
Unit 4Geojournals and Class AssignmentsClass DiscussionWhat are some of the basis for political conflicts around the world? Ethnonationalism, Economic Resources, Religion, boundary disputes, political philosophies.Colonialism, imperialism and neo-imperialism and its relation to Geopolitics. Globalization-exporting democracy or seeking economic gain?Al-Qaeda is one of the most threatening global terrorist groups in the world. How does a terrorist group operate on a global level? How might it acquire the physical and human resources it needs to carry out tasks? Why is it difficult for states to fight against a global terrorist group?The threat of terror on today’s world has inspired diplomacy and cooperation among many of the world’s states. Why is it necessary for multiple states to join forces to fight terrorism? Describe two ways in which states have used diplomacy or cooperation to fight against terrorism.Assignment 1: Students practice writing responses to free-response questions.Question 1: There are three types of political systems in the world.A. Identify and explain the THREE types of political systems.B. Discuss the effect of each type of political system within a country.C. In a large country with many homogeneous cultural regions, which type of government would be most effective and why?Question 2:Irredentism and devolution are two processes that alter the distribution of power in a country or region.A. Define the terms irredentism and devolution.B. Identify ONE historical or contemporary example of irredentism and explain how it demonstrates the concept of irredentism. C. Identify ONE historical or contemporary example of devolution and explain how it demonstrates the concept of devolution.Question 3:Many contemporary governments have chosen to devolve power in their countries. A. Define the term devolution.B. Explain ONE positive effect of devolution. Use a historical or contemporary example to support your argument.C. Explain ONE negative effect of devolution. Use a historical or contemporary example to support your argument.Geojournals1. What is the definition of a state? How have imperialism and colonialism impacted the development of the modern state?2. What is territorial morphology? Identify the five basic state shapes and explain how each shape affects the governability of a state.3. What is supranationalism? Why is there a need for supranational organizations? What are the advantages and disadvantages of joining a supranational organization?4. What is electoral geography? Define gerrymandering and explain the impact of gerrymandering on elections.5. Define boundaries and name and explain the different types of boundaries. Make sure you provide an example for each. ................

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