Astazi e ziua ta gica petrescu


Astazi e ziua ta gica petrescu

Astazi e ziua ta gica petrescu versuri. Youtube gica petrescu astazi e ziua ta.

Astazi e ziua ta - versuri Gica Petrescu | Versuri >> G >> GI >> Gica Petrescu >> Astazi e ziua tatrimise de Anamariadru.Astazi e ziua ta, zi frumoasa ca tine Ti-am trimis ghiocei ca sa-ti murmure ei Cat de mult te iubesc... Poate vei capata, daruri mai minunate Dar eu dragostea mea, n-am decat inima Ca sa ti-o daruiesc. Peste ani si ani de zile, Poate ca ma vei uita... Dar sa stii ca-ntotdeauna, Ca si azi iti voi canta: Astazi e ziua ta, zi frumoasa ca tine Ti-am trimis ghiocei ca sa-ti murmure ei Cat de mult te iubesc... Ti-am luat un martisor, Ca sa-l porti cu tine tot mereu Si sa stii ca-n el e dorul meu Si-ti va purta noroc. Ti-am luat un martisor Ca sa-l porti cand nu ne-om mai vedea Si sa-ti spuna el, iubirea mea, Oricand si-n orice loc. Din ochi mi-a picurat, o perla mica Sa fie ne-ncetat podoaba lui. Ti-am luat un martisor, Ca sa-l porti cu tine tot mereu Si sa stii ca-n el e dorul meu Si-ti va purta noroc. Tiprire lyrics Corecteaz lyrics Traducere automat Autentificare Astzi e ziua ta, Zi frumoas ca tine i-am trimis ghiocei Ca s-i murmure ei C?t de mult te iubesc... Poate vei cpta, Daruri mai minunate, Dar eu dragostea mea, N-am dec?t inima Ca s i-o druiesc. Peste ani i ani de zile, Poate c m vei uita... Dar s tii c-ntotdeauna, Ca i azi ?i voi c?nta: Astzi e ziua ta, Zi frumoas ca tine i-am trimis ghiocei Ca s-i murmure ei C?t de mult te iubesc... i-am luat un mrtior, Ca s-l pori cu tine tot mereu i s tii c-n el e dorul meu i-i va purta noroc. i-am luat un mrior, Ca s-l pori c?nd nu ne-om mai vedea i s-i spun el iubirea mea, Oric?nd i-n orice loc. Din ochi mi-a picurat, O perl mic S fie ne-ncetat Podoaba lui. i-am luat un mrior, Ca s-l pori cu tine tot mereu i s tii c-n el e dorul meu i-i va purta noroc Mai multe versuri din acest artist: Gic PetrescuVersurile pot utiliza numai pentru uzul personal sau de educaie. Toate versuri lyrics dreptul de autor este proprietarul acestui c?ntec. Raging Slab - Dont Dog Me versuri lyrics16.01.2022 I can fly so high until on tar and feather wings I can ride a rail and all those kinda things If I swing by in my sweet chariot Better take that bone out back and bury it No need to gild the pill Or fire up that third degree Thats it baby, yes indeed Don't dog me Dont dog me Don't dog me, around Don't dog me Dont dog me Dont dog me, around Oh Bark that bark when you walk that walk Don't hand me that pale and hot/cold talk I took a powder to the river and drank I tried to float the boat but the damn thing sank No need to gild the pill Or fire up that third degree Thats it baby, yes indeed Don't dog me Dont dog me Don't dog me, around Dont dog me Don't dog me Don't dog me, around [Instrumental break] No need to gild the pill Or fire up that third degree Thats it baby, yes indeed Dont dog me Don't dog me Dont dog me, around Don't dog me Dont dog me Don't dog me, around Wheein - Deserve (Interlude) versuri lyrics16.01.2022 Deserve Oh - Ah Deserve Oh - Ah So Light Me Up As I Go Through The Fire So Light Me Up As I Go Through The Fire Maisie Peters - Im Trying (Not Friends) versuri lyrics16.01.2022 [Verse 1] London twenty twenty Boy and a girl broke up, yeah, it's two a penny And I been tryna make a big step forward Saw you, it was awkward Nothing like I thought would happen happened I was so in love, and that don't come off in the wash Kinda hope it does, though Coz you're seeing someone pretty and I hate her guts So I'll be telling you she's nice on the bus home [Chorus] We were bad but we're gonna be good It didn't work like I thought it would And I resent you just a little if I'm honest But one of us has gotta try to keep a promise And I swore that I'd swallow my pride And you swore you would do better this time Well I might be bitter and twisted and broken and petty and lying But at least I'm trying (At least I'm trying) At least I'm trying [Verse 2] Three shots, lemon drops One for being lost and alone in your early twenties One for being obsessed with someone who puts you secondary One for calling guys with guitars in a cemetery Just me? Ok If I'm being frank, I want a 'sorry' but I'll settle for a handshake Coz I'm the baby but I'm gonna be the bigger man, babe So many blank slates I could build a whole fucking house [Chorus] We were bad but we're gonna be good It didn't work like I thought it would And I resent you just a little if I'm honest But one of us has gotta try to keep a promise And I swore that I'd swallow my pride And you swore you would do better this time Well I might be bitter and twisted and broken and petty and lying But at least I'm trying At least I'm trying [Bridge] Not friends, no we're somewhere in between Coz you're awful and I miss you and I killed you in my dream Last night, even then you didn't care It's a low when even in my dreams you still don't want me there Got friends, got at least a healthy five Yeah, some people think I'm funny, baby, don't look so surprised We think that your girlfriend is a bore But we're nice to her in public cause we're grown up and mature Not friends Coz when I asked you on the train why you hurt me and you couldn't really actually explain I cried, then I told you it was cool God, you haven't changed at all! [Chorus] We were bad but we're gonna be good It didn't work like I thought it would And I resent you just a little if I'm honest But one of us has gotta try to keep a promise And I swore that I'd swallow my pride And you swore you would do better this time Well I might be bitter and twisted and broken and petty and lying And you might be awful like all of the time, yeah, it's almost inspiring But at least I'm trying At least I'm trying At least I'm trying Thorsteinn Einarsson - Shackles versuri lyrics16.01.2022 [Intro] Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Ima break these shackles [Verse 1] I was born on the wrong side of the sun Not a paradise The road was rocky and rough, I learned to run Live a lonely life The trouble had me grow a thick skin Had to sharpen my teeth 'Cause when youre born on the wrong side of the sun [Pre-Chorus] You're walking with a suitcase full of worries A backpack full of tears They've been writing my stories All of these years [Chorus] Now Ima break loose Ima break free These shackles they ain't got a hold on me no more Break loose, Ima be free These shackles they ain't got a hold on They aint got a hold on me Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh I'ma break these shackles [Verse 2] Built my life far away from home The place I used to know I sing these blues bout the lonely road But I'm not alone Whenever life hits with a left hook I do what's right for me I built my life far away from home [Pre-Chorus] Cause Ive been walking with a suitcase full of worries A backpack full of tears They've been writing my stories All of these years [Chorus] Now Ima break loose, I'ma break free These shackles they aint got a hold on me no more Break loose, I'ma be free These shackles they aint got a hold on They ain't got a hold on me Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh I'ma break these shackles Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Ima break these shackles [Bridge] Suitcase full of worries Backpack full of tears Theyve been writing my stories All of these years [Chorus] Now I'ma break loose, Ima break free These shackles they ain't got a hold on me no more Break loose, Ima be free These shackles they ain't got a hold on They aint got a hold on me Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh I'ma break these shackles Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh I'ma break these shackles

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