PTSD Appendices

PTSD Appendices

Appendix A


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Bullman, TA Kang, HK 1994, ‘Posttraumatic stress disorder and the risk of traumatic deaths among Vietnam veterans’, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, vol. 182, pp. 604 - 610.


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Carlier, IVE et al. 1997, ‘Risk factors for posttraumatic stress symptomatology in police officers: a prospective analysis’, The Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease. vol. 185, no. 8, pp. 498 - 506



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Cunningham, M Cunningham, JD 1997, ‘Patterns of symptomatology and patterns of torture and trauma experiences in resettled refugees’, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, vol. 31, pp. 555 - 565.



Davidson, JRT et al. 1991, ‘Posttraumatic stress disorder in the community: an epidemiological study’, Psychological Medicine, vol. 21, pp. 713 - 721.


Davis, CG Macdonald, SL 2004, ‘Threat appraisals, distress and the development of positive life changes after September 11th in a Canadian sample’, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 68 - 78.


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Erickson, DJ et al. 2001, ‘Posttraumatic stress disorder and depression symptomatology in a sample of Gulf War veterans: a prospective analysis.’, Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology, vol. 69, pp. 41 - 49.


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King, DW et al. 1995, ‘Alternative representations of war-zone stressors: relationships to posttraumatic stress disorder in male and female Vietnam veterans’, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, vol. 104, no. 1, pp. 184 - 195.


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Appendix B


Repatriation Medical Authority 2008, 28 April, ‘Covering letter further confirming the 196K Information for SoPs 5 of 2008’, pp.1-2.


Repatriation Medical Authority 2007, 20 December, ‘Reference List for Investigation #5041, Attachment C’, pp. 1-47.


Repatriation Medical Authority 2007, 20 December, ‘196k RMA Reference List for Investigation #9-1, Attachment B’, pp. 1-22.


Repatriation Medical Authority 2009, 26 February, ‘Covering letter confirming the 196K Information for SoPs 5 of 2008, pp. 1-3, and RMA Reference List for Investigation #9-1 as at 20 December 2007, Attachment B, pp. 1-22, and RMA Reference List for Investigation #5041 as at 20 December 2007, Attachment C’, pp. 1-47.



Name Provided (and removed under s196I of the VEA), P 1994, 26 September, ‘..Submission to RMA’, pp. 1-3.


Name Provided (and removed under s196I of the VEA) 2000, 8 March, ‘Submission to RMA, p. 1.


Repatriation Medical Authority 2007, December, ‘Additional information into the Investigation into Posttraumatic Stress Disorder’, Instruments 3&4 of 1999 as amended by 54&55 of 1999’, pp. 1-35.


Repatriation Medical Authority 2007, December, ‘Additional information into the Investigation into Posttraumatic Stress Disorder’, Instruments 3&4 of 1999 as amended by 54&55 of 1999’, pp. 1-6.


Repatriation Medical Authority 2007, 11 December, [briefing papers] ‘summary of issues for PtSD’, pp 1-16.


Repatriation Medical Authority 2007, August, ‘Investigation into Posttraumatic Stress Disorder’, Instruments 3&4 of 1999 as amended by 54&55 of 1999’, pp. 1-144.



Name Provided (and removed under s196I of the VEA) J 1994, 13 October, ‘Name Provided (and removed under s196I of the VEA) ..Submission to RMA’, pp. 1-5.






Name Provided (and removed under s196I of the VEA) 1996, 21 July, ..Submission to RMA’, p. 1.


Name Provided (and removed under s196I of the VEA) 2007, 26 October, ‘Submission to RMA’, pp. 1-2.


Name Provided (and removed under s196I of the VEA) 2007, 6 September, ‘Submission to RMA,’pp. 1-6.


Name Provided (and removed under s196I of the VEA) 2000, 24 February, ‘further Submission to RMA’, pp. 1-2.


Name Provided (and removed under s196I of the VEA) 2006, 12 October, ‘Submission to RMA’, p. 1.


Name Provided (and removed under s196I of the VEA) 2004, 2 August, ‘Submission to RMA, p. 1.


