EMT Review Test 1

EMT Review Test 1

The tiny air sacs in the lungs are the:


Your answer:







If the volume of the thoracic cavity increases, the pressure within the cavity:


Your answer:

[pic]at first increases, but then rapidly decreases


[pic]stays the same




The very first step to aid a patient who is not breathing is to:


Your answer:

[pic]clear the mouth

[pic]apply positive ventilation

[pic]open the airway

[pic]administer oxygen



Atmospheric air contains:


Your answer:

[pic]16 percent oxygen

[pic]10 percent oxygen

[pic]21 percent oxygen

[pic]25 percent oxygen



When at rest, the average adult will breath:


Your answer:







When providing initial ventilation to an infant, each breath should take ______ to deliver.


Your answer:

[pic]1 to 1.5 seconds

[pic]4 to 4.5 seconds

[pic]3 to 3.5 seconds

[pic]2 to 2.5 seconds



Before beginning any resuscitative procedures with the laryngectomy patient, the EMT should first check for obstructions in the:


Your answer:



[pic]nose and mouth




When using the mouth-to-stoma ventilation technique, repeat the ventilations once every:


Your answer:

[pic]5 to 6 seconds

[pic]10 seconds

[pic]2 seconds




For the chest-thrust maneuver, the hands are placed:


Your answer:

[pic]at the lower border of the rib cage

[pic]two to three fingers widths above the xiphoid process

[pic]directly over the xiphoid

[pic]directly over the clavicle



An EMT is trying to correct a complete airway obstruction in a conscious adult patient. The first maneuver is to deliver:


Your answer:

[pic]back blows

[pic]abdominal thrusts

[pic]finger sweeps




The formed elements in the blood that carry oxygen are the:


Your answer:

[pic]red blood cells


[pic]white blood cells




Which of the following supplies chemical factors needed for blood clot formation?


Your answer:



[pic]white blood cells

[pic]red blood cells



The transfer of oxygen, nutrients, and waste products to and from the cells takes place in the:


Your answer:







As an EMT you see bright red blood spurting from a wound, this would be:


Your answer:

[pic]capillary bleeding

[pic]emboli bleeding

[pic]venous bleeding

[pic]arterial bleeding



Which is the best method of controlling external bleeding:


Your answer:

[pic]applying direct pressure

[pic]applying a tourniquet

[pic]applying pressure to a pressure point

[pic]applying a bandage



What pressure point would you use to control bleeding from the lower leg?


Your answer:

[pic]pedal artery

[pic]pelvic wings

[pic]brachial artery

[pic]femoral artery



A tourniquet is best applied when:


Your answer:

[pic]only as a last resort

[pic]when the blood from a wound is spurting

[pic]when the patient is going into shock

[pic]ordered by dispatch



What kind of shock can result from a bee sting?


Your answer:

[pic]cardiogenic shock

[pic]metabolic shock

[pic]septic shock

[pic]anaphylactic shock



What type of shock is caused when the patient has lost a large amount of blood?


Your answer:







Which of the following is an indication of shock:


Your answer:

[pic]constricted pupils

[pic]dilated pupils

[pic]unequal pupils

[pic]color change of the eyes



A diabetic is found with a full, rapid pulse, cold clammy skin, and complains of hunger pangs. What is his condition?


Your answer:


[pic]anaphylactic shock

[pic]acute abdomen




If a patient presents with "acetone breath" what should you suspect?


Your answer:







Care for the conscious patient in question 21, would be:


Your answer:

[pic]administer sugar

[pic]administer insulin

[pic]let the patient eat a Big Mac

[pic]administer sugar and insulin



"Hardening of the arteries" caused by calcium deposits is called:


Your answer:


[pic]chronic bronchitis





The sharp pain occurring when a portion of the myocardium is not receiving enough oxygenated blood is:


Your answer:



[pic]angina pectoris




When a thrombus breaks loose from a diseased artery and moves to occlude the flow of blood in a smaller artery, is called an:


Your answer:







The proper dosage of syrup of ipecac to be given to a child under the age of 10 is:


Your answer:

[pic]2 tablespoons

[pic]2 teaspoons

[pic]1 teaspoon

[pic]1 tablespoon



The initial dose of ipecac and water may be repeated if the patient has not vomited in:


Your answer:

[pic]15 to 20 minutes

[pic]10 minutes

[pic]30 minutes

[pic]EMT's may not give additional doses



When a diabetic takes too much insulin, has reduced his sugar intake by not eating, or overexercised or exerted himself, the result is usually:


Your answer:

[pic]diabetic coma

[pic]insulin shock

[pic]insulin coma

[pic]diabetic shock



A commonly abused narcotic resulting in reduced pulse, lowered skin temperature, and constricting pupils is:


Your answer:







The anatomical region most commonly injured in the read-end impact is the:


Your answer:







The pressure wave that accompanies a bullet as it travels through human tissue is called:


Your answer:







Which of the following would you expect to cause the greatest cavitation?


Your answer:

[pic]a handgun bullet

[pic]a rifle bullet

[pic]an ice pick

[pic]an arrow



Generally, powder burns and tattooing around the entrance wound suggest:


Your answer:

[pic]a handgun

[pic]a gun at close range

[pic]a high-powered rifle

[pic]use of black powder



Ecchymosis over the mastoid bone (characteristic of a basilar skull fracture) is called:


Your answer:

[pic]Battle's sign

[pic]islets of langerhans

[pic]raccoon eyes

[pic]Goblet's sign



The injury that damages the brain on the side opposite of the impact is called:


Your answer:


[pic]subdural hematoma


[pic]reversed effect



An early sign of increasing intracranial pressure is:


Your answer:

[pic]change in the level of consciousness

[pic]irregular respiratory patterns

[pic]bradypnea (slow respirations)

[pic]tachypnea (fast respirations)



During a trauma assessment you notice that a patient has no sensation below the lower border of the rib cage. This would suggest spinal pathology between which certebral areas?


Your answer:

[pic]C1 and C3

[pic]C3 and T4

[pic]T4 and T10

[pic]T10 and S1



The most distinctive sign of a frail chest is:


Your answer:

[pic]paradoxical chest wall movement

[pic]severe pain on inspiration

[pic]a widening pulse pressure

[pic]extreme hyperinflation of the chest



The presence of air within the chest cavity, but outside the lung, is called:


Your answer:

[pic]frail chest



[pic]oxygen incompatibility



The problem caused when the sac surrounding the heart fills with fluid is called:


Your answer:

[pic]cerebral vascular accident

[pic]metabolic acidosis

[pic]cardiac rupture

[pic]pericardial tamponade



Which of the following fluids is most acidic?


Your answer:

[pic]beer, pH 3.0

[pic]coffee, pH 5.0

[pic]blood, pH 7.4

[pic]ammonia, pH 11.0



Solid organs include all of the following EXCEPT the:


Your answer:







In abdominal trauma, intravenous access should be established with:


Your answer:

[pic]one 18-gauge catheter

[pic]one, and possibly two, 14 or 16 gauge catheters

[pic]one 20 gauge catheter

[pic]any IV line possible, this is not a high priority



The mediastinal shift associated with tension pneumothorax results in:


Your answer:

[pic]both ventilatory and cardiovascular compromise

[pic]worsening of thoracis bleeding

[pic]cardiovascular compromise

[pic]ventilatory compromise



Decorticate posturing involves:


Your answer:

[pic]flexion of the upper and lower extremities

[pic]flexion of the upper extremities and extension of the lower extremities

[pic]extension of the upper and lower extremities

[pic]extension of the upper extremities and flexion of the lower extremities



The two conditions that aggravate cerebral edema are:


Your answer:

[pic]hypotension and hypoxia

[pic]hypoxia and hypercarbia

[pic]hypotension and bradycardia

[pic]hypotension and hypercarbia



Blisters are associated with:


Your answer:

[pic]a fourth degree burn

[pic]a second degree burn

[pic]a first degree burn

[pic]a third degree burn



When sections of bone are crushed and fragmented, it is called:


Your answer:

[pic]a transverse fracture

[pic]a comminuted fracture

[pic]an impacted fracture

[pic]a greenstick fracture



Paralysis of one side of the body is called:


Your answer:







A last sign of tension pneumothorax is:


Your answer:

[pic]shifting of the trachea toward the affected side

[pic]shifting of the trachea away from the affected side

[pic]severe dyspnea

[pic]none of the above



In caring for a burn patient who is in need of fluid resuscitation, which of the solutions listed below should you use?


