Algebra 2A


Mr. Giberson

Email: sgiberson@

Materials needed for class EVERYDAY

Notebook (1.5” 3 ring binder recommended)


1 Marble Composition book

Calculator (TI-84 PLUS is recommended and demonstrated)

Teacher’s Philosophy

It is my pleasure to be your teacher for the 2014-2015 school year. I will make sure that this will be an informative mathematics class. Also, I shall try to convey some of the history of the subject as well as the intense beauty that makes mathematics the languages of all sciences.

Calculus Class

Calculus is very different from the math class that you have studied prior. We will emphasize higher order thinking skills that are essential for standardized tests. You will be required to memorize, understand, and apply concepts that will be taught in class. This class will require you to use your algebra skills, such as: writing equations, and solving them from the algebra concepts you have learned.

Although, you may feel some apprehension, I know you can and will succeed! Take one day at a time and ask questions as they come up. This course requires you to study daily the notes we learned each day. I encourage you to seek extra help after school. I am here for you! Please feel free to make arrangements with me as needed. Also, your parents should feel free to contact me via email with concerns that they may have.

Class Procedure

Each class will begin the same with a warm-up problem or a video about concepts. It is your responsibility to get quiet and begin working on it as soon as you enter. The warm-ups will be graded as part of you notebook. Occasionally, there may be a pop quiz on the previous lesson. Pop quizzes will be very similar to the work assigned the previous night. This is a way of assessing that you are keeping up with both the homework and studying the lessons. We will then address any questions, problems, or concerns from the prior lesson or homework. Finally, we will begin our lesson, and continue to the period is over. NO ONE IS TO LEAVE THE CLASS DURING A LESSON EXCEPT FOR EMERGENCY SITUATIONS


There will be a variety of graded assignments throughout the course of the year. The major part of your grade will come from announced tests and quizzes, and homework. Other graded assignments may include: pop quizzes, projects, written assignments, and notebook grade. Your grade can be calculated by 50% tests, 30% quizzes and 20% homework, classwork and participation.


Homework is essential in any mathematics class, especially Calculus. Practice makes perfect and leaning occurs best when you struggle though the process yourself. WORK MUST BE SHOWN OR NO CREDIT WILL BE GIVEN!!! If you can not complete a problem please show evidence of your effort for credit. Homework will be assigned nearly every day, including over weekends. Homework shall take approximately 30 minutes. This includes checking all odd problems in the back of the book if applicable.


I will be available Monday though Friday for extra help from 2:15-3:00. Please see me ASAP and make arrangements. Periodically, I have meetings and extra help will not be offered. DO NOT WAIT TO THE DAY BEFORE A TEST! Calculus is like a building, in which every chapter builds upon the next. The foundation must be set in order to be successful.


Make up work must be made up immediately, no exceptions. It is your responsibility to see me about make ups. If you are absent excused or not, you have the amount of days you missed to make it up. IF NOT, YOUR GRADE WILL BE A 0!!!

Ex: If you are absent 4 days; you have 4 days to make it up.


You are mature young adults and are expected to act in this fashion.

R-E-S-P-E-C-T is the premise that this class will follow. Respect me, your fellow classmates, guests, and yourself so that we can all maximize the education that you receive. Foul language will not be tolerated! Finally, it is expected that you arrive in a timely fashion and are ready to start working when class begins. Lateness will not be allowed. All discipline will follow the handbook.


Homework is the main component in any mathematics course. If you can master the homework and keep with it on the regular basis, quizzes, and tests should be a review of what you already know. If you do not understand something, seek extra help immediately. I can not help you after a quiz or test is in my grade book. Best of luck this year!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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