Chief jo



2011 - 2012

Home of the Eagles

“Where Young Minds Soar”

Chief Joseph School values and challenges each student to succeed today…….

for life tomorrow.

August 31, 2011

Dear Chief Joseph Families,

Welcome to the 2011-2012 school year! We are excited for a new year to begin and look forward to working with your family throughout the year. Our goal is for your child to have a happy and successful year at school.

Your involvement and participation in school impacts your child’s success at Chief Joseph. We believe that you are the most important person in your child’s life and have the biggest impact on their daily life. Positive communication between parents, students, and teachers is essential.

At Chief Joseph, we set high standards and expectations. Included in this handbook are Chief Joseph’s procedures and management plans that align with classroom and district expectations. Please take some time to become familiar with the following pages and help your child understand them.

We look forward to a great year!


Mr. Ingalls and the Chief Joseph Staff

(detach here)

Please check both lines, sign, and return to Chief Joseph Elementary School. Thank you!

__________ We have discussed the school-wide management plan.

__________ We have discussed the classroom management plan.

________ ___________________________________ __________________________________

Room # Student Signature Parent/Guardian Signature

Table of Contents

Beginning of Year Letter and Signature Page 2

Mission Statement & Motto 4

Chief Joseph Discipline Overview 5

Chief Joseph School-wide Management Plan—Expectations & Procedures 6

Staff Responsibilities (for Management Plan) 13

GFPS District Homework Policy 14

GFPS District Hazing/Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying/Menacing Policy 15

Chief Joseph Social Skills 17

Chief Joseph Time Schedule 18

Mission Statement

Chief Joseph School values and challenges each student to succeed today…….for life tomorrow.


“Chief Joseph Eagles -Where Young Minds Soar!”

Chief Joseph

Discipline Overview

At Chief Joseph Elementary School, a positive school learning environment is important to all of us. Your child’s learning is too important for us not to be concerned with their behavior. Our school takes a proactive/positive approach to discipline. It is based on:

• Creating a safe, consistent environment for all students.

• Misbehavior will not interrupt teaching or learning.

• Behavior must be taught in the same manner that we teach academics.

• All students are held accountable for their actions.

• Developing appropriate problem solving skills.

• Allowing the student time to think about their behavior.

• Certain behaviors, or absolutes, simply will not be tolerated at school. These behaviors will result in immediate in-school or out-of-school suspension. These include:

1. Fighting

2. Profanity directed at staff

3. Tobacco-Smoking and chewing tobacco

4. Alcohol/Drug-possession

5. Weapons

6. Leaving school grounds without permission

All behavior expectations are enforced with these two guidelines in mind:

• Is this behavior kind and respectful of the rights of others?

• Is this behavior safe and healthy for the student and for others?

Misbehavior will be addressed in the following manner:

1. Verbal re-teaching and/or refocus form—This is a sheet that asks the student to explain what he or she did that was inappropriate, what they could do differently next time, and then if they will make a better choice.

2. Behavior Reporting Form

3. Individual behavior plan

4. Other appropriate consequences as needed

Why do we write-up student behavior?

• To document

• To communicate with parents

Chief Joseph School-wide Management Plan—Expectations & Procedures


1. Follow directions of all staff right away.

2. Keep hands, feet, mouth, and objects to self.

3. Use appropriate language and voice level.

4. Stay in assigned areas.

5. Use equipment properly.

Voice Levels:

Sounds like:

0 voice = no sound

1 voice = whisper

2 voice = small group

3 voice = classroom-wide

4 voice = outside loud

How to Show Respect:

I can show respect:

1. With my words

2. With the tone of my voice

3. With the look on my face

4. With appropriate body language

Treat Others the Way You Like to be Treated!

School-wide and classroom attention signal:

Give Me Five:

1. Eyes on speaker

2. Keep your mouth quiet

3. Body facing speaker

4. Hands are still

5. Ears are listening

School-wide Management Plan—Expectations & Procedures


Before School Expectations:

1. Arrive after 8:15 AM through the front entryway. Then the playground is monitored by an adult.

2. NO WEAPONS, toy or real, are allowed at school.

3. No personal items are allowed at school. The school is not responsible for any of these lost or stolen items.

4. Bikes and scooters ridden to school must be locked to the bike racks and cannot be ridden on school grounds.

5. Tardy students need to check in with the office.

6. Musical instruments need to be placed in the music room.

After School Expectations:

1. Bus students must ride the bus unless they have a note and/or phone call from their parents.

2. Students must leave the building and grounds immediately after dismissal.

3. Wait for your child in the foyer or outside.

4. Younger brothers and sisters may not wait for older siblings in the building or on the grounds, unless prior arrangements have been made with the HANDS program.

