Date 11/16/15? PROPHECY UPDATE NEWS HEADLINESYesterday's Prophecies - Today's HeadlinesHEADLINES IN PARTNERSHIP WITH?TRACKING BIBLE PROPHECY Francis warns on 'piecemeal World War III'G20 leaders to discuss Assad's fate in Syrian conflict At G20, Obama vows renewed effort to eliminate Islamic StateObama huddles with Putin, backs France's pursuit of deadly terrorists, on sidelines of G-20 summitPutin tells Western leaders: Let's bury our differences and jointly strike at 'barbarian' ISISObama, Putin agree on need for political transition, ceasefire in Syria EU: US-Russia cooperation crucial to defeating ISIS in Syria US resupplies ammunition to Syrian Arab fighters battling ISIS Democratic candidates pledge robust ISIS fight, implicitly chiding Obama Russia: Hezbollah not a terror group, their cooperation in ISIS fight should be encouraged Inquiry Finds Mounting Proof of Syria Link to Paris Attacks72 hours before Paris attacks, ISIS-linked social media account reveals 'God bless you in your mission'France retaliates to Paris terror attacks, hits ISIS command center, training camp in Syria Paris attacks: French jets pound Islamic State in Raqqa as chaos and fear grips France's capital after false reports of fresh gunfireWill France invoke NATO's Article 5 to declare war on Islamic State? How Paris ISIS Terrorists May Have Used PlayStation 4 To Discuss And Plan AttacksReport: Terrorist Was Rescued from 'Refugee' BoatParis attacks: Police stopped Paris attack suspect near Belgian border hours after the killings - but let him goParis attacks put dagger through heart of liberal Europe France's Hollande wants 3-month state of emergency: political sourcesFrance has declared a state of emergency, but the law has an ugly history'French authorities have their hands tied in fight against Islamic terrorism' French mayor suspended after calling for Islam to be banned Not Just Paris: Why Is Beirut's Brutal Terrorist Attack Being Ignored?Clinton and the other Democratic presidential candidates in debate decline to use term 'radical Islam'Bernie Sanders: Climate Change is Directly Related To TerrorismTed Cruz: Bringing In Thousands Of Syrian Refugees Is 'Nothing Less Than Lunacy'Alabama governor refuses to relocate Syrian refugees in stateSnyder: No more Syrian refugees in MichiganMadonna: Only Way to Stop Terrorism is to 'Love Unconditionally,' Keep Having 'Fun'Entertainment industry modifies plans after Paris tragedyDespite Paris attack, Eagles of Death Metal to return to IsraelJerusalem and Paris have been cooperating on intel for years Day after attacks, French Muslims fear backlash: 'Better to be mistaken for a Jew' Israel turns to UN over Red Crescent failure to treat Israeli terror victims Poll: 75% of British Jews think settlements block peace Spanish judge issues arrest warrants for Netanyahu, Liberman, others over the 2010 Mavi Marmara flotilla raidEthiopian aliya to resume after two-year hiatus 15 Sudanese killed, 8 injured while trying to cross into Israel from Egypt Kurds uncover mass graves after driving Islamic State from Iraq's SinjarChina says global war on terror should also target Uighur militants UN chief ready to help Korean peace North Korea prepares for possible missile launch: YonhapObama Readies Biggest Reach of Presidential Power Yet: Unilaterally Closing the Federal Detention Facility in Guantanamo BayWeapons stolen from Army Reserve in Massachusetts, FBI saysBaltimore records 300th homicide of the yearProtests erupt after black man shot by police in Minneapolis Amid Student Protests, Some See Erosion of Free SpeechFEC Commish Warns Of Regulations On Media-Sponsored Presidential TV DebatesDoubts over Dec Fed hike may be swept awayAsian Stocks Fall as Paris Attacks Send Economic WorriesJapan's economy is back in recession...again5.8 magnitude earthquake hits near George Town, Cayman Islands5.0 magnitude earthquake hits near Shemya Island, AlaskaTungurahua volcano in Ecuador erupts to 25,000ftKarymsky volcano on Kamchatka, Russia erupts to 23,000ftPopocateptl volcano in Mexico erupts to 19,000ftColima volcano in Mexico erupts to 15,000ftRinjani volcano in Indonesia erupts to 12,000ftDamage reported after rare tornado strikes Central California townImplantable wireless devices can trigger and block pain signalsSupreme Court's Texas abortion ruling to have broad impact in statesTransgender 'Man' Becomes Pregnant Halfway Through Sex Change'Catching awful lot of them': Feds nab sex traffickers in South DakotaAbout 1,500 Mormons resign from church in protest of same-sex policy Mormon Resignations Put Support for Gays Over Fealty to FaithPROPHECY UPDATE NEWSLETTERSTAY INFORMED, GET EQUIPPED, BE ENCOURAGEDPre-Millennium - Pre-Tribulation - PrePARED*If you missed an issue or did not receive your daily copy - All Newsletters are archived at:?? TODAY'S NEWSLETTER...?Featured Article: Paris