different places such as near river, on the beach, and in the garden.

Do the following:

-Place each kind of soil in a small can with tiny holes at the bottom

-Observe the color, texture and particles of each kind of soil.

-Set each can on the mouth of the glass jar.

-Pour the same amount of water into each can. Observe the amount of water caught in each jar. What does the amount of water tell about the kind of soil in the can?

-Describe each soil as to color and texture.

-Record your observation in a table similar to the one below.

| |Texture (coarse, fine, very fine, mixture) |Color |

|Soil A | | |

|Soil B | | |

|Soil C | | |

|Soil D | | |

2. Analysis

Are there different types of soil?

How do they differ in texture?

What makes some soil dark in color?

3. Abstraction/Generalization

What are the kinds of soil?

What are the characteristics of each kind of soil?

What makes some soil dark in color?

Which soil allows much water to pass through?

Which kinds of soil will plant grow best? Why?

How do soils differ in color and texture?

C. Post Activity

1. Application

Compare the kinds of soil by its color and texture.

|Soil |Color |Texture |

|Loam | | |

|Clay | | |

|Silt | | |

|Sand | | |

IV. Evaluation

Choose and write the letter of the best answer.

_____ 1. What kind of soil has the coarsest particles?

a. silt b. sand c. clay d. loam

_____ 2. What do you call to the dead plants and animals that have become a part of the soil?

a. clay b. sand c. humus d. loam

_____ 3. It is a kind of soil that is finest than sand but coarser than clay?

a. silt b. sand c. clay d. loam

_____ 4. It is a kind of soil with finest particles and able to hold most amount of water?

a. silt b. sand c. loam d. clay

_____ 5. This is the best soil for planting because they hold enough water and air.

a. loam b. clay c. silt d. sand

V. Assignment

List the different kinds of soil and compare their color and texture

Group II

Show pictures of animal drinking water in a river

Explain why water is important to animals.

Can you give other example why water is important to the animals.

Group III

Show pictures of watering plants.

Explain why water is important to the plants.

Can you give other example why water is important to the plants.

2. Analysis

How water is used in many ways?

Why water is important in our lives?

3. Abstraction

Why water is important to human? Animals?

4. Application

Mario wakes up in the morning. He takes a bath. He brushes his teeth. He eats and drinks water. After that he goes to school.


Explain why water is important to all living things.


Make a short paragraph on the topic.

“Why water is important to me?”


Place a check mark ( / ) if the statement show the importance of water and a cross mark

( x ) if it is not.

_____ 1. We need water to clean our self.

_____ 2. People wash dirty clothes in creeks and rivers.

_____ 3. Water helps to digest the food we eat.

_____ 4. People throw garbage is a near bodies of water.

_____ 5. We need water to cook food, to make juices and other foodstuff.



1. Observe and describe how water is used at home and in the community

2. Perform activities stated in the cards


A. Science Concept: Water has many uses

B. References : PELC VI.3.1 Science & Health 3, pp. 173 – 174

C. Processes: Identifying, Describing

D. Materials: Pictures, chart

E. Value Infusion: Appreciation to God’s gift



a. Review – USES OF SOIL

Show pictures of:

- Man Planting rice

- Tall Buildings and house

- Worms creeping over a pile of soil

- Pots and vases made of clay

- Glasses, vases made of glass

Ask children what they see on the pictures and how soil is used in the pictures

b. Checking of Assignment



Link the uses of soil to the uses of water by saying:

Soil cannot be productive and used unless there

is water. Soil is often associated with water. Like

soil, water is also very important to man.


Group children into 3

Distribute activity cards


What are the common among your answer?

(Teacher writes answers on the board)


What are the uses of water?


Used for keeping yourself clean

Used for cooking food

Used for washing food or clothes and for cleaning the house

Used to irrigate fields, to do work in factories, restaurants, machine

shops and bridges


A. Mang Ninoy’s family is transferring to another town. The first thing he does is to look for the water facilities and water source. Why do you think he acted that way? Give his reasons.