5. Bikes, skateboards, rollerblades, and scooters may not be ridden on school grounds. Students need to walk their bikes and scooters while on the sidewalk until they are off school property.

6. For safety purposes, exit using the front door.

7. Use sidewalks rather than cutting across school grass or parking lots.

8. Students need to use the crosswalk whenever crossing the street.

9. Students go straight home after school.

Recess Expectations:

1. Primary students enter/exit using the east doors.

2. Grades 3 enter/exit using the north breezeway door.

3. Grades 4-6 enter/exit using the west annex doors.

4. Special Education classes use teacher discretion.

5. All teachers will greet students at the classroom door.

6. Dress according to weather conditions as students will be outside for recess unless weather is below zero or otherwise directed by physician’s prescription.

7. Students may not enter the building during recess without written permission or a pass from staff.

Indoor Recess Expectations:

1. Students will engage in activities designated by the teacher.

2. Students are not allowed to run in the classroom.

3. Students must stay in designated areas.

4. Supervising adults will rotate from room to room. Visual contact will be maintained as much as possible.

Bathroom Expectations:

1. Sign In/Out

2. No more than one from each class during unscheduled breaks.

3. Go, Flush, Wash, Clean-up, Leave

4. Voice Level 0 to 1

5. Be respectful of others’ privacy

School-wide Management Plan—Expectations & Procedures


Lunchroom Expectations:

1. Students are asked to wait patiently, talk quietly, and eat politely.

2. Students may be dismissed as they finish eating after 20 minutes in the lunch room, but are able to stay and eat for up to 40 minutes.

3. Students are responsible for cleaning up after themselves.

4. Seating arrangements are determined by student interaction.

Hall Expectations:

1. Students are expected to be respectful of others.

2. Use voice level 0.

3. Students walk purposefully and appropriately on the right side in

line with hands down.

4. Students’ belongings are neatly kept in lockers and taken home each night.

Computer Lab Expectations:

1. Students are responsible for use and condition of computer and will sit in assigned seat.

Before leaving station, it must be clean and ready for next class.

• Headphones on back of chair

• Screen at desktop on Success Maker Log-in

• Chair pushed in

• Scrap paper and pencils put away

• Leave volume on

Dress Code Expectations:

1. Length of shorts, skirts and dresses must come to fingertips when arms are held at one’s side.

2. Straps on shirts need to be three fingers or more wide.

3. Inappropriate items include:

• Any items symbolic of gang attire. Clothing with logos or wording depicting vandalism, bigotry, violence, sexual connotations, alcohol or drugs, suicide or those with double meaning.

• Any top that is revealing – midriffs must be covered. Examples are cut-off tops, tube tops, halter tops, spaghetti straps, etc.

• In all instances, the appropriateness or inappropriateness of school dress will be determined by the school administrator, considering the style or manner in which the clothing is worn or how it fits.

Assembly Expectations:

1. When hand signal is given, please stop talking and look at the person in charge.

2. Listen carefully.

3. Follow adult directions regarding where to sit.

4. Wait quietly for the program to begin.

5. Sit flat with hands and feet to self.

6. Demonstrate appreciation appropriately by applauding and cheering, depending upon the program. Applause needs to be short and sincere. Booing, whistling, and yelling are prohibited.

7. Remain seated until the teacher gives the signal to stand and dismiss from the assembly area.

School-wide Management Plan—Expectations & Procedures


Lunchroom Procedures:

1. Teachers are responsible for bringing their students into the lunchroom in an orderly fashion and will remain with the students until after all students are seated.

2. Students will take outdoor clothing with them to the lunchroom and hang up coats in the designated area. After eating, coats will be put on prior to going outside.

3. Students will use the electronic ticket device. Teachers stay with their students until they are through the cashier line.

4. Students will go through the gym door, follow the black line, pick up their utensils, milk, and tray, and walk in an orderly manner to the appropriate table. During primary lunch one aide will be stationed in the service area.

5. The students will stay in line according to how adults instruct them. Adults will separate children in line as needed.

6. Students will use good manners and talk quietly using voice level 1 or 2.

7. Students are to finish their lunch in the cafeteria--no cafeteria food on the playground.

8. Students may be dismissed as they finish eating after 20 minutes in the lunchroom, but are able to stay and eat for up to 40 minutes.