Name Provided (and removed under s196I of the VEA), 22 July, 2004 ‘ to the RMA’, pp. 1-10.


Name Provided (and removed under s196I of the VEA)2004, 18 June, ‘Repatriation Commissions Submission to RMA’, pp. 1-4.


Discussion Paper, 2004, 4 August ‘Investigation request – Anxiety Disorder and Depressive Disorder’, pp. 1-17.


Name Provided (and removed under s196I of the VEA) 2003, 16 December, ‘Repatriation Commissions Submission to RMA’, pp. 1-4.


Name Provided (and removed under s196I of the VEA) 2004, 2 February, ‘.. Council Submission to RMA’, pp. 1-10.


Name Provided (and removed under s196I of the VEA) 2004, 4 January, ‘Submission to RMA’, pp. 1-4.


Name Provided (and removed under s196I of the VEA) 2003, 28 November, ‘Submission to RMA, p. 1.



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Appendix C

Appendix A

Preliminary list of the proposed pool of information, as advised to the Applicant and the Commissionss by letters dated 2 September 2011 (see paragraph 34 of the Reasons) and the final pool of information. This list also identifies the information that the Applicant and the Commissionss relied (being information that the RMA advised was available to (before) the RMA at the relevant times and which the RMA sent to the Council in accordance with section 196K of the VEA).

|RMA ID | |

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Appendix B

Information available to (before) the RMA and forwarded to the Council under section 196K of the VEA [See paragraph 22]

|RMA ID / reference No | |Relied |

| | |Upon By |

|- |SMRC Information List 2010, pp. 1-75. | |

|- |Repatriation Medical Authority 2008, 28 April, ‘Covering letter further confirming the 196K | |

| |Information for SoPs 5 of 2008’, pp.1-2. | |

|2.2 |Repatriation Medical Authority 2007, 20 December, ‘Reference List for Investigation #5041, | |

| |Attachment C’, pp. 1-47. | |

|2.1 |Repatriation Medical Authority 2007, 20 December, ‘196k RMA Reference List for Investigation | |

| |#9-1, Attachment B’, pp. 1-22. | |

|- |Repatriation Medical Authority 2009, 26 February, ‘Covering letter confirming the 196K | |

| |Information for SoPs 5 of 2008, pp. 1-3, and RMA Reference List for Investigation #9-1 as at 20| |

| |December 2007, Attachment B, pp. 1-22, and RMA Reference List for Investigation #5041 as at 20 | |

| |December 2007, Attachment C’, pp. 1-47. | |

|1.29 |Name Provided (and removed under s196I of the VEA), SA 2007, ‘8 November Submission to RMA’, | |

| |pp. 1-11. | |

|1.2 |Name Provided (and removed under s196I of the VEA), P 1994, 26 September, ‘..Submission to | |

| |RMA’, pp. 1-3. | |

|1.14 |Name Provided (and removed under s196I of the VEA) 2000, 8 March, ‘Submission to RMA, p. 1. | |

|3.6 |Repatriation Medical Authority 2007, December, ‘Additional information into the Investigation | |

| |into Posttraumatic Stress Disorder’, Instruments 3&4 of 1999 as amended by 54&55 of 1999’, pp. | |

| |1-35. | |

|3.5 |Repatriation Medical Authority 2007, December, ‘Additional information into the Investigation | |

| |into Posttraumatic Stress Disorder’, Instruments 3&4 of 1999 as amended by 54&55 of 1999’, pp. | |

| |1-6. | |

|3.7 |Repatriation Medical Authority 2007, 11 December, [briefing papers] ‘summary of issues for | |

| |PtSD’, pp 1-16. | |

|3.4 |Repatriation Medical Authority 2007, August, ‘Investigation into Posttraumatic Stress | |

| |Disorder’, Instruments 3&4 of 1999 as amended by 54&55 of 1999’, pp. 1-144. | |

|1.33 |Name Provided (and removed under s196I of the VEA) SA 2007, 22 November, ‘Submission to RMA’, | |

| |pp. 1-2. | |

|1.3 |Name Provided (and removed under s196I of the VEA) J 1994, 13 October, ‘Name Provided (and | |

