
Speakout Advanced Units 6 - 10Students’ Book Answer Key: LANGUAGE BANK (Grammar Section)Unit 6.1 (page 139)A. Yesterday we announced that we are TO merge with Jonas Inc. We are due TO do this in May, so today I’m going to speak about the company’s history and the decision to merge. This time next year, the company will have BEEN building houses for twenty-five years. By January we will HAVE built more than 100,000 homes, and I hope that we’ll still be BUILDING houses in 2050. Although we WILL be discussing the new situation with you individually, we are sure your jobs will BE secure. Through this merger, we WILL be expanding and so we will be moving into unknown markets. By February, we will HAVE sent you a document about the company’s plans. For now, I promise there will be opportunities for all.B.1 By tomorrow, we will have been married for twenty years.2 The London-Brussels flight arrives at 2:00 / is due to arrive at 2:00.3 The government is to pass a law prohibiting guns.4 I’ll be seeing John (in the office), so I can speak to him.5 By July, we’ll have been living here for five years.6 The committee is due to have a meeting with the owners.7 I imagine Roger will be putting up his Christmas decorations in November.8 My son will be eighteen (years old) next March.Unit 6.2 (page 139)A.1 whereas 2 as 3 matter 4 whenever 5 despite 6 spite 7 however 8 althoughB.1 Despite knowing that it’s bad for me, I spend too much time on the internet.2 Even though my grandmother / she is ninety-six years old, she / my grandmother is still fully independent.3 He’s an excellent manager, although he can be a bit scary to work for.4 Hard as they tried, they couldn’t persuade him to give up his work.5 Whilst I understand how difficult the situation is, I’m afraid I can’t help.6 He’s very charming. However, I wouldn’t trust him at all.Unit 6.3 (page 139)A.1 rise 2 back 3 led 4 resulted 5 stem 6 about 7 in 8 attributedStudents’ Book Answer Key: LANGUAGE BANK (Grammar Section)Unit 7.1 (page 141)A. 1 The reason he lost his job was that he kept breaking the rules.2 It was only when he left the theatre that he recognized her.3 What I want to do is persuade them to come with us.4 All I worry about / I’m worried about is whether she will have enough money.5 What is amazing is that they have such a fantastic range of spices.B. 1 a) What elections have done is give these people their first real opportunity to decide who will govern them. b) The thing that has given these people their first real opportunity to decide who will govern them is the elections. c) It’s the elections that have given these people their first real opportunity to decide who will govern them.2 a) It was the airports, roads and rail systems that suffered widespread disruption due to the heavy snow and severe weather. b) It was heavy snow and severe weather that caused widespread disruption to the country’s airports, roads and rail systems. c) What caused disruption to the country’s airports, roads and rail systems was the heavy snow and severe weather.3 a) What caused students to march through the city centre in protest were the new laws. b) The reason hundreds of students marched through the city centre was to protest against the new laws. c) What happened was hundreds of students marched through the city centre to protest against the new laws.Unit 7.2 (page 141)A. 1a) Making 1b) Made 2a) Told 2b) Telling 3a) Paying 3b) Paid 4a) worn 4b) wearing 5a) written 5b) WritingB. 1 ARMED with nothing…; Having GRADUATED in economics,…; One afternoon while DISCUSSING the world’s problems,…; GIVEN a caravan by a stranger,…; ASKED what he misses…Unit 7.3 (page 141)A. 1 sense 2 suppose 3 100 percent 4 Where 5 honestly 6 moreStudents’ Book Answer Key: LANGUAGE BANK (Grammar Section)Unit 8.1 (page 143)A. 1 f) 2 d) 3 a) 4 c) 5 b) 6 e)B. 1 We WERE about to ascend the mountain when…2 Correct3 Melissa meant TO tell you about the dinner invitation,…4 We were to HAVE taken the 6:02 train to Manchester,…5 … she was on THE verge of becoming a superstar.6 Correct7 …where he WOULD later meet his sixth wife.8 I was but hoping to work with donna again, …9 Correct10) I was to MEET Daley and his gang in the subway at midnight.Unit 8.2 (page 143)A. 1 one 2 do 3 so 4 not 5 ones 6 there 7 mine 8 someB. 