B. Water is God’s gift to you and as a gift from him. How will you show your appreciation to the gift?


Complete the chart below.


1. _____________ 4. _____________

2. _____________ 5. _____________

3. _____________


1. Go around the neighborhood and observe how your neighbors use water.

2. Write 2 or 3 sentences about the uses of water to the community.


A. Describe how the different kinds of soil are used

B. Tell how the different kinds of soil are used

C. Show Teamwork and Cooperation while doing the activity


A. Topic: Uses of Soil

B. References: PELC VI.2.2 Science and Health 3, pp. 225 – 230

C. Materials: Different Kinds of Soil, (clay, sand, loam)

D. Science Concept: The different Kinds of soil are used in different ways

E. Science Processes: Observing, identifying and describing

F. Value: Teamwork and Cooperation

III. PROCEDURE (4 A’s Approach)

A. Preparatory Activities

1. Review

What are the layers of soil?

2. Motivation

What kind of soil is near your home? It is Loamy? Sandy?

Does it have plenty of rocks and pebbles?

B. Lesson Proper

1. Guided Inquiry

1. Take the class out to the garden to observe the soil.

Ask: What kind of soil is it? Let’s find out how the different kind of soil is used.

2. Vocabulary Development

1. Concrete (made of hard materials)

2. Potter (a person who makes pots)

2. Guided Exploration

2.1.Groupings: (The teacher will group the pupils into three)

2. Setting of Standards: (Recall the standards for performing activity)

What are important things to remember when you are performing the activity?

3. Distribution of activity cards

4. Activity proper

Pupils will perform their activities and record their observations.

Group Activity

Materials: Different Kinds of Soil

What to do:

1. Read the selection given and describe the uses of soil.

What you have found out: (answer briefly)

1. Are soils useful? Why?

3. Guided Discovery

3.1. Group report

3.2. Discussion and Analysis

1. Where do most plants grow?

2. Where do some animals live?

3. Where do we plant?

4. What kind of soil is used in the manufacture of glass?

5. What kind of soil used to make pots?

6. What kind of soil is used for growing plants?

C. Generalization

What are the uses of different kinds of soil?

Concept: The different kinds of soil are used in different ways.

D. Application

Activity – 1

Tell how soil is used in your place other than for growing plants.


Read each statement then identify it by writing the answer before the number. Write sand, or loam.

__________ 1. Soil used for building houses.

__________ 2. Soil used in the manufacture of glass and sand paper

__________ 3. Soil suited for plants

__________ 4. Soil used in making pots.

__________ 5. Soil used in construction.


List down 5 materials made from clay and sand that you see at home.

Lesson Plan in Science 3

I. Objective:

Identifies sources of potable water.

II. Subject Matter

Source of Potable Water

Reference: ELC VI.2.1 p.37 Science Around us/ 3 pp. 163 – 165.

Skills Book for Active learning pp. 111 – 112


Pictures showing sources of potable water

Pail with water, plastic cup, thin cord, empty case of ballpen

Science Concept:

The Earth is often called the water planet, the reason is obvious: About ¾ of the

Earths surface is covered with water. But only 2.8% of the water in the world is fresh

water suitable for drinking.

Water comes from different sources, such as dams, oceans, rivers and

underground purification process.

Processes stressed: Observation, Description, Inference, Manipulation.

Science Vocabulary: Potable/ reservoir

III. Procedure

A. 1. Checking of assignment

2. Review

Name some particles which are helpful in preserving the soil.

B. 1. Motivation

Do you know the sources of water at your home.

2. Activity

Observing, Describing, Inferring sources of potable water

1. Showing pictures/ Illustration of different sources of potable water

2. Text reading pp. 163 – 164

3. Discussion/ Analysis

1. What are some of our water sources?

2. Which do you think is best for drinking? Which are not safe?

3. Why is underground water best source of potable water?

4. Abstraction

What are the different sources of potable water?

5. Application

How can you ensure that the water is safe to drink?

