DAY PLAN – Monday, September 3, 2007

DAY PLAN – Monday, September 1, 2008

|8:55-9:00 |LABOUR DAY – NO SCHOOL |

|9:00-9:30 | |

| | |

|9:30 – 10:00 | |

| | |

|10:00-10:10 | |

| | |

|10:10 -10:20 | |

| | |

|10:20-10:35 | |


|10:35 –11:15 | |

| | |

|11:15-11:45 | |

| | |

|11:45 – 12:45 |LUNCH |

|12:45-1:25 | |

| | |

|1:25 – 2:05 | |

| | |

|2:05-2:35 | |

| | |

|2:35 – 2:50 |RECESS |

|2:50 – 3:30 |Music (40 min) |

DAY PLAN – Tuesday, September 2, 2008

|8:55-9:00 |-Morning Entry: Greet students at the door and Attendance |

| |-O Canada and Announcements |

| |-Morning Message on the carpet: nameplates will indicate where everyone is sitting. Theme: Calendrier, jour|

| |de la semaine, la météo (into to bar graphs) et les couleurs. |

| |-Community Circle: Bonjour et bienvenu à la 1ière/2ième année! |

| |( Bonjour welcome song! |

| |(I will model reading the daily message on the easel: Bonjour! Je m’appelle Mlle. Borckardt. J’aime le bleu.|

| |Voici mon ami + name of another student in the circle. |

| |( In a circle, we will review the rules about one person talking at a time. |

|9:00-9:30 |Qui suis-je? – Getting to know your teacher! (Whole Group Activity on the carpet) |

| |Students will determine how the different objects relate to me. Materials: hippo, picture of parents and |

| |dog, soccer jersey, Grease video and book. |

| | |

| |Reviewing the Donne-moi 5 rule! And signal for attention (rhythmic clapping) |

| |( Scenarios to consider: (1) Je veux un tour. (2) Je lève la main. (3) J’attends. (4) Ma bouche ne bouge |

| |pas. (5) Mon professeure me choisit. C’est mon tour. J’aime cela! (6) Mon professeure choisit mon ami. Ce |

| |n’est pas mon tour. Je dois attendre |

| | |

| |Explication of Centers on the carpet: Theme – “All About Me” Activities |

| |Colour nameplates will organize students. SHOW NAMEPLATES and say student’s names. These groups will mimic |

| |the language grouping. |

| |At each station, there will be required materials to complete the given task (i.e. pencils, erasers or |

| |crayons). |

| | |

| |Blue group will be playing language games on the carpet and learning how to use the audio listening center. |

| |Carpet spelling. |

| |Red group will glue with tissue paper balls on the first letter of their name and decorate their name plate.|

| | |

| |Yellow group will decorate a flower blossom of their own faces. |

| |Green group will trace, cut and decorate their hands. We will be making a HELPING HANDS rainbow. |

| |Orange group will trace lines complete their first entry in their dictionary thematic on colours. |

| |If groups finish early, they may build a puzzle together. |

| | |

| |- USE Signal to get their attention to stop and clean up SONG! |

|9:30 – 10:00 |Language Centers Rotation |

|10:00-10:10 |Partage/Sharing of your learning |

|10:10 -10:20 |Collation et ligne d’or pour la récréation |

|10:20-10:35 |RECESS |

|10:35 –11:15 |Tour of the School |

| | |

| |Practicing walking quietly in a line – initially in alphabetic order. |

|11:15-11:45 |-Scavenger hunt in the classroom to locate various objects |

| | |

| |In community circle, we will each have a classroom cue card and we will practice saying the correct names of|

| |the objects and locating them in the classroom. |

| |Practicing the questions: Qu’est-ce que c’est? and Où se trouve…. dans la classe? |

| |Objective is to answer with complete sentences in French. |

| |-Dismiss for lunch. |

|11:45 – 12:45 |LUNCH |

|12:45-1:25 |Library (40 Min) |

|1:25 – 2:05 |Classroom Rule Building |

| | |

| |Read aloud: C’est moi qui mène! |

| |Brainstorming of the classroom rules to be posted as owl quotes for the classroom bulletin board. |

| |Illustrating good examples of the 5 main rules by group (Stimulation of math groups). |

|2:05-2:35 |D.P.A. |

|2:35 – 2:50 |RECESS/Collation |

|2:50 – 3:30 |Lesson 1: Independent Reading (Organization of books) |

| | |

| |Presenting the 4 bins to the classroom: Easy, just right, challenging and read alouds. Distinguishing that |

| |everyone is at a different level. |

| |Explaining the sticker classification. |

| |Distribute a book to each student and together we decide in which bin it belongs to. |

| |Establishing where the books are housed in the classroom. |

| | |

| |( Au revoir song! |

| |-Notices from home placed in individual mailboxes. As they line up, they open their school bag for |

| |safekeeping |

| |-Line up for dismissal and stress golden line. |

DAY PLAN – Wednesday, September 3, 2008

|8:55-9:00 |-Morning Entry: Greet students at the door and Attendance |

| |-O Canada and Announcements |

| |-Morning Message on the carpet: nameplates will indicate where everyone is sitting. Theme: Calendrier, jour|

| |de la semaine, la météo (into to bar graphs) et les couleurs. |

| |-Community Circle: Bonjour et bienvenu à la 1ière/2ième année! |

| |( Bonjour Welcome Song! |

| |(I will model reading the daily message on the easel: Bonjour! Je m’appelle Mlle. Borckardt. Je vois + |

| |classroom object + colour. Voici mon ami + name of a new student. |

| |( In a circle, we will review the rules about one person talking at a time. |

|9:00-9:30 |Reviewing the Donne-moi 5 rule! And signal for attention (rhythmic clapping) |

| | |

| |Read aloud: Bonjour; Qu’est-ce que c’est and Weather Song and the introduction to a song folder. |

| | |

| |Explication of Centers on the carpet: Theme – “All About Me” Activities |

| | |

| |Blue group will be playing language games on the carpet and learning how to use the audio listening center. |

| |Red group will glue with tissue paper balls on the first letter of their name and decorate their name plate.|

| | |

| |Yellow group will decorate a flower blossom of their own faces. |

| |Green group will trace, cut and decorate their hands. We will be making a HELPING HANDS rainbow. |

| |Orange group will trace lines complete their first entry in their dictionary thematic on colours. |

| |If groups finish early, they may build a puzzle together. |

| | |

| |- USE Signal to get their attention to stop and clean up SONG! |

|9:30 – 10:00 |Language Centers Rotation |

|10:00-10:10 |Partage/Sharing of your learning |

|10:10 -10:20 |Collation et ligne d’or pour la recreation |

|10:20-10:35 |RECESS |

|10:35 –11:15 |Mathematics: Name graph |

| | |

| |Pamplemousse until 30 forward and backwards |

| |Graphing the length of our names. Making inferences about what are the components of a graph: title, axes, |

| |numbers, categories and data (19 since we have 18 kids + me) – using the weather graph as a model. |

| |Stating conclusions. |

|11:15-11:45 |Tower Building Challenge – Co-operative activity |

| |Within groups created from math activity, students must build the most stable and tallest freestanding tower|

| |with limited resources. Materials: chart paper, scissors and masking tape. |

| | |

| |Partage of learning: In a community circle strategies may be shared about structure stability and the |

| |importance of cooperation. |

|11:45 – 12:45 |LUNCH |

|12:45-1:25 |Language: Read aloud of La première journée d’école |

| | |

| |Review Donnez-moi 5 rules! |

| |Predictions: Classroom objects will be placed on the carpet and students will need to predict their |

| |significance in the story. |

| |Introduction to reading strategy #1: Previewing and RS #2: Which way do I go? |