is Burning??Paris Attacks?Hollande, Obama lack the troops and will for total war on ISIS. Mid East rulers are even more reluctant?Nearing Midnight: Islamic Terror in Paris?Widespread Terrorism Is Just Part of the Perfect Storm That Is Now Descending on the Western World??How Do We Reconcile the World's Struggle With Refugees and Migrants???Daily Jot: Reality of Islam comes knocking?Daily Devotion: The Advice of Kings??Paris is Burning - Pete Garcia - am putting my series of the Chronicles of Eternity on hold for a week, in order to address what transpired in Paris last Friday and what it means for us today.? Having spent previous articles on the Hegelian Dialectic and the fact that Satan currently controls the narrative and maneuverings here on earth, I can't help but see the angle he is using for the continued barbarism of Islam.?I believe he is using Islamic terror as a forcing mechanism to nudge the general global population toward given up their liberty and nationalism.? We saw this in the aftermath of 9/11 when the Congress overwhelmingly supported voting in the Patriot Act.? We also know that in the final seven years of mankind on earth, that one man (the Antichrist) will come to rule the entire planet absolutely.? So starting out at the beginning, we see that;?1. Various empires began to rise and fall:?a) Egyptb) Israelc) Assyria?As described in Daniel 2, the multi-metallic statue of Nebuchadnezzar's Dream:d) Babylon (Head of gold)e) Medo-Persia (Should of silver)f) Greece (Waist of brass)g) Rome (Legs of iron)???? i. Eastern based in Constantinople, becomes Byzantine?? ii. EmpireWestern based in Rome, becomes Holy Roman Empire?h) European nations (or offshoots) of Europe which rose and fell???? i. Holy Roman Empire??? ii. Spanish??? iii. Russians??? iv. French?*Discovered by the Nordic and Spanish*Settled and claimed by the English, Spanish, and French???? v. Prussians?? vi. Germany (Bismarck, Wilhelm, Weimar, Third Reich)?? vii. Great Britain?? viii.European Union?2. Final one world government called the Beast, and headed by the Antichrist and the False Prophet...which is yet to be formed (Rev. 13, 17).?Although hardly a complete list, nations have been jockeying for power throughout the world for the last 4,000 years.? We've seen enough kingdoms rise and fall with enough repetition, that it could be only be deemed a tragic comedy.? Currently, we (the U.S.) is in the death throes of our own makings, due in large part to the very same things that have destroyed previous empires; political corruption, unrecoverable national debt, loss of cultural identity, and public ignorance/apathy.? Of note, is that since 1900, more and more political, military, economic power has been increasingly consolidated into fewer and fewer hands. ?Assessment?Those who are promoting the satanic plan of a one world system, use issues such as Islamic terrorism to force the general public to cry out for more peace and security.? The problem then is that this world's version of peace and security, always comes at the cost of personal liberty.? In past generations, this enhanced protection, was very manpower and resource intensive.? But now through advanced technology, monitoring and controlling a population has never been easier.?The significance of Israel in the times we find ourselves in, is that Israel serves as God's time-piece.? Israel is the only nation, God ever had a covenant with, and in so doing, has made certain irrevocable promises that He cannot renege on or risk violating His own Word.? (Gen. 12:1-3, 15; Deut. 30:3-5; Jer. 31:31-40, 33:14-26; Ezekiel 36-37)? Furthermore, God has set aside 490 years (Daniel 9:24-27) specifically for the Jewish people and Jerusalem, that covers the time from their Babylonian captivity to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ at Armageddon.? To date, 483 years have been completed with the death their Messiah, Jesus Christ.?We know that according to Scripture, two of the last three wars fought against Israel come primarily from Muslim nations:?1. Psalm 83 War/Isaiah 17; if this is a war, then it consists primarily of the Sunni-Muslim neighbors that immediately surround the nation of Israel.2. Ezekiel 38-39; Gog and Magog War consists of a coalition of nations who are a mix of Sunni and Shia Muslims (with Russia being the only non-Muslim participant)3. Armageddon; all nations come against Israel?Remember, that Satan knows that Israel places a central role in Bible Prophecy, for they are the clock that God is using to mark the end of his rule.? This is why Satan hates Israel so much, and has stirred up so much irrational hatred towards her and is turning the world against even her very existence as a nation.?Prior to WWI, the Zionist Movement began to make some traction at the first Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland in 1897.? From