BCDL Events

BCDL Events

Tonight Regular Season Ends

Nov 29 Start of Play-Offs

Dec 6 Quarter-Finals

Dec 13 Semi-Finals

Dec 17 Fall Season Championship

Home Bar of higher seed

Dec 18 Fall Season Dart Party

2pm, Kay’s Deli & Pub

Dec 20, Jan 3 Registration Meetings

7:30pm Halby’s

Jan 4 Spring Scheduling Meeting

Rules for Match Play set

8pm Halby’s

Jan 10 Start of Spring 1995 Season

Jan 16 (tent.) Captains’ Meeting

8pm, TBA

Community Calendar

Dec 3 Triangle Dart Extravaganza

11am at Woody’s Sports Pub

Dec 17 Triangle Dart League Party

Dec 17 Raleigh Dart League Party

Mondays Durham Intersex Darts (DIDDLe)

Tuesdays Burlington Dart League (BDL)

Wednesdays Raleigh Dart League (RDL)

Thursdays Triangle Dart League (TDL)

Luck of the Draws

Wednesdays 8pm, Coaches Corner

Saturdays 3pm, BJ's Sports Bar

Sundays 3pm, Kay’s Deli & Pub

What’s Inside

Who’s Who in the BCDL 2

Scoresheet Comments 3

Player Handicaps 3

Triangle Dart Extravaganza 4

Trophy Leaders 4

All-Star Leaders 4

TDL Fall Season Report 4

Random Notes 5

Active Player Statistics 7

League Standings 8

Best Shots 8

Party Date Set

The Dart Party will by Sunday, December 18th, at Kay’s Deli & Pub. Anita Tyndall needs help organizing it. Please call her (682-2353h, 560-8713w) if you want to help out in any way. The more help she gets, the more fun the party will be.

Tonight’s Results

Due to the fact that Thanksgiving is this Thursday, and next week’s matches have yet to be scheduled; I hereby ask that all captain’s either get their scoresheet packets turned in tonight (Tuesday) or call me at 489-2474 before 2:00am with the results. I need to get them as soon as possible so I can draw up the matches for next week and notify the teams.

Post-Season Matches

READ THIS ARTICLE: The regular season ends tonight. The league will continue to hold matches during the next three Tuesdays. It is a BCDL tradition to schedule teams that are not involved in play-off games against each other during the post-season. This allows teams and players to meet others that they may not have had the chance to during the season. This also allows teams from the same bar to play for bragging rights. The BCDL News will continue to be published during the playoffs (though in a reduced format), and information about the party and the start of next season may be published.

If your team would like to play non-tournament matches, please fill out the form enclosed in the scoresheet packet. If there are any teams you specifically would like to play, or there are bars you would like to play at, please indicate that as well. First place teams: Remember, you will have a bye the week of November 29; if you want to play a match that week, you need to let me know.

The non-tournament matches do not count for anything. The singles games thrown during the post-season are not included in a players handicap calculation, but any perfect throws will be awarded with trophies.

Beer Coozies Available

The BCDL beer coozies featuring a Cullum Rogers design have arrived. In fact, most of them are gone. Of the 200 ordered, Anita says only about 60 are left. Call Anita Tyndall to reserve yours. Anita’s phone number is on page 2. The coozies are sharp (I’ve seen ‘em) and cheap (only $2.00). They are available in red, blue, and yellow.

Match Results

by Don Moore

Chico Division

Gumbo Bunnies 10


The score was 9-3 in favor of KAOS when the Bunnies made their run for the win, pulling off the doubles cricket sweep, fueled on an 8M turn from Mollie O'Dell and a 6M from Steve King. With the match riding on the game, the Gumbos hung on and hit the out.

ASPS: Gumbo Bunnies; Cullum Rogers, T; Edmond Shwayri, 5M; Mollie O'Dell, 8M; Steve King, 6M. KAOS; Chris Cole, 6M; John Green, 6M.

Beginner's Luck 13

Mega-Thrust 6

The match outcome was still in the air until Beginner's Luck won the second doubles cricket game to push it over the edge 10-6. Despite starting at 701 to Beginner's 746, Mega-Thrust was unable to take out the last game, so the gravy points went to Beginner's Luck, also.