| |Read aloud of the book. |

| |Review Lesson 1: Independent Reading (Organization of books), therefore students will help me place the book|

| |in the proper bin. |

|1:25 – 2:05 |Gym (40 min) |

|2:05-2:35 |Lesson 2: Independent Reading: Lire c’est penser! |

| | |

| |Review lesson 1: Presenting the 4 bins to the classroom: Easy, just right, challenging and read alouds. |

| |Establishing where the books are housed in the classroom. |

| |Write on the chart paper: Lire c’est penser! Brainstorm ideas about: What will we see and hear while we will|

| |be reading quietly? When you are reading, you are thinking! Your best thinking is done quietly and remind |

| |them about the classroom rule of respect. Post anchor chart! |

| |The purpose of your teddy bear is to have a buddy to read with. |

| |Choose your book and let’s start reading and thinking. |

| |Returning books so that we can all find them later. |

|2:35 – 2:50 |RECESS/ Collation |

|2:50 – 3:30 |Drama/Dance: Name wave |

| |In a community circle, each student states their name and a body movement to accompany their name. |

| | |

| |( Au revoir song |

| |-Notices from home placed in individual mailboxes. As they line up, they open their school bag for |

| |safekeeping |

| |-Line up for dismissal and stress golden line. |

DAY PLAN – Thursday, September 4, 2008

|8:55-9:00 |-Morning Entry: Greet students at the door and Attendance |

| |-O Canada and Announcements |

| |-Morning Message on the carpet: nameplates will indicate where everyone is sitting. Theme: Calendrier, jour|

| |de la semaine, la météo (into to bar graphs) et les couleurs. |

| |-Community Circle: Bonjour et bienvenu à la 1ière/2ième année! |

| |( Bonjour Welcome Song! |

| |(I will model reading the daily message on the easel: Bonjour! Je m’appelle Mlle. Borckardt. Voici mon |

| |dessin de mes vacances d’été. Voici mon ami + name of a new student. |

| |( In a circle, we will review the rules about one person talking at a time. |

|9:00-9:30 |Reviewing the Donne-moi 5 rule! And signal for attention (rhythmic clapping) |

| | |

| |Read aloud: Bonjour; Qu’est-ce que c’est and Weather Song and the introduction to a song folder. |

| | |

| |Explication of Centers on the carpet: Theme – “All About Me” Activities |

| | |

| |Blue group will be playing language games on the carpet and learning how to use the audio listening center. |

| |Red group will glue with tissue paper balls on the first letter of their name and decorate their name plate.|

| | |

| |Yellow group will decorate a flower blossom of their own faces. |

| |Green group will trace, cut and decorate their hands. We will be making a HELPING HANDS rainbow. |

| |Orange group will trace lines complete their first entry in their dictionary thematic on colours. |

| |If groups finish early, they may build a puzzle together. |

| | |

| |- USE Signal to get their attention to stop and clean up SONG! |

|9:30 – 10:00 |Language Centers Rotation |

|10:00-10:10 |Partage/Sharing of your learning |

|10:10 -10:20 |Collation et ligne d’or pour la recreation |

|10:20-10:35 |RECESS |

|10:35 –11:15 |Mathematics: People graph |

| | |

| |Pamplemousse until 40 forward and backwards |

| |Graphing the number of boys and girls in the classroom. How many categories do we need? Why? |

| |Making inferences about what are the components of a graph: title, axes, numbers, categories and data (19 |

| |since we have 18 kids + me) – using the weather graph as a model. |

| |Stating conclusions. |

|11:05-11:45 |MUSIC (40 min) |

|11:45 – 12:45 |LUNCH |

|12:45-1:25 | Lesson 3: Independent Reading (How readers choose their books) |

| | |

| |Review lesson 1: Presenting the 4 bins to the classroom and establishing where the books are housed in the |

| |classroom. |

| |Review Lesson 2: Lire c’est penser! Using anchor chart with visual prompts for what we see and hear during |

| |independent reading. |

| |Choral reading: The promise poem. We will pledge to the promise. |

| |Decorating art with our faces and hands around the promise. |

| |Chart paper with the title: Comment choisir un livre? Brainstorm ideas about how we choose books. |

| |After listing various ways to select a book, find your stuffed toy and enjoy the adventure. |

| |Partage: Why did you choose that book? |

|1:25 – 2:05 |Lesson 3: Independent Reading (How readers choose their books) cont. |

|2:05-2:35 |Drama/Dance: Name wave, part 2 |

| | |

| |(Retell: In a community circle, each student states their name and a body movement to accompany their name. |

| |( Application: Fusion of 3 name waves together. |

|2:35 – 2:50 |RECESS/ Collation |

|2:50 – 3:30 |-D.P.A. |

| | |

| |( Au revoir song! |

| |-Notices from home placed in individual mailboxes. As they line up, they open their school bag for |

| |safekeeping |

| |-Line up for dismissal and stress golden line. |

DAY PLAN – Friday, September 5, 2008

|8:55-9:00 |-Morning Entry: Greet students at the door and Attendance |

| |-O Canada and Announcements |

| |-Morning Message on the carpet: nameplates will indicate where everyone is sitting. Theme: Calendrier, jour|

| |de la semaine, la météo (into to bar graphs) et les couleurs. |

| |-Community Circle: Bonjour et bienvenu à la 1ière/2ième année! |

| |( Bonjour Welcome Song! |

| |(I will model reading the daily message on the easel: Bonjour! Je m’appelle Mlle. Borckardt. Je me sens + |

| |Tribble. |

| |( In a circle, we will review the rules about one person talking at a time. |

|9:00-9:30 |Reviewing the Donne-moi 5 rule! And signal for attention (rhythmic clapping) |

| | |

| |Read aloud: Bonjour; Qu’est-ce que c’est and Weather Song and the introduction to a song folder. |

| | |

| |Explication of Centers on the carpet: Theme – “All About Me” Activities |

| | |

| |Blue group will be playing language games on the carpet and learning how to use the audio listening center. |

| |Red group will glue with tissue paper balls on the first letter of their name and decorate their name plate.|

| | |

| |Yellow group will decorate a flower blossom of their own faces. |

| |Green group will trace, cut and decorate their hands. We will be making a HELPING HANDS rainbow. |

| |Orange group will trace lines complete their first entry in their dictionary thematic on colours. |

| |If groups finish early, they may build a puzzle together. |

| | |

| |- USE Signal to get their attention to stop and clean up SONG! |

|9:30 – 10:00 |Language Centers |

|10:00-10:10 |Partage/Sharing of your learning |

|10:10 -10:20 |Collation et ligne d’or pour la récréation |

|10:20-10:35 |RECESS |

|10:35 –11:15 |Mathematics: Birthday cake graph |

| | |

| |Pamplemousse until 50 forward and backwards |

| |Birthday graph. How many categories do we need? Why? |

| |Making inferences about what are the components of a graph: title, axes, numbers, categories and data (19 |

| |since we have 18 kids + me) – using the weather graph as a model. |

| |Stating conclusions. |

| |Classroom book: Mon anniversaire! |

|11:15-11:45 |Puzzle Building – Cooperative Work |

| | |

| |( Mimicking math groups |

| |-USE Signal to get their attention to stop and clean up SONG! |

|11:45 – 12:45 |LUNCH |

|12:45-1:25 |GYM (40 min) |

|1:25 – 2:05 |Art: Qui suis-je? |

| | |

| |Each student will be making a self-portrait of either his or her face or body and face. They will cut out |

| |the shape and complete the following sentences: Bonjour! Je m’appelle ________. Je suis une fille ou un |

| |garçon. J’aime + couleur! Qui suis-je? |

| |Classroom riddle book creation |

|2:05-2:35 |Art continued |

|2:35 – 2:50 |RECESS/Collation |

|2:50 – 3:30 |Review Lesson 1-3: Independent Reading |

| | |

| |Review lesson 1: Presenting the 4 bins to the classroom and establishing where the books are housed in the |