1 I’m not sure if they’ve finished, but I think they have finished.2 We could have met them later, but I didn’t want to meet them later.3 Do you want a coffee? I’ve just made some coffee.4 I’d be happy to help if you need me to help.5 B: We were supposed to arrive at six.6 Erica had ice cream for dessert and Bill had chocolate cake.7 They’ll be here soon, but I don’t know exactly when they’ll be here.8 A: Have you got the time? B: The time is half past two.Unit 8.3 (page 143)A. 1 I never thought of that 2 I’m with you there 3 That makes sense 4 But looking at it another way5 I know what you mean 6 on the other hand 7 Having said thatStudents’ Book Answer Key: LANGUAGE BANK (Grammar Section)Unit 9.1 (page 145)A. 1 prefer 2 as were 3 How about 4 the 5 want that 6 Rather 7 one time 8 as B. 1 It’s high time you spoke to your mother.2 Suppose I pressed this button, what would happen?3 They treat that girl as though she were a princess.4 Given the choice, I’d soon learn Chinese than German.5 What if there were a volcanic eruption in a densely populated area?6 It’s about time she stopped smoking.7 They behave as if they own / owned the place.8 I’d rather you didn’t go there.Unit 9.2 (page 145)A. 1 c) 2 b) 3 b) 4 a) 5 c) 6 b) 7 c) 8 a) 9 c)B. 1 I just grab a sandwich to eat quickly at lunchtime if I’m in a hurry. / If I’m in a hurry, I just grab a sandwich to eat quickly at lunchtime.2 In the evenings my husband and I generally sit in front of the television too tired to talk.3 I always carefully plan anything I write in English to reduce the number of mistakes.4 Unfortunately, I consistently spend too much time in front of the computer.5 They met online and enjoyed each other’s company for a while.6 I took up painting about six months ago to help me relax.7 I left my things on the kitchen table when I left this morning.8 I’ll probably have more time to see my friends when my exams are finished. / When my exams are finished, I’ll probably have more time to see my friends.Unit 9.3 (page 145)A. 1 It was awesome – really the best concert EVER.2 It wasn’t my CUP of tea.3 ... if there’s one thing I can’t stand for it’s violence. 4 Yes, it’s an all-TIME classic.5 Oh, I thought it was absoluteLY incredible.6 It was A total waste of money.Students’ Book Answer Key: LANGUAGE BANK (Grammar Section)Unit 10.1 (page 147)A. 1 1 c) 2 e) 3 a) 4 d) 5 f) 6 b)B. 1 Seldom HAVE I seen him looking so miserable.2 Correct 3 Under no circumstances SHOULD YOU leave the office.4 HAD WE known there would be a water shortage, we would have been more prepared.5 Only later DID she REALISE her mistake.6 Correct 7 Correct8 Were they to HAVE apologized more quickly, I might have forgiven them.Unit 10.2 (page 147)A. 1 like 2 a 3 barely / hardly / not 4 deal 5 every 6 faster 7 the 8 nearB. 1 nothing like as famous as2 every bit as interesting3 by far the most talented4 got worse and worse5 nowhere near as talented as 6 in little more than two years7 a good deal closer8 considerably more famousUnit 10.3 (page 147)A. 1 A: We want to sort THIS OUT as soon as possible. B: Can you go into MORE DETAIL about your proposal?2 A: By THE END of the meeting, we want to have a concrete plan. B: What do you have IN MIND?3 A: If you do THIS FOR me, I’ll help you with the project. B: I’m NOT SURE we can do that because of our contract.4 A: good, that sounds ACCEPTABLE TO me. B: Let ME KNOW if you have any queries.5 A: Great! We’ve GOT A deal. B: Get in touch if anything NEEDS CLARIFYING.6 A: What if WE SUPPORTED your idea for the pension scheme? B: OK, but the rest of the proposal would BE DIFFICULT for us as it still means cutting jobs. ................

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