ASPS: Beginner's Luck; James S., T, 5M; Eugene F., T14; Eddie R., 5M, 5M, 5M, T. Mega-Thrust; Barry Hennessey, 5M, T; Amy Hennessey, 7M, 5M; Tom Ratchford, 5M, T.

Scum-Sucking Pigs 10

Klose Enuf 9

This match saw the Pigs continually coming from behind - down 3-1 after singles 01, and coming back to 4-4 after cricket; down 6-4, but back to 6-6 after the doubles 01 round. However, thanks to their sweep in doubles cricket, the Scum-Suckers took the match and eliminated any possibility of having to come back on the match again. Klose Enuf won the 701, but too late to be close enough. -P.S.; The most expensive darts in the world? The ones that always cost the match!

BCDL News Nov 22 - 2

The Bull City Dart League


Established May 1993

BCDL PO BOX 61652 Durham NC 27715

BCDL News Staff




Executive Committee








Contact Numbers

PRESIDENT: 942-5698 (H); 966-3205 (W)

VICE-PRES: 683-2353 (H); 560-8713 (W)

SECRETARY: 493-7096 (H); 966-6781 (W)

TREASURER: 383-9814 (H)


League Bars

















ASPS: Scum-Sucking Pigs; Ken Knauf, T, 5M; Dan Pollard, 3B out, 5M; Erik Johnson, 5M, 5M; Barry Jaynes, 5M. Klose Enuf; Gary Harding, T, 7M, T40; Joe Fitzpatrick, 5M; Deb MacNabb, T14.

Harpo Division

Dart Shadows 10

Wired Out 9

After a couple of even-up singles rounds, Dart Shadows broke the match wide open with three back-to-back doubles wins to take the match, and then faded out to let Wired Out win the last doubles game and the 701.

ASPS: Dart Shadows; Chris Sheffield, T40, 3B out, 5M; Lem Carroll, 5M, T; Doug Baker, 5M; Mike Perry, T. Wired Out; John Carpenter, T, 3B, T, T. Sherry Carpenter, 5M, 5M; Tom Stevens, 5M, T40.

Foreign Dogs 14

Hell Freezes Over 5

With Hell Freezes Over outnumbered 2-to-1 and playing one short, Foreign Dogs had a romp in the park as they easily breezed through this match. I wrote 'em up below, but I couldn't help but wonder how John Poteat and Patty Tynes each hit a five mark turn...in 701.

ASPS: Foreign Dogs; Billy Hall, 6M, 3B; Floyd Mumford, 3B, T40, 5M; Tom Ward, T29, T21, 5M, T. Hell Freezes Over; John Poteat, T21, T, 5M, 5M; Mike Kinney, 5M; Patty Tynes, 6M, 5M.

In Flight!! 15

Monger's Bane 4

Down 3-1 after singles 01, In Flight turned it around in singles cricket to tie the match at 4-4, and then proceeded to zoom through the rest of the match, aided by the fact that Monger's was only fielding three players. That pretty well places them squarely in the playoffs, barring a last-match miracle win by Monger's coupled by a skunk loss by the Flightsters.

ASPS: In Flight!!; Lisa Dendy, T13, T33; Jeff Whetsel, T29, 5M, 5M; Robby Crownover, 5M; Rich Little, 5M. Monger's Bane; Todd Minear, T; Matt Sherman, T21; Drew Bacot, T.

Grateful Darts 16

Mo' Pitchas! 3

Nothing flashy, just good solid darts kept Grateful driving that train on to victory, as they lost only 3 singles on the way. You can hear them singing as they roll on into the tourney, "I will survive..." Mo' Pitchas! has firmly locked up their place in the divisional cellar - don't think anyone can catch them now.

ASPS: Grateful Darts; Richard Nappi, T; Nathan Williams, 5M, 7M; Chris McCoy, T; Andrew Kagan, T15. Mo' Pitchas!; Bryan Durham, 5M; Doug Williams, 5M.

