Research poster presentation policy and procedures1.Applicants must follow the instructions on the “APTA TN Poster Abstract Submission Instructions” (see Appendix1) posted to the APTA TN website and submit the requested information to the current APTA TN Research Committee Chair* no later than the posted deadline. The name and contact information of the primary or corresponding author must be provided, along with two versions of the research abstract: Research Poster Abstract with Author NamesResearch Poster Abstract without Author Names2.After receiving the research abstracts, the APTA TN Research Committee Chair* forwards the Research Poster Abstract Without Author Names to all members of the APTA TN Research Committee for review. 3.The APTA TN Research Committee members review the abstracts, make a recommendation for acceptance using the “Poster Abstract Evaluation Scoring Sheet” (see Appendix2) and send the completed sheet to the APTA TN Research Committee Chair*. APTA TN Research Committee members who author, co-author or are affiliated with the entity submitting a research abstract must recuse themselves from the review of the abstract. 4.The APTA TN Research Committee Chair* collates the APTA TN Research Committee Member decisions regarding acceptance and notifies each applicant of the committee decision. Applicants with accepted abstracts will receive the “APTA TN Poster Presentation: Design and Display” document (see Appendix3)5.The APTA TN Research Committee Chair* notifies the APTA TN Executive Director of all accepted Research Poster Abstracts.6.The APTA TN Research Poster Presentations will be scheduled during spring meeting, typically during an unopposed programming time. The APTA TN Executive Director assures that the appropriate number of poster display boards are available at the spring meeting.*The responsibilities of the APTA TN Research Committee Chair are to be completed by the APTA TN Executive Committee appointee to this position or alternate appointee. APPENDIX 1: APTA TN Poster Abstract Submission InstructionsPosters presented at the APTA Tennessee Conference should follow a format similar the American Physical Therapy Association. Posters may be submitted in one of the following categories: Research ReportClinical trialDiagnostic studyMeasurement-focused studyObservational and prognostic studyQualitative studySystematic review/Meta-analysisSingle-subject designCase ReportDiagnosis/prognosisClinical measurement procedureInterventionApplication of theory to practiceRisk managementAdministrative/educational processTraditional case reportSpecial Interest ProjectNOTE: Abstracts that have already been accepted for presentation at other scientific meetings should not be submitted for presentation at APTA TN Spring Meeting.Abstracts for posters should be 300-500 words and should contain the following information:Category (Research Report, Case Report, Special Interest Project) TitleAuthor(s) name(s)BackgroundObjective/PurposeDesignMethodsResultsConclusionsThe category for submission, Title, Author(s) name(s) should not be included in the word count.NOTE: The abstract for a Systematic Review should indicate how articles included in the review were identified and screened for inclusion (e.g. list of databases searched, indication of inclusion/exclusion criteria, number of articles included in the review) and should provide a clear synthesis of findings. You must submit 2 versions of the abstract:one version with the author(s) name(s)one version without the author(s) name(s). The 2 versions of the abstract must be sent as separate attachments to a single email with “APTA TN Spring Poster Presentation” in the subject line. The email address of the primary author must be included in the body of the email. Submission should be made electronically to the current APTA TN Research Committee Chair or alternate appointee as listed on the APTA TN website. APPENDIX 2Poster Abstract Evaluation Scoring SheetLangptsBckgndptsObjptsDesptsMethptsResultsptsConcptsTotalptsAccept?Yes/noCommentsAbstractTitleAbstract TitleReviewer: Use the Guidelines below. Put point value in appropriate column above along with decision to accept/reject and comments relative to your decisionGuidelines for Scoring of Abstract:Abstract Component: Language UseAbstract employs complete sentences with appropriate word choices the excludes jargon; used correct grammar and spelling; capitalization and punctuation and defines all acronyms.5 pts: Employs complete sentences with appropriate word choices; contains no errors in language use or conventions; defines all acronyms at their first use and only defines those used again3 pts: Fails to use complete sentences OR Contains no more than two errors in language use or conventions OR contains, at their first use, no more than two undefined acronyms0 pts:Contains three or more errors in language use or conventions OR contains three or more undefined acronymsAbstract Component: Background/IntroductionSuccinctly connects the subject and context/background to the purpose of investigation.5 pts:Describes and connects subject and context/background to purpose of investigation in an organized, specific and concise manner3 pts:Describes and connects