What are Core Values and how do they affect your MotivationWhat are core values?Core beliefs and values have to do with our identity and are often created unconsciously in as simple a way as watching our parents interact when we are very young.Our values are unconscious and at the deepest level define who we are. Values are the way we judge good and bad, right and wrong, appropriateness and inappropriateness. How do you create them?Our core values are what makes us who we are, let’s think of a baby’s mind as a tree without any branches. It’s first impressions, emotions, sights and sounds starts the tree to grow sending out many branches in different directions.As the child grows these branches continue to put out new growth with each experience, meanwhile, the first experiences with repetition and trust become the solid branches that support each new shoot. Each major branch is a value with the smaller branches, beliefs that sustain the whole value system.By the time a child has reached 7yrs the values and beliefs of the direct influence of his family and his immediate surroundings have formed his initial values and belief systems. “Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man” AristotleDuring the next 7- 14yrs the influence of his peers and wider social interaction, creates more awareness of the outer world and can be a source of conflict and change from his initial value and belief systems, leading to either a reinforcement of his values or sometimes a change, where, he may adjust his values creating more branches on his tree. In this case, he will still be able to reconcile and revert to his initial values if required but his now complex value systems will lead to him seeking a society that reflects his new value system.For the most part, however, people are unconsciously aware of their values. So, while we can consciously recognise a different value system to our own, we will be most comfortable in a situation where our core values are recognised and accepted as a norm.So, let’s go back to the tree in our brain where all our values are stored.By the time we have become adult the tree has developed many sturdy branches supporting finer stems that contain all our values and belief systems. They are interchangeable and not fixed. We all have different roles and aspects to our lives where our values don’t change but shift to meet the situation. Let’s look at an exampleOur lives are not fixed, we move through work, relationships, families, friends and recreation, sometimes all in a day! Our values while staying constant move and shift in a hierarchical order to fit each role. Let’s compare a relationship situation with a work situationIn a relationship, you might list; fidelity, passion, honesty, trust and security as your primary values, however, in a work scenario these would not necessarily fit and while some of the values would be there, they would be lower down the hierarchical chain as other more appropriate values would be more important to you in that situation.Why do you need to recognise your core value and belief systems?Throughout the ages, values and belief systems have been the justification for prejudice and strife and are very often the prime cause in a lack of communication. Being able to recognize that someone does not share your values, enables you to acknowledge that there needs to be a different approach to communication. However, it needs a someone trained to be able to suspend their values system and communicate without judgement to have a productive outcome to that communication. As we witness in the world today, negotiations are not just about the problem to be solved.SO WHAT ABOUT MY CORE VALUES AND MY MOTIVATION?When your values are aligned with your purpose, you fire on all cylinders, life flows and everything comes together, which leads to a dilemma. If we have a variety of core values that changes with each situation, and they are all subconscious how can we relate them to motivation? What is motivation?Motivation is energy. More motivation improves the quality of life, enhances self - esteem and paves the way inexorably to enhanced performance and greater productivity. “Although motivation matters, it’s difficult to measure scientifically. This explains why it has been neglected by behavioural scientists, when it might actually be the most important variable of all in human behaviour” Dr Raj Persaud; The Motivated Mind; Bantam 2005So organisations are beginning to recognise that motivation is the missing core and essential component of engagement, and our behaviours are merely reflections, outward shows of deeper, invisible forces that are more effectively understood inwardly rather than externally.What then are the invisible motivators within us that drive and energise us to act to pursue our particular goals and desires? Motivational Maps have established that there are nine motivators in the human psyche, present at all times; but in different combinations and intensities because we all have different but stable personalities (your Enneagram number and influences) different and complex values, and different and wldely divergent expectations.There are nine motivators and they are in a hierarchical order. They are in three groups of three, Relationships, Achievement and Growth. Along with the names for the three types of motivators there are names for the nine motivators themselves as seen in the diagram below. The important point is the shared language makes this a powerful model where we can exactly describe – and so make ‘visible’ – the invisible qualities of motivation. It is because there has been no real language to describe motivation before that it has been largely avoided in business and organisational life, it’s too nebulous and vague. This can now change: we have a language.600075-50292000How can you discover your motivations?Motivational Mapping is a new technique, based on the work of Maslow, Edgar Schein and the Enneagram (ISO certification 17065). It is a self-perception inventory, which gives an insight into the core motivation of a person.A Motivational Map is an online questionnaire, taking around 15 minutes to complete. This produces a 14page report using a cluster analysis that identifies what motivates the individual, how strong the need is and the degree to which it is currently being met, thereby forming the starting point for the instigation of powerful and empowering professional and personal intervention strategies. So how can you achieve this super state?One of the most important elements of Motivational Mapping is the analysis contained in the personal report and the feedback given, because it is here that two crucial things emerge: one, insight, and two, action. People and teams want to know what motivates them, but more than that they want insight into themselves; and a practical kind of insight that leads them to appropriate action, this action is the solution to the issue of gaining greater understanding which leads to gaining more motivation. A Motivational Map is not a personality test or a psychometric profile. A map demonstrates the alignment of our?values, with?our skills and knowledge and motivation, unlocking the power within to achieve goals, secure relationships and to grow?personally and professionally, while?meeting the needs of the individual, the team and the organisation in a focused, non-confrontational manner.Why is motivation important to you?More motivation improves the quality of life, enhances self - esteem and paves the way inexorably to enhanced performance and greater productivity.Motivational Maps have multiple applications: – Personal – even the most successful individual has that little nagging “question” The Motivational Map has the answers.Sport – Motivational Maps help the individual, the team and their leaders to understand the dynamics of each individual, enhancing performance and improving team dynamics.Business – The most expensive asset in a company is the people and their commitment, Motivational Maps lead to improvements that are meaningful, measurable and increase your profits across all four core areas.Change Management – Motivational Maps will identify the roles, the inter-reliance, responsibilities and accountabilities, to engender a need in the team to change.Recruitment – Get behind the CV, the Motivational Map will illuminate the behaviours and attitudes of the individual and a team report will show the interplay between your new recruit and the existing team.Education – a whole school approach will assist the school attain excellence in Leadership and Management against the latest inspection criteria.Youth Mapping - is a tailored model designed to help students identify their own motivations and what drives them. A very powerful tool to develop awareness and personal growth in young adolescents.Mediation – Motivational Maps are used to understand what lies behind the perceived problem enabling a break through when the issue has become more important than the people involved.To really understand the power of Motivational Maps, I suggest you spend 15 minutes completing your own map, you will be amazed.For further information, contact janet at Anber-JenkinsonProfileMaster Practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Programming, Life Coach and Hypnotherapist, the practice of these skills enables me to communicate effectively, appreciating differing perspectives and approach problem solving creatively working with the person not the problem.Certificate in Motivation Mapping Adult and Youth, being able to understand and develop this aspect of personnel, team dynamics and staff retention?in the workplace and education?helps organisations excel and save money?with a more relevant and practical use of feedback and reporting helping the organisation’s most valuable asset, their people, understand their motivations.A certified Facilitative Mediator, this is one of my passions as a successful mediation results in both parties finding their own solutions without the stress in time and money taken when the law seems the only route.I now work with companies, schools?and individuals finding the path to success that works for them. I care and I am emotionally intelligent and resilient. I know how to listen.?? ................

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