| |classroom. |

| |Review Lesson 2: Lire c’est penser! Using anchor chart with visual prompts for what we see and hear during |

| |independent reading. |

| |Review lesson 3: Comment choisir un livre? With anchor chart. |

| |Choral reading: We will pledge to the promise. |

| | |

| |( Au revoir song! |

| |-Notices from home placed in individual mailboxes. As they line up, they open their school bag for |

| |safekeeping |

| |-Line up for dismissal and stress golden line |

DAY PLAN – Monday, September 8, 2008

|8:55-9:00 |-Morning Entry: O Canada and Announcements |

| |-At desk, students will have a cowgirl hidden, which needs to be coloured by a legend. A visual guide will |

| |be on the chalkboard. |

| |-Community Circle: Pomme/onion about the weekend’s events. |

| |( In a circle, we will review the rules about one person talking at a time. |

|9:00-9:30 |Language – Shared Reading: La Phonétique and Bonjour song! |

| |( Bonjour Welcome Song! And stating today’s date and who we visit in the school. Review colours. |

| | |

| |( GR 1: Morning Message on the carpet |

| |Guided Reading of Phonetic message: Une souris/ I,I,I,/Voici une souris/I,I,I/Un chat gris. We are |

| |stressing the sound and not the letter. |

| |I will model how to read the text using a magic wand and students will repeat the message. We will clap to |

| |stress the syllables of the text. |

| |Helper of the day will point and students will read aloud. |

| |We will circle the focus sound, I, within the text using a highlighter and tabulate the total sounds heard. |

| |2nd reading: Arc-en-ciel reading |

| | |

| |( GR 2: Morning Message on the carpet |

| |Guided Reading of Phonetic message: Mimi, la souris. |

| |I will model how to read the text using a magic wand and students will repeat the message. We will clap to |

| |stress the syllables of the text. |

| |Helper of the day will point and students will read aloud. |

| |We will circle the focus sound, I, within the text using a highlighter and tabulate the total sounds heard. |

|9:30 – 10:00 |Language Centers: Supporting activity of the shared reading texts |

| |( GR 1: Illustrate the text, circle the sound I/i and show understanding of the colour sequence in the |

| |rainbow. |

| | |

| |( GR 2: Circle the sound I within the text and complete accompanying sheets. |

|10:00-10:10 |Partage/Sharing of your learning |

|10:10 -10:20 |Collation et ligne d’or pour la recreation |

|10:20-10:35 |RECESS |

|10:35 –11:15 |Mathematiques: Data Management |

| |Calendrier, jour de la semaine, la météo and thermometer reading. |

| |Pamplemousse to 30 forward and backwards. |

| |Classroom book on birthdays: each student will be given their own cake to write their b-day on the blank |

| |sheet. |

| |Collective graph of birthdays – focusing on the elements of a graph: axis, title, data and frequency. |

|11:15-11:45 |-Mathematiques continued -Dismiss for lunch |

|11:45 – 12:45 |LUNCH |

|12:45-1:25 |-DPA in class |

| |-Visual Arts: Classroom puzzle |

| |Each student will be given a puzzle piece. Within the puzzle piece you need to include their name and 4 |

| |objects, people or animals that are important to them. |

|1:25 – 2:05 |Visual Arts continued |

|2:05-2:35 |-Copain de lecture with Ms. Kertez’ 4/5 class |

|2:35 – 2:50 |RECESS- Yard Duty/ Collation |

|2:50 – 3:30 |-MUSIC (PREP 40 MIN) |

| |-Line up for dismissal |

DAY PLAN – Tuesday, September 9, 2008

|8:55-9:00 |-Morning Entry: O Canada and Announcements |

| |-At desk, students will either have a crossword puzzle or worksheets on hats to discriminate among colours |

| |that resemble one another. |

| |-Community Circle: Introduction to songs: Qu’est –ce que c’est? Quel temps fait-il? |

|9:00-9:30 |Language – Shared Reading: La Phonétique and Bonjour song! |

| |( Bonjour Welcome Song! And stating today’s date and who we visit in the school. Review colours. |

| | |

| |( GR 1: Morning Message on the carpet |

| |Guided Reading of Phonetic message: Une souris/ I,I,I,/Voici une souris/I,I,I/Un chat gris. We are |

| |stressing the sound and not the letter. |

| |I will model how to read the text using a magic wand and students will repeat the message. We will clap to |

| |stress the syllables of the text. |

| |Helper of the day will point and students will read aloud. |

| |We will circle the focus sound, I, within the text using a highlighter and tabulate the total sounds heard. |

| |2nd reading: Arc-en-ciel reading |

| |( GR 2: Morning Message on the carpet |

| |Guided Reading of Phonetic message: Mimi, la souris. |

| |I will model how to read the text using a magic wand and students will repeat the message. We will clap to |

| |stress the syllables of the text. |

| |Helper of the day will point and students will read aloud. |

| |We will circle the focus sound, I, within the text using a highlighter and tabulate the total sounds heard. |

|9:30 – 10:00 |Language Centers: Shared writing in journal and learning how to use the writing guide. |

| |( GR 1: Date – C’est moi! Je suis une fille ou un garcon. The lesson will focus on the text accompanying |

| |the drawing. |

| | |

| |( GR 2: Date – C’est moi! Je suis une fille ou un garcon. Using the dictionary, they will choose 3 facial |

| |features to describe themselves. |

|10:00-10:10 |Partage/Sharing of your learning |

|10:10 -10:20 |Collation et ligne d’or pour la recreation |

|10:20-10:35 |RECESS |

|10:35 –11:15 |Science Gr. 2: Classification of animals. |

| |Intro name game – ball toss to introduce ourselves. |

| |Read aloud of the Hungry Caterpillar – stress chronology of story (beg-mid-end) with the life cycle of a |

| |butterfly. |

| |Making a classroom caterpillar where each segment of the body is a student’s name. Deciding on a proper |

| |pattern for the body segment. |

| |Cover page to the science journal |

| |Modeled writing: 1st entry with labeled diagram. |

|11:15-11:45 |-Science Gr. 2 continued -Dismiss for |

| |lunch |

|11:45 – 12:45 |LUNCH |

|12:45-1:25 | Library (40 min PREP) |

|1:25 – 2:05 |Mathematiques: Number Sense |

| |Calendrier, jour de la semaine, la météo and thermometer reading. |

| |Pamplemousse to 40 forward and backwards. |

| |Flash plates of 10. |

| |Sorting activity with a Hoola-hoop (sort by colour). |

| |Gr.1: Printing numbers 1-5 |

| |Gr. 2: Printing numbers 1-10 and stating the numbers before and after. |

|2:05-2:35 |-Mathematiques continued |

|2:35 – 2:50 |RECESS – YARD DUTY / Collation |

|2:50 – 3:30 |-Independent Reading |

| |Review L1 (bins), L2: Lire c’est penser!, L3 Comment choisir un livre? |

| |Choosing a book for home. |

| |-Au revoir song and notices from home placed in individual mailboxes. |

DAY PLAN – Wednesday, September 10, 2008

|8:55-9:00 |-Morning Entry: O Canada and Announcements |

| |-At desk, students will have a calligraphy package. |

| |-Community Circle: Qu’est-ce que c’est? flash card game |

|9:00-9:30 |Language – Shared Reading: La Phonétique and Bonjour song! |

| |( Bonjour Welcome Song! And stating today’s date and who we visit in the school. Review colours. |

| | |

| |( GR 1: Morning Message on the carpet |

| |Guided Reading of Phonetic message: Une souris/ I,I,I,/Voici une souris/I,I,I/Un chat gris. We are |