| |removed under s196I of the VEA) ..Submission to RMA’, pp. 1-5. | |

|1.27 |Name Provided (and removed under s196I of the VEA), 27 October, ‘Submission to RMA’, pp. 1-2. | |

|1.32 |Name Provided (and removed under s196I of the VEA), 11 November, ‘Submission to RMA’, pp. 1-3.| |

|1.31 |Name Provided (and removed under s196I of the VEA), 11 November, ‘Submission to RMA’, pp. 1-2.| |

|1.28 |Name Provided (and removed under s196I of the VEA), 1 November, ‘Submission to RMA’, pp. 1. | |

|1.5 |Name Provided (and removed under s196I of the VEA) 1996, 21 July, ..Submission to RMA’, p. 1. | |

|1.26 |Name Provided (and removed under s196I of the VEA) 2007, 26 October, ‘Submission to RMA’, pp. | |

| |1-2. | |

|1.25 |Name Provided (and removed under s196I of the VEA) 2007, 6 September, ‘Submission to RMA,’pp. | |

| |1-6. | |

|1.13 |Name Provided (and removed under s196I of the VEA) 2000, 24 February, ‘further Submission to | |

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|1.23 |Name Provided (and removed under s196I of the VEA) 2006, 12 October, ‘Submission to RMA’, p. | |

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|1.22 |Name Provided (and removed under s196I of the VEA) 2004, 2 August, ‘Submission to RMA, p. 1. | |

|1.21 |Name Provided (and removed under s196I of the VEA), 22 July, 2004 ‘ to the RMA’, pp. 1-10. | |

|1.20 |Name Provided (and removed under s196I of the VEA)2004, 18 June, ‘Repatriation Commissions | |

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|3.3 |Discussion Paper, 2004, 4 August ‘Investigation request – Anxiety Disorder and Depressive | |

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|1.19 |Name Provided (and removed under s196I of the VEA) 2003, 16 December, ‘Repatriation |Submission made to |

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|1.18 |Name Provided (and removed under s196I of the VEA) 2004, 2 February, ‘.. Council Submission to| |

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|1.17 |Name Provided (and removed under s196I of the VEA) 2004, 4 January, ‘Submission to RMA’, pp. | |

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|1.16 |Name Provided (and removed under s196I of the VEA) 2003, 28 November, ‘Submission to RMA, p. | |

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|1.30 |Name Provided (and removed under s196I of the VEA) 2007, 10 November, ‘Submission to RMA’, pp.| |

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|1.24 |Name Provided (and removed under s196I of the VEA) 2007, 4 September, ‘Submission to RMA’, pp.| |

| |1-26. | |

|1.15 |Name Provided (and removed under s196I of the VEA) 2003, 19 March, ‘Submission to RMA’, pp. | |

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|43570 |Koenen, KC et al. 2007, ‘The consistency of combat exposure reporting and course of PTSD in | |

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|43571 |Campbell, R Wasco, SM 2007, ‘Understanding rape and sexual assault. 20 years of progress and | |

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|43552 |Orcutt, HK et al. 2003, ‘Male-perpetrated violence among Vietnam veteran couples: | |

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|43445 |Lai, T-J et al. 2004, ‘Full and partial PTSD among earthquake survivors in rural Taiwan’, | |

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|13902 |O'Toole, BI 1998, ‘Risk factors for posttraumatic stress disorder in Australian Vietnam |Applicant |

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|13903 |McGorry, PD 1995, ‘The clinical boundaries of posttraumatic stress disorder’, Australian and | |

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|33998 |Jeavons, S et al. 2000, ‘Accident cognitions and subsequent psychological trauma’, Journal of| |

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|31746 |Erickson, DJ et al. 2001, ‘Posttraumatic stress disorder and depression symptomatology in a | |

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|34298 |Erwin, BA et al. 2000, ‘PTSD, malevolent environment, and criminality among criminally | |

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|32948 |Henn, FA, Vollmayr B 2004, ‘Neurogenesis and depression: etiology or epiphenomenon?’, | |

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|34070 |Steed, L 2001, ‘Further Validity and Reliability Evidence for Beck Hopelessness Scale Scores | |