Your answer:

[pic]normal saline

[pic]1/2 normal saline





In attending to a burn patient, you find that he received burns to his left leg and thigh circumferentially, as well as to his genitalia. Using the rule of nines, what percentage of his body area is involved?


Your answer:

[pic]27 percent

[pic]10 percent

[pic]18 percent

[pic]19 percent



Fractures of the pelvis that involve the ring are often associated with blood lost of:


Your answer:

[pic]250 mL

[pic]500 mL

[pic]1000 mL

[pic]more than 2000 mL



The intravenous solution 1/2 normal saline is considered to be:


Your answer:







A solution that draws fluid from the cells into the vascular spaces when administered to a normally hydrated person is termed:


Your answer:

[pic]a colloid solution

[pic]an isotonic solution

[pic]a hypotonic solution

[pic]a hypertonic solution



Place in order of speed the following mechanism for acid-base balance. 1. The renal system 2. The buffer system 3. The respiratory system


Your answer:







When a red blood cell is placed into a (an) ___________ solution, it loses water to the surrounding solution and shrinks.


Your answer:







All of the following are cations EXCEPT:


Your answer:







You have been instructed to establish an IV lifeline in an elderly female experiencing heart failure. The preferred IV solution and administration set for this patient would be:


Your answer:

[pic]normal saline (0.9 percent), macrodrip

[pic]lactated ringer's solution, macrodrip

[pic]whole blood, volutrol

[pic]5 percent dextrose in water, microdrip



A microdrip administration set generally delivers _______ drops/mL


Your answer:







When it is desirable to administer a fluid that will rapidly move out of the intravascular space, you would select:


Your answer:


[pic]Lactated Ringer's solution

[pic]0.45% normal saline

[pic]0.9% normal saline



Which acid-base disturbance would you anticipate in a patient with a severe frail chest:


Your answer:

[pic]respiratory acidosis

[pic]metabolic acidosis

[pic]metabolic alkalosis

[pic]respiratory alkalosis



Depolarization of the ventricles is _____ of a normal ECG tracing.


Your answer:

[pic]indicated by the P-R interval

[pic]indicated by the P wave

[pic]indicated by the T wave

[pic]indicated by the QRS complex



The top of the heart is known as the:


Your answer:







The thickest chamber of the heart is the:


Your answer:

[pic]right ventricle

[pic]left ventricle

[pic]right atria

[pic]left atria



Blood is pumped to the systemic circulation from which chamber?


Your answer:

[pic]left ventricle

[pic]right ventricle

[pic]left atria

[pic]right atria



Which of the following is the dominant pacemaker of the heart?


Your answer:

[pic]SA node

[pic]AV node

[pic]purkinje system

[pic]AV junction



The P wave of the normal EKG corresponds to which of the following phenomenon?


Your answer:

[pic]Atrila depolarization

[pic]S-A node firing

[pic]Atrial repolarization

[pic]Venticular depolorization



A pateint is found in asystole. The most appropriate and immediate intervention indicated is:


Your answer:

[pic]precordial thump

[pic]administer epinephrine

[pic]defibrillate at 200-300 joules

[pic]start CPR



Which of the following is the origin of the drug lidocaine?


Your answer:







What is the study of drug action upon the body called?


Your answer:







Drug removal from the vascular system is done by the _______________.


Your answer:



[pic]lungs and intestinal tract

[pic]all of the above



The unique characteristics of a drug on an individual is called:


Your answer:







In most cases drugs used in the field are for:


Your answer:

[pic]unconscious states

[pic]hemosynamic emergencies

[pic]allergic reactions

[pic]cardiovascular emergencies



______________ is the combined action of two drugs. It is much stronger that the effects of either one.


Your answer:



[pic]untoward reaction




What drug blocks the action of the sympathetic nervous system?


Your answer:







Which drug in the following list can be given via the ET tube?


Your answer:




[pic]all of the above



Place the following metric prefixes in order from smallest to largest. 1. deci 2. milli 3. micro, 4. kilo 5. centi


Your answer:







The name Narcan is an example of which of the following?