| |stressing the sound and not the letter. |

| |I will model how to read the text using a magic wand and students will repeat the message. We will clap to |

| |stress the syllables of the text. |

| |Helper of the day will point and students will read aloud. |

| |We will circle the focus sound, I, within the text using a highlighter and tabulate the total sounds heard. |

| |2nd reading: Arc-en-ciel reading |

| | |

| |( GR 2: Morning Message on the carpet |

| |Guided Reading of Phonetic message: Mimi, la souris. |

| |I will model how to read the text using a magic wand and students will repeat the message. We will clap to |

| |stress the syllables of the text. |

| |Helper of the day will point and students will read aloud. |

| |We will circle the focus sound, I, within the text using a highlighter and tabulate the total sounds heard. |

|9:30 – 10:00 |Language Centers: Dictionnaire Thematique (Classroom objects) |

| | |

| |( GR 1/2: Colour and cut classroom objects into their dictionaries. |

| |( Line up for recess will be decided if they can name a classroom object. |

|10:00-10:10 |Partage/Sharing of your learning |

|10:10 -10:20 |Collation et ligne d’or pour la recreation |

|10:20-10:35 |RECESS |

|10:35 –11:15 |Mathematiques: Data Management |

| |Calendrier, jour de la semaine, la météo and thermometer reading. |

| |Pamplemousse to 50 forward and backwards. |

| |Flash plates with dots |

| |Sorting activity with a Hoola-hoop (sort by shape). |

| |Classroom graph: Eye colour – focusing on the elements of a graph: axis, title, data and frequency. |

| |Gr.1: Cookie and teeth worksheets. |

| |Gr. 2: Fish and cookie worksheets. |

|11:15-11:45 |-Mathematiques continued -Dismiss for lunch |

|11:45 – 12:45 |LUNCH |

|12:45-1:25 |Computers or Drama |

| |Imagine and put on your costumes: Becoming farm animals. |

|1:25 – 2:05 |GYM (PREP 30 min) |

|2:05-2:35 |Science Gr. 2: Classification of animals. |

| | |

| |Observing the caterpillars. |

| |Writing 2nd entry in their journals with a labeled diagram. |

|2:35 – 2:50 |RECESS – Yard Duty / Collation |

|2:50 – 3:30 |- Independent Reading |

| | |

| |Review L1 (bins), L2: Lire c’est penser!, L3 Comment choisir un livre? |

| |Choosing a book for home. |

| |-Au revoir song and notices from home placed in individual mailboxes. |

DAY PLAN – Thursday, September 11, 2008

|8:55-9:00 |-Morning Entry: O Canada and Announcements |

| |-At desk, students will either have a crossword puzzle or worksheets on hats to discriminate among colours |

| |that resemble one another. |

| |-Community Circle: Qu’est-ce que c’est ? and Quel temps fait-il? songs |

|9:00-9:30 |Language – Shared Reading: La Phonétique and Bonjour song! |

| |( Bonjour Welcome Song! And stating today’s date and who we visit in the school. Review colours. |

| | |

| |( GR 1: Morning Message on the carpet |

| |Guided Reading of Phonetic message: Une souris/ I,I,I,/Voici une souris/I,I,I/Un chat gris. We are |

| |stressing the sound and not the letter. |

| |I will model how to read the text using a magic wand and students will repeat the message. We will clap to |

| |stress the syllables of the text. |

| |Helper of the day will point and students will read aloud. |

| |We will circle the focus sound, I, within the text using a highlighter and tabulate the total sounds heard. |

| |2nd reading: Arc-en-ciel reading |

| | |

| |( GR 2: Morning Message on the carpet |

| |Guided Reading of Phonetic message: Mimi, la souris. |

| |I will model how to read the text using a magic wand and students will repeat the message. We will clap to |

| |stress the syllables of the text. |

| |Helper of the day will point and students will read aloud. |

| |We will circle the focus sound, I, within the text using a highlighter and tabulate the total sounds heard. |

|9:30 – 10:00 |Language Centers: Journal writing |

| | |

| |( GR 1: Date – C’est /Voici + classroom object. Illustrate their writing. |

| | |

| |( GR 2: Date – C’est/Voici/ Je vois/ Je regarde + classroom object + colour. Illustrate their writing. |

|10:00-10:10 |Partage/Sharing of your learning |

|10:10 -10:20 |Collation et ligne d’or pour la recreation |

|10:20-10:35 |RECESS |

|10:35 –11:15 |Mathematiques: Number Sense |

| |Calendrier, jour de la semaine, la météo and thermometer reading. |

| |Pamplemousse to 50 forward and backwards. |

| |Sorting activity with a Hoola-hoop (sort by size) and graph with link it cubes. |

| |Gr. 1: Showing one to one correspondence of numbers. |

| |Gr 2: Orally skip count by 2, 5 and 10. Completing worksheets where they colour the numbers that they skip |

| |counted by 2, 5, 10. |

|11:15-11:45 | MUSIC (Prep 40 min) |

|11:45 – 12:45 |LUNCH |

|12:45-1:25 |Science Gr. 2: Basic needs review |

| |Read aloud of the “Diary of a Worm” – before reading, the guiding question is what do we need to survive? |

| |(food, water, space, sun) |

| |Venn diagram showing the similarities and differences among animals, people and plants. |

| |Stressing that if a need is not met, then you cannot grow and change. |

| |Identifying the debut (naissance) – milieu – fin (adulte) of various stages in animal growth. Cutting, |

| |sorting and gluing. |

|1:25 – 2:05 |-Science Gr. 2 continued |

|2:05-2:35 |- Independent Reading |

| |Review L1 (bins), L2: Lire c’est penser!, L3 Comment choisir un livre? |

| |Choosing a book for home. |

|2:35 – 2:50 |RECESS – Yard Duty / Collation |

|2:50 – 3:30 |-DPA |

| |-Au revoir song and notices from home placed in individual mailboxes. |

DAY PLAN – Friday, September 12, 2008

|8:55-9:00 |-Morning Entry: O Canada and Announcements |

| |-At desk, students will have a cowgirl hidden, which needs to be coloured by a legend. A visual guide will |

| |be on the chalkboard. |

| |-Community Circle: Sac Mystère |

|9:00-9:30 |Language – Shared Reading: La Phonétique and Bonjour song! |

| |( Bonjour Welcome Song! And stating today’s date and who we visit in the school. Review colours. |

| | |

| |( GR 1: Morning Message on the carpet |

| |Guided Reading of Phonetic message: Une souris/ I,I,I,/Voici une souris/I,I,I/Un chat gris. We are |

| |stressing the sound and not the letter. |

| |I will model how to read the text using a magic wand and students will repeat the message. We will clap to |

| |stress the syllables of the text. |

| |Helper of the day will point and students will read aloud. |

| |We will circle the focus sound, I, within the text using a highlighter and tabulate the total sounds heard. |

| |2nd reading: Arc-en-ciel reading |

| | |

| |( GR 2: Morning Message on the carpet |

| |Guided Reading of Phonetic message: Mimi, la souris. |

| |I will model how to read the text using a magic wand and students will repeat the message. We will clap to |

| |stress the syllables of the text. |

| |Helper of the day will point and students will read aloud. |

| |We will circle the focus sound, I, within the text using a highlighter and tabulate the total sounds heard. |

|9:30 – 10:00 |Language Centers: Calligraphy |

| | |

| |( GR 1/2: Tracing the letter I/i |

|10:00-10:10 |Partage/Sharing of your learning |

|10:10 -10:20 |Collation et ligne d’or pour la recreation |

|10:20-10:35 |RECESS |

|10:35 –11:15 |Mathematiques: Data Management |

| |Calendrier, jour de la semaine, la météo and thermometer reading. |

| |Pamplemousse to 50 forward and backwards. |

| |Flash plates with dots |

| |Sorting activity with a Hoola-hoop (sort by if animal or not) and graph with link-it cubes. |