IV. Evaluation

Identify the different sources of potable water. Choose your answer from the box and write it on the space before each number.

__________ 1. It is best for drinking because it has undergone natural purification.

__________ 2. This is a body of water which no longer flows.

__________ 3. This is a large storage of water.

__________ 4. Water falling in drops make it unsafe for drinking.

__________ 5. This is freshwater. It should be purified for drinking purposes.

V. Assignment

Draw or cut pictures of sources of potable water.

Lesson Plan in Science and Health III

I. Objective: Identify the uses of air

II. Subject Matter: Uses of air


A. Science Concept: Air is as mach a part of the Earth as land and water. It covers the cover earth like a going blanket. The blanket of the air is called the atmosphere. Without the atmosphere, these would be no life on earth.

B. References: Do and Learn, pp. 1-7

Deepanwika Chattopadhyay

C. Processes: Observing Describing

D. Materials: A bowl of water

a bottle wit a narrow neck some tissue-paper

E. Value Infusion: Love of Nature

III. Procedure:

A. Preliminary Activities (Science News)

1. Review: What is the Earth made of?

2. Checking Homework:

Name the hidden word in the puzzle

1. _ _ R _ H

2. _ T _ _ S _ H _ R E

3. R _ S O _ _ C _

4. T _ _ P C _ A T _ R E

5. _ E _ T


1. Where people, plants and animals lives and grow

2. A Blanket of air around us

3. Water is one of it.

4. It can be hot or cold

5. It keeps the earth warm.

B. Motivation:

Look around what can you see? Show a globe to the clans. This globe resembles our planet Earth.

What makes the Earth fit for living things?

C. Lesson Proper (4A’S)

1. Activity:

I have here a materials that you need in this activity:

1. a bowl of water

2. a bottle with a narrow neck

3. some tissue paper.

There are the things that you will do. I will group you into three. Each group will select a leader and a recorder. I will give you an activity card. The leader will read the questions in the activity card. The recorder is the one who writes answer on your group mate on the paper. (Distribute this activity card to each group). I’ll give you ten minutes in doing this activity.

I. Objective: Identify the uses of air.

II. Problems: Does the air fills space around us?

III. Materials:

1. A bowl of water

2. A bottle of narrow neck

3. Some tissue paper

IV. Procedure:

1. Thrust the narrow-necked bottle, mouth down, into the pain of H2O.

2. Slow tilt the bottle towards the surface of the H2o.

3. Wipe the bottle dry. Squeeze the tissue paper into the bottom of the bottle and repeat step 1.

4. Lift the bottle

V. Question:

1. What do you find when you tilt the bottles towards the surface of the H2o? Was the bottle really empty?

2. What happened to the tissue paper inside the bottle? What keeps the paper dry?

2. Analysis

You are surrounded with something you cannot see. This is air. Air is an much a part of the Earth as land and water. It covers the Earth like a giant blanket. The blanket of air is called the atmosphere.

There would be no wind, water cloud or sky if you were to take away the atmosphere. Without the atmosphere, there would be no life on earth.

Air is made up many different gases. About four-fifths of the Earth of atmosphere is nitrogen. About one-fifth of it is oxygen and other gases.

Oxygen is the most important gas for us every time your breath in oxygen goes into your body, me oxygen goes into your body, the oxygen combined with the food you eat. In this way you get the energy that is stored in the food.

Carbon dioxide is another gas in the atmosphere. Grow plants need carbon dioxide. We breathe out carbon dioxide. The plants use this gas together with other materials and sunlight to make food and give off oxygen.

3. Abstraction

1. What makes up the air?

2. What will happen to us if we do not have air that surround us?

4. Application

1. What are the uses of air?

2. How can you help to maintain clean air, to prevent air pollution?

IV. Evaluation:

Write true if the statement is true and false if not.