Your answer:

[pic]official name

[pic]chemical name

[pic]beneric name

[pic]trade name



The second stage of labor begins when the:


Your answer:

[pic]amniotic sac ruptures

[pic]placenta delivers

[pic]baby moves into the birth canal

[pic]cervix starts to dilate



Spontaneous respirations should begin within _______ after delivery.


Your answer:

[pic]45 seconds

[pic]30 seconds

[pic]2 minutes

[pic]1 minute



The muscular organ that protects the fetus is called the:


Your answer:







A premature baby is one that is less than 5.5 lbs or is born before the _____ month.


Your answer:







An APGAR score of 0 to 3 represents ________ distress.


Your answer:







When the placenta separates from the uterine wall before delivery it is called:


Your answer:

[pic]abruptio placenta


[pic]post partum hemorrage

[pic]placenta previa



In an ectopic pregnancy, the:


Your answer:

[pic]egg is not implanted at all

[pic]uterus does not expand adequately to hold the fetus

[pic]uterus does not have sufficient nutrients to sustain pregnancy

[pic]egg is implanted outside the uterus



Normal headfirst birth is called _______ delivery.


Your answer:







To assist in delivering the baby's upper shoulder, you should:


Your answer:

[pic]support the baby's head

[pic]pull on the baby's head

[pic]guide the baby's head upward

[pic]guide the baby's head downward



The first clamp placed on the umbilical cord should be ________ inches from the baby.


Your answer:







Uncontrolled diabetes may lead to:


Your answer:

[pic]metabolic shock

[pic]neurogenic shock

[pic]anaphylactic shock

[pic]psychogenic shock



An example of psychogenic shock is:


Your answer:

[pic]a stroke

[pic]simple fainting


[pic]spinal shock



Respiratory shock is associated with all of the following EXCEPT:


Your answer:

[pic]severe blood loss

[pic]chest trauma

[pic]spinal injury

[pic]airway obstruction



An early indicator of shock may be:


Your answer:

[pic]dry skin

[pic]constricted pupils

[pic]decrease in pulse

[pic]restlessness and anxiety



Hypovolemic shock in an adult may result from a loss of:


Your answer:

[pic]2 cups of blood

[pic]1 pint of blood

[pic]2 units of blood

[pic]500 cc of blood



The vital signs of a patient in shock should ideally be checked:


Your answer:

[pic]every 20 minutes

[pic]every 15 minutes

[pic]every 5 minutes

[pic]every 10 minutes



An absolute contraindication for the use of MAST would be:


Your answer:


[pic]pulmonary edema


[pic]an impaled object



Which of the following fractures would be expected to account for the greatest blood loss?


Your answer:







Which of the following steps in emergency care should be taken first:


Your answer:

[pic]treat for shock

[pic]open and maintain an airway

[pic]control severe bleeding

[pic]re-establish circulation



Treatment for shock would include:

Answers: EMT Review Test 1

1. The tiny air sacs in the lungs are the:

Your answer: alveoli


2. If the volume of the thoracic cavity increases, the pressure within the cavity:

Your answer: decreases


3. The very first step to aid a patient who is not breathing is to:

Your answer: open the airway


4. Atmospheric air contains:

Your answer: 21 percent oxygen


5. When at rest, the average adult will breath:

Your answer: 500mL


6. When providing initial ventilation to an infant, each breath should take ______ to deliver.

Your answer: 1 to 1.5 seconds


7. Before beginning any resuscitative procedures with the laryngectomy patient, the EMT should first check for obstructions in the:

Your answer: trachea


8. When using the mouth-to-stoma ventilation technique, repeat the ventilations once every:

Your answer: 5 to 6 seconds


9. For the chest-thrust maneuver, the hands are placed:

Your answer: two to three fingers widths above the xiphoid process


10. An EMT is trying to correct a complete airway obstruction in a conscious adult patient. The first maneuver is to deliver:

Your answer: abdominal thrusts


11. The formed elements in the blood that carry oxygen are the:

Your answer: red blood cells


12. Which of the following supplies chemical factors needed for blood clot formation?

Your answer: platelets


13. The transfer of oxygen, nutrients, and waste products to and from the cells takes place in the:

Your answer: capillaries


14. As an EMT you see bright red blood spurting from a wound, this would be:

Your answer: arterial bleeding


15. Which is the best method of controlling external bleeding:

Your answer: applying direct pressure


16. What pressure point would you use to control bleeding from the lower leg?

Your answer: femoral artery


17. A tourniquet is best applied when:

Your answer: only as a last resort


18. What kind of shock can result from a bee sting?

Your answer: anaphylactic shock


19. What type of shock is caused when the patient has lost a large amount of blood?

Your answer: hemorrhagic


20. Which of the following is an indication of shock:

Your answer: dilated pupils


21. A diabetic is found with a full, rapid pulse, cold clammy skin, and complains of hunger pangs. What is his condition?