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|32954 |Posener, JA et al. 2004, ‘Process irregularity of cortisol and adrenocorticotropin secretion | |

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|32855 |Ellard, DR et al. 2004, ‘Short Communication: reliability testing and applied use of a measure| |

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|34208 |Southwick, SM et al. 1999, ‘Role of norepinephrine in the pathophysiology and treatment of | |

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|34225 |Yehuda, R 1998, ‘Resilience and vulnerability factors in the course of adaptation to trauma’, | |

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|34064 |Creamer, M Manning, C 1998, ‘Acute stress disorder following an industrial accident’, | |

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|34063 |Pancer , SM et al. 2000, ‘Cognitive Complexity of Expectations and Adjustment to University in| |

| |the First Year’, Journal of Adolescent Research, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 38-57. | |

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|34060 |Alva, SA de Los Reyes, R 1999, ‘Psychosocial Stress, Internalized Symptoms, and the Academic | |

| |Achievement of Hispanic Adolescents’, Journal of Adolescent Research, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. | |

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|34071 |Torsheim, T Wold, B 2001, ‘School-Related Stress, School Support, and Somatic Complaints: A | |

| |General Population Study’, Journal of Adolescent Research, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 293-303. | |

|34058 |McAndrew, FT et al. 1998, ‘A Cross-Cultural Ranking of Stressful Life Events in Germany, | |

| |India, South Africa and the United States’, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, vol. 29, no.| |

| |6, pp. 717-727. | |

|34072 |Stanton, JM et al. 2001, ‘A General Measure of Work Stress: The Stress in General Scale’, | |

| |Educational and Psychological Measurement, vol. 61, no. 5, pp. 866-888. | |

|34056 |Andersen, I et al. 2004, ‘Do factors in the psychosocial work environment mediate the effect | |

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|32951 |Sapolsky, RM 2004, [COMMENTARY] ‘Is impaired neurogenesis relevant to the affective symptoms | |

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|34054 |Carlson, BE 2005, ‘The most important things learned about violence and trauma in the past 20 | |

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|33970 |McFarlane, A 2004, ‘The contribution of epidemiology to the study of traumatic stress’, | |

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|34049 |Vitaliano, PP et al. 2003, ‘Is caregiving hazardous to one's physical health? A | |

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|34042 |Droogleever Fortuyn, HA et al. (2004, ‘Effect of PhD examination stress on allopregnanolone | |

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| |Psychoneuroendocrinology, vol. 29, pp. 1341-44. | |

|34040 |Gold, SM et al. 2004, ‘Higher Beck depression scores predict delayed epinephrine recovery | |

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| |Biological Psychology, vol. 67, pp. 261-73. | |

|34038 |Golden-Kreutz, DM et al. 2004, ‘Assessing stress in cancer patients: a second-order factor | |

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|34037 |Ebrecht, M et al. 2004, ‘Perceived stress and cortisol levels predict speed of wound healing | |

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|34036 |van Praag, HM 2004, ‘Can stress cause depression?’, Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & | |

| |Biological Psychiatry, vol. 28, pp. 891-907. | |

|34059 |Wood, JM et al.1999, ‘Methodological Issues in Evaluating Rorschach Validity: A Comment on | |

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|34055 |Perez Foster, RM 2002, ‘The long-term mental health effects of nuclear trauma in recent | |

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|34019 |Ritchie, E Owens, M 2004, ‘Military Issues’, Psychiatric Clinics of North America, vol. 27, | |

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|34116 |Izutsu, T et al. 2004, ‘Relationship between a traumatic life event and an alteration in | |

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|34030 |Vedhara, K et al. 2002, ‘Chronic stress in nonelderly caregivers psychological, endocrine and | |

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|34029 |Amdur, RL Liberzon, I 2001, ‘The structure of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in combat| |

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|34028 |Dougall, AL et al. 2000, ‘Similarity of prior trauma exposure as a determinant of chronic | |

| |stress responding to an airline disaster’, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Pshchology, vol.| |

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|34027 |Regehr, C 2001, ‘Crisis debriefing groups for emergency responders: reviewing the evidence’, | |

