from Tkinter import *import timeimport turtleimport randomimport mathimport heapq#defining generic/variables herewindowSize = 50 #aspect ratio is 16:10#creating the canvas/main windowwindow = Tk()canvas = Canvas(window,width=windowSize*16,height=windowSize*9,bg='white') #-400,-225,400,225canvas.pack(side=TOP,pady=10)window.resizable(0,0)window.wm_title("VROC Group A3")#global variables go heresimulationRunning = FalsestartTime = 0currentDifficulty = ''objectsInArena = []trafficLights = []LightID = []isLight = TrueisLightGreen = TruecountdownTime = StringVar()object_location_left = Falseobject_location_right = Falserobot_on_main_line = False#gridrows = range(1,7)columns = range(1,14)#pathpath = []robot1 = turtle.RawTurtle(canvas)robot2 = turtle.RawTurtle(canvas)class node(object): def __init__(self, x, y, traversable): """ Initialize new node @param x node x coordinate @param y node y coordinate @param traversable is node traversable? not a wall? """ self.traversable = traversable self.x = x self.y = y self.parent = None self.g = 0 self.h = 0 self.f = 0class AStar(object): def __init__(self): self.opened = [] heapq.heapify(self.opened) self.closed = set() self.nodes = [] self.grid_height = 8 self.grid_width = 15 self.end_point = [] self.randomStartAndEndPoints = [] def init_grid(self): walls = \ ( (1,2),(1,3),(2,2),(2,3),(2,6),(2,7),(3,6),(3,7),(4,1),(4,2),(4,6),(4,7),(5,1),(5,2),(6,1),(6,2),(6,4),(6,5),(7,4),(7,5), (9,2),(9,3),(9,6),(9,7),(10,2),(10,3),(10,6),(10,7),(12,1),(12,2),(12,3),(12,4),(12,5),(12,6),(13,1),(13,2),(13,3),(13,4),(13,5),(13,6) ) for x in range(self.grid_width): for y in range(self.grid_height): if (x, y) in walls: traversable = False else: traversable = True self.randomStartAndEndPoints.append((x,y)) self.nodes.append(node(x, y, traversable)) #randomising start & end positions & setting up robot temp = self.randomStartAndEndPoints[random.randint(0,len(self.randomStartAndEndPoints))] self.start = self.get_node(temp[0],temp[1]) self.end_point = [temp[0],temp[1]] #for robot temp = self.randomStartAndEndPoints[random.randint(1,len(self.randomStartAndEndPoints)-1)] self.end = self.get_node(temp[0],temp[1]) robot1.speed(0) robot1.setpos(-375+(temp[0]*50),-200+(temp[1]*50)) robot1.speed(1) def get_heuristic(self, node): """ Compute the heuristic value H for a node: distance between this node and the ending node multiply by 10. @param node @returns heuristic value H """ return 10 * (abs(node.x - self.end.x) + abs(node.y - self.end.y)) def get_node(self, x, y): """ Returns a node from the nodes list @param x node x coordinate @param y node y coordinate @returns node """ return self.nodes[x * self.grid_height + y] def get_adjacent_nodes(self, node): """ Returns adjacent nodes to a node. Clockwise starting from the one on the right. @param node get adjacent nodes for this node @returns adjacent nodes list """ nodes = [] if node.x < self.grid_width-1: nodes.append(self.get_node(node.x+1, node.y)) if node.y > 0: nodes.append(self.get_node(node.x, node.y-1)) if node.x > 0: nodes.append(self.get_node(node.x-1, node.y)) if node.y < self.grid_height-1: nodes.append(self.get_node(node.x, node.y+1)) return nodes def display_path(self): node = self.end while node.parent is not self.start: node = node.parent #print 'path: node: %d,%d' % (node.x, node.y) #canvas.create_rectangle(-400+(node.x*50),225-(node.y*50),-350+(node.x*50),175-(node.y*50),fill='yellow') self.traverse_path(node.x,node.y) #self.start = self.get_node(temp[0],temp[1]) #self.end_point = [temp[0],temp[1]] #for robot def traverse_path(self,x,y): robot1.goto(-375+(x*50),-200+(y*50)) hasRobotTimedOut() #detect traffic light colour here print '' print 'robot pos=', robot1.pos()## c, x = 2, 2## m = -400+(x*50),-225+(c*50),-350+(x*50),-175+(c*50)## print m #converts robot1.pos() into rows and columns mReversed = ((robot1.xcor()+400)/50, (robot1.ycor()+225)/50) print 'robot pos(x,y) = ',mReversed #50/50 change of being green or red rndTick = random.randint(1,1000) if rndTick < 500: for i in LightID: canvas.itemconfig(i, fill="green") isGreen = True else: for i in LightID: canvas.itemconfig(i, fill="red") isGreen = False #compares column and row of the robot to the lights #checks for the isGreen boolean if mReversed in trafficLights: xr = random.randint(1, 6) if isGreen == False: print "Hit a red light, waiting for", xr, "seconds." time.sleep(xr) else: print "Hit a green light, continuing." """ Here I tried to use the LightID to get the coordinates of the lights directly from the canvas. c1 is the X's and c2 the Y's. the *cc has the asterix to unpack the list's variables, so we can use it in the range() function """## for i in LightID:## r = random.randint(1,5)## cc = canvas.coords(i)## c1, c2 = 0, 0## print 'cc', cc## if cc[0] > cc[2]:## c1 = (cc[0] - c[2])+cc[0]## else:## c1 = (cc[2] - cc[0])+cc[0]## if cc[1] > cc[3]:## c2 = (cc[1] - cc[3])+cc[1]## else:## c2 = (cc[3] - cc[1])+cc[1]## co = [c1, c2]## print 'co', co## if robot1.xcor() in range(*co) and robot1.ycor() in range(*co):## print 'robot pos=', robot1.pos()## print 'traffic pos =', canvas.coords(i)## print 'traffic light, sleeping for ', r,'seconds'## time.sleep(r) """ These are the exact coordinate for the lights. Tried to compare them as a range, but range doesn't take in floats. Constructing a custom range function, didn't make a difference. Hardcoded coordinates only work for tbc3, that's the top right light. """## [-250.00000000000003, 75.0, -200.00000000000003, 125.00000000000001]## [150.0, -125.00000000000001, 200.00000000000003, -75.0]## [150.0, 25.000000000000004, 200.00000000000003, 75.0]## if (robot1.xcor() == -225 and robot1.ycor() == 100):## print 'tbc1'## time.sleep(5)## if (robot1.xcor() == 175 and robot1.ycor() == -100):## print 'tbc2'## time.sleep(5)## if (robot1.xcor() == 175 and robot1.ycor() == 50):## print 'tbc3'## time.sleep(5) def compare(self, node1, node2): """ Compare 2 nodes F values @param node1 1st node @param node2 2nd node @returns -1, 0 or 1 if lower, equal or greater """ if node1.f < node2.f: return -1 elif node1.f > node2.f: return 1 return 0 def update_node(self, adj, node): """ Update adjacent node @param adj adjacent node to current node @param node current node being algorithmed """ adj.g = node.g + 10 adj.h = self.get_heuristic(adj) adj.parent = node adj.f = adj.h + adj.g def algorithm(self): # add starting node to open heap queue heapq.heappush(self.opened, (self.start.f, self.start)) while len(self.opened): # pop node from heap queue f, node = heapq.heappop(self.opened) # add node to closed list so we don't algorithm it twice self.closed.add(node) # if ending node, display found path if node is self.end: self.display_path() break # get adjacent nodes for node adj_nodes = self.get_adjacent_nodes(node) for adj_node in adj_nodes: if adj_node.traversable and adj_node not in self.closed: if (adj_node.f, adj_node) in self.opened: # if adj node in open list, check if current