Spanish 1 Stem-Changing Verbs Quiz - Manchester University

Spanish 1 Stem-Changing Verbs Quiz

A. Match the meaning of each verb with its infinitive form.

1. ____dormir

2. ____almorzar

3. ____volver

4. ____llover

5. ____empezar

6. ____merendar

7. ____entender

8. ____querer

A. to understand

B. to have lunch

C. to rain

D. to sleep

E. to want

F. to have a snack

G. to start, begin

H. to go back, return

B. Translate the sentences, using the correct form of the verb

(o-ue & e-ie).

1. I have a snack.


2. We sleep.


3. It rains.


4. You (t¨²) go back to the house.


5. They understand.


6. We eat lunch.


7. I want a pizza.


8. He starts.


C. Use the cues below to write complete sentences. Be sure to use the

correct verb forms of the E-IE stem changers.

1. t¨² / empezar / hacer / tarea


2. ella / merendar / frutas y queso


3. yo / querer / salir / hermanas


4. ellos / entender / franc¨¦s


5. nosotros / merendar / d¨ªas


D. Use the cues below to write complete sentences. Be sure to use the

correct verb forms of the O-UE stem changers.

1. yo / almorzar / en la cafeter¨ªa


2. ¨¦l / volver / a la casa


3. t¨² / dormir / en la cama



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