1. Air is used for breathing

2. The oxygen in the air we breathe in is used in burning the food we eat that give us


3. Carbon dioxide in the air is used by plants in manufacturing food.

4. Plants need carbon dioxide.

5. Air is made-up of many different gases.

V. Assignment

a. List down the practices that cause air pollution?



- Infer that pollution may cause air-borne, water borne and soil borne disease

- Identify air-borne, water borne and soil-borne diseases


Topic: Diseases/Ailments Caused by Air, Water and Soil Pollution


Sore throat, watery eyes, colds, asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis and other respiratory diseases are some common diseases cause by air-borne.

Typhoid fever, cholera, diarrhea, dysentery, skin allergies, irritation of the eyes are some

common diseases caused by water-borne.






Ailments/Diseases caused by air-water-borned


Textbooks, Pictures


Science and Health Textbook for Grade III pp. 218 – 220

Science and Adventure

VALUE: Learning to Value Health and Clean Surroundings.


A. Preparatory Activity

1. Health Inspection

2. Weather Report

B. Development Activities

1. Motivation

Air and water are two important kinds of matter. We cannot live without them. What is happening to our air and water at present?

You breathe in air all the time. You need the oxygen in the air. Air is a mixture of gases but it is the oxygen that you need in order to live. You need clean air and water. Is the air you breathe clean? And the water that you drink clean?

2. Presentation


|Get and ordinary white plate. Spread a small amount of oil over it. Put the plat with a thin coat of oil on top of a fence post. Leave it |

|there for one day. |

|Use a hand lens to examine the plate. What kind of materials do you see on it. Whose to these materials come from? |

The presence of these materials on the plate shoves that the air around the fence contains dirt? Dirty air is polluted air. Same as water known as polluted water.

Polluted air and water can cause different diseases/ailments to the people. Can you give some of the diseases?


|Diseases / Ailments Caused by Polluted Air/Air-Borne |Diseases/Ailments Caused by Polluted Water / Water-Borne |

| | |

|Sore throat |1. Typhoid fever |

|Water Eyes |Cholera |

|Colds |Diarrhea |

|Asthma |Dysentery |

|Pneumonia |Skin Allergies |

|Heart Diseases |Irritation of the eyes |

|Tuberculosis | |


Knowing the different diseases/ailments caused by air-water pollution what precautionary measures can we do?

How can we prevent these common ailments?


Directions: Name some common diseases/ailments caused by air-water borne.

1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.


What are the different weather.



Describe practice ways to keep from being infected of air-borne and water-borne diseases.


Topic: Proper Ways to Keep from Being Infected of Air-borne/Water-borne Diseases

Science Concept:

Knowing the causes, symptoms, prevention and treatment of the different diseases can minimized time, effort and energy and cost of medicine.






Science and Health Textbook for Grade Three pp. 220-221

Science and Adventure



Value: Prevention is Better than Cure


A. Preparatory Activities

1. Health Inspection

2. Weather Report

B. Developmental; Activities

1. Motivation

Have you seen person with pneumonia or tuberculosis?

What can you say about them?

2. Presentation:

Every individual should have enough intake of different Vitamins for the body so as to have strong defenses to common illness. Eating a well-balanced diet can strengthen your immune system to contract diseases.

3. Discussion / Analysis

- Can you name some causes / and their symptoms?

- Do you know some preventions and treatment of these illnesses/diseases?

Airborne is dangerous. If air pollution continues, there will come a time when the air we breath will no longer be safe. We have to do something about the problem now. It is our responsibility as citizens to understand more about our environmental problems and participate the best way we could in solving them.


1. Don’t burn your garbage outdoors.

2. Refrain from using wet firewood for fuel

3. Dead animals must be buried.

4. Smoke belching vehicles and factories can cause air pollution should be reported to the National Pollution Control Commission, which looks after the quality of air we breathe.

5. Plant more trees

6. Participate actively in anti-pollution drivers.

7. Stop smoking

8. Having a small family size can help minimize pollution.

Many years ago, our bodies of water were clean. People used to catch many kinds of fishes and shells. People enjoyed swimming in the cool and clear water.