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|34026 |Masten, AS Coatsworth, JD 1998, ‘The devlopment of competence in favorable and unfavorable | |

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|34025 |Kessler, RC et al. 1992, ‘Social support, depressed mood, and adjustment to stress: a genetic | |

| |epidemiologic investigation’, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, vol. 62, pp. | |

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|34024 |Dohrenwend, BP 2000, ‘The role of adversity and stress in pschopathology: some evidence and | |

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|34004 |Basoglu, M et al. 2004, ‘Prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder and comorbid depression | |

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|34022 |Shalev, AY 2002, ‘Acute stress reactions in adults’, Biological Psychiatry, vol. 51, pp. | |

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|34032 |Greco, V Roger, D 2003, ‘Uncertainty, stress, and health’, Personality and Individual | |

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|34020 |Johansson, G et al. 1978, ‘Social Psychological and neuroendocrine stress reactions in highly | |

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|32796 |Hashim, IH 2003, ‘Cultural and gender differences in perceptions of stressors and coping | |

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|34018 |Boehnlein, JK et al. 2004, ‘A ten-year treatment outcome study of traumatized Cambodian | |

| |refugees’, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, vol. 192, pp. 658-63. | |

|34017 |DeLisi, LE et al. 2003, ‘A survey of New Yorkers after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks’,| |

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|34016 |Levav, I et al. 2004, [Letter to the Editor] ‘Terrorism and psychiatric disorders”, American | |

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|34015 |O'Brien, JT et al. 2004, ‘A longitudinal study of hippocampal volume, cortisol levels, and | |

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|34014 |North, CS et al. 2004, ‘The course of PTSD, major depression, substance abuse, and | |

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|34013 |Chang, CM et al. 2005, ‘Predictors of posttraumatic outcomes following the 1999 Taiwan | |

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|34011 |Anonymous 2005, ‘Mental health status of World Trade Center rescue and recovery workers and | |

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|34114 |Regehr, C et al. 2003, ‘Social support, self-efficacy and trauma in new recruits and | |

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|34023 |Aldwin, CM et al. 1994, ‘Vulnerability and resilience to combat exposure: can stress have | |

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|33855 |Kessler ,RC 2000, ‘Posttraumatic stress disorder: the burden to the individual and to | |

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|33981 |Markus, R et al. 2000, ‘Effects of food on cortisol and mood in vulnerable subjects under | |

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|34001 |Buckley, B et al. 2004, ‘Evaluation of initial posttrauma cardiovascular levels in association| |

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|33999 |Larsson, G 2000, ‘Dimensional analysis of the Impact of Event Scale using structural equation | |

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|33997 |Green, BL et al. 2000, ‘Outcomes of single versus multiple trauma exposure in a screening | |

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|33991 |Stroud, LR et al. 2002, ‘Sex differences in stress responses: social rejection versus | |

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|33990 |Christopher M (2004, ‘A braoder view of trauma: a biopsychosocial-evolutionary view of the | |

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|33989 |Bacon, SL et al 2004, ‘Increases in lipids and immune cells in response to exercise and mental| |

| |stress in patients with suspected coronary artery disease: effects of adjustment for shifts in | |

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|34115 |Assanangkorchai, S et al. 2004, ‘The flooding of Hat Yai: predictors of adverse emotional | |

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|33986 |Clark, R 2003, ‘Subjective stress and coping resources interact to predict blood pressure | |

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|34031 |Vedhara, K et al. 2003, ‘An investigation into the relationship between salivary cortisol, | |

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|33982 |Kunz-Ebrecht, SR et al. 2003, ‘Cortisol responses to mild psychological stress are inversely | |

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|34083 |Sinclair, VG Wallston, KA 2004, ‘The Development and Psychometric Evaluation of the Brief | |

| |Resilient Coping Scale’, Assessment, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 94-101. | |

|34168 |Steptoe, A et al. 2003, ‘Influence of Socioeconomic Status and Job Control on Plasma | |

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|34121 |Utsey, SO 1998, ‘Assessing the Stressful Effects of Racism: A Review of Instrumentation’, | |

