I. HMA PRE-PAVE MEETING ...................................................................... Page 3

A. Purpose

Page 3

B. Pre-Pave Meeting Issues - WZTC/Safety

Page 3

C. Pre-Pave Meeting Issues - Materials

Page 4

D. Pre-Pave Meeting Issues - Equipment

Page 4

E. Pre-Pave Meeting Issues - Paving

Page 4

II. HMA PAVING SAFETY ISSUES ................................................................ A. General B. Project Specific Paving Hazards C. Nuclear Density Gauge Safety D. Checklist for Nuclear Gauge Safety E. Checklist in the Event of a Damaged Gauge

Page 6 Page 6 Page 6 Page 6 Page 7 Page 7

III. WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL (WZTC) .................................................. Page 8

A. General

Page 8

B. Public Outreach

Page 8

C. Nighttime Paving WZTC And Safety

Page 9

IV. HMA PRODUCTION ISSUES ...................................................................... Page 10

A. Specifying HMA Mix Temperature

Page 10

B. Process and Paper

Page 10

1. Delivery Tickets

Page 10

2. BR 343a - Daily Hot Mix Asphalt Authorized Shipments

Page 10

3. BR 307 - Quality Control Hot Mix Asphalt Certification

Page 10

C. Quality Adjustment Factor (QAF)

Page 10

V. HMA PLACEMENT ISSUES ........................................................................ Page 11

A. General

Page 11

B. Surface Preparation Details

Page 11

C. Pavement Termination

Page 11

D. Driveway Rebates

Page 11

E. Tack Coat

Page 11

F. Mix Temperature

Page 12

G. Checking Mix Temperature

Page 13

VI. WEATHER AND SEASONAL LIMITS ............................................................ Page 14

A. Cold Weather Paving

Page 14

B. Hot Weather Paving

Page 14

C. Rain

Page 14

VII. EQUIPMENT .......................................................................................... Page 16

A. Inspector's Tools/Equipment

Page 16

B. Paver

Page 16

C. Rollers

Page 16

D. Haul Trucks

Page 17

E. Tack Distributor

Page 17

VIII. HMA PLACEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES ..................................................... Page 18

February 2019

New York State Department of Transportation Construction Inspection Manual




IX. HMA COMPACTION ISSUES ................................................................... A. General B. Monitoring Shoulders C. Monitoring Density Gauge Measurements D. Improper Density Reading Locations & Recording E. Construction Joints

Page 19 Page 19 Page 21 Page 21 Page 22 Page 22

X. CONTROL CHECKS OF ASPHALT QUANTITY ............................................. A. Mat thickness checks B. Yield Checks C. Example

Page 23 Page 23 Page 23 Page 23

XI. MAT PROBLEMS AND POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS ........................................... Page 24

XII. PAYMENT ............................................................................................. Page 30

A. Quality Units

Page 30

XIII. WARRANTY PAVING ............................................................................. Page 31

XIV. QC/QA CHECKISTS FORM FOR HMA PAVING ................................................. Page 32

February 2019

New York State Department of Transportation Construction Inspection Manual



I. HMA PRE-PAVE MEETING (?402-3) A. PURPOSE The purpose of the Pre-pave meeting is to have a "round table" discussion with all parties involved. This discussion will help develop a contract specific paving plan. Hold pre-pave meeting one to two weeks in advance of scheduled paving to leave enough time to make changes if necessary.

The Engineer-in-Charge (EIC) or his designee will take written minutes of the meeting for the record and later distribution to all attendees. An attendance sheet is included.

?402-3 "Construction Details" shall apply for all the pre-pave meetings.


1. Who will be handling WZTC? Prime/Sub? Has Traffic Operations Center been notified? 2. Any night time paving planned? A separate meeting and additional submittals are required. 3. Will night time paving be a noise concern? Further information on night time paving

considerations can be found in Section III-C. "Nighttime Paving WZTC and Safety". 4. Review Traffic Control Procedures:

? How will trucks enter and exit? ? How will intersections be handled? ? Reflectors are needed for night work on manpower and equipment. ? Should there be a flagger at the paver? ? Will there be a dedicated spotter for blind backing and overhead? ? Will the trucks need to make U-Turns? Do you have/need permission? Flagger

needed? ? Do you need radios? Available? Spare batteries/radios? ? Who will inform property owners in area of proposed paving? 5. Further information on WZTC considerations can be found in Section III. 6. Is a supply of "UNEVEN LANE" and "DO NOT PASS" signs on hand in case they are needed for an overnight drop-off or other short-term drop-off? (i.e. 1 or 2 days maximum). 7. How will overhead hazards be marked out prior to any paving work? If overhead hazards are marked out on the pavement, each course must be marked except for the final course. 8. Has contractor checked with utility companies for shallow pipes, gas mains, or fiber optics that might be damaged due to vibratory rollers? 9. Has contractor checked for buildings that might be damaged due to vibratory rollers? (Antique Shops, Historic Buildings, High Water Table, or Rock Foundations). Survey with pictures for documentation if needed. 10. Has the Radiation Safety plan been submitted? This must be done at least 14 days in advance of any paving.