Our water is dirty now. It has become polluted. What makes our water dirty? What are the best ways to minimize water pollution?


1. Dispose of garbage properly. Do not throw your trash into the bodies of water. The decaying matter will pollute the water. So it would be a good habit to bury your garbage.

2. Participate in Campaigns against pollution.

3. Boiled water before drinking

4. Use the following methods filtration, chlorination, aeration.

Always remember to use a drink safe water all the time.

4. Application

Give some ways to keep infected from air-water pollution

5. Evaluation

Select the best answers.

1. What are found in the air that can cause food to spoil?

a. pollen gains c. mold spores

b. yeast spores d. bacteria

2. The component of air that is vital to life is _________________.

a. nitrogen c. hydrogen

b. oxygen d. helium

3. Which one of these diseases results from breathing polluted air?

a. asthma c. arthritis

b. hepatitis d. diabetes

4. We can dispose of garbage properly by ___________.

a. throwing it into the creek c. burying it in a compost pit

b. dumping it on the streets d. burning it in our yard.

5. The purpose of boiling water is to ___________.

a. kill germs in it c. remove solid matter

b. make it colorless d. remove bad taste


What are some safety measures during certain types of Weather

I - Learning Activities:

1. Infer that the sun gives off heat and light.

1. Infer how the suns heat and lights affect the activities of human beings.

II – Subject Matter:

TOPIC: Sun’s heat and lights

a. Science Concept:

The heat and light of the sun help human beings, animals and plants. The suns rays make the bones of human beings strong and healthy. Plants can make food with aid of sunlight.

b. Reference:

Science and Health Textbook Grade – III pp 251 – 252


c. Processes:

Inferring, Observing

d. Materials:

Pictures of the things did during sunny days.

III – Procedure:

a. Preliminary Activities

1. What are the changes in temperature takes place from time to time.

b. Lesson Proper/ Developmental Activities:

1. Show to them the activities of some people during sunny days. Ask them what their own activities are also during sunny days. Ask them of chow the heat and light of the sun affect their activities.

2. The heat and light of the sun affects the activities of human beings in two ways. It can be good or bad effects.

During sunny days a lot of works people can be done. Either be cleaning the clothes, recreational, or business activities. Sun’s heat and light helps a lot because it is easier for the people to do such works. But on the other side of it, too much heat and light from the sun give our eyes, skin and our body a bad effect. Eyes that over exposed to the light may be damage. Skin can be burn and some will develop into cancer. Our body will need too many water to replace the liquids that comes out from our body as we exposed to the heat and light of the sun.

3. How can sun’s heat and light affect your activities?

In what way does it affect your activities?

What is in the good side of it?

4. Which would you prefer most in doing your activities, during sunny days or rainy days? Why?

IV – Evaluation:

Direction: Read the sentences below carefully. Write True or False before number.

______ 1. Sun’s heat and light has nothing to do with human activities.

______ 2. Lot of Works can be done during sunny days.

______ 3. Business matters are best deal during rainy days.

______ 4. Sun’s heat and lights gives a bad effect also.

______ 5. Sun’s heat and light cannot damage our skin.

V – Assignment:

Give at least 2 activities showing the importance of heat and light.

I - Learning Activities:

2. Describe how people, plants and animals use heat and light from the sun.

1.2.1 Identify the activities of human beings during sunny days.

II – Subject Matter:

TOPIC: Sun’s heat and lights

a. Science Concept:

Sun’s heat and lights

b. Reference:

Science for daily use 3 pp 270 – 272

c. Processes:

Observing, Inferring

d. Materials:


III – Procedure:

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Describing weather conditions using temperature reading.

|Time |Temperature Reading |Sky Condition |

|10: 00 a.m |26° C |warm |

|01: 00 p.m |27° C |warm |

|04: 00 p.m |23° C |warm |

Have them describe the changes in air temperature from 10:00 A.M to 4:00 P.M

B. Lesson Proper/ Development Activities

1. Effects of the Sun’s Heat and Lights on people show pictures of people in the beach, in the farm, under shade, persons with their clothes on a sunny day.