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|34120 |Cartwright, S 2003, ‘Book Review : Work and Mental Health: An Employers’Guide’, Stress and | |

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|34118 |Haisch, DC Meyers, LS 2004, ‘MMPI - 2 assessed post - traumatic stress disorder related to job| |

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|34117 |De Gucht, V et al. 2003, ‘Job stress, personality, and psychological distress as determinats | |

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|34034 |Schmeelk-Cone, KH Zimmerman, MA 2003, ‘A longitudinal analysis of stress in African American | |

| |youth: predictors and outcomes of stress trajectories, Journal of Youth and Adolescence, vol. | |

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|33988 |Lutgendorf, SK et al. 2004, ‘Effects of acute stress, relaxation, and a neurogenic | |

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|34021 |Henry, DB et al. 2004, ‘Have there been lasting effects associated with the September 11, | |

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|34006 |Khoury, EL et al. 1997, ‘The impact of Hurricane Andrew on deviant behavior among a | |

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| |Journal of Traumatic Stress, vol. 10, pp. 71-91. | |

|34099 |Dewe, P Brook, R 2000, ‘Sequential Tree Analysis of Work Stressors: Exploring Score Profiles | |

| |in the Context of the Stressor-Stress Relationship’, International Journal of Stress | |

| |Management, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 1-18. | |

|34249 |Keane, TM et al. 1998, ‘Utility of psychophysiological measurement in the diagnosis of | |

| |posttraumatic stress disorder: results from a Department of Veterans Affairs cooperative | |

| |study’, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 66, pp. 914-923. | |

|34110 |McWilliams, LA et al. 2003, ‘Use of the Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations in a | |

| |Clinically Depressed Sample: Factor Structure, Personality Correlates, and Prediction of | |

| |Distress’, Journal of Clinical Psychology, vol. 59, no. 12, pp 1371-1385. | |

|34109 |Chen, PY Spector, PE 1991, ‘Negative Affectivity as the Underlying Cause of Correlations | |

| |Between Stressors and Strains’, Journal of Applied Psychology, vol. 76, no. 3, pp. 398-407. | |

|34108 |Erel, O Burman, B 1995, ‘Interrelatedness of Marital Relations and Parent-Child Relations: A | |

| |Meta-Analytic Review’, Psychological Bulletin, vol. 118, no. 1, pp. 108-132. | |

|34107 |Neumann, DA et al. 1996, ‘The Long-Term Sequelae of Childhood Sexual Abuse in Women: A | |

| |Meta-Analytic Review’, Child Maltreatment, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 6-16. | |

|34106 |Golding, JM et al. 1997, ‘Sexual Assult History and health Perceptions: Seven General | |

| |Population Studies’, Health Psychology, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 417-425. | |

|34105 |Schaufeli, WB Peeters, MCW 2000, ‘Job Stress and Burnout Among Correctional Officers: A | |

| |Literature Review’, International Journal of Stress Management, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 19-48. | |

|34104 |Brook, R Dewe, P 2000, ‘Sequential Tree Analysis of Work Stressors: Exploring Score Profiles | |

| |in the Context of the Stressor-Stress Relationship’, International Journal of Stress | |

| |Management, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 1-18. | |

|34084 |Todd, M et al. 2004, ‘Do We Know How We Cope? Relating Daily Coping Reports to Global and | |

| |Time-Limited Retrospective Assessments’, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, vol. | |

| |86, no. 2, pp. 310-319. | |

|34102 |Hagihara, A et al. 2000, ‘Work Stressors and Alcohol Consumption among White Collar Workers: A| |

| |Signal Detection Approach’, Journal of Studies on Alcohol, vol. 61, pp. 462-465. | |

|34112 |Cass, MH et al.2003, ‘A meta-analysis of the relationship between job satisfaction and | |

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|34113 |Johnson, S Cooper, C 2003, ‘The construct validity of the ASSET stress measure’, Stress and | |

