GIACCHETTO WEEKLY LESSON PLAN #16 U.S. History WEEK OF: 12/16/19 – 16th week of School

Reform Movements and Westward Expansion

|Date:12/16 - Monday |Date:12/17 -Tuesday |Date:12/19 - Wednesday |Date:12/19 - Thursday |Date:12/20 - Friday |

|LESSON – Territorial |LESSON – Second Great |LESSON – Reform |Open Notebook Test | |

|Expansion – Into the West |Awakening |Movement and Abolitionists |On Unit 4 Material | |

|MAIN IDEA: From 1803 |Main Idea: As the country |Main Idea – As the Issue of Slavery grew |Quiz | |

|to 1853 the US acquired a |Moves west people are |more | | |

|vast amount of western |Awoken to a new ways of |controversial & threatened to |DAY on Unit 4 | |

|territories through |Looking to improve the lives |rip the nation apart | | |

|military conquest, treaty, or |Of themselves and those |the abolitionist cause sought |15 MC Questions | |

|purchase which often created |around them. |to educate the nation about | | |

|debates within the country. | |the evils of slavery in the | | |

| |VOCABULARY |South. | | |

|VOCABULARY |Charles Grandison Finney | | | |

|Oregon Trail |Revival |Terms & Names | | |

|54’ 40’ or Fight |Transcendentalism |Fredrick Douglass | | |

|Marcus & Narssia Whitman |Henry Davisd Thoreau |William Lloyd Garrison | | |

|Mexican American War |Dorthea Dix |Harriett Tubman | | |

|Mexican Cession |Horace Mann |Harriett Beecher Stowe | | |

|Gold Rush |Fredrick Douglass |John Brown | | |

|49ers | | | | |

|Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo | | | | |


|HW – Vocabulary | |HW – Study for quiz Thursday |HW – Work on |HW – Enjoy The |

|Quiz Tomorrow | | |Current Event |Holiday Break |

| | | |Assignment due 1/6 | |


What do elves learn in school?


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