

Question 1

Pheromones are:

a) Hormones found only in plants

b) Used to repel pest insects from crops

c) Effective only over very short distances

d) Chemicals that often act as sex attractants

The following diagram relates to the next 2 questions


Question 2

What effect does stress have?

a) Decrease TRH, TSH and thyroid hormones

b) Increase TRH, TSH and thyroid hormones

c) Increase TRH, decrease TSH, increase thyroid hormones

d) Decrease TRH, increase TSH and decrease thyroid hormones

e) Decrease TRH and TSH, increase thyroid hormones

Question 3

High levels of the thyroid hormones will:

a) Actively stimulate the hypothalamus to release more TRH

b) Eventually inhibit the release of TSH

c) Inhibit the anterior pituitary thereby releasing TSH levels

d) Stimulate the thyroid gland to release more thyroid hormone in a positive feedback loop

e) Cause no change in hormone levels as thyroid hormone is the end product of the feedback loop

The diagram below relates to the next 2 questions

Many mammalian hormones are regulated by complex feedback loops. One such feedback loop is outlined below. Glands are in solid boxes and the hormones released by these glands when they are stimulated are shown in dashed boxes (+ indicates stimulation, - indicates inhibition)


Question 4

What would happen if the Adrenal cortex was artificially stimulated to produce large amounts of cortisol?

a) The activity of the hypothalamus would increase

b) The activity of the anterior pituitary would increase

c) Less corticotrophin releasing hormone would be released

d) More ACTH would be released

e) The hypothalamus would become insensitive to cortisol

Question 5

Which of the following scenarios would lead to a decrease in activity of the anterior pituitary gland?

a) Intravenous injection of a large amount of ACTH

b) A lack of receptors for cortisol on the hypothalamus

c) A lack of receptors for cortisol on the anterior pituitary

d) Increased sensitivity of the anterior pituitary to corticotrophin releasing hormone

e) A tumour of the hypothalamus causing it to secrete excess corticotrophin releasing hormone.


Question 1

a) What is the general name for the chemicals that act as sex attractants in many insects?


b) A hormone was produced in one cell entered the blood stream and travelled to 2 groups of cells adjacent to each other. One group of cells responded to the hormone, but the neighbouring group did not. What is the most likely reason for this difference in response by cells to the same hormone?




Question 2

Consider 1 hormone you have studied this year that is transported through the blood to one or more types of cells.

a) Name the hormone


b) Name the tissue or gland that produces the hormone


c) Explain what the term signal transduction refers to.





d) What is the outcome as a result of signal transduction in the cells that were targets for the hormone you chose?



Question 3

There are many different types of endocrine cells in complex multicellular animals. Each type of endocrine cell secretes a different chemical.

a) Explain how each type of endocrine cell influences the functioning of only specific cell types within the body.





b) A tissue may over time lose its response to a particular hormone even though the hormone concentration remains unchanged. Based on your understanding of how a hormone controls the functioning of other cells, suggest a reason for this decrease in responsiveness.





Question 4

A general signal transduction pathway is shown in the following diagram; some parts of the pathway are labelled.


a) M represents a compound which could initiate signal transduction. Give an example of compound M.


b) The initiation of signal transduction in a cell is controlled and specific. Explain what feature ensures this specificity.




c) What type of molecules generally act as intermediate or relay molecules?


d) Name a response in the cell which may occur after signal transduction initiated by the compound M you have named in part a.





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