2. Have the children observe what the people do during sunny days. Have them identify the activities people do during sunny days, eg. Wash clothes, play outdoor, go outing, harvest plants/ crops, etc.

ASK: What activities do people do during sunny days?

How do you think the sun’s heat affects the activities people do?

3. Ask the review Questions.

What activities do people do on sunny days?

How does the sun’s heat and lights affect the people activities?

Reading of the textbook to get more information about the effects of the sun on what people do. Have them find out more how heat affects people. Discuss the effects of heat on people.

4. Work Groups.

Make a summary of what you know, what you want to find out and what you learned about the sun’s heat and light.

IV – Evaluation

Which statements are true about the effects of the sun’s heat and light on living things? Copy the sentence.

1. We choose the clothes to wear.

2. We play as long as we want the sun.

3. We cannot go fishing

4. We can dry wet clothes

5. Sun’s light cannot help plants.

V – Assignment

List down five activities you do during sunny days.


Infer that too much heat from the sun can kill plants and animals. Cite evidence that the sun gives heat and light (e.g. dries up things, materials become hot, people see clearly during the day )


Topic: Heat of the sun

A. Science Concept:

Sun’s heat is useful, but too much of it is harmful to plants and animals.

B. Reference:

Science for everyone 3 pp. 196 – 197

Science and Health Textbook for Grade – III pp. 256 – 258


C. Process:

Inferring, Observing, Enumerating

D. Materials:

Pictures, Illustration of the effects of sunlight to plants and animals.

E. Value Inference:

Proper care for the plants / animals during longer period of sunny days is needed.


A. Preparatory Activities:

1. Let the children sing any Science songs.

2. Ask them to describe their place when there’s no rain for some period of time. Let them explain what’s happening on the plants and animals around them during long sunny days.

B. Lesson Proper / Developmental Activities

1. Sharing of experience while going on a picnic or outing or doing other activities on sunny days. Have children relate experience about how they feel after a long exposure to sunlight, either in the beach, playground, at work, etc. or a sunny day.

- Sunburn

- Feeling uncomfortable due to heat

2. Provide situations that will show evidence that over exposure to sunlight hurts the skin

- Observing one’s skin while swimming on a hot day.

- Observing the hands of farmers who work in the field on hot days.

- Experiencing sunburn or skin irritations during long exposure to sunlight.

3. Describe your skin after long exposure to sunlight. What evidence about the effects of sunlight on your skin?

Do you think these effects are harmful? Why?

4. How would you help these animals & plants to survive during long period of drought or dryness?


Directions: Read the statements carefully and answer. True or False

_____ 1. A longer period of time without rain dries up the land

_____ 2. Drought kills plants and animals

_____ 3. Hard soil is best for growing plants.

_____ 4. Animals on the field can tolerate long dryness.

_____ 5. Animals will get sick and die when drought continues.


Cut out pictures that show drought affects plants and animals. Paste on a bond paper.


1.2 Describe how people, plants & animals use heat and light from the sun.


Topic: Sun

A. Science Concept: During some months of the year, we experience sunny days. On these days, the sun shines brightly and gives off much heat. People need sunlight to do certain activities.

B. Reference: Science & Health Textbook (Grade III), pp. 251 -252

BEC Vol. 3.1.1

C. Processes: Identifying, Enumerating

D. Materials: Pictures of sunny days activities

E. Value Inference: Value the help of sun’s heat and light doing our

Works to become smooth everyday.


A. Preliminary Activities

1. How does sun’s light and heat affects human activities?

Unlocking of Difficult words:

1) Manufacture – to produce by labor

2) Preserve – to uphold or save

2. Let the children sing the song “ Rain, rain, Go Away ”

Why do children want the rain to go and come back someday?

B. Lesson Proper / Developmental Activities :

1. Looking at the picture of some activities of the people and identify which of the activities they did is what you’re also doing.

