Kion & Fuli

Kion & Fuli

When being a team you can't let your personal feelings get in the way of things, cause then it would all just get awkward and weird. (Especially if you have a thing for that someone in your team.)

This was something that Fuli got to learn in a very special way when she and the rest of the Lion Guard was out trying to save the Pride Lands once again.

What they first thought was just another case of the Hyenas trying to steal some melons during "Dry Season" quickly turned out to be something completely different, as they saw that the cooperate actually was some kind of large lizard.

His name was Kenge and he was some kind of "Monitor Lizard" who had been expecting them, cause he stopped trying to eat the melons as soon as they arrived and instead tried to attack them!

He was pretty big for a lizard but the Lion Guard still thought that they as a team would be able to take him down, as they all spread out to try and surround him.

They where soon in for something else as Kenge suddenly jumped out and took a bite into the thick leg of Beshte, and despite it leaving only a very minor mark on the Hippo child's strong skin the big guy soon found himself tumbling over!

Laying on his side Beshte tried to get up, but the feeling of nothing in his leg had been quickly spreading and by now he wasn't able to move his giant body at all!

Seeing this happen it was very clear to the rest of the Lion Guard that whatever that bite from the lizard had done to Besthe it was something they couldn't let happen to the rest of them, as they tried to all attack Kenge while still being out of reach for his bite.

Fuli tried to use her role as the fastest in the team to get some quick jabs at Kenge, and then just as quickly move back before he had a chance to snap back at her.

This technique worked for a few times, but at one point she got to cocky and went to close to the head of the big lizard, which lead to her getting a nab at the leg just before backing away!

Trying to "outrun" her own sickness Fuli made an attempt to continue dashing around Kenge on three legs, before then feeling how the venom spread into the rest of her other legs as she feel over and ended up laying motionless on her back.

Having Fuli all open for attacks on the battlefield Kion saw how Kenge was about to try and lay another bite into the Cheetah, as he made a leap for it to try and wrestle down the lizard.

Instead Kenge jumped up and snapped his jaws into the Lion cub's body while in midair, and while falling down Kion could feel how his body too was starting to loose it's ability to move.

Hitting the ground Kion's vision was a bit blurred at first, but upon getting a clearer view he started to blush heavily as he found himself laying right on top of Fuli's body!



Fuli was feeling equally embarrassed, since she too wasn't all to keen of having her team-mate so close and face to face with her like this!

As the battle went on around them the two paralysed members of the team continued on being awkwardly embraced into each other, as neither of them really knew what to say in a situation like this.

To feel all of Kion's soft and warm body resting so closely on top of her, and having his face so close to hers that he was basically rubbing his nose against hers really felt like something Fuli didn't feel like she was ready for. (And yet, another part of her seemed to feel like this was a very interesting new way of being close to someone you like.)

For Kion it was feeling mostly bad, as he didn't like how he was starring right into the eyes of the girl he was resting upon, and just wished that he could get off and not make it feel so weird and awkward.

Still as the seconds passed by with them being like this that one part of Fuli actually liking it was growing a bit stronger, as she was starting to wonder if she had actually been...liking Kion all along?!

She had often been calling herself to proud to "Be in love" as the two Lion girls that Kiara was hanging with always would be talking about, but being now this close and personal with Kion the Cheetah girl was realizing that if there was someone she would have wished to have laying on top of her like this then it would have been Kion.

It wasn't fully clear what it was that got her so "attractive" to someone that was just a kid like her, but maybe it was just the fact that despite being a kid he would always act so mature and adult in every serious decision that needed to be made as a leader for the Lion Guard? (That mighty roar of his was also a pretty good way to make Fuli secretly adore him.)

Looking into his eyes again Fuli could see how Kion still looked mostly embarrassed over how he was forcing himself on top of her, and Fuli was thinking about trying to tell him how she didn't mind it being like this when the air around them suddenly started to stink really much!

Moving their heads enough to look to the side the two trapped members saw that the source to the stank was Bunga, who had been letting out some of his defensive gases in order to force Kenge to make a run out of the area. (And with the smells that little Honey Badger could make come out of his butt they sure wished they had the ability to move as well right now!)

Feeling how the gases was being blown away both Fuli and Kion saw that it was Ono coming down from the skies to clear the air as he was saying, "There! With that Kenge finally leaving the Pride Lands we can now..." before then seeing the two laying on top of each other and asking, "D-Do you want me to leave you alone for a moment or...?"

A quick order from Kion saying "Can you please try to at least get me off from Fuli, so she can get some air?" made both Ono and Bunga rush over to help the Lion Cub roll over onto his own back next to Fuli, and sharing a look with each other again the Cheetah girl was smiling over finally not having to have him literally on top of her. (While parts of her inside still was feeling like she would miss having his fur rubbing up against hers.)


After that first meeting with Kenge there wasn't much that neither Fuli or Kion could do besides just watching everything else happen, but thanks to Makini getting them some Ponya Flowers they would eventually regain their ability to move again.