there, until the outset of WWI, there was 17 years.? WWI concluded in 1918 with the defeat of the Central Powers who were; Austria-Hungary, Germany, and the Ottoman Turks.? From there until World War II, there was 21 years (1939).? WWII was the National Socialists (Nazis) attempt to not only reinstitute the greatness of the former German Empire, but picked up and began to capitalize on the growing anti-Semitism that had been fomenting in Europe for several decades.? Three years after the ending of WWII, Israel declared its nationhood on a single day (May 14th, 1948) and has been in a perpetual state of war ever since.? The list below outlines the terrorist and national attacks on Israel since then;?1948: War of Independence?1956: Suez Crisis?1967: Six Day War?1972: Munich Olympics terrorist attack?1973: Yom Kippur War?1982: Lebanon War?1987-1993: First Intifada (Palestinian uprising)?2000-2005: Second Intifada?2006: Second Lebanon War?2008: Gaza War?2012: Operation Pillar of Defense?2014: Operation Protective Edge?Not listed due to sheer numbers, is the terrorist attacks against Jews and Israel, but if you're inclined, you can go here and see for yourself.?It should be noted, that the reason for the uptick in Islamic terrorism, which is spilling out against everyone (including other Muslims), is the fact that Israel is back in her land as a nation.? Satan is pouring out his fury against this tiny nation by stirring up an ocean of hatred against her and anyone aligned with her, because he knows what Israel represents.? What transpired in Paris this past Friday, or with; Charlie Hebdo, Colorado, Ft. Hood, Mumbai, Bali, London, Madrid, New York City, Washington, Pennsylvania, Kenya, or a hundred other places Islamists have struck, are merely symptoms of the underlying masterplan Satan has enacted.? In true Hegelian Dialectic fashion, his plan is to destabilize the planet to the point that the world is crying out for peace and security.? But this peace and security, will come in the form of a satanically energized man, who will seemingly have all the answers to the problems which ails the world.?Counter to this, is either God's promise of protection and fortune, or the removal thereof, which also factor into these horrendous attacks.? Of note, is the fact that God NEVER rescinded His promise to Abraham, Isaac (Gen. 26), and Jacob (Gen. 28).? This is stated in Genesis 12:2-3 of which the subsequent promises were simply reiterations thereof; ?"I will make you a great nation; I will bless youAnd make your name great;And you shall be a blessing.I will bless those who bless you,And I will curse him who curses you;And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed."? ?Yet, it is not only Israel who Satan hates, but the Church also.? He knows that at a point very soon, Christ is going to return for His Church and proceed to call us up to meet Him in the very center of the stronghold that Satan currently inhabits...which is the atmosphere above the earth.? This is why Satan is called in Ephesians 2, 'the prince of the power of the air'.? Thus, with a 'shout', the Lord will descend out of the Heavenly domain into our realm of existence and march His bride straight through the heart of enemy territory.? (John 14:1-3; 1 Thess. 4:13-18; 1 Cor. 15:51-55)? This is also why out of all the Eschatological positions in Christianity, the Pre-Tribulation Rapture position is the most hated.?The dilemma that Satan faces though, is that every time he stirs up man to persecute the Church, the Church flourishes because of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.? At this point in time though, he realizes that he doesn't have much time left and is exacting his vengeance upon the Bride of Christ will he still can.? He knows that at the Rapture of the Church, he will be displaced out of heaven and his access will be cut off.? I'm also of the impression that Satan knows Bible prophecy better than most of us do, and knows this age of the Church is coming to close.? So Satan will continue to use Islam, Communism, Atheism, Paganism, and every other ism he can use to exact his fury on both Israel and the Church while he can.? Any attack aside from those two targets, are simply tools he is using to drive man to beg for peace and security.? The fact that the violence, wickedness, and general lawlessness has been ramped up so quickly and so intensely, can only mean one thing...?But concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, you have no need that I should write to you. For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night. For when they say, "Peace and safety!" then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape. But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief. You are all sons of light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober. For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk are drunk at night. But let us who are of the day be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet the hope of salvation. For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, that whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with Him. 1 Thess. 