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|34097 |Kimball, A Freysinger, VJ 2003, ‘Leisure, Stress, and Coping: The Sport Participation of | |

| |Collegiate Student – Athletes’, Leisure Sciences, vol. 25, pp. 115-141. | |

|34096 |Hutchinson, SL et al. 2003, ‘Leisure as a Coping Resource: Variations in Coping with Traumatic| |

| |Injury and Illness’, Leisure Sciences, vol. 25, pp. 143-161. | |

|34095 |Klitzing, SW 2003, ‘Coping with Chronic Stress: Leisure and Women Who Are Homeless’, Leisure | |

| |Sciences, vol. 25, pp. 163-181. | |

|34094 |Iwasaki, Y 2003, ‘Examining Rival Models of Leisure Coping Mechanisms’, Leisure Sciences, | |

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|34092 |Schuster, RM et al. 2002, ‘A Theoretical Model to Measure the Appraisal and Coping Response to| |

| |Hassles in Outdoor Recreation Settings’, Leisure Sciences, vol. 25, pp. 277-299. | |

|34091 |McMahon, SD et al. 2003, ‘Stress and psychopathology in children and adolescents: is there | |

| |evidence of specificity?’, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, vol. 44, no. 1,. pp | |

| |107-133. | |

|34090 |Bakker, AB et al. 2002, ‘Validation of the Maslach Burnout Inventory - General Survey: An | |

| |Internet Study’, Anxiety, Stress and Coping, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 245-260. | |

|34103 |March, JS 2003, ‘Acute Stress Disorder in Youth: A Multivariate Prediction Model’, Biological| |

| |Psychiatry, vol. 53, pp. 809-816. | |

|33842 |Schlotz, W et al.2004, ‘Perceived work overload and chronic worrying predict weekend-weekday | |

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|34033 |Gaab, J et al. 2003, ‘Randomized controlled evaluation of the effectsa of cognitive-behavioral| |

| |stress management on cortisol responses to acute stress in healthy subjects’, | |

| |Psychoendocrinology, vol. 28, pp. 767-79. | |

|34035 |Tucker, P et al. 2004, ‘Neuroimmune and cortisol changes in selective serotonin reuptake | |

| |inhibitor and placebo treatment of chronic posttraumatic stress disorder’, Biological | |

| |Psychiatry, vol. 56, pp. 1221-8. | |

|34247 |Kaufman, J Henrich, C 2000, ‘Exposure to violence and early childhood trauma’, Handbook of | |

| |infant mental health, Guilford Press, pp. 195-207. | |

|34082 |Koslowsky, M et al. 1994, ‘Reactions to Stress During the Persian Gulf War: The Use of | |

| |Structural Equations for Testing the Horowitz Model’, Assessment, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 143-149. | |

|34081 |Bloch, GJ et al. 2004, ‘The Salient Stressor Impact Questionnaire (SSIQ) : A Measurement of | |

| |the Intensity and Choronicity of Stress’, Assessment, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 342-360. | |

|34080 |Gray, MJ et al. 2004, ‘Psychometric Properties of the Life Events Checklist’, Assessment, | |

| |vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 330-341. | |

|34078 |Lowe, PA Reynolds, CR 2004, ‘Psychometric Analysis of the Adult Manifest Anxiety Scale-Adult | |

| |Version Among Young and Middle-aged Adults’, Educational and Psychological Measurement, vol. | |

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|34077 |Powers, AS et al. 2004, ‘Wellness, Perceived Stress, Mattering, and Marital Satisfaction Among| |

| |Medical Residents and Their Spouses: Implications for Education and Counseling’, The Family | |

| |Cournal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 26-36. | |

|34076 |Abela, JRZ 2003, ‘A Test of Beck's Cognitive Diathesis - Stress Theory of Depression in Early | |

| |Adolescents’, Journal of Early Adolescence, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 384-404. | |

|34075 |Steed, LG 2002, ‘A psychometric comparison of four measures of hope and optimism’, | |

| |Educational and Psychological Measurement, vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 466-482. | |

|34087 |O'Donnell, ML et al. 2003, ‘Posttraumatic disorders following injury: an empirical and | |

| |methodological review’, Clinical Psychology Review, vol. 23, pp. 587-603. | |

|34111 |Matheny, KB et al. 2003, ‘The Coping Resources Inventory for Stress: A Measure of Perceived | |

| |Resourcefulness’, Journal of Clinical Psychology, vol. 59, no. 12, pp. 1261-1277. | |

|34248 |Marmar, CR et al. 1998, ‘Peritraumatic dissociation and posttraumatic stress disorder’, | |