| |Classroom graph: Seasons – focusing on the elements of a graph: axis, title, data and frequency. |

| |Gr ½: Catch up week’s work |

|11:15-11:45 |-Mathematiques continued -Dismiss for |

| |lunch |

|11:45 – 12:45 |LUNCH |

|12:45-1:25 |- GYM (Prep 40 min) |

|1:25 – 2:05 |- Independent Reading |

| | |

| |Review L1 (bins), L2: Lire c’est penser!, L3 Comment choisir un livre? |

| |Choosing a book for home. |

|2:05-2:35 |Science Gr. 2: Classification |

| |Introduction the classification system of animals via teddy bears and their characteristics. |

| |Observing the caterpillars. |

| |Writing an entry in their science journal with a labeled diagram. |

|2:35 – 2:50 |RECESS – Yard Duty / Collation |

|2:50 – 3:30 |-Play time. |

| |-Au revoir song and notices from home placed in individual mailboxes. |

DAY PLAN – Monday, September 15, 2008

|8:55-9:00 |-Morning Entry: O Canada and Announcements |

| |-At desk, students will colour an entry for their dictionnaire thématique: Verbs. |

| |-Community Circle: Pomme/onion about the weekend’s events. |

| |( In a circle, we will review the rules about one person talking at a time. |

|9:00-9:30 |Language – Shared Reading: La Phonétique and Bonjour song! |

| |( Bonjour Welcome Song! And stating today’s date and who we visit in the school. |

| | |

| |( GR 1: Morning Message on the carpet |

| |Guided Reading of Phonetic message: Un chat/ A,a,A,a/ C’est un beau petit chat/ A,a,A,a/ Il mange du |

| |chocolat. We are stressing the sound, not the letter. |

| |I will model how to read the text using a magic wand and students will repeat the message. We will clap to |

| |stress the syllables of the text. |

| |Helper of the day will point and students will read aloud. |

| |We will circle the focus sound, A, within the text using a highlighter. |

| |2nd reading: Un gateau d’anniversaire reading |

| | |

| |( GR 2: Morning Message on the carpet |

| |Guided Reading of Phonetic message: Le chat. |

| |I will model how to read the text using a magic wand and students will repeat the message. We will clap to |

| |stress the syllables of the text. |

| |Helper of the day will point and students will read aloud. |

| |We will circle the focus sound, A, within the text using a highlighter. |

|9:30 – 10:00 |Language Center – Grade 1 |

| |Phonetic supporting package : Sound A; birthday cakes; Dans mon sac d’école. |

| |Calligraphie center : Letter A/a |

| |Journal : Aujourd’hui c’est, le septembre 2008. A l’école, j’aime + verb. (x3) |

| |Wirting: Birthday cakes booklet related to colours. |

| |Teacher center : Guided reading (reading strategies); bingo; carpet games. |

| | |

| |Language Center – Grade 2 |

| |Phonetic supporting package : The chat package. |

| |Calligraphie center : Letter A/a |

| |Journal : Aujourd’hui c’est, le septembre 2008. A l’école, j’aime + verb + avec + classroom object. |

| |(x3) |

| |Wirting: Dans mon sac d’école booklet. |

| |Teacher center : Guided reading (reading strategies); bingo; carpet games. |

|10:00-10:10 |Partage/Sharing of your learning |

|10:10 -10:20 |Ligne d’or pour la recreation |

|10:20-10:35 |RECESS / Collation |

|10:35 –11:15 |Mathematics: Number Sense |

| |Calendrier, jour de la semaine, la météo and thermometer reading. |

| |Flash plates with dots – practicing the number after. |

| |Whole group: Placing jetons on a grid 5. I will model with a partner who will be rolling a dice and telling|

| |me the indicate number to show on the grid. |

| |Gr. 1 – Mariana worksheets with dots and fish package that focuses on counting and stating numbers in |

| |symbols and words. |

| |Gr. 2 – Peek-a-boo game with scattered objects and aligned objects in groups of 10. Students need to guess |

| |the number of objects. Worksheet on decomposing numbers from 11-19 into dizaine and units. |

|11:15-11:45 |Mathematics continued Dismissal for |

| |lunch. |

|11:45 – 12:45 |LUNCH |

|12:45-1:25 |-DPA in class |

| |-Visual Arts |

|1:25 – 2:05 |Visual Arts continued |

|2:05-2:35 |-Copain de lecture with Ms. Kertez’ 4/5 class |

| |- Notices from home placed in individual mailboxes |

|2:35 – 2:50 |RECESS / Collation |

|2:50 – 3:30 |-MUSIC (40 min PREP) |

DAY PLAN – Tuesday, September 16, 2008

|8:55-9:00 |-Morning Entry: O Canada and Announcements |

| |- At desk, students will have a bear hidden, which needs to be coloured by a legend. |

|9:00-9:30 |Language – Shared Reading: La Phonétique and Bonjour song! |

| |( Bonjour Welcome Song! And stating today’s date and who we visit in the school. Review colours. |

| | |

| |( GR 1: Morning Message on the carpet |

| |Guided Reading of Phonetic message: Un chat/ A,a,A,a/ C’est un beau petit chat/ A,a,A,a/ Il mange du |

| |chocolat. We are stressing the sound, not the letter. |

| |I will model how to read the text using a magic wand and students will repeat the message. We will clap to |

| |stress the syllables of the text. |

| |Helper of the day will point and students will read aloud. |

| |We will circle the focus sound, A, within the text using a highlighter. |

| |2nd reading: Un gateau d’anniversaire reading |

| | |

| |( GR 2: Morning Message on the carpet |

| |Guided Reading of Phonetic message: Le chat. |

| |I will model how to read the text using a magic wand and students will repeat the message. We will clap to |

| |stress the syllables of the text. |

| |Helper of the day will point and students will read aloud. |

| |We will circle the focus sound, A, within the text using a highlighter. |

|9:30 – 10:00 |Language Center – Grade 1 |

| |Phonetic supporting package : Sound A; birthday cakes; Dans mon sac d’école. |

| |Calligraphie center : Letter A/a |

| |Journal : Aujourd’hui c’est, le septembre 2008. A l’école, j’aime + verb. (x3) |

| |Wirting: Birthday cakes booklet related to colours. |

| |Teacher center : Guided reading (reading strategies); bingo; carpet games. |

| | |

| |Language Center – Grade 2 |

| |Phonetic supporting package : The chat package. |

| |Calligraphie center : Letter A/a |

| |Journal : Aujourd’hui c’est, le septembre 2008. A l’école, j’aime + verb + avec + classroom object. |

| |(x3) |

| |Wirting: Dans mon sac d’école booklet. |

| |Teacher center : Guided reading (reading strategies); bingo; carpet games. |

|10:00-10:10 |Partage/Sharing of your learning |

|10:10 -10:20 |Ligne d’or pour la recreation |

|10:20-10:35 |RECESS / Collation |

|10:35 –11:15 |Science Gr. 2: Basic needs review |

| |Read aloud of the “Diary of a Worm” – before reading, the guiding question is what do we need to survive? |

| |(food, water, space, sun) |

| |Venn diagram showing the similarities and differences among animals, people and plants. |

| |Stressing that if a need is not met, then you cannot grow and change. |

| |Identifying the debut (naissance) – milieu – fin (adulte) of various stages in animal growth. Cutting, |