path is # better than the one previously found # for this adj node. if adj_node.g > node.g + 10: self.update_node(adj_node, node) else: self.update_node(adj_node, node) # add adj node to open list heapq.heappush(self.opened, (adj_node.f, adj_node))def calculateMainLine(startcood,endcood): lineGradient = float((endCood.Y-startcood.Y)/(endcood.X-startcood.X)) mainLineC = startcood.Y - (lineGradient*startcood.X) mainLineYIntercept = startcood.Y - mainLineC return lineGradient,mainLineYInterceptdef scanner(robot,obstacle): #needs editing to match functions Obx1,Oby1,Obx2,Oby2=canvas.coords(obstacle) #print robot.pos() #Object ahead of robot if robot.ycor() > -(Oby2+15) and robot.ycor() < -(Oby2) and robot.xcor()>Obx1 and robot.xcor()<Obx2: #print 'object ahead' return 'ahead' #Object left of robot if robot.xcor() < (Obx2+5) and robot.xcor() > (Obx2-5) and robot.ycor() > Oby1 and robot.ycor() < Oby2: #print 'left' return 'left' #Object right of robot if robot.xcor() > (Obx1-15) and robot.xcor() < (Obx1+15) and robot.ycor() > Oby1 and robot.ycor() < Oby2: #print 'right' return 'right' #Top of obstacle if robot.ycor()>(Oby2) and (robot.xcor()>Obx2 or robot.xcor()<Obx1): #print "Object detected top of object" return 'top' else: #print 'No Object detected' return 'No object detected'def intermediateScanner(robot): for x in range(1,len(objectsInArena),2): coordinates = objectsInArena[x] #list in a list x1,y1,x2,y2 = robot.xcor(),-robot.ycor(),robot.xcor(),-robot.ycor() robotBoundingBox = 10 #canvas.create_rectangle(x1,y1-10,x1+robotBoundingBox,y1+robotBoundingBox,fill='yellow',) #bounding box for robot Obx1,Oby1,Obx2,Oby2= (-400+(coordinates[1]*50)),-225+(coordinates[0]*50),-300+(coordinates[1]*50),-125+(coordinates[0]*50) obstacleBoundingBox = 100 #canvas.create_rectangle(Obx1,Oby1,Obx1+obstacleBoundingBox,Oby1+obstacleBoundingBox,fill='purple') #bounding box for obstacles if (x1 < Obx1 + obstacleBoundingBox) and (x1 + robotBoundingBox > Obx1) and (y1 < Oby1 + obstacleBoundingBox) and (y1+robotBoundingBox > Oby1): return True #collision has occured else: return Falsedef initRobot(): robot1.reset() robot2.reset() robot1.shape("arrow") robot1.speed(1) robot2.shape("turtle") robot2.speed(1) robot1.penup() robot2.penup()def createObstacle(row, column, colour='black'): obstacles = [] if row in rows: x = row obstacles.append(x) if column in columns: c = column obstacles.append(c) if c and x: objectsInArena.append(canvas.create_rectangle(-400+(c*50),-225+(x*50),-301+(c*50),-126+(x*50), fill='black',outline='black')) objectsInArena.append(obstacles) else: print 'No coordinates to place the obstacle to.'def hasRobotTimedOut(): #function also updates timer global simulationRunning global startTime global countdownTime checkTime = time.time() runningTime = checkTime - startTime tempStrToShorten = str(30-runningTime) #truncating the time to a reasonable number of digits tempStrToShorten = tempStrToShorten [0:5] countdownTime.set(tempStrToShorten) #updating the label if (runningTime > 30.0): simulationRunning = False else: simulationRunning = Truedef detectAndAvoidEdges(robot): #makes sure the robot does not travel off the edge of the screen xMin = -385 #allows 90 degree cone of heading xMax = 385 yMin = -210 yMax = 210 #right if robot.xcor() >= xMax: print 'right wall' randomHeading = random.randint(135,225) robot.seth(randomHeading) #bottom if robot.ycor() <= yMin: print 'bottom wall' randomHeading = random.randint(45,135) robot.seth(randomHeading) #top if robot.ycor() >= yMax: print 'top wall' randomHeading = random.randint(225,315) robot.seth(randomHeading) #left if robot.xcor() <= xMin: print 'left wall' randomHeading = random.randint(-45,45) robot.seth(randomHeading)def trafficLight(row, column, colour='red'): x, c = row, column## if row in rows:## x = row## trafficLights.append(x)## if column in columns:## c = column## trafficLights.append(c) lights = (x,c+1) trafficLights.append(lights) if c and x: circ = canvas.create_oval(-400+(x*50),-225+(c*50),-350+(x*50),-175+(c*50), fill=colour) objectsInArena.append(circ) LightID.append(circ) objectsInArena.append(trafficLights) else: print 'No coordinates to place the light to.'def getLightColour(lightID): return canvas.itemcget(lightID, "fill")def robotCollisionDetection(robot1,robot2): #uses bounding circles as accuracy is not paramount collisionRadius = 30 #If within x pixels do something #Calculate difference between 2 centre points distX = math.fabs(robot1.xcor()) - math.fabs(robot2.xcor()) #calculate absolute values distY = math.fabs(robot1.ycor()) - math.fabs(robot2.ycor()) #and then minus #Use some trig to calculate distance distanceBetween = math.sqrt((distY*distY)+(distX*distX)) if distanceBetween > collisionRadius: return False if distanceBetween < collisionRadius: print 'Collision Imminent!' return Truedef randomArenaGeneration(): global objectsInArena print 'tbc'def generateIntermediateArena(): global mapGrid for c in range(0,15): for x in range(0,8): canvas.create_rectangle(-400+(c*50),-225+(x*50),-301+(c*50),-126+(x*50),outline='black') createObstacle(1,2) createObstacle(1,3) createObstacle(3,6) createObstacle(2,12) createObstacle(4,12) createObstacle(6,12) createObstacle(1,9) createObstacle(5,9) createObstacle(5,1) createObstacle(6,4) createObstacle(6,5) trafficLight(11,2) trafficLight(11,5)def changeDifficulty(difficulty): global currentDifficulty currentDifficulty = difficulty print currentDifficulty#Will's codedef basicArena(): #global variable preset created by peer global objectsInArena #Setting up where the robot is robot1.clear() robot1.pu() robot1.setpos(-10, 0) robot1.seth(90) #setting up the obstacles basic_obstacle1 = canvas.create_rectangle(-20, -20, 0, -40, fill = "blue") objectsInArena.append(basic_obstacle1) basic_obstacle2 = canvas.create_rectangle(-30, -100, 10 , -140, fill = "green") objectsInArena.append(basic_obstacle2) #setting up a traceback for later traceback = 0 #setting up a timer untill the robot begins for time_to_go in [3, 2, 1]: print time_to_go, "to go!" time.sleep(1) print "Go!" #robot will loop until it it's coordinates match the end points while robot1.pos() != (-10, 200): robot1.forward(1) for objectsInArena_list in objectsInArena: #create for loop so that each object is individualy scanned if scanner(robot1, objectsInArena_list) == "ahead": #calling function to scan if object in proximety of turtle. Function created by peer robot1.left(90) #trobot turns in order to travel along the side #robot travel along side until it is clear of object, whilst keeping a traceback. It then rounds the corner while scanner(robot1, objectsInArena_list) == "ahead": robot1.forward(1) traceback += 1 robot1.forward(15) robot1.right(90) robot1.forward(15) #robot travels along side robot1.forward(traceback) robot1.forward(traceback) #robot turns corner robot1.forward(15) robot1.right(90) robot1.forward(15) #robot travel back to main line robot1.forward(traceback) robot1.left(90) traceback = 0 #End of Will's code def intermediateArena(): robot1.clear() robot1.shape('square') robot1.speed(0) robot1.pu() robot1.speed(1) generateIntermediateArena() b = AStar() b.init_grid() b.algorithm() print 'Reached end of line.'def complexArena(): robot1.clear() robot2.clear() #Setting up where the robot is robot1.speed(0) robot2.speed(0) #Generating random headings randomHeading = random.randint(0,360) robot1.seth(180) randomHeading = random.randint(0,360) robot2.seth(randomHeading) robot1.pu() robot2.pu() #Generating random start points, Cant spawn <100 pixels to edge randomX = random.randint(-300,300) randomY = random.randint(-125,125) robot1.setpos(randomX,randomY) randomX = random.randint(-300,300) randomY = random.randint(-125,125) robot2.setpos(randomX,randomY) robot1.speed(1) robot2.speed(1) while hasRobotTimedOut() == False and currentDifficulty=='complex': detectAndAvoidEdges(robot1) detectAndAvoidEdges(robot2) if robotCollisionDetection(robot1,robot2): #returns true if collision is imminent print 'tbc' robot1.fd(10) robot2.fd(10) print robot1.pos() #print robot1.pos() #print robot2.pos()def clearArena(): global objectsInArena #print objectsInArena for x in range(0,len(objectsInArena)): canvas.delete(objectsInArena[x]) trafficLights = [] LightID = [] objectsInArena = [] path = [] currentDifficulty = ''def changeTimescale(timescale): global startTime global currentDifficulty global simulationRunning robot1.reset() if (timescale == "start"): print 'start' clearArena() simulationRunning = True startTime = time.time() if (currentDifficulty == "basic"): basicArena() if (currentDifficulty == "intermediate"): intermediateArena() if (currentDifficulty == "complex"): complexArena() if (timescale == "stop"): print 'stop' clearArena() robot1.reset() robot2.reset() initRobot() simulationRunning = False if (timescale == 'reset'): print 'reset' def initButtons(): global countdownTime #buttons indicating difficulty difficultyButtonFrame = Frame(window) diffButtonLabel = Label(difficultyButtonFrame,text="Select difficulty of simulation") diffButtonLabel.pack(side=TOP) basicDiffButton = Button(difficultyButtonFrame, text="Basic", command= lambda: changeDifficulty('basic')) intermediateDiffButton = Button(difficultyButtonFrame, text="Intermediate", command= lambda: changeDifficulty('intermediate')) complexDiffButton = Button(difficultyButtonFrame, text="Complex", command= lambda: changeDifficulty('complex')) basicDiffButton.pack(side=LEFT) intermediateDiffButton.pack(side=LEFT) complexDiffButton.pack(side=LEFT) difficultyButtonFrame.pack(side=LEFT) #countdownTimer countDownTimer = Label(window,textvariable=countdownTime,font=("",18),padx=220) countdownTime.set("30:00") countDownTimer.pack(side=LEFT) #Start/Stop/Reset button startStopResetFrame = Frame(window) startStopResetLabel = Label(startStopResetFrame,text="Timescale of simulation") startStopResetLabel.pack() startButton = Button(startStopResetFrame,padx=10,text = "Start",command = lambda: changeTimescale('start')) stopButton = Button(startStopResetFrame,padx=10,text = "Stop",command = lambda: changeTimescale('stop')) resetButton = Button(startStopResetFrame,padx=10,text = "Reset",command = lambda: changeTimescale('reset')) startButton.pack(side=LEFT) stopButton.pack(side=LEFT) resetButton.pack(side=LEFT) startStopResetFrame.pack(side=RIGHT) initButtons()initRobot()window.mainloop() ................

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