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| |JD Foster, DW (eds). Williams Textbook of Endocrinology, W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia. | |

|34245 |Proctor, SP et al. 1998, ‘Health status of Persian Gulf War veterans: self-reported symptoms, | |

| |environmental exposures and the effect of stress’, International Journal of Epidemiology, vol.| |

| |27, pp. 1000-1010. | |

|34244 |Prigerson, HG et al. 1998, ‘Pathways to traumatic stress syndromes’, Current Opinion in | |

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|34243 |Prigerson, 2001, ‘Combat trauma: trauma with highest risk of delayed onset and unresolved | |

| |posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms, unemployment, and abuse among men’, Journal of Nervous| |

| |and Mental Disease, vol. 189, pp. 99-108. | |

|34242 |Porter, S 1996, ‘Without conscience or without active conscience?: the etiology of psychopathy| |

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|34241 |Perkonigg, A et al. 2000, ‘Traumatic events and post-traumatic stress disorder in the | |

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| |46-59. | |

|34074 |Weiss, MJ 2002, ‘Hardiness and social support as predictors of stress in mothers of typical | |

| |children, children with autism, and children with mental retardation’, Autism, vol. 6, no. 1, | |

| |pp. 115-130. | |

|34101 |Grabe, HJ et al. 2005, ‘Mental and phsyical distress is modulated by a polymorphism in the | |

| |5-HT transporter gene interacting with social stressors and chronic disease burden’, Molecular| |

| |Psychiatry, vol. 10, pp. 220-224. | |

|34088 |Bliese, PD Jex, SM 2002, ‘Incorporating a Multilevel Perspective Into Occupational Stress | |

| |Research: Theoretical, Methodological, and Practical Implications’, Journal of Occupational | |

| |Health Psychology, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 265-276. | |

|43703 |Groome. D Soureti, A 2004, ‘Post-traumatic stress disorder and anxiety symptoms in children | |

| |exposed to the 1999 Greek earthquake’, British Journal of Psychology, vol. 95, pp. 387-397. | |

|18083 |Pearn, JH 1999, ‘The victor as victim: stress syndromes of operational service. 1: Acute | |

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|13852 |Hiley-Young, B et al. 1995, ‘Warzone Violence in Vietnam: An Examination of Premilitary, | |

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|13879 |Brady, KT 1997, ‘Posttraumatic stress disorder and comorbidity: recognizing the many faces of | |

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|14836 |Marshall, RP et al. 1998, ‘Posttraumatic stress disorder and other predictors of health care |Amended |

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|43607 |Pitman, RK et al. 2001, ‘Investigating the pathogenesis of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder with | |

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|11291 |de Visser, DC et al. 1995, ‘Cardiovascular response to mental stress in offspring of | |

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|33995 |Davis, MC et al. 1999, ‘Body fat distribution and emodynamic stress resposes in premenopausal | |

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|32847 |Theorell, T 2003, [Editorial] ‘Biological stress markers and misconceptions about them’, | |

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|32987 |Wust, S et al 2000, ‘Genetic factors, perceived chronic stress, and the free cortisol response| |

| |to awakening’, Psychoneuroendocrinology, vol. 25, pp. 707-720. | |

|4616746023 |Kaufman, J et al. 1999, [Editorial] ‘Neurobiological correlates of child abuse’, Biological | |

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|10020 |Friedman, MJ Charney, DS Deutch, AY (eds), 1995, Neurobiological and clinical consequences of | |

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|3397132984 |Ikin, JF et al. (2004, ‘War-related psychological stressors and risk of psychological |Applicant |

| |disorders in Australian veterans of the 1991 Gulf War’, British Journal of Psychiatry, vol. | |

| |185, pp. 116-26. | |

Appendix C

Information to which the Applicant referred, that was not available to (not before) the RMA and so was not considered by the Council in making its decision.

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