| |sorting and gluing. |

|11:15-11:45 |Science Gr. 2 continued |

|11:45 – 12:45 |LUNCH |

|12:45-1:25 |Library (PREP 40 min) |

|1:25 – 2:05 |Mathematics: Number Sense |

| |Calendrier, jour de la semaine, la météo and thermometer reading. |

| |Flash plates with dots – practicing the number after. |

| |Whole group: Placing jetons on a grid 10. I will model with a partner who will be rolling 2 die and telling|

| |me the indicate number to show on the grid. |

| |Gr. 1 – Worksheet where they write numbers (10) in symbol form, dots, words. |

| |Gr. 2 – Big book showing the scattered fish and aligned insects. Students need to guess the number of |

| |objects. Worksheet on stating numbers when thety are shown as dizaines and units. |

|2:05-2:35 |Mathematics continued. |

|2:35 – 2:50 |RECESS / Collation |

|2:50 – 3:30 |-DPA |

| |-Independent Reading |

| |Review L1 (bins), L2: Lire c’est penser!, L3 Comment choisir un livre? |

| |Choosing a book. |

| |-Au revoir song and notices from home placed in individual mailboxes. |

DAY PLAN – Wednesday, September 17, 2008

|8:55-9:00 |-Morning Entry: O Canada and Announcements |

| |-At desk, students will be completing their printing worksheet. |

|9:00-9:30 |Language – Shared Reading: La Phonétique and Bonjour song! |

| |( Bonjour Welcome Song! And stating today’s date and who we visit in the school. Review colours. |

| | |

| |( GR 1: Morning Message on the carpet |

| |Guided Reading of Phonetic message: Un chat/ A,a,A,a/ C’est un beau petit chat/ A,a,A,a/ Il mange du |

| |chocolat. We are stressing the sound, not the letter. |

| |I will model how to read the text using a magic wand and students will repeat the message. We will clap to |

| |stress the syllables of the text. |

| |Helper of the day will point and students will read aloud. |

| |We will circle the focus sound, A, within the text using a highlighter. |

| |2nd reading: Un gateau d’anniversaire reading |

| | |

| |( GR 2: Morning Message on the carpet |

| |Guided Reading of Phonetic message: Le chat. |

| |I will model how to read the text using a magic wand and students will repeat the message. We will clap to |

| |stress the syllables of the text. |

| |Helper of the day will point and students will read aloud. |

| |We will circle the focus sound, A, within the text using a highlighter. |

|9:30 – 10:00 |Language Center – Grade 1 |

| |Phonetic supporting package : Sound A; birthday cakes; Dans mon sac d’école. |

| |Calligraphie center : Letter A/a |

| |Journal : Aujourd’hui c’est, le septembre 2008. A l’école, j’aime + verb. (x3) |

| |Wirting: Birthday cakes booklet related to colours. |

| |Teacher center : Guided reading (reading strategies); bingo; carpet games. |

| | |

| |Language Center – Grade 2 |

| |Phonetic supporting package : The chat package. |

| |Calligraphie center : Letter A/a |

| |Journal : Aujourd’hui c’est, le septembre 2008. A l’école, j’aime + verb + avec + classroom object. |

| |(x3) |

| |Wirting: Dans mon sac d’école booklet. |

| |Teacher center : Guided reading (reading strategies); bingo; carpet games. |

|10:00-10:10 |Partage/Sharing of your learning |

|10:10 -10:20 |Ligne d’or pour la recreation |

|10:20-10:35 |RECESS / Collation |

|10:35 –11:15 |Mathematics: Number Sense |

| |Calendrier, jour de la semaine, la météo and thermometer reading. |

| |Game: Quel est le nombre, concombre? |

| |Whole group: Placing jetons on a grid 20. I will model with a partner who will be pulling numbers from the |

| |100 chart and telling me the indicate number to show on the grid. |

| |Gr. 1 – Worksheet where they write numbers (20) in symbol form, dots, words. |

| |Gr. 2 – Worksheet where they write numbers (20) in symbol form, dots, words. Orally, reconvene with them |

| |about how many dizaines and loose units are there with different numbers. |

|11:15-11:45 |Mathematics continued. Dismiss for |

| |lunch. |

|11:45 – 12:45 |LUNCH |

|12:45-1:25 |COMPUTERS |

|1:25 – 2:05 |GYM (PREP 40 min) |

|2:05-2:35 |Science Gr. 2: Classification |

| |Introduction the classification system of animals via teddy bears and their characteristics. |

| |Observing the caterpillars. |

| |Writing an entry in their science journal with a labeled diagram. |

|2:35 – 2:50 |RECESS/ Collation |

|2:50 – 3:30 |-Independent Reading |

| |Review L1 (bins), L2: Lire c’est penser!, L3 Comment choisir un livre? |

| |Choosing a book. |

| |-Au revoir song and notices from home placed in individual mailboxes. |

DAY PLAN – Thursday, September 18, 2008

|8:55-9:00 |-Morning Entry: O Canada and Announcements |

| |-At desk, students will be completing a worksheet on jumble words related to classroom objects. |

|9:00-9:30 |Language – Shared Reading: La Phonétique and Bonjour song! |

| |( Bonjour Welcome Song! And stating today’s date and who we visit in the school. Review colours. |

| | |

| |( GR 1: Morning Message on the carpet |

| |Guided Reading of Phonetic message: Un chat/ A,a,A,a/ C’est un beau petit chat/ A,a,A,a/ Il mange du |

| |chocolat. We are stressing the sound, not the letter. |

| |I will model how to read the text using a magic wand and students will repeat the message. We will clap to |

| |stress the syllables of the text. |

| |Helper of the day will point and students will read aloud. |

| |We will circle the focus sound, A, within the text using a highlighter. |

| |2nd reading: Un gateau d’anniversaire reading |

| | |

| |( GR 2: Morning Message on the carpet |

| |Guided Reading of Phonetic message: Le chat. |

| |I will model how to read the text using a magic wand and students will repeat the message. We will clap to |

| |stress the syllables of the text. |

| |Helper of the day will point and students will read aloud. |

| |We will circle the focus sound, A, within the text using a highlighter. |

|9:30 – 10:00 |Language Center – Grade 1 |

| |Phonetic supporting package : Sound A; birthday cakes; Dans mon sac d’école. |

| |Calligraphie center : Letter A/a |

| |Journal : Aujourd’hui c’est, le septembre 2008. A l’école, j’aime + verb. (x3) |

| |Wirting: Birthday cakes booklet related to colours. |

| |Teacher center : Guided reading (reading strategies); bingo; carpet games. |

| | |

| |Language Center – Grade 2 |

| |Phonetic supporting package : The chat package. |

| |Calligraphie center : Letter A/a |

| |Journal : Aujourd’hui c’est, le septembre 2008. A l’école, j’aime + verb + avec + classroom object. |

| |(x3) |

| |Wirting: Dans mon sac d’école booklet. |

| |Teacher center : Guided reading (reading strategies); bingo; carpet games. |

|10:00-10:10 |Partage/Sharing of your learning |

|10:10 -10:20 |Ligne d’or pour la recreation |

|10:20-10:35 |RECESS / Collation |

|10:35 –11:05 |Mathematics: Data Management and Graphing |

| |Calendrier, jour de la semaine, la météo and thermometer reading. |

| |Game: Pamplemousse |

| |Whole group: Sorting classroom objects; graphing with cubes and transferring data in a table and graph. |

| |Stating conclusions. |

|11:05-11:45 |MUSIC (Prep 40 min) |

|11:45 – 12:45 |LUNCH |

|12:45-1:25 | Science Gr. 2: Classification |

| |Introduction the classification system of animals via teddy bears and their characteristics. |