9. Cold lunch students will put their lunch boxes in the appropriate box. No open drink containers will be put in lunch boxes.

9. When children need help, they are to raise their hands and an aide will respond.

10. Only one lunch may be purchased per day at a cost of $2.10. Additional milk may be purchased for $0.45 (prices subject to change).

11. Cold lunch students will purchase milk by raising their hand and will pay with $0.45 (prices subject to change).

12. Place garbage, paper, etc. in the proper place according to instructions given in the lunchroom. Stack trays properly at the receiving window.

13. Walk around the parent center to playground with a zero voice level.

School-wide Management Plan—Expectations & Procedures



Before School Procedures:

1. Students will arrive no earlier than 8:15.

2. Students will proceed to the playground with a staff member.

3. Students may bring musical instruments into the music room when they arrive at school in the morning and immediately proceed to the playground through the middle door.

4. Bus students should go directly to the playground after exiting the bus.

5. Students arriving after the morning bell must check in at the office.

6. Students may not bring belongings and backpacks into the school before the school bell rings, except instruments which can be placed in the music room.

7. Students will not play in the parking lot or around classroom windows.

8. The HANDS program is available for students needing supervision before 8:15 a.m.

After School Procedures:


1. All students line up as a class and walk down to the office with voice level zero.

2. Upon dismissal, students are responsible for waiting in assigned areas and using the crosswalk correctly. Students and parents are not to cut between cars to cross the street. Due to safety concerns, students will be directed to use the crosswalk.

3. Walkers are to leave the school grounds promptly upon dismissal. The playground is unsupervised after school, on weekends, and during vacations.

4. All students are to stay off the brick wall in front of the school.

5. Students will wait respectfully on the sidewalk with a supervising adult.

6. Students leaving during the school day must have written parent permission and/or parents will check students out in the office.

7. Staff will be at the east door to dismiss bus students.

8. Any student waiting for a ride, who is not picked up within a reasonable amount of time, will be waiting in the office.


1. Dismissal duty teachers will walk out early with their class.

2. Supervising staff leads non-bus students up to the top of the steps. The bus supervising staff waits by the bus approach and supervises the dispersal of students.

3. Walking students will leave the school grounds immediately (no playing on the bike racks, by the pine trees, around the flag pole, or on the playgrounds).

4. Teachers wait at the bus line until all students have boarded the bus and any remaining students have been escorted back to the office for pickup by parents.


1. All students and dismissal teachers will exit out the front doors and stay on the sidewalk.

2. Supervising staff waits with bus students until the bus comes.

3. Walking students will leave the school grounds immediately (no playing on the bike racks, by the pine trees, around the flag pole, or on the playground).

4. Teachers will wait at the bus line until all students have boarded the bus and any remaining students have been escorted back to the office for pickup by parents.

School-wide Management Plan—Expectations & Procedures



Lower East Side of Building: Bus Entrance

1. This area is to be used for buses and dropping off handicapped students ONLY.

2. The lower east side parking lot is not to be used for dropping off students.

3. Students should be dropped off at the sidewalk on 3rd Avenue South or in the upper eastside parking lot.

West Side Parking Lot: Staff Entrance

This area is only to be used for staff.

1. For safety reasons, it is not to be used for dropping off students.


1. THE DRIVER IS IN CHARGE – directions must be followed the first time they are given.


3. REMAIN SEATED AND QUIET – face forward while on the bus, quiet conversation is acceptable.





8. NO THROWING OBJECTS, LITTERING, SPITTING, DEFACING OR DAMAGING PROPERTY – liability for damage will be assessed to the parent/guardian.

School-wide Management Plan—Expectations & Procedures


Playground Procedures:

1. Students will proceed to the playground at 8:15 a.m.

2. Students will show respect for others and follow instructions given by staff.

3. Students will play only on assigned areas.

4. Rough play (pushing, shoving, wrestling, kicking, throwing, grabbing) is not allowed.

5. Students will stay off hills of snow and away from puddles, trees, mud, and ice.

6. Students will leave objects such as rocks, bark, and sticks alone.

7. Students will put away equipment. Remember if you take it out, you need to put it back.

8. Students will use equipment properly. No playing tag or jumping off equipment.

9. NO bike riding, skateboarding, rollerblading, on the playground or in the parking lot or driveways.

10. Students will not play with personal toys on the playground.

11. Students will not chew gum or eat candy on the playground unless permission has been given. The wrappers will be disposed of properly.