Your answer: hypoglycemia


22. If a patient presents with "acetone breath" what should you suspect?

Your answer: hyperglycemia


23. Care for the conscious patient in question 21, would be:

Your answer: administer sugar


24. "Hardening of the arteries" caused by calcium deposits is called:

Your answer: arteriosclerosis


25. The sharp pain occurring when a portion of the myocardium is not receiving enough oxygenated blood is:

Your answer: angina pectoris


26. When a thrombus breaks loose from a diseased artery and moves to occlude the flow of blood in a smaller artery, is called an:

Your answer: embolus


27. The proper dosage of syrup of ipecac to be given to a child under the age of 10 is:

Your answer: 1 tablespoon


28. The initial dose of ipecac and water may be repeated if the patient has not vomited in:

Your answer: 15 to 20 minutes


29. When a diabetic takes too much insulin, has reduced his sugar intake by not eating, or overexercised or exerted himself, the result is usually:

Your answer: insulin shock


30. A commonly abused narcotic resulting in reduced pulse, lowered skin temperature, and constricting pupils is:

Your answer: heroin


31. The anatomical region most commonly injured in the read-end impact is the:

Your answer: neck


32. The pressure wave that accompanies a bullet as it travels through human tissue is called:

Your answer: cavitation


33. Which of the following would you expect to cause the greatest cavitation?

Your answer: a rifle bullet


34. Generally, powder burns and tattooing around the entrance wound suggest:

Your answer: a gun at close range


35. Ecchymosis over the mastoid bone (characteristic of a basilar skull fracture) is called:

Your answer: Battle's sign


36. The injury that damages the brain on the side opposite of the impact is called:

Your answer: contercoup


37. An early sign of increasing intracranial pressure is:

Your answer: change in the level of consciousness


38. During a trauma assessment you notice that a patient has no sensation below the lower border of the rib cage. This would suggest spinal pathology between which certebral areas?

Your answer: T4 and T10


39. The most distinctive sign of a frail chest is:

Your answer: paradoxical chest wall movement


40. The presence of air within the chest cavity, but outside the lung, is called:

Your answer: pneumothorax


41. The problem caused when the sac surrounding the heart fills with fluid is called:

Your answer: pericardial tamponade


42. Which of the following fluids is most acidic?

Your answer: beer, pH 3.0


43. Solid organs include all of the following EXCEPT the:

Your answer: stomach


44. In abdominal trauma, intravenous access should be established with:

Your answer: one, and possibly two, 14 or 16 gauge catheters


45. The mediastinal shift associated with tension pneumothorax results in:

Your answer: both ventilatory and cardiovascular compromise


46. Decorticate posturing involves:

Your answer: flexion of the upper extremities and extension of the lower extremities


47. The two conditions that aggravate cerebral edema are:

Your answer: hypoxia and hypercarbia


48. Blisters are associated with:

Your answer: a second degree burn


49. When sections of bone are crushed and fragmented, it is called:

Your answer: a comminuted fracture


50. Paralysis of one side of the body is called:

Your answer: hemiplegia


51. A last sign of tension pneumothorax is:

Your answer: shifting of the trachea away from the affected side


52. In caring for a burn patient who is in need of fluid resuscitation, which of the solutions listed below should you use?

Your answer: normal saline


53. In attending to a burn patient, you find that he received burns to his left leg and thigh circumferentially, as well as to his genitalia. Using the rule of nines, what percentage of his body area is involved?