subject and context/background to purpose of investigation, but is somewhat disorganized, somewhat lacking in specifics or somewhat wordy OR contains only implicit or superficial connections0 pts:Describes and connects subject and context/background to purpose of investigation, but lacks organization, lacks specific details or is overly wordy OR fails to make connections OR contains no introductionAbstract Component: Objective/PurposePurpose is clearly stated5 pts: Clearly defines purpose of investigation3 pts: Vaguely states or implies purpose of investigation0 pts:Fails to state purpose of investigationAbstract Component: DesignDesign is identified5 pts:Clearly, succinctly and appropriately states design of study3 pts:States design of study in vague or unnecessarily wordy manner0 pts:Fails to state the design or inappropriately states the designAbstract Component: MethodsSuccinctly identifies methods used to study the subject OR succinctly identifies the existing procedures, models or programs used5 pts:Discusses methods or resources used to study the subject of investigation in organized, specific, concise mannerIf review or systematic review, clearly states method for identifying articles to be included in the review (databases searched; keywords/phrases used); includes inclusion/exclusion criteria3 pts:Discusses methods or resources used to study the subject of the investigation, but is somewhat disorganized, somewhat lacking in specifics or somewhat wordyIf review or systematic review, vaguely describes method of identifying articles to be included in the review and/or vaguely describes inclusion/exclusion criteria0 pts:Discusses methods or resources used in the investigation, but lacks specific details or is overly wordy OR provides no discussion of methods or resources used.If review or systematic review; fails to describe method of identifying articles for review and/or fails to describeAbstract Component: ResultsProvides succinct and specific explanation of what was discovered, accomplished, collected or produced5 pts:States results, including quantitative data, in an organized, specific and concise manner. If review or systematic review, includes results of search (number of studies identified); provides summary of study characteristics and/or outcomes3 pts:States resulting including quantitative data, but is somewhat disorganized or unnecessarily wordy OR states results only qualitatively when quantitative analysis is appropriate OR provides only a superficial explanation of resultsIf review or systematic review, vaguely identifies results of search; lacks clarity in identifying study characteristics and/or outcomes0 pts:Provides no results OR inappropriately describes resultsIf review or systematic review, does not include results of search; fails to summarize study characteristics and/or outcomesAbstract Component: Conclusions/Clinical importanceConclusion provides succinct interpretation of results and evaluates what results mean to the investigation and evaluates relevance or uniqueness of what was accomplished in the context of the project’s purpose5 pts:Provides an interpretation of results in a clear and concise manner and specifically states what they mean to the investigation and describes how the investigation fits within a larger context OR describes the specific need for continuing investigationIf review or systematic review, conclusions are clearly associated with outcomes of studies identified3 pts:Provides an interpretation of results and what results mean to the investigation and how the investigation fits within a larger context, but in a somewhat disorganized or somewhat wordy manner If review or systematic review, there is a lack of clarity between conclusion and outcomes of studies identified0 pts:Fails to provide a reasonable interpretation of results or what results mean to the investigation.If review or systematic review, conclusions are not associated with outcomes of studies identifiedAPPENDIX 3: APTA TN POSTER PRESENTATION: Design and DisplayCongratulations! Your abstract has been selected for presentation as a poster at the_[YEAR]___ Spring meeting of the APTA Tennessee.Your poster presentation should be an expansion of the information presented in your abstract.Your poster should present the following information:TitleAuthor’s (authors’) name(s)Institution/AffiliationYour poster should contain the following section, as appropriate for your research:AbstractIntroduction – include purpose and hypothesisMethods – include number and types of subjects, research design, etc.Results – summary of data, data analysis, etc.Conclusion(s)Clinical implications5.The information on your poster must be clear, legible, concise, self-explanatory, and attractive. The poster content might include text, tables, graphs, charts, photographs, etc. 6.A 4 x 8 area will be available for displaying each poster. 7.Electrical outlets or audiovisual equipment is not allowed.8.Posters are to be mounted in the poster viewing area during the designated viewing time. The poster presenter is required to stand by the poster during the designated poster presenter interaction time. ................

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