12. Students will show pride in their school by keeping the building and grounds free of liter.

13. When the bell rings, students are to stop what they are doing immediately, put away any equipment, walk toward the building and enter.

14. In case of an injury, students will use the “STAY WITH” strategy: the person closest to the injured student will stay with that student and someone else will go for an adult.

15. Students will dress appropriately for outside recess everyday.

16. Students may only leave the playground with a pass from a staff member.

17. Teachers will teach appropriate behavior at the start of the year and review on a needed basis.

Safety Guidelines for Playground Equipment


1. Climb the steps when using the slide.

2. Go down the slide in sitting position facing forward.

3. Go down the slide one by one. (no trains, tag, flips or riding backpacks - wait for the person in front of you to get off the slide)

4. Allow students to slide without interference. (This includes catching them at the bottom, reaching in with hands, rocks, sand, snow, ice and other objects.)

Monkey Bars:

1. No jumping off the top.

2. No walking or sitting on top.

Field and Ball Use:

1. Balls that go over the fence or into the parking lot are to be left out until a staff member can retrieve them.

2. Team sports may be played in the field. There is to be no tackling, wrestling, or rough play or the game will be halted.

3. Designated days and times will be assigned to grade levels for use of soccer field as necessary.

Staff Responsibilities

For the School Management Plan

1. All staff will maintain a positive school environment by greeting students, parents, and other staff.

2. All staff members are responsible for development, implementation, maintenance, and enforcement of a consistent Student Management Plan. Staff involvement, input, and consistency are critical to the overall effectiveness of the plan.

3. All staff members have the authority to hold ALL students accountable to the school guidelines. Enforcement across grade levels builds consistency and sends a message to students that all staff supports and enforces the guidelines. Likewise, staff are encouraged to recognize and reward good behavior whenever possible.

4. All staff members are responsible for supervision of hallways. Teachers need to be in the hallways during all passing times.

Great Falls Public Schools

District Homework Policy

Goals for Homework

Effective homework assignments should:

• Strengthen basic skills

• Develop initiative, responsibility and self-direction

• Build independent study skills

• Teach budgeting of study time

• Promote parents’ understanding of educational programs

• Build confidence by ensuring successful learning experiences and familiarity with materials and procedures

• Encourage innovation and creativity through open-ended, individualized assignments

Responsibility of Parents

While students should assume the major responsibility for completing homework assignments, parents are encouraged to take an active interest in students’ homework by:

• Promoting a positive attitude toward homework

• Providing a consistent time and a suitable place for study

• Making resource materials available whenever possible

• Assisting with drills

• Communicating to the teacher special circumstances which may affect the child’s ability to complete assignments

Guidelines for Average Homework Time

Following are recommended average time guidelines (based on a student’s cumulative daily assignments) for student homework:

Grades K-1: 5 to 15 minutes per day for two to four days

Grades 2-3: 15-30 minutes per day for three or four days

Grades 4-5: 30-60 minutes per day for three or four days

Grade 6: 45-60 minutes per day for four or five days


The Board will strive to provide a positive and productive learning and working environment.  Hazing, harassment, intimidation, menacing, or bullying by students, staff, or third parties is strictly prohibited in

the District and shall not be tolerated.


1. "Third parties" include, but are not limited to, coaches, school volunteers, parents, school visitors, service contractors or others engaged in District business, such as employees of businesses or organizations participating in cooperative work programs with the District and others not directly subject to District control at inter-District and intra-District athletic competitions or other school events.

2. "District" includes District facilities, District premises, and non-District property if the student, employee, or third party is at any District-sponsored, District-approved, or District-related activity or function, such as concerts, award ceremonies, field trips or athletic events, where students, staff, or third parties are under the control of the District or where the employee or students are engaged in District business.

3. "Hazing" includes, but is not limited to, any act that recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student for the purpose of initiation or as a condition or precondition of attaining membership in or affiliation with any District-sponsored activity or grade-level attainment, including, but not limited to, forced consumption of any drink, alcoholic beverage, drug, or controlled substance, forced exposure to the elements, forced prolonged exclusion from social contact, sleep deprivation, or any other forced activity that could adversely affect the mental or physical health or safety of a student; requires, encourages, authorizes, or permits another to be subject to wearing or carrying any obscene or physically burdensome article, assignment of pranks to be performed, or other such activities intended to degrade or humiliate.

4. "Harassment" includes, but is not limited to, any act which subjects an individual or group to unwanted, abusive behavior of a nonverbal, verbal, written, or physical nature, on the basis of age, race, religion, color, creed, national origin, sex, ancestry, disability, or marital status.