| |Activity: Sorting pictures of animals based on the classification system. |

| |Observing the caterpillars. |

|1:25 – 2:05 |Science Gr. 2 continued |

|2:05-2:35 |DPA |

|2:35 – 2:50 |RECESS/ Collation |

|2:50 – 3:30 |-Independent Reading |

| |Review L1 (bins), L2: Lire c’est penser!, L3 Comment choisir un livre? |

| |Choosing a book. |

| |-Au revoir song and notices from home placed in individual mailboxes. |

DAY PLAN – Friday, September 19, 2008

|8:55-9:00 |-Morning Entry: O Canada and Announcements |

| |-At desk, students will be completing a worksheet on jumble words related to classroom objects. |

|9:00-9:30 |Language – Shared Reading: La Phonétique and Bonjour song! |

| |( Bonjour Welcome Song! And stating today’s date and who we visit in the school. Review colours. |

| | |

| |( GR 1: Morning Message on the carpet |

| |Guided Reading of Phonetic message: Un chat/ A,a,A,a/ C’est un beau petit chat/ A,a,A,a/ Il mange du |

| |chocolat. We are stressing the sound, not the letter. |

| |I will model how to read the text using a magic wand and students will repeat the message. We will clap to |

| |stress the syllables of the text. |

| |Helper of the day will point and students will read aloud. |

| |We will circle the focus sound, A, within the text using a highlighter. |

| |2nd reading: Un gateau d’anniversaire reading |

| | |

| |( GR 2: Morning Message on the carpet |

| |Guided Reading of Phonetic message: Le chat. |

| |I will model how to read the text using a magic wand and students will repeat the message. We will clap to |

| |stress the syllables of the text. |

| |Helper of the day will point and students will read aloud. |

| |We will circle the focus sound, A, within the text using a highlighter. |

|9:30 – 10:00 |Language Center – Grade 1 |

| |Phonetic supporting package : Sound A; birthday cakes; Dans mon sac d’école. |

| |Calligraphie center : Letter A/a |

| |Journal : Aujourd’hui c’est, le septembre 2008. A l’école, j’aime + verb. (x3) |

| |Wirting: Birthday cakes booklet related to colours. |

| |Teacher center : Guided reading (reading strategies); bingo; carpet games. |

| | |

| |Language Center – Grade 2 |

| |Phonetic supporting package : The chat package. |

| |Calligraphie center : Letter A/a |

| |Journal : Aujourd’hui c’est, le septembre 2008. A l’école, j’aime + verb + avec + classroom object. |

| |(x3) |

| |Wirting: Dans mon sac d’école booklet. |

| |Teacher center : Guided reading (reading strategies); bingo; carpet games. |

|10:00-10:10 |Partage/Sharing of your learning |

|10:10 -10:20 |Ligne d’or pour la recreation |

|10:20-10:35 |RECESS / Collation |

|10:35 –11:15 |Mathematics: Data Management and Graphing |

| |Calendrier, jour de la semaine, la météo and thermometer reading. |

| |Game: Flash dot plates |

| |Whole group: Sorting classroom objects; graphing with cubes and transferring data in a table and graph. |

| |Stating conclusions. |

| |Each student will be given a sheet with buttons, they will need to cut and sort and glue them once they have|

| |decided on a sorting rule. |

|11:15-11:45 |Mathematics continued Dismiss for |

| |lunch. |

|11:45 – 12:45 |LUNCH |

|12:45-1:25 |GYM (40 MIN) |

|1:25 – 2:05 |Work period where we catch up from the week. |

|2:05-2:35 |Science Gr. 2: Classification |

| |Introduction the classification system of animals via teddy bears and their characteristics. |

| |Observing the caterpillars and writing an entry in their journals. |

|2:35 – 2:50 |RECESS / Collation |

|2:50 – 3:30 |-Independent Reading |

| |Review L1 (bins), L2: Lire c’est penser!, L3 Comment choisir un livre? |

| |Choosing a book. |

| |-Au revoir song and notices from home placed in individual mailboxes. |

DAY PLAN – Monday, September 22, 2008

|8:55-9:00 |-Morning Entry: O Canada and Announcements |

| |-At desk, students will be completing a worksheet on jumble words related to classroom objects. |

| |-Community circle: Pomme/Onion about weekend events. |

|9:00-9:30 |Language – Shared Reading: La Phonétique and Bonjour song! |

| |( Bonjour Welcome Song! And stating today’s date and who we visit in the school. Review colours. |

| |( Introduction to the week’s song: Quelle couleur est ta maison? |

| | |

| |( GR 1: Morning Message on the carpet: Shared Reading: (La lune/Le bébé) |

| | |

| |I will model how to read the text using a magic wand and students will repeat the message. We will clap to |

| |stress the syllables of the text. |

| |Helper of the day will point and students will read aloud. |

| |We will circle the focus letter, E, within the text using a highlighter. |

| | |

| |( GR 2: Morning Message on the carpet |

| |Guided Reading of Phonetic message: Reno, le renard |

| |I will model how to read the text using a magic wand and students will repeat the message. We will clap to |

| |stress the syllables of the text. |

| |Helper of the day will point and students will read aloud. |

| |We will circle the focus sound, E, within the text using a highlighter. |

|9:30 – 10:00 |Language – Centers |

| | |

| |Gr 1 : Circling the focus sound of the week and completing the package related to the « Dans mon sac |

| |d’école ». |

| | |

| |Gr. 2 : Circling the focus sound for the week’s reading : Reno, le renard and completing supporting |

| |activities. |

|9:40 – 10:20 |MUSIC (40 PREP) |

|10:20-10:35 |RECESS – YARD DUTY |

|10:35 –11:15 |Mathematics: Number Sense |

| |Calendrier, jour de la semaine, la météo and thermometer reading. |

| |Game: Flash cards |

| |Whole group: Placing jetons on a grid 20. I will model with a partner who will be pulling numbers from the |

| |100 chart and telling me the indicate number to show on the grid. Orally, reconvene with them about how many|

| |dizaines and loose units are there with different numbers. |

| |Gr. 1 – Worksheet identifying numbers on a grid 10. |

| |Gr. 2 – Package related to identifying numbers in base 10 and ones form. |

|11:15-11:45 |Mathematics continued. Dismiss for |

| |lunch. |

|11:45 – 12:45 |LUNCH |

|12:45-1:25 |Field trip to Riverdale Library |

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| |Puppet show |

| |Browsing French resources |

| |Permission forms and first aid kit. |

|1:25 – 2:05 |Field trip to Riverdale Library |

|2:05-2:35 | Field trip to Riverdale Library |

|2:35 – 2:50 |RECESS/ Collation |

|2:50 – 3:30 |-Video: Les couleurs d’automne by Caillou |

| | |

| |-Au revoir song and notices from home placed in individual mailboxes. |

DAY PLAN – Tuesday, September 23, 2008

|8:55-9:00 |-Morning Entry: O Canada and Announcements |

| |-At desk, students will be completing a crossword puzzle. |

| |-Community circle: Qu’est-ce que c’est? Classroom objects riddles. |

|9:00-9:30 |Language – Shared Reading: La Phonétique and Bonjour song! |

| |( Bonjour Welcome Song! And stating today’s date and who we visit in the school. Review colours. |

| | |

| |( Introduction to the week’s song: Quelle couleur est ta maison? |

| | |

| |( GR 1: Morning Message on the carpet: Shared Reading: (La lune/Le bébé) |

| | |

| |I will model how to read the text using a magic wand and students will repeat the message. We will clap to |

| |stress the syllables of the text. |

| |Helper of the day will point and students will read aloud. |

| |We will circle the focus letter, E, within the text using a highlighter. |

| | |

| |( GR 2: Morning Message on the carpet |

| |Guided Reading of Phonetic message: Reno, le renard |

| |I will model how to read the text using a magic wand and students will repeat the message. We will clap to |