5:1-10 NKJVParis Attacks - By Dan Payne - ????????? number of deadly and highly coordinated terrorist attacks took place in Paris, France on Friday night, November the 13th 2015. Both masked and unmasked gunmen opened fire on unprotected and unsuspecting civilian targets.? ?The coordinated attacks began with suicide bombings at Stade de France stadium, home of the France National Football team. French President Francois Hollande was in attendance at the stadium where he was watching a football match between Germany and France.? ?Apparently due to the heightened security for the French president, three suicide bombers were not able to penetrate inside the stadium and instead blew themselves up outside on the surrounding streets.? ?Simultaneously, scores of people were being shot and killed at restaurants and at a concert hall. At least 128 people were killed with many more injured and in critical condition. Over 30 people were killed in restaurants and on the streets and nearly 100 were killed in the concert hall.?It is a sad irony that the band performing during the attack at the Bataclan Concert Hall is named "Eagles of Death Metal." All of the attackers in the concert hall were wearing explosive suicide belts which they subsequently detonated when they were finally surrounded and attacked by the French police.?According to survivors, the machine gun wielding terrorists were heard yelling about French involvement in Syria while shouting their familiar refrain: "Allahu Akbar" before gunning down their victims.?In a statement released by the Islamic State in which they officially claimed responsibility for the Paris attacks, they said the attacks were revenge for airstrikes in Syria and for insulting the prophet of Islam.? ?I'm reminded of a speech made by Barack Hussein Obama during which he said: "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam." [1]?President Francois Hollande called the attacks an act of war committed by a terrorist army and vowed a merciless response against the terrorists.?Taking all of these facts into account, it is abundantly clear that Islamic terrorists have yet again committed another mass terrorist attack in obedience to the Quran.? ?How can it be said that deadly terrorist attacks are in obedience to the Quran? If the effort is made to read various verses in the Quran in their proper context, one will discover a solid teaching of offensive warfare, or what the terrorists proudly proclaim as "Jihad."? ?Satan's efforts to distort true Islam and true Christianity must be refuted. This article will not quote from the Quran but research on the subject readily available on the Internet. Suffice it to say that the New Testament of Jesus Christ stands in direct contrast to the teachings of the Quran.?An obedient Christian must be willing to give his or her life for yours if called upon. An obedient Muslim must be willing to take your life with theirs when called upon. That is it, plain and simple.?The most "radical" born-again Christian fundamentalist would be someone who walked in perfect love and humility. Since no human is currently perfect this side of heaven, the only truly radical fundamentalist Christian to ever walk the earth was Christ Himself.?Was the prophet of Islam willing to forgive his enemies? Are his followers willing to forgive their enemies? No, a truly obedient follower of Islam must be willing to sacrifice his or her life to? kill their enemies.?A truly obedient follower of Christ must be willing to sacrifice his or her life to proclaim the gospel in an attempt to save enemies. How many of us are willing to forgive our enemies? How many of us are willing to sacrifice our lives so that others may live??"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:13).?Endnotes ?[1]?? Remarks by the President to the UN General Assembly on September 25, 2012Hollande, Obama lack the troops and will for total war on ISIS. Mid East rulers are even more reluctant - French President Francois Hollande declared war on ISIS and called the attack in Paris an "act of war," he gave the terrorist organization's leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi an unexpected boost. He upgraded the Muslim caliphate to a fully-fledged state against which France is now at war. US President Barack Obama was more cautious, declaring at the G-20 summit in Antalya that his country and France would fight together against terror, without specifying how.?Obama has problems of his own. The attempt to portray the Kurdish conquest of the city of Sinjar in northern