Groucho Division

Wired 11

Boys Nite Out 8

After opening up with a 7-1 lead going out of singles, Wired took the first doubles game to go up 9-1 and then stalled, while the Boys won the next two games to come back to 5 points. Fortunately for Wired, they took the out in the last doubles cricket game, because after a slow start in 701, Boys Nite Out turned on the heat and won the game on a come-from-behind effort.

ASPS: Wired; Mike Baker, T, 5M; Don Moore, 5M, 6M; Sean O'Brien, 5M, 3B out; Clayton Winston, 5M. Boys Nite Out; Rob Deutsch, T, 5M; Peter Hoffman, T20.

Ugly Americans 12

Lights Out! 7

It came down to the 701, and the Ugly Americans squeaked it by virtue of a 27-dart game which included two 121-point turns. The Uglies actually started out ahead 3-1, but Lights Out would have none of that, and swept the singles cricket to take over the lead 5-3. However, after winning the first three doubles games in a row, Ugly Americans needed only one of the last two games for the match win, while Lights Out needed both of them.

ASPS: Ugly Americans; Andy Mead, T, 5M, 7M; Hugh Findlay, T19, 5M, T21; Stef Bogaerts, 5M, 3B, T21; Kevin Staring, T18, T40, 7M. Lights Out!; Scott Van Meter, T35, 5M, 7M, 5M; Frank Telesz, T, 5M, 3B, T40, 5M, 7M, 3B, T; John Wilson, T25, 5M; Dave Neff, 5M, 5M.


Wing Tips 9

It was four on four for the night, as Wing Tips got clipped for the match by BOHICA in the 701, with Wing Tips needing to come from behind 896 to 701. Wing Tips got the upper hand in singles cricket by winning three of the four; otherwise, everything split evenly in each round. Paul Powell took singles 01 off of Tim Lane in the second singles game and must've got him mad - Tim pounded the rest of the match! Hats off to Tom Smith, coming off his 70-something dart game of last week in singles cricket - this week he threw a 17-dart singles cricket with a 9 mark turn and 60 thrown points!

ASPS: BOHICA; Paul Powell, T, 5M, 5M, T37; Tom Smith, 9M; Dave Weatherly, 5M, T24. Wing Tips; Tom Brown, T, T, 5M; Jim Budelman, T, T19, 7M, 5M, T21; Anita Tyndall, T26; Tim Lane, 7M, 7M, 3B out, T40, T17, 6M, 5M.

Interdivisional Action

Brew Crew 11

Missed It By That Much 8

With the Brew Crew up by 6-2 after the two singles rounds, Bob Rankl came alive and answered the challenge with a T80 in the first doubles 01 as Missed It hit the out in both to tie the score at 6-6. When the teams each won a doubles cricket to go into the 701 at 8-8, it was the Brew Crew who were due.

ASPS: Brew Crew; Bob Schoonhoven, T15, T; Don Horstmann, T35, 5M, T, T40; Ron Balliu, 3B; Kathleen Balliu, T. Missed It By That Much; Rob Compton, T14, T; Nancy Rankl, 5M; Sam Lamson, 7M, 6M, 5M; Bob Rankl, T80.

Scoresheet Comments

Monger’s Bane vs In Flight!!

Monger’s Bane is a cool team! Cool bunch of guys! LD

Congratulations to Bob Rankl, who hit his first Ton-80 tonight! It couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy! LD [Stat: Looking at the handwriting, I wonder how much beer, er, I mean time, elapsed between the two comments.]

Mo’ Pitchas! vs Grateful Darts

Heard lots o’ shit ‘bout lots ‘o things this season - just like to say bull sheets got ???, stats looked great! Keep up the good work Andy. GDs [Stat: Thanks, BTW, what does the bull sheet gots?]

Phantom makes it tough - but Mo’ Pitchas made us work - good darts! [Stat: Hope Don’s arm, and Pat’s eyeballs are doing better soon!]

Ugly Americans vs Lights Out!

KevBo who? 7-1 against Lights Out! this season - Kyle. [Stat: Yeah, and 14-19 against the rest of the league...]

Wired vs Boy’s Nite Out

BCDL News Nov 22 - 3

Y’all complain about Ricci’s, well Ricci’s is a resort to play at compared to the fecal like conditions here in the Green Room. I’d like to see the “Green Cards,” from the people who level the floor. - RD [Stat: These comments are rude and uncalled for. If you have a problem with conditions at a bar, please let us know, but slurs and insults, keep to yourself. For your information, the current site of the Green Room used to be a laundromat, hence the floor.]

Scum-Sucking Pigs vs Klose Enuf

To: Pigs ( As usual a real pleasure KE.

Allright Jerry: where were you?! Couldn’t stand the pressure?! Just kidding, Hope you feel better. Sincerely, SSPs.

You Make The Call: What’s the most expensive set of darts in the world? [Stat: You finally got me. What IS the most expensive set of darts in the world?]

Gumbo Bunnies vs KAOS

These are great players, and good humored as well. It’s a shame that Mike Voigt had no darts tonight. They seem to have grown legs and walked away.

Tonight was NOT a BAD HARE night for the Bunnies! Good going, team!

It’s hard to make a case for paying the statistician when he can’t get the right names on the stat sheet - Chris “Andy Holloway” Cole (and Edmond “Ron Sullivan” Shwayri) [Stat: Whoops, I hate when that happens.]

Since we lost 6 points for too many players... Do we get them back for all or our players not being listed? [Stat: No, Jason and Anita will probably just take me out back and flog me.]

Wired Out vs Dart Shadows

Please get a better board to replace the one near the bathroom!

Of all the guys we’ve played, these guys (WO) have to be the most fun. I hate to see John come to the line with the game in his hands - MF [Stat: That’s one of the reasons I joined their team in Chapel Hill]

Thanks to the unknown man who bought us a pitcher - we won the 701!