It was just in time also as Kenge together with the Hyena trio was about to try and steal all of the melons, but thanks to Kion's mighty roar they where soon not a threat anymore.

Having saved the day yet again it meant that things could go back to normal now, but for Fuli that didn't seem to be that easy.

Cause even when she was trying her hardest to think about other things all her brain could do was reminding her about being paralyzed, and having an equally paralyzed Kion on top of her!

Why was her mind doing these cruel things to her?! Why couldn't she just forget it ever happen?

When she would end up being faced with confusing thoughts like this there was only one way this Cheetah girl knew how to work those feelings off herself.


So doing one of her typical runs all across the Pride Lands, Fuli was hoping that the adrenaline and pure speed of her running would make her forget everything about it, but at last she could still see (And feel) Kion being so close to her.

Fuly kept on running and running until she was completely wasted on energy, and as she was slowly walking herself back to Pride Rock she knew that this was a problem she both figuratively and literally could not run away from.

If she wanted to find an end to it all then she needed to talk to Kion directly about it, and be completely honest and open on what she was feeling.


Kion was just sitting out on the very edge of Pride Rock and gazing out of the kingdom he had sworn to protect when he heard the voice of Fuli asking, "Kion? Can I...have a moment to talk with you?" while looking like it was something very embarrassing she would want to ask him.

"Sure." Kion said in a very laidback and normal tone of his voice, as he moved himself to the side a bit so that Fuli could sit down right next to him.

"So what was it you wanted to talk about?" Kion asked Fuli, who quickly started to get very unsure on how to tell him that she just tossed out "It's a pretty nice view when the sun is setting, isn't it?"

She felt pretty stupid for asking something so simple but Kion didn't seem to notice anything as he just calmly said, "Yes it is. It is very wonderful to just sit here and stare at it." before then after a moment adding in, "But it is even better when you can share it with a real friend like you, Fuli."

This made Fuli feel extra awkward as she knew she had to tell him how she truly was feeling for him, so after some more silent starring at the sinking sun the Cheetah girl took a deep breath before then finally asking, "Do you remember when we fought that big Lizard earlier, and how we...couldn't move afterwards?"

"Yes I do. It felt so weird that after getting bitten just once my body didn't want to respond anymore! It almost felt like it had died, and I couldn't do anything then to stare blindly." Kion said in a very serious tone to himself, as he was showing to still be a bit freaked out from it since he was now starring at one of his paws having free movement again.

For Fuli of course it had been something completely different that she was remembering from this event, and maybe Kion did also recall it? (But was to ashamed himself to talk about it?)

"I remember that once I got my bite I ended up rolling over onto my back, and then you got your bite and..." Fuli said while starting to look Kion in the eyes, and once she made that pause for herself the male Lion cub looked mostly confused at first, before then starting to get very flustered and getting his whole face red!

It was VERY clear to Kion now how Fuli had been seeing this whole little "incident", and a great level of guilt was starting to get all over him as he quickly said, "I'm so sorry for what happen Fuli! If I had been able to move I would have tried to get myself off from you. I never meant to..." before then getting a paw of Fuli placed over his mouth as the Cheetah had something to say.

"It's okay Kion, you didn't hurt me after all." Fuli said as she seemed to be lost into Kion's eyes and forming a bit of a smile onto her face as she was slowly leaning closer to him, before then quickly realizing what she was doing and pulled back instantly!


It was with a very embarrassed look upon her face that Fuli tried to make Kion forget how she was almost on the way of kissing him, but despite him previous being very oblivious on what she had been trying to tell him, this time the Lion cub knew very well what was going on.

"I just want to let you know Fuli that I am honestly very flattered to hear that you have these emotions for me, but I also need to tell you that I too have these same feeling for someone else. And I think you know with who." Kion said to which Fuli was very aware off as she said lowered her head and said, "It's with Jasiri, isn't it?"

"Yes it is, but that doesn't mean I want to stop having you as my friend." Kion explained as he put one of his paws onto the should of Fuli that had the Lion Guard mark on it. "You are both a really important part of this team, and a wonderful friend of mine. And I would not even be able to imagine anyone else that could truly replace you as either of these."

This made Fuli feel a lot better, as she had been forgetting a bit over just how much support and trust Kion always was having in her, and hearing this made her feel very proud and honoured to have someone like him as her friend.

"Thank you Kion, for listening to me and helping me understand." Fuli said before she then gave Kion a bit of a surprise kiss on the cheek, before then turning away to wander off as she said "And I hope both you and Jasiri also gets happy together!"

"Yeah, we will try!" Kion said to Fuli as he still couldn't fully take in what had just happen, as he could still feel the mark from where the Cheetah had been kissing him.

Thinking about that moment some more and them having been paralyzed together made him start saying to himself, "Who knows? Maybe if we end up having to fight that lizard again then maybe I should let Fuli end up on top of me for a change?" as he might now not be so sure anymore of if it is truly Jasiri that is the one his hear desire?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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