Iraq as an important achievement in the war against ISIS dissipated quickly after Peshmerga troops were shown on TV moving into a city that was empty and lying in ruins, after it was abandoned by Islamic State forces. There was no battle there either.?Also, the US and Kurdish claims that they had severed the main road link between the ISIS capitals in Iraq and Syria, Mosul and Raqqa, proved hollow as ISIS had stopped using that route months ago after it became vulnerable to American air strikes.?If that wasn't enough, Obama ran into an obstacle in Antalya.?The summit's host, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan, who is consumed by an overriding aversion to an independent Kurdish state rising on his country's border, demanded a declaration that all Kurdish forces, including the Peshmerga, the PKK and the YPG, on which the US depends heavily for fighting the war against ISIS, be classified as terrorists and targeted by the West just like ISIS.??Therefore, before broaching any decisions about intensifying the war on the Islamist terrorists, Western and Muslim countries were already at odds on targets.??It therefore makes no sense for President Hollande to try and invoke Article 5 of the NATO charter under which an act of war against one member of the alliance is tantamount to a war on all. Furthermore, making this a NATO operation would rule out a priori any collaboration with Russia in the campaign against ISIS, despite their common objective.? Vladimir Putin was already vexed over the feeble Western response to the bombing of a Russian airliner killing 224 people, compared to the global outcry over the Paris outrage.??In their responses and commentaries on what to do after the Paris assault, Western politicians and security experts seemed to agree that putting their own boots on the ground for finally getting to grips with ISIS was not on the cards - there would just be "more of the same,' as one American security expert put it.?Others advised assigning the ground battle to the Egyptian, Jordanian, Kurdish, Iraqi, Saudi and other Gulf Arab states.??Who were they kidding? None of those Arab governments or armies is capable or willing to declare full-scale war on the Islamic State. The Kurds alone have stepped into the breach and are confronting the Islamists face to face, but they have sought in vain for the weapons they need, which the US refuses to supply.?Egypt, for instance, even after an ISIS network was able to breach its security system in Sharm El-Sheikh to plant a bomb on the Russian airliner on Oct. 31, has held back from a major military assault on the strongholds of the Ansar Beit Al-Maqdis, otherwise known as ISIS-Sinai. Egypt's President Fattah Al-Sisi has not uttered a word on the Islamist threat since then.??French security and intelligence services demonstrated that they were unprepared for war on ISIS, and are pretty much in the same boat as other Western powers.?Since the outrage in Paris, French and Belgian security forces have conducted raid after raid to pick up Islamists, claiming to be rounding up the masterminds and confederates of the nine bombers and shooters who attacked Paris and murdered 132 people? In fact, they are acting more to calm a jittery public than in the expectation of achieving meaningful results in the war on terror. Till now, neither France nor any Western government knows exactly how many people were involved in the attack on Paris, or the numbers and locations of the Islamic Caliphate's worldwide terror networks.? ? ???Nearing Midnight: Islamic Terror in Paris - Todd Strandberg -'m sure you are fully informed about the basic details of the Paris terror attacks. Eight Islamic terrorists stormed into popular bars and restaurants in the French capital and murdered around 130 people. The terrorists are believed to be linked to the radical Islamic group ISIS. ?A few hours after the attack, the Drudge Report had images from nine leading newspapers in Europe. Not a single one of them mentioned who had murdered all these people. The headlines used words like massacre, carnage, and terror in bold letters. The words Muslim or Islam was strangely missing. ?When the news of the attacks flashed on Fox News the TV was on mute, but all I needed to see was the text "Gunfight in Paris" to instantly know this was yet another Islamic terror incident. CNN has vastly greater resources than me, and yet, they were clueless about the identity of the perpetrators. It was two hours into the bloodbath, and they were still unsure who was murdering all these people. ?The major networks had a special broadcast about the terror attacks. It was grating to watch them run on and on about the events without mentioning the religion of these criminals. NBC's Lester Holt at one point said, "We're talking guns and bombs here." (Normally, guns and bombs need someone