Your answer: 19 percent


54. Fractures of the pelvis that involve the ring are often associated with blood lost of:

Your answer: more than 2000 mL


55. The intravenous solution 1/2 normal saline is considered to be:

Your answer: hypotonic


56. A solution that draws fluid from the cells into the vascular spaces when administered to a normally hydrated person is termed:

Your answer: a hypertonic solution


57. Place in order of speed the following mechanism for acid-base balance. 1. The renal system 2. The buffer system 3. The respiratory system

Your answer: 2,3,1


58. When a red blood cell is placed into a (an) ___________ solution, it loses water to the surrounding solution and shrinks.

Your answer: hypertonic


59. All of the following are cations EXCEPT:

Your answer: chloride


60. You have been instructed to establish an IV lifeline in an elderly female experiencing heart failure. The preferred IV solution and administration set for this patient would be:

Your answer: 5 percent dextrose in water, microdrip


61. A microdrip administration set generally delivers _______ drops/mL

Your answer: 60


62. When it is desirable to administer a fluid that will rapidly move out of the intravascular space, you would select:

Your answer: 0.45% normal saline


63. Which acid-base disturbance would you anticipate in a patient with a severe frail chest:

Your answer: respiratory acidosis


64. Depolarization of the ventricles is _____ of a normal ECG tracing.

Your answer: indicated by the QRS complex


65. The top of the heart is known as the:

Your answer: base


66. The thickest chamber of the heart is the:

Your answer: left ventricle


67. Blood is pumped to the systemic circulation from which chamber?

Your answer: left ventricle


68. Which of the following is the dominant pacemaker of the heart?

Your answer: SA node


69. The P wave of the normal EKG corresponds to which of the following phenomenon?

Your answer: Atrila depolarization


70. A patient is found in asystole. The most appropriate and immediate intervention indicated is:

Your answer: start CPR


71. Which of the following is the origin of the drug lidocaine?

Your answer: synthetic


72. What is the study of drug action upon the body called?

Your answer: pharmacodynamics


73. Drug removal from the vascular system is done by the _______________.

Your answer: all of the above


74. The unique characteristics of a drug on an individual is called:

Your answer: idiosyncracy


75. In most cases drugs used in the field are for:

Your answer: cardiovascular emergencies


76. ______________ is the combined action of two drugs. It is much stronger that the effects of either one.

Your answer: synegism


77. What drug blocks the action of the sympathetic nervous system?

Your answer: sympatholytic


78. Which drug in the following list can be given via the ET tube?

Your answer: all of the above


79. Place the following metric prefixes in order from smallest to largest. 1. deci 2. milli 3. micro, 4. kilo 5. centi

Your answer: 3,2,5,1,4


80. The name Narcan is an example of which of the following?

Your answer: trade name


81. The second stage of labor begins when the:

Your answer: baby moves into the birth canal


82. Spontaneous respirations should begin within _______ after delivery.

Your answer: 30 seconds


83. The muscular organ that protects the fetus is called the:

Your answer: uterus


84. A premature baby is one that is less than 5.5 lbs or is born before the _____ month.

Your answer: 9th


85. An APGAR score of 0 to 3 represents ________ distress.

Your answer: severe


86. When the placenta separates from the uterine wall before delivery it is called:

Your answer: abruptio placenta


87. In an ectopic pregnancy, the:

Your answer: egg is implanted outside the uterus


88. Normal headfirst birth is called _______ delivery.

Your answer: cephalic


89. To assist in delivering the baby's upper shoulder, you should:

Your answer: guide the baby's head downward


90. The first clamp placed on the umbilical cord should be ________ inches from the baby.

Your answer: 10


91. Uncontrolled diabetes may lead to:

Your answer: metabolic shock


92. An example of psychogenic shock is:

Your answer: simple fainting


93. Respiratory shock is associated with all of the following EXCEPT:

Your answer: severe blood loss


94. An early indicator of shock may be:

Your answer: restlessness and anxiety


95. Hypovolemic shock in an adult may result from a loss of:

Your answer: 2 units of blood


96. The vital signs of a patient in shock should ideally be checked:

Your answer: every 5 minutes


97. An absolute contraindication for the use of MAST would be:

Your answer: pulmonary edema


98. Which of the following fractures would be expected to account for the greatest blood loss?

Your answer: pelvis


99. Which of the following steps in emergency care should be taken first:

Your answer: open and maintain an airway


100. Treatment for shock would include:

Your answer: none of the above



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