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Ms. Michels Support 8R

Mapping Earth’s Surface Unit Test Review

1. The map below shows the four major time zones in the continental United States. Time zones are based on lines of longitude. To change time by one hour you must move 15 degrees of longitude. Use your knowledge of latitude and longitude and the map below to answer the question that follows.

If it is 10 a.m. in the Eastern Time Zone, what time is it in the Pacific Time Zone?

2. The shaded area of the map below represents large areas of surface basaltic bedrock in the northwestern United States.

Is the location 40oN, 120oW located in

the shaded area of basaltic bedrock?

Base your answer to question 3 on the latitude and longitude system shown below. The map represents a part of the Earth’s surface and its latitude-longitude coordinates. Points A through F represent locations in this area.

3. What is the compass direction from

point A toward point E?

4. Base your answer to the following question on the map below. The map shows plate boundaries located along the Pacific coastline of the United States.

Which feature is located at 30o North latitude and

130o West longitude?

5. The diagram below represents a portion of Earth’s latitude/longitude system. A and B are locations on Earth’s surface. The arrows show the direction of Earth’s rotation.

If it is noon at location A, then what time is it at location B

6. On the weather map, the lines used to determine where it is the greatest wind speed are known as

(A) isotherms

(B) contour lines

(C) isobars

(D) triangles

Base your answers to questions 7- 10 on the contour map of an island below. Points A through G represent locations on the island. Elevations are in meters.

7. Which point is located on the steepest slope?

(A) F (B) B (C) C (D) D

8. In which direction does Cinder river flow?

(A) southeast (B) southwest (C) northeast (D) northwest

9. What is the contour interval for this map?

(A) 10 m (B) 15 m (C) 20 m (D) 25 m

10. Which location can be found at sea level?

(A)A (B) C (C) D (D) E

11. The map below shows latitude and longitude lines for a portion of North America. Points A and B represent two cities.

Compared to the location of city A, the

location of city B is at

(A) the same latitude, but a different longitude

(B) the same latitude and same longitude

(C) a different latitude and the same longitude

(D) a different latitude and different longitude

Base your answers to questions 12 through 14 on the topographic map below that represents a location in North America. A grid system of letters and numbers along the edges of the map is provided to assist in finding locations. Elevations are in feet.

12. What is the approximate elevation at grid location 7-I?

(A) 140 ft (B) 170 ft (C) 200 ft (D) 230 ft

13. What is a possible elevation at point X (grid location 3-D)?

(A) 488 ft (B) 548 ft (C) 558 ft (D) 598 ft

14. If a person is at point W (grid location 2-B) travels uphill, in which direction is the person


(A) northwest (B) northeast (C) southwest (D) southeast

Base your answers to questions 15 and 16 on the field map below, which shows average yearly snowfall in the state of Pennsylvania. The solid lines represent amounts of snowfall in inches. Point X represents a location on the map.


15. Approximately how much snow falls in an average year at location X?

16. Which part of Pennsylvania has the greatest average yearly snowfall?

Base your answer to the 17-18 on the contour map below. Points A, B, C, D, E, F, X, and Y are locations on the map. Elevation is measured in feet.

17. Which locations have the greatest difference

in elevation?

(A) A and D

(B) B and X

(C) C and F

(D) E and Y

18. What is the distance between points D and

X on the map?

19. Base your answer to the question on the map. The black triangle represents Mt. Hekla, a volcano in Iceland. The isolines represent the thickness of ash, in centimeters, that settled on Earth’s surface after a volcanic eruption of Mt. Hekla on March 29, 19478. Point X is a location of the surface of the ash.

How many centimeters thick was

the ash beneath point X?

20. On each contour map below, the distance from point A to point B is 5 kilometers. Which map shows the steepest area between A and B?

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

The model below shows latitude and longitude lines on Earth. Point A represents a location on Earth. The latitude lines shown are spaced 10° apart and the longitude lines are spaced 15° apart.

21. Determine the latitude and longitude of location A.

Latitude ____________________ Longitude ____________________

22. On the map below, draw the 18o, 20o and 22o isotherms.

Base your answers to questions 23-24 on the topographic map below. Letters A, B, C, and D represent locations on Earth’s surface. The symbol (marks the highest elevation on Patty Hill. Elevations are shown in feet.

23. Towards what direction is Blue Creek flowing?______________________________________

24. Indicate, using a compass direction, the steepest side of Patty Hill._______________________

24. The contour map below shows a hill.

Two elevations are labeled. Place an X on

the map where an elevation of 450 feet

could be located.


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