to pull the trigger or the pin. We can't defeat foes who are faceless phantoms.) ??I am?? nauseated by the candlelight vigils, buildings lit-up in the colors of France, and all the misty-eyed speeches by celebrities. Here is a useful list to help our liberal friends to identify the problem:??The Hebdo attack were Muslims.?The Shoe Bomber was a Muslim. ?The Beltway Snipers were Muslims. ?The Fort Hood Shooter was a Muslim. ?The underwear Bomber was a Muslim. ?The U-S.S. Cole Bombers were Muslims. ?The Madrid Train Bombers were Muslims. ?The Bafi Nightclub Bombers were Muslims. ?The London Subway Bombers were Muslims. ?The Moscow Theatre Attackers were Muslims. ?The Boston Marathon Bombers were Muslims. ?The Pan-Am flight #93 Bombers were Muslims. ?The Air France Entebbe Hijackers were Muslims. The Iranian Embassy Takeover, was by Muslims. ?The Beirut U.S. Embassy bombers were Muslims. ?The Libyan U.S. Embassy Attack was by Muslims. ?The Buenos Aires Suicide Bombers were Muslims. ?The Israeli Olympic Team Attackers were Muslims. ?The Kenyan U.S, Embassy Bombers were Muslims. ?The Saudi, Khobar Towers Bombers were Muslims. ?The Beirut Marine Barracks bombers were Muslims. ?The Besian Russian School Attackers were Muslims. ?The first World Trade Center Bombers were Muslims. ?The Bombay & Mumbai India Attackers were Muslims. ?The Achille Lauro Cruise Ship Hijackers were Muslims.?The September 11th 2001 Airline Hijackers were Muslims.?French President Hollande declared a state of emergency and put the entire city of Paris under lockdown. This has been the first mandatory curfew in Paris since 1944. The reason why all citizens of Paris were made prisoners in their own homes is because of an inability to confront the root cause of the problem--Islam. ?Terror experts were quick to talk about new security measures for Paris, but you can't put a net over the whole city. Israel struggled with Palestinian terror in the 2000s, and found the only solution was to isolate the Palestinians from accessing her territory. ?France is already overrun with Muslims. Around 10 percent of the population are followers of the Islamic faith. Before the French can even talk about kicking some of the more extreme Muslims out of the country, they need to stop new ones from pouring across their border. ?Islam should be a pariah religion. Since it was given a pass after 9/11 and a long list of other terrorist attacks, the Imams of this faith can smile and say, "Don't look at me." ?At this stage, there is probably no room for a reasonable reaction to Islamic terror. Once the pendulum moves from accommodation to reactionary, radical extremist political parties will be the only beneficiaries. Before the events of Friday night, they were leading in many polls. ?On the day of the attacks in Paris there were two major bombings in Baghdad, Iraq. A suicide bomber struck a memorial service held for a Shiite militia fighter, killing 21 people and wounding at least 46. Another bomb killed 5 more people. Since the emergence of Islamic State, attacks in Baghdad have taken place almost daily with roadside bombs, suicide blasts, and assassinations targeting Iraqi forces and government officials. Numerous other Islamic countries have had similar problems with terrorism. ?I do not see anything from preventing Paris from turning into a hellish twin of Baghdad. France has already had a number Islamic terror incidents in 2015. Everyone was saying never again after the Charlie Hebdo massacre, but "Never again" has now become "Yet again." It's all because the people of France are unwilling to clamp down on Islamic radicals. Until the French citizens wake-up, they're going to have to test their safety every time they decide to go out in public. ?While all this was going on, ironically, Al Gore was in Paris scheduled to push his climate change propaganda. It seems that Al Gore has become an omen of what is wrong with the world. Every time he shows up, bad things happen. For example, he would go to a city to give a speech on global warming and a snow storm would cancel the event. It is fitting that Gore was scheduled to do a 24-hour "Earth" climate change webcast from the Eiffel Tower when the terror attack occurred. Because of the attack, his broadcast was suspended. ?One possible explanation for why Islam seems to be given a free hand to cause havoc in the world is that the stage is being set for the Antichrist to deal with them. Being the ultimate problem solver, he may win the favor of Europeans by declaring war on Islamic terror. ?"And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?" (Revelation 13:4).Magog Rising - Preview Trailer?More than 2,500 years ago, God gave?the prophet Ezekiel an astonishing prophecy to give to the world, one that would be fulfilled in "the latter days." Many Bible scholars feel that the prophesied events, found