2. People have different activities; some have been the same tasks to do in our daily life. These activities are:

1) The farmers harvest their crops on sunny days.

2) People go to beaches and swim in the water on sunny days; others go to picnics and visit beautiful places.

3) Farmers dried the newly harvested palay under the sun.

4) Coconuts are dried under the sun before they are manufactured.

5) Fish vendors dried fishes so they can be preserved.

3. 1) What are the usual activities people did every sunny day?

2) What did the farmers do with their palays?

3) How people manufacture oil?

4) Why they dried their fishes under the sun?

4. Application :

Sunny days are the best in doing some things. What activities will you suggest to your family to earn a living?


Copy the sentences that tell about the effects of heat and light on people, plants & animals.

1. Plants need heat and light

2. Plants wilt and die.

3. Glaring light is bad for the eyes

4. Some animals can survive heat.

5. Heat makes the earth warm.


Draw or list the common business done by people during sunny days.


Practice precautionary / safety measures to avoid getting hurt from the sun’s heat

and light.


Topic: Precautionary / Safety Measures to avoid getting hurt from the sun’s heat

and light.

A. Science Concept : Sun’s heat can do us harm, we need

Protection from it. One should make this

a daily habit to avoid getting hurt from the sun’s heat and light.

B. Reference : Science for daily use, pp. 274 -276


C. Processes : Enumerating, Explaining

D. Materials : Picture on how one protects him from too

much heat and light.

E. Value Inference : Safety measures to protect you from suns

Heat and light


C. Preparatory Activities

1. Health Inspection

2. Science news

3. Review : How does sun’s heat and light affects plants and animals

D. Lesson Proper / Developmental Activities :

1. Safety Measures against Heat & light

A. Present situations similar to the following:

1. The Santos children are going swimming. They used cream to their bodies to protect their skin from getting sunburn

2. Carlo and his friends were playing basketball in the school playground. They stopped playing when the sun was hot, they rest in a shade

3. Anna is joining a parade. Her mother tells her and her friends to bring hats, caps and sun glasses to protect them from the heat of the sun.

2. Have them read and analyze each situation. Ask: What do the children in each

story do to protect themselves from The sun?

3. Have the children made, formulate, check, discover things and explain how

they can protect their eyes and other Parts of the body from the sun’s heat and

light. Have them list down this things.

4. What precaution measures should you practice to present yourself from the sun’s heat and light?

Science for Daily use pp. 274 – 275.


Study the checklist on safety measure against sun’s heat and light.

Check the column.

1. If you do it always

2. If you do it sometimes

3. If you do not do it at all.

Safety Measures 1 2 3

1. I use sunglasses

2. I use a hat or cap

3. I avoid glaring lights

4. I stay under a shade


Draw something you want to wear when you’re out exposing the sun’s light and heat.

File in your Science Album










1. What to use:

Papers boxes, plants, stick, soil

2. What to do:

1. Put 3 kinds of soil in 3 paper boxes. Put the plant in each of the boxes.

2. Build a house made of stick and put it in a 3 boxes with 3 kinds of soil?

3. Mold clay and make a clay doll out of 3 kinds of soil.

4. Get 3 paper put a glue and deep in 3 kinds of soil. Make a sand paper.

stream underground water

dam river

lake rainwater

Activity Card 1

Material: Pictures of community where women are washing clothes

Children taking a bath

Boys and girls watering the plants

Irrigating fields

Do: 1. Study the pictures very well

2. Discuss how water is used in the pictures


1. What do you see in the pictures?

2. How do the people in the pictures use water?

Activity Card 2

Material: Paragraphs about uses of water

Do: Read the paragraphs very well and understand what are written



1. How water is used by man?

2. How is water used by animals?

3. How water used in building houses and buildings?

4. What are the other uses of water?


Activity Card 3

Do: 1. Select a leader

2. Show uses of water through a pantomime

3. Clap after finishing the task


1. What uses of water did you show?






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