| |stress the syllables of the text. |

| |Helper of the day will point and students will read aloud. |

| |We will circle the focus sound, E, within the text using a highlighter. |

|9:30 – 10:00 |Language – Centers |

| | |

| |Gr 1 : Rainbow booklet (reviewing colours) |

| | |

| |Gr. 2 : Colour booklet and grammar lesson on plurals. |

|10:00-10:10 |Partage/Sharing of your learning |

|10:10 -10:20 |Collation et ligne d’or pour la récréation |

|10:20-10:35 |RECESS – Yard duty |

|10:35 –11:15 |Science Gr. 2: Life cycles |

| |Each student will be given a card with a particular stage of the lifecycle. Students need to find their |

| |group and place themselves in order. Mini-presentation of animals, their classification in the animal |

| |kingdom and their life cycle. |

| |Shared reading of the Science big book on life cyles. |

| |Each group of 4 will create 3-D models of an animal lifecycle with proper labels appropriate to each stage. |

| |Observing the butterflies. |

|11:15-11:45 |Science continued |

| |-Dismiss for lunch |

|11:45 – 12:45 |LUNCH |

|12:45-1:25 |Library (PREP 40 min) |

|1:25 – 2:05 |Mathematics: Number Sense |

| |Calendrier, jour de la semaine, la météo and thermometer reading. |

| |Game: Pamplemousse |

| |Gr. 1 – Worksheet identifying, counting and printing numbers. |

| |Gr. 2 – Package related to identifying numbers in base 10 and ones form. |

|2:05-2:35 |Mathematics continued. |

|2:35 – 2:50 |RECESS / Collation |

|2:50 – 3:30 |-Independent Reading |

| |Review L1 (bins), L2: Lire c’est penser!, L3 Comment choisir un livre? |

| |Choosing a book. |

| | |

| |-Au revoir song and notices from home placed in individual mailboxes. |

DAY PLAN – Wednesday, September 24, 2008

|8:55-9:00 |-Morning Entry: O Canada and Announcements |

| |-At desk, students will be completing a worksheet where they must combine information in a colour legend and|

| |a dot pattern to correctly colour the clown. |

|9:00-9:30 |Language – Shared Reading: La Phonétique and Bonjour song! |

| |( Bonjour Welcome Song! And stating today’s date and who we visit in the school. Review colours. |

| |( Introduction to the week’s song: Quelle couleur est ta maison? |

| | |

| |( GR 1: Morning Message on the carpet: Shared Reading: (La lune/Le bébé) |

| | |

| |I will model how to read the text using a magic wand and students will repeat the message. We will clap to |

| |stress the syllables of the text. |

| |Helper of the day will point and students will read aloud. |

| |We will circle the focus letter, E, within the text using a highlighter. |

| | |

| |( GR 2: Morning Message on the carpet |

| |Guided Reading of Phonetic message: Reno, le renard |

| |I will model how to read the text using a magic wand and students will repeat the message. We will clap to |

| |stress the syllables of the text. |

| |Helper of the day will point and students will read aloud. |

| |We will circle the focus sound, E, within the text using a highlighter. |

|9:30 – 10:00 |Language – Centers |

| | |

| |Gr 1 : Journal writing: Dans mon sac d’école, il y a + classroom objects. |

| | |

| |Gr. 2 : Journal writing: |

|10:00-10:10 |Partage/Sharing of your learning |

|10:10 -10:20 |Collation et ligne d’or pour la récréation |

|10:20-10:35 |RECESS – Yard duty |

|10:35 –11:15 |Mathematics: Data Management and Graphing |

| | |

| |Calendrier, jour de la semaine, la météo and thermometer reading. |

| |Game: Flash dot plates |

| |Whole group: Sorting classroom objects; graphing with cubes and transferring data in a table and graph. |

| |Stating conclusions. |

| |Each student will be given a sheet with keys, they will need to cut and sort and glue them once they have |

| |decided on a sorting rule. Afterwards, they must create a bar graph and draw conclusion about their graph. |

|11:15-11:45 |Mathematics continued Dismiss for |

| |lunch. |

|11:45 – 12:45 |LUNCH |

|12:45-1:25 |COMPUTERS |

|1:25 – 2:05 |GYM (PREP 40 min) |

|2:05-2:35 |Science Gr. 2: Classification |

| |Reviewing the classification system of animals via teddy bears and their characteristic traits. |

| |Moving like animals (drama activity). |

| |Sorting animals into a t-chart by classification system. |

|2:35 – 2:50 |RECESS/ Collation |

|2:50 – 3:30 |-Independent Reading |

| |Review L1 (bins), L2: Lire c’est penser!, L3 Comment choisir un livre? |

| |Choosing a book. |

| | |

| |-Au revoir song and notices from home placed in individual mailboxes. |

DAY PLAN – Thursday, September 25, 2008

|8:55-9:00 |-Morning Entry: O Canada and Announcements |

| |-At desk, students will be completing a worksheet where they must combine information in a colour legend and|

| |a dot pattern to correctly colour the clown. |

|9:00-9:30 |Language – Shared Reading: La Phonétique and Bonjour song! |

| |( Bonjour Welcome Song! And stating today’s date and who we visit in the school. Review colours. |

| |( Introduction to the week’s song: Quelle couleur est ta maison? |

| | |

| |( GR 1: Morning Message on the carpet: Shared Reading: (La lune/Le bébé) |

| | |

| |I will model how to read the text using a magic wand and students will repeat the message. We will clap to |

| |stress the syllables of the text. |

| |Helper of the day will point and students will read aloud. |

| |We will circle the focus letter, E, within the text using a highlighter. |

| | |

| |( GR 2: Morning Message on the carpet |

| |Guided Reading of Phonetic message: Reno, le renard |

| |I will model how to read the text using a magic wand and students will repeat the message. We will clap to |

| |stress the syllables of the text. |

| |Helper of the day will point and students will read aloud. |

| |We will circle the focus sound, E, within the text using a highlighter. |

|9:30 – 10:00 |Language – Centers |

| | |

| |Gr 1 : Calligraphie E/e |

| | |

| |Gr. 2 : Calligraphie E/e |

|10:00-10:10 |Partage/Sharing of your learning |

|10:10 -10:20 |Collation et ligne d’or pour la récréation |

|10:20-10:35 |RECESS – YARD DUTY |

|10:35 –11:15 |Mathematics: Data Management and Graphing |

| |Calendrier, jour de la semaine, la météo and thermometer reading. |

| |Whole group: Sorting classroom objects; graphing with cubes and transferring data in a table and graph. |

| |Stating conclusions. |

| |Classroom graph: Seasons |

| |Games: flash cards and quell est le nombre concombre? |

|11:15-11:45 |MUSIC (Prep 40 min) |

|11:45 – 12:45 |LUNCH |

|12:45-1:25 | TERRY FOX ASSEMBLY in the gym |

|1:25 – 2:05 |TERRY FOX RUN |

|2:05-2:35 |TERRY FOX RUN |

|2:35 – 2:50 |RECESS / Collation |

|2:50 – 3:30 |Independent Reading |

| |Review L1 (bins), L2: Lire c’est penser!, L3 Comment choisir un livre? |

| |Choosing a book. |

| | |

| |-Au revoir song and notices from home placed in individual mailboxes. |

DAY PLAN – Friday, September 26, 2008


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|9:00-9:30 | |

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|9:30 – 10:00 | |

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|10:00-10:10 | |

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|10:10 -10:20 | |

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|10:20-10:35 |RECESS |

|10:35 –11:15 | |

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|11:15-11:45 | |

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|11:45 – 12:45 |LUNCH |

|12:45-1:25 |GYM (Prep 40 min) |

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|1:25 – 2:05 | |

|2:05-2:35 | |

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|2:35 – 2:50 |RECESS |

|2:50 – 3:30 | |

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