
Naming a New Product Tips for Brand Selection

Every business needs to develop a new product in order to grow and expand. Naming the new product can be a crucial part in the success of the product. A product name, which is too unusual or too awkward to say for consumers, will hinder the gain of sales. Although sometimes a great product that has a mediocre name can still lead in its respective industry, a great product equipped with a unique name is unbeatable.

Naming a new product well will draw in new customers. A persuasive brand name can enhance the emotional appeal of a product. An appealing name is a tremendous asset for brand recognition to take off. No wonder, many company owners do not mind paying brand naming strategists highly to come up with compelling names that absorb and evoke emotional responses.

Business owners spend time, money and effort making a product that they hope will make their company a profit. Various different ways exist when it comes to naming a new product, but oftentimes it is quite helpful to just follow the basics. Here are the tips for naming a new product in simple ways if you wish to do it by yourself:

Brainstorm ideas.

You can say anything coming to mind to get a new product name. Try to note of the ideas down on paper and not to dismiss any ideas. Often the most attractive names come from the most uncommon ideas. Brainstorm name ideas until you can list around 30 names, so you can then narrow down the list. This is a creative process. After that, you can review the list, and extinguish any of the new product names that are clearly not fit or good for your product. If necessary you can ask the third parties or get votes to choose their top options.

Make a unique name.

It is important to find a name you are considering and to ensure that no one else has already used that name. However, it is a trap to use esoteric or trendy words. To name your new product using a trendy word could backfire since the word may become outdated so easily. There are many examples of common slang terms from the past years that do not have place anymore in a business today, such as "groovy", "junkie", "so money", or "freak".

Keep it simple.

A name you choose should be simple. Think about using alliteration, such as "My Bread". The name should also reflect the product or service as well. You can keep the name simple by limit it to just one or two easy-to-remember words to help the marketing campaign for selling the product.

Make it long last.

It is important to ensure that a name you pick will outlast the test of time. To meet this criterion, the name should be easy to understand, easy to pronounce, and easy to spell, so it can be instantly memorable.

Avoid using numbers.

Avoid using numbers for your product name unless it is extremely necessary. Using a number in a name hardly indicates what the product is and worse, it triggers questions about the product. For instance, if you choose the name "My Brush 25", people tend to question what the number means and instead, they lose attention on remembering your product.

Verify it.

Verify that the name you choose. Make sure the name does not have any negative meanings in foreign language. To avoid copyright, make sure the name you like is not already in use. Also, verify that the name you choose can really trademark your product.

Perform marketing tests.

Before decide on one name, you should run a number of candidates through marketing tests. A marketing test is to put a product in front of a selected group of consumers and let them choose which name they favor. Remember that good marketing testers are part of your target audience.

After all, it is important to choose a new product name that is appealing for most of your consumers. Sometimes you may have to leave your favorite idea for the one that get the highest score from the public. The most important for you is to sell the product, so you should go with the most popular name idea.


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