Tiempos compuesTos: el verbo auxiliar haber participio pasado

Tiempos compuestos: el verbo auxiliar haber + participio pasado

[-ado, -ido, dicho, hecho, etc.]

Presente Perfecto

[has/have done something] he hemos

>>> Expresses a recently completed action or an action started in the past that continues until the present time.

has hab?is ha han

Ejemplo: I have eaten. > Yo he comido. The whole month we have worked a lot.

> Todo el mes hemos trabajado mucho.

1. They have already done the homework. 2. ?Have you (t?) slept well? 3. I have not spoken English the whole day. 4. My firend Ana has seen the film. 5. Since the new teacher arrived, the students have learned so much. 6. _______________________________________________________________


[had done something] hab?ahab?amos hab?ashab?ais hab?ahab?an

>>> Expresses an action that ocurred before another action in the past.

Ejemplo: You all (Uds.) had already eaten when we arrived. > Uds. ya hab?an comido cuando llegamos.

1. I had finished my project *before you called. 2. My sister had already danced when you saw me. 3. When they opened the door, we had already left. 4. _______________________________________________________________

Futuro Perfecto

[will have done something] habr?habremos

>>> Expresses an action that will be completed in a future time.

habr?s habr?is

Ejemplo: In three years she will have gone to Europe.


> En tres a?os ella habr? ido a Europa.

1.In ten years he will have gotten married with the love of his life.

2. After graduating from college I will have moved out of the country.

3. _______________________________________________________________

Condicional Perfecto

[would have done something]



>>> Expresses an action that would have happened given certain conditions.

habr?as habr?ais



My nephew would have played with you, but he was sick.

> Mi sobrino habr?a jugado contigo pero estaba enfermo.

1.We would have eaten, but we were not hungry. 2. My father would have gone, but he had to work. 3. *If you (usted) had studied, you would have passed the exam.

4. _______________________________________________________________

Presente Perfecto de Subjuntivo

>>> Expresses an action recently completed

[(may) have done something]

but with expressions or situations


requiring the subjunctive




It's probable that he has studied.

> Es probable que ?l haya estudiado.

1. We doubt that the man has lived in Spain. 2. I hope that the boys have learned the song. 3. _______________________________________________________________

Pluscuamperfecto de Subjuntivo

[had done something] hubiera hubi?ramos hubieras hubierais hubiera hubieran

>>>1. Expresses an action before another action in the past with expressions or situations that require the subjunctive.

It was possible that she had already practiced when she came to our house. > Era posible que ella ya hubiera practicado cuando vino a nuestra casa.

>>>2. Used in "contrary to fact if clauses". If we had gone, we would have met the artist. > Si hubi?ramos ido, habr?amos conocido al artista.

1. It was impossible that he had already read the letter when we saw him.

2. If my cousin had worked, he would have had money. 3. If you (t?) had helped me, I would have helped you. 4. _______________________________________________________________


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