5. "Harassment, intimidation, or bullying" means any act that substantially interferes with a student's educational benefits, opportunities, or performance, that takes place on or immediately adjacent to school grounds, at any school-sponsored activity, on school-provided transportation, or at any official school bus stop, or anywhere conduct may reasonably be considered to be a threat or an attempted intimidation of a student or staff member or an interference with school purposes or an educational function, and that has the effect of:                                                                

a. Physically harming a student or damaging a student's property;

b. Knowingly placing a student in reasonable fear of physical harm to the student or damage to the student's property;

c. Creating a hostile educational environment.

6.   "Intimidation" includes, but is not limited to, any threat or act intended to tamper with, substantially damage, or interfere with another's person or property, cause substantial inconvenience, subject another to offensive physical contact, or inflict serious physical injury.


7.   "Menacing" includes, but is not limited to, any act intended to place a school employee, student, or third party in fear of imminent serious physical injury.

8. "Cyberbullying" includes but is not limited to the following misuses of technology:

      a.  Harassing, teasing, intimidating, threatening, or terrorizing another person by sending or

posting inappropriate and hurtful e-mail messages, text messages, digital pictures or

images, or web-site postings (including blogs).

       b. All reports of harassment in cyberspace will be investigated fully.


All complaints about behavior that may violate this policy shall be promptly investigated.  Any student, employee, or third party who has knowledge of conduct in violation of this policy or feels he/she has been a victim of hazing, harassment, intimidation, bullying, or menacing in violation of this policy is encouraged to immediately report his/her concerns to the building principal or the Superintendent, who have overall responsibility for such investigations.  This report may be made anonymously.  A student may also report concerns to a teacher or counselor, who will be responsible for notifying the appropriate District official. Complaints against the building principal shall be filed with the Superintendent.  Complaints against the Superintendent shall be filed with the Board.

The complainant and victim shall be timely notified of the fact of and the findings of the investigation and, as appropriate, that remedial action has been taken.


The Superintendent shall be responsible for ensuring notice of this policy is provided to students, staff, and third parties and for the development of administrative regulations, including reporting and investigative procedures, as needed.


Students whose behavior is found to be in violation of this policy will be subject to discipline up to and including expulsion.  Staff whose behavior is found to be in violation of this policy will be subject to discipline up to and including dismissal.  Third parties whose behavior is found to be in violation of this policy shall be subject to appropriate sanctions as determined and imposed by the Superintendent or the Board.  Individuals may also be referred to law enforcement officials.

Retaliation and Reprisal

Retaliation is prohibited against any person who reports or is thought to have reported a violation, files a complaint, or otherwise participates in an investigation or inquiry.  Such retaliation shall be considered a serious violation of Board policy, whether or not a complaint is substantiated.  False charges shall also be regarded as a serious offense and will result in disciplinary action or other appropriate sanctions.

Social Skills



Grade Call Bell Lunch Dismissal Call Bell Dismissal

K 8:20 11:00 11:20 11:40 3:20

1 8:20 11:15 11:35 11:55 3:20

2 8:20 11:30 11:50 12:10 3:20

3 8:20 11:55 12:15 12:35 3:20

4 8:20 11:40 12:00 12:20 3:20

5 8:20 12:05 12:25 12:45 3:20

6 8:20 12:20 12:40 1:00 3:20

For Safety Reasons all students (excluding bus students) will enter and exit the building from the front doors only.

WEDNESDAYS ONLY…. ALL students (K-6) will be dismissed at 2:40.

For attendance purposes: Students who are not in their classrooms as class begins at 8:25 AM will be marked tardy.

Please call the school at 268-6675 by 9:00 AM if your child is going to be absent. The safety of children is important to us. If you don’t call, we will try to contact you as soon as possible.

Recess Schedule AM PM

K-1-2 -3 10:15-10:30 1:30-1:45

4-5-6 10:00-10:15 1:45-2:00

Please have your child dressed according to weather conditions. Children will be going out for recess, even if just for a breath of fresh air each day, with the rare exception of the most inclement weather. Thank you for your cooperation!

Student Vacation Days

Sept. 5 Labor Day Oct. 20-21 State Convention

Nov. 23-25 Thanksgiving Dec. 22-Jan. 2 Holiday Break

Jan. 16 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Feb. 20 President’s Day

Apr. 6-10 Spring Break May 28 Memorial Day

June 8 Last Day of School


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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