Player Handicaps

1 Jim Budelman 21.2

2 Tom Brown 20.1

3 Steve Taylor 19.6

4 Tim Lane 19.1

5 Frank Telesz 17.8

6 Tom Smith 17.0

7 John Poteat 16.8

8 Stef Bogaerts 16.7

9 Floyd Mumford 16.2

10 Scott Van Meter 16.0

Jason Kilts 16.0

Jeff Tager 16.0

13 John Wilson 15.5

14 John Carpenter 15.2

15 Gary Harding 14.9

Watson Litchfield 14.9

17 Paul Powell 14.8

Don Moore 14.8

Sean O'Brien 14.8

20 Joe Fitzpatrick 14.7

21 Dave Yandle 14.6

22 Kevin Staring 14.5

Sam Lamson 14.5

24 Steve Mitchell 14.3

25 Mike Baker 14.2

Peter Hoffman 14.2

27 Terry Bray 14.1

Dave Neff 14.1

Don Horstman 14.1

30 John Weatherspoon 14.0

31 Hugh Findlay 13.7

Mike Farless 13.7

Andy Mead 13.7

34 Richard Nappi 13.5

Mark Sherman 13.5

36 Jeff Whetsel 13.4

37 Mike Kinney 13.2

Robby Crownover 13.2

39 Tom Ratcheford 13.1

Tello Gilliam 13.1

Cat Nichls-Plummr 13.1

42 Dan Pollard 12.9

x-Eric Minear 12.9

44 Skip Anderson 12.8

45 Chris Sheffield 12.7

46 Jerry MacNabb 12.6

Bryan Power 12.6

48 Matt Sherman 12.5

49 Rich Little 12.4

Eddie Renegar 12.4

Marco Bennett 12.4

52 Dawn Grayckowski 12.3

53 Don Marraccini 12.2

Mike Bennett 12.2

Nathan Williams 12.2

56 x-Roger Puckett 12.1

57 Rob Deutsch 12.0

Dave Weatherly 12.0

59 Kyle Mills 11.9

Drew Bacot 11.9

61 Richard Phillips 11.8

62 Clayton Winston 11.7

63 Kenny Wheeler 11.6

Steve King 11.6

65 Sean Satzman 11.5

Paul Schaefer 11.5

Dennis Keever 11.5

Tom Ward 11.5

Eugene Frey 11.5

70 Todd Minear 11.4

71 Erik Johnson 11.3

Matt Czagas 11.3

Doug Baker 11.3

74 David Webb 11.1

Ken Knauf 11.1

Steve Turner 11.1

Ben Feldman 11.1

Adrian Carter 11.1

Mike Perry 11.1

80 Barry Hennessey 11.0

Barry Jaynes 11.0

Cullum Rogers 11.0

83 Mike Hayes 10.9

Eric Stutts 10.9

85 Doug Williams 10.8

John Green 10.8

Wally Koch 10.8

88 x-Bill Hoge 10.7

Lisa Dendy 10.7

90 Tom Stevens 10.6

Lem Carroll 10.6

James Sutton 10.6

Bob Null 10.6

94 Chris McCoy 10.5

Billy Hall 10.5

John Kerschner 10.5

Nancy Rankl 10.5

98 Kathleen Balliu 10.4

Doc Reynolds 10.4

Lou Nichols 10.4

x-Gary Hundley 10.4

102 Anita Tyndall 10.3

x-Deb McPherson 10.3

104 Fred Davidson 10.1

Bob Rankl 10.1

Walker Guthrie 10.1

Mike Voigt 10.1

Bob Schoonhoven 10.1

109 Wayne Mullenax 10.0

110 Christy Hansom 9.9

111 Edmond Shwayri 9.8

112 Amy Hennessey 9.7

113 Sherry Carpenter 9.6

Patrick Murray 9.6

Chris Cole 9.6

116 Debra MacNabb 9.5

117 Jill Ratcheford 9.4

Gregg Cary 9.4

Robin Vanaman 9.4

120 Rob Compton 9.3

Donna Daniels 9.3

122 Ron Balliu 9.2

123 Andrew Kagan 9.1

Mollie O'Dell 9.1

125 Macaira Koch 8.9

Bryan Durham 8.9

127 Tony Chapin 8.7

Terry Kelly 8.7

129 Dawn Lombard 8.5

130 x-Bill Saunders 8.1

131 Tammy Adams 7.9

132 Patty Tynes 7.8

133 Joe George 7.2

134 Laura Cook 6.7

BCDL News Nov 22 - 4

Triangle Dart Extravaganza

The Triangle Dart Council is holding a tournament for active members of the Triangle Dart League, the Raleigh Dart League, and the Bull City Dart League. Each event is $5 per person, with a single elimination, best two out of three format. This is the event schedule:

11:00am - Mixed Triples

1:30pm - Ladies Doubles

2:00pm - Mens Doubles

4:00pm - Ladies Singles

4:30pm - Mens Open Singles

4:30pm - Mens Closed Singles

8:00pm - Blind Draw

Woody’s Sports Pub is located at 8260 Chapel Hill Road (NC Hwy 54) in Cary. The Mens Closed Singles is closed to all A Division players from Raleigh and Chapel Hill, and to all Durham players better than 15.0 PPD.

Please see the flyer insert in the scoresheet packet for more details.

Trophy Leaders

With only tonight’s matches left, many league trophies are still up for grabs. Here are the current contenders:

Chico Singles Win Percentage

1 Don Horstman 13-1 0.929

Harpo Singles Win Percentage

1 Mike Kinney 18-3 0.857

2 John Carpenter 14-4 0.778

Groucho Singles Win Percentage

1 Jim Budelman 20-3 0.870

2 Tom Brown 18-4 0.818

Tim Lane 9-2 0.818

Womens’ Singles Win Percentage

1 Cath Nichols-Plummer 13-8 0.619

Mens’ Season Point Per Dart Average

1 Jim Budelman 23 21.35

2 Tom Brown 22 19.77

3 Steve Taylor 18 19.51

4 Tim Lane 10 19.10

5 Frank Telesz 24 17.83

Womens’ Season Point Per Dart Average

1 Cath Nichols-Plummer 20 13.08

2 Lisa Dendy 19 10.87

3 Anita Tyndall 16 10.82

4 Kathleen Balliu 19 10.57

Most Improved Player (HPPD)

1 Cat Nichls-Plummr 3.00 20 13.08 10.08

John Poteat 3.00 20 16.83 13.83

3 Joe Fitzpatrick 2.92 20 14.69 11.77

4 Gary Harding 2.52 19 14.94 12.43

5 Mike Baker 2.44 18 14.17 11.74

Most Improved Players: These are the next games to drop off your Handicaps:

Player 301 Crk

1 Cat Nichols-Plummer 17.7 12.9

John Poteat 11.9 16.3

3 Joe Fitzpatrick 21.3 14.2

4 Gary Harding 13.7 10.5

5 Mike Baker 9.6 13.1

Rookie of the Season (SPPD)

1 Steve Mitchell 14 14.30

2 Mike Farless 22 13.94

3 Mark Sherman 12 13.48

Note: If you think you might win a trophy, and you would rather just have the nameplate (to mount on a plaque) than the whole trophy, just let me know by the end of the regular season. This will save you a trophy you don’t want, and it will save the league between $4 and $9 depending on the trophy.

I will probably order the regular season trophies on Monday, November 28th, so if you only want nameplates, I need to know now. Thanks.

All-Star Leaders

League ASPavg Leaders

Rk Player ASPs Gms Avg

1 Jim Budelman 95.5 58 1.647

2 Frank Telesz 79.0 59 1.339

3 Tim Lane 34.0 27 1.259

4 Steve Taylor 55.5 50 1.110

5 Tom Brown 62.5 57 1.096

6 Stef Bogaerts 44.0 45 0.978

7 John Wilson 59.5 65 0.915

8 Jason Kilts 41.0 46 0.891

9 Sean O'Brien 31.0 35 0.886

10 Tom Smith 52.5 65 0.808

11 John Poteat 39.5 49 0.806

12 Scott Van Meter 50.5 65 0.777

13 Don Horstman 29.5 38 0.776

14 Don Moore 42.5 58 0.733

15 John Carpenter 32.0 46 0.696

16 Paul Powell 41.5 65 0.638

17 Kevin Staring 29.0 46 0.630

18 Gary Harding 33.0 54 0.611

19 Floyd Mumford 36.0 59 0.610

20 Hugh Findlay 21.0 35 0.600

Women ASPavg Leaders

Rk Player ASPs Gms Avg

1 Anita Tyndall 15.5 47 0.330

2 Amy Hennessey 13.0 56 0.232

3 Nancy Rankl 8.0 38 0.211

4 Mollie O'Dell 11.0 56 0.196

5 Cat Nichls-Plummr 10.5 54 0.194

6 Lisa Dendy 8.0 46 0.174

7 Dawn Lombard 4.5 26 0.173

8 Sherry Carpenter 7.0 46 0.152

9 Kathleen Balliu 7.5 53 0.142

10 Debra MacNabb 4.0 44 0.091

TDL Fall Season Report

The Fall Season of the Triangle Dart League in Chapel Hill has come to a close. Once again, many familiar BCDL players figured prominently in the division races, as well as the trophy lists. Last week I listed the final regular season standings. This week you get notable achievements by current BCDL members.

Frank Telesz led the TDL with a 10-0 singles record, John Carpenter threw a 9 dart 301 (double in - double out) including a Ton14-out. The same game featured a Ton-in by his opponent Jason Kilts. Lisa Dendy had a league high Ton42-in and Frank Telesz, Jason Kilts, Watson Litchfield, and Steve Taylor all had perfect throws. Jim Budelman led the All-Star parade with a 1.655 average. Steve Taylor (1.567) and Frank Telesz (1.379) were right behind. Finally Jim Budelman and Don Moore teamed for a TDL best 21 dart Doubles Cricket.

Random Notes

by Andy Mead

Writers Needed

Don Moore has done a wonderful job of doing match write-ups for the last four seasons. That’s over 475 matches! Needless to say, he wants, and deserves, a break. The BCDL News needs writers for next season. With the continued expansion of the league, it is too much to ask one person to do all the matches. I plan to divide the chore along divisional lines. If you have access to a computer with a word processor (required) and a modem (optional), and you are interested in the job, please let me know as soon as possible.

Spring 1995 Season

Next season is upon us. I need your help NOW. Because of the year-end holidays, there will be two Registration Meetings. No rosters will be accepted without dues paid in full, or with less than four players listed. The meetings will start at 7:30pm on Tuesday, December 20, 1994, and Tuesday, January 3, 1995. These meetings will take place at Halby’s Restaurant, site of all previous Registration Meetings. If you cannot attend one of these meetings, or you would like to pre-register for next season, please call me prior to the Dart Party.

Remember, Next season, dues will remain $12.00 per player or $72.00 for a full six person roster.

At this time, I believe that all current bars will be remaining in the league for next season. In addition, we will be adding the American Legion Post #7, Bull City Brewery and Nightclub, and Ray’s Elbow Room. Triangle Billiards and the Massé Lounge are available, but have no teams. Other possible places, that require league notification before the meeting, are Satisfactions, The Bull Pen, Winner’s Cup, The Corner Pocket, The Pub (Woodcroft), The Oyster Bar, and Down Under Pub. If you know of a possible place not found on this list, please let me know.

BCDL News Nov 22 - 5

I would also like to ask all league members to help recruit more teams. Both Kay’s Deli & Pub and Coaches Corner would like to have four teams for next season; in fact, Kay’s, I have been told, is also willing to refurbish the two older boards so it can host up to six teams! Halby’s is also willing to put up two additional boards, so please help the league find teams for these fine league bars. Remember, we don’t pay our host establishments for the space, they give it to us for free. In return, we eat and drink. The more eaters and drinkers we can put in a bar, the better.

Playoff Preview

Well, the season has turned out quite unexpectedly. Early on, it looked like everything would go down to the wire, but with one match left, the only real suspense is who’ll finish in second, third, or fourth place... Granted, Monger’s Bane, Hell Freezes Over, Wired, and Beginner’s Luck still hold out hope of making the playoffs, but they all have tough rows to hoe. As far as the playoffs themselves, it looks like a Wing Tips and Ugly Americans are favored to meet in the semis, a replay of last year’s finals.


I would like to congratulate the Green Room for the victory over Valley Square Billiards in the Durham pool league. Unfortunately I don’t have any detail except that Joe Wilson had an unbelievable match. Good shooting Joe, I’m sure Floyd is plotting his revenge, so look out!

BCDL History

The second season. The big explosion. This was it, we went from six to sixteen teams, from two to eight bars, and we added cricket to the handicap calculations. The season was set up as a 14 week schedule, since we didn’t have time to hold a complete 15 week round robin with a post-season tournament before the end of the year, each team would play 13 opponents, and the 14th week would be a position round, with team trophies for first, second, and third place.

Many league mainstays made there appearance during the second season; the Foreign Dogs, The Horse You Rode In On (now Mo’ Pitchas!), Kay’s Deli (Dawn’s team), R&B’s (now Hell Freezes Over), and players like the Ballius, Cullum Rogers, and Hugh Findlay joined the league.

The first week saw the league’s first skunk, Green Room I Ex-Lax (now Wired) pounded the unfortunate R&B’s I (who won’t be identified) team. Five weeks in, the first team to drop out, did so. Triangle Billiards which had only been haphazardly put together in the first place, fell apart and dropped from the league.

At the halfway point, Ex-Lax and defending champs We’re Not Worthy (now Ugly Americans) were dueling for first with a tight pack just behind them. The standings were We’re Not Worthy 96; Ex-Lax 94; Kilgore Trout (Tom Smith, Watson Litchfield, Lisa Dendy, Steve Taylor) 86; Misfits (Hugh Findlay, Cullum Rogers) 76; 3 Mile High Club 71; The Stuff (Catherine Nichols, Todd Plummer, David Yandle) 69; *!?#%@ (Anita Tyndall) 66; Brew Crew 66; In Flight 64; Kay’s Deli II 61; Foreign Dogs 58; R&B’s I 53; Green Room IV 52; The Horse You Rode In On 48; Satisfaction’s 47.

Final Reminder

Handmade Items For Christmas

Many of you have noticed that I make things from clay and other items. Here’s your chance to get something special for your Christmas presents! Earrings? I make ‘em. Pierced, French hooks, crafted from clay, glass beads, plastic beads, and/or dart flights. I can make clip earrings too. Necklaces galore, with spring clasps, barrel clasps, or no clasps at all. Custom colors are not a problem; just ask. Reasonable prices: nothing over $25. Please call 220-6214 for more information.

Mollie O’Dell

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Next Week’s issue will contain a playoff bracket with additional notes.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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