Further information on paving safety considerations can be found in Section II. "HMA Paving Safety Issues".

February 2019

New York State Department of Transportation Construction Inspection Manual




1. Where will the tack come from? How will it be placed? Is the truck calibrated? Remember that tack coat shall be applied between all hot mix asphalt (HMA) lifts (excluding the surface of permeable base material) and the tack must break before paving can commence! Is Subcontractor approved? This is not a service item. Provision of Section 407 shall be applied.

2. What plant will supply the asphalt? Will there be a backup plant? What is the plant delivery rate? Are there any special arrangements for nighttime paving? Note the delivery temperature shall be a maximum of 325?F or as recommended by the asphalt binder manufacturer and or as printed on the binder certification form.

3. Have the appropriate mix designs been submitted to and reviewed by the Regional Materials Engineer (RME)? Delivery ticket and mix code discussion. Further information on delivery tickets can be found in Section IV-B-1 "Delivery Trucks".

4. Contractor is responsible for notifying Regional Materials through the plant notification process the business day before paving to ensure that the material will get quality assurance inspection or the material certified. Notification will be given by 3:00 P.M.

5. Who will deliver the cores and loose mix samples to the Regional Materials Laboratory? When? Exchange phone numbers. Inform Contractor of lab hours and location.


1. All trucks will be covered by solid tarps that will hang over the sides and back of the body and be securely fastened. Who will monitor this? If a truck arrives uncovered, it will be rejected by project staff.

2. All haul units will obey the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Laws and carry only the loads permitted for their vehicle and axle configurations.

3. All haul units will be cleaned prior to loading. Any haul unit found to have foreign material in the body will not be allowed back on the project until the body has been cleaned to the satisfaction of a DOT representative.

4. The inside surface of the truck body may be lightly coated with an approved asphalt release agent. Approved asphalt release agents can be found in the Department's Approved List. Petroleum products such as fuel oil is not an approved release agent. If any truck utilized any petroleum products as a release agent, the truck will be rejected.

5. Where will trucks and paver clean out? 6. What make and model paver will be used? When will paver be on site? What will be used

for grade and depth control? Marked fills on pavement? Is there a straight edge with the paver? 7. What type of the rollers will be used? How many? 8. Who will be operating the rollers? If Trainee; how much experience do they have? Who will be training them? Remember that if we are not achieving the desired results, it will be the EIC's decision to have them kept in an observatory mode. Has training report been filed? 9. Will there be a spare roller on site? What will it be? How far away is it? 10. Arrange time for inspection staff to view and approve equipment. The equipment checklist can be found in Section VII. "Equipment".


1. Discuss chain of command, lines of communication, giving and receiving instructions. 2. What are the anticipated paving hours? Do these times conflict with any time or lane

restrictions in the plans or proposal? 3. Overtime (OT) Dispensation - Generally what time should last load come to get equipment

off road to be in compliance? 4. What about the weather? Temperature? Rain? When and by whom will the decision be

February 2019

New York State Department of Transportation Construction Inspection Manual



made to go or stop? 5. Where is test section planned? Refer to Section IX. "Compaction Issues". 6. Review sequences and widths (paving vs. lane) on plans. Problem areas should be walked

through in the field. Does planned paving and lane width impact striping guiderail or curb installation? 7. If paving over 16 feet wide, will a second reference line/point be required? Encourage the Contractor to add auger extension for this width paving. 8. Where will rebates be required? What will be used to cut them and who will do it? How long will rebates be? The minimum rebate length is 25 feet. (see Standard Sheet 402-01 for more detail). Remember that the bid price for driveways includes the cost of rebates. ? Note: the HMA item required for driveways may be different than the HMA item required

for mainline paving. 9. How many crews will be paving? 10. How and when will joint filler be removed, replaced, and pavement cleaning done? 11. What is the anticipated paving speed? Can the plant keep up? Can the rollers keep up?

We want the paving to be as consistent as possible to produce a quality paving product. (We do not want the paver to speed up to get rid of trucks and stop to rest while you wait for more). 12. Discuss compaction patterns and equipment to be used to determine patterns. Who will be in control of compaction, paving foreman or density gauge operator? Compaction should always progress from the low side to the high side. A discussion of the tender zone and its associated problems should be conducted. Once a rolling pattern is established, it is important that it be maintained and monitored to ensure consistent density. How will compaction be addressed around catch basins, valve boxes, and along curbs? In areas where vibratory rollers can't be utilized, a static compaction may be required? 13. What method of longitudinal joint construction will be used? Follow ?402-3.09 "Joints". How will transverse joints be constructed? What will be used to cut the tapers back? Remember that at the end of each paving day, we want a smooth transition from our paving course to the existing pavement (typically 3.0 feet per 1.0 inch of pavement thickness). 14. What pavement markings are required to be replaced daily? How and by whom will they be replaced? 15. Discuss short term markings. When placing removable short-term pavement markings on top course, be sure to offset them from the permanent locations. One application of short term paint can be overlaid by permanent marking. 16. When will drainage structures and utility boxes be raised? Who will do this? How will the basins be raised? i.e., lifting rings or bricked up.

February 2019

New York State Department of Transportation Construction Inspection Manual



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