in Ezekiel 38 and 39, could be fulfilled in the near future, and that we might already be witnessing the stage being set and the actors being moved into place, in light of current events happening in the Middle East, right now.?In Ezekiel 38, Russia, Iran, and an alliance of Muslim nations invade Israel due to a "hook placed in the mouth of Russia" to bring Russia down to invade Israel. That hook could very well be the natural-gas fields discovered off the coast of Israel or the more recent finding of massive oil deposits in the Golan Heights.?With Russian and Iranian military forces now cooperating? and engaging in combat in Syria, just miles north of the border of Israel, people are asking if these events are setting the stage for the fulfillment of what Bible scholars call the "War of Gog & Magog" that is supposed to take place in the End of Days??Join us in this exciting new DVD as we examine Ezekiel 38 & 39 and the infamous war of Gog & Magog, and compare it to today's headlines and current events in the Middle East.?This DVD will be released on *November 27, 2015, and you can pre-order this DVD right now. When you pre-order one of our DVD's not only are you making sure that you receive your DVD as soon as it is released, you are also helping to offset the production costs of these very expensive projects. (*subject to change).?TO ORDER THIS NEW DVD - CLICK HERE?The Burden of Damascus and The Psalm 83 War - PreviewNow Shipping!The Fate of Damascus and the Psalm 83 War?About the time of the end the biblical prophet Ezekiel tells of a future invasion of Israel by a vast coalition of nations, known as the battle of Gog and Magog, we find this in Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39. As we read the headlines in the newspapers of today, and witness the conflicts in the Middle East, it's not hard to imagine that this invasion prophesied over 2600 years ago, could be fulfilled in the immediate future.? Ezekiel 36-37 predicts a gathering of the Jews to the nation of Israel, which will be followed by this massive invasion.? For 19 centuries, the Jewish people were scattered throughout the world, and until May 14, 1948, there was no nation of Israel to invade.? With the nation of Israel now a reality, the stage seems set for the war that will usher in the tribulation and the rise of the Antichrist; a war that will end with the destruction of Israel's enemies by God Himself, and lead to the signing of a peace treaty with the Antichrist.?As you read Ezekiel 38 and 39, it isn't just the creation of the nation of Israel that makes this prophecy seem likely to be fulfilled in the near future.? The nations that God tells us will form this coalition against Israel seem more likely now than perhaps ever before to form just such an alliance." The leaders of this coalition will be Russia and Iran, and currently both of these nations are right on Israel's doorstep, under the pretense of battling ISIS in Syria. I believe that there are a couple of unfulfilled prophecies that will lead-up to this massive invasion of Israel, and as we read today's headlines, we find that the fulfillment of these two prophesied events,?could happen very soon! ?The Fate of Damascus and the Psalm 83 WarTo Order this Video on DVD Click Here!CONVERGENCE - of the End Time Signs - DVDIs Now Shipping!!!?Now, also available on USB?Flash-drive?or as a Digital Download???CONVERGENCE Reviews:?Randy,? I just watched "Convergence" this morning and it was excellent!!? So well done, my friend.? The graphics and the news footage used are wonderful!? I love that you put in print what the narrator is saying!? The people's comments are good and the prayer is wonderful, too!?? I am so pleased and grateful to be putting this DVD in my packets!? God bless you.? Please pray with me that God will use these packets and DVDs for His glory and that people will watch the DVDs!!!!? I see how the USA is pushing Israel to give up their God-given land so things could rapidly decline for this nation.? I am so happy to be warning people and to put this excellent DVD in their hands!? Thank you again! - L. Rhone (Iowa)?"I loved this DVD, from beginning to end the message was clear that all the End Time Signs are converging upon the world, just as the Bible predicted. I cried during the part about the Jewish Aliyah when they landed in Israel and kissed the ground. Great Job!" ?- D. Koerner - (California)?Randy,? "Convergence "is so good I am watching if for the 3rd time! - L. Rhone (Iowa)?Outstanding video! Come quickly Lord Jesus! - ?monstermovieman? Just shared on my facebook, hoping to get some people to wake up and ask the Lord into their hearts! - L. TownHi. This is Cheryl, from New Hampshire. Thank you? so much for Convergence. I just received it today. I just finished watching it.??It was FANTASTIC!!? I Praise God for your Ministry. