Unit 2: Decimals: Test 2: MCC5.NBT.3 Homework/Study Guide

Monday, September 24, 2012: Parent Signature:_____________________________________________(1-5)

Example: What number does each digit in the decimal 45.38 stand for? Write 45.38 in a place-value chart. Find the number that each digit stands for.

| Tens | Ones | Decimal Point | Tenths | Hundredths |

| 4 | 5 | . | 3 | 8 |


The 4 is in the tens place. It represents 4 tens. The 5 is in the ones place. It represents 5 ones. The 3 is in the tenths place. It represents 3/10 or 3 tenths. The 8 is in the hundredths place. It represents 8/100 or 8 hundredths. The 4 stands for 40. The 5 stands for 5. The 3 stands for 0.3 The 8 stands for 0.08.

1. Now, you try. What number does each digit in the decimal 72.96 stand for?

| Tens | Ones | Decimal Point | Tenths | Hundredths |

| | | | | |

Give an Explanation:

Example. What is the number name for 28.345? Extend the place-value chart one more place to the right. The value of a digit in the thousandths place is 1/10 the value of a digit in the hundredths place.

| Tens | Ones | Decimal Point | Tenths | Hundredths | Thousandths |

| 2 | 8 | . | 3 | 4 | 5 |


Start with the whole-number part of the number. Read the digits to the left of the decimal point: twenty-eight. Write “and” for the decimal point: twenty-eight and continue with the decimal part of the number. Read the digits to the right of the decimal point as a whole number: three hundred forty-five. Use the place of the last decimal digit: three hundred forty-five thousandths. The number name for 28.345 is: twenty-eight and three hundred forty-five thousandths.

2. Now, you try. What is the number name for 96.731?

| Tens | Ones | Decimal Point | Tenths | Hundredths | Thousandths |

| | | | | | |

Give an explanation:

Example. What is the expanded form of the decimal 28.345? Write 28.345 in a place-value chart.

| Tens | Ones |Decimal Point | Tenths | Hundredths | Thousandths |

| 2 | 8 | . | 3 | 4 | 5 |


Write an expression for each digit. Multiply each digit by the value of its place. 2 tens = 2 x 10 8 ones = 8 x 1 3 tenths = 3 x 1/10 4 hundredths = 4 x 1/100 5 thousandths = 5 x 1/1000

Write all the expressions, separating each of them with a plus sign. Expanded form shows the sum of the values of the digits. The expanded form of 28.345 is: (2 x 10) + (8 x 1) + (3 x 1/10) + (4 x 1/100) + (5 x 1/1000)

3. Now, you try. What is the expanded form of the decimal 37.264?

| Tens | Ones |Decimal Point | Tenths | Hundredths |Thousandths |

| | | | | | |

Give an explanation:

Example. Compare 73.294 and 73.256. Use place value to compare the decimals. Write the decimals in a place-value chart.

| Tens | Ones |Decimal Point | Tenths | Hundredths | Thousandths |

| 7 | 3 | . | 2 | 9 | 4 |

| 7 | 3 | . | 2 | 5 | 6 |


Compare the digits in each place from left to right. Look for the first place where the digits are different. The digits in the tens place are the same. The digits in the ones place are the same. The digits in the tenths place are the same. The digits in the hundredths place are different. Compare the digits in the hundredths place. The digit 9 represents 9/100. The digit 5 represents 5/100. 9/100 is greater than 5/100. Compare the decimals. Use > (is greater than), < (is less than), or = (is equal to). Since, 9/100 is greater than 5/100, then 73.294 is greater than 73.256. 73.294 > 73.256

4. Now, you try. Explain why 4.198 > 4.192 (Remember to give an explanation for your comparison.)

| Tens | Ones |Decimal Point | Tenths | Hundredths | Thousandths |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

Give an explanation.

Example. Jenna and Luz took part in a gymnastics competition. Jenna scored 9.683 on the beam. Luz scored 9.702 on the beam. Which girl had the greater score?

| Ones | Decimal Point | Tenths | Hundredths | Thousandths |

| 9 | . | 6 | 8 | 3 |

| 9 | . | 7 | 0 | 2 |


Compare the digits in each place form left to right. Look for the first place where the digits are different. The digits in the ones place are the same. The digits in the tenths place are different. Compare the digits in the tenths place. The digit 6 represents 6/10. The digit 7 represents 7/10. 6/10 is less than 7/10. Compare the digits. Since, 6/10 is less than 7/10, then 9.683 is less than 9.702. 9.683 < 9.702 Luz scored 9.702, so she had the greater score.

5. Now, you try. Jenna scored 9.517 on the floor exercise. Luz scored 9.511 on the floor exercise. Use symbols to compare their scores. Which girl had the greater score on the floor exercise?

| Ones | Decimal Point | Tenths | Hundredths | Thousandths |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

Give an explanation.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012: Parent Signature: __________________________________________(6 – 10)

6. What is the expanded form of 12.309? (A) (1 x 10) + (2 x 1) + (3 x 1/10) + (9 x 1/100) (B) (1 x 10) + (2 x 1) + (3 x 1/10) + (9 x 1/1000) (C) (1 x 10) + (2 x 1) + (3 x 1/100) + (9 x 1/1000) (D) (1 x 10) + (3 x 1) + (3 x 1/10) + (9 x 1/100)

7. Use base-ten numerals to write the decimal in standard form (base-ten numerals): eleven hundredths ________________

8. Use base-ten numerals to write the decimal in standard form(base-ten numerals): (7 x 10) + (8 x 1/1000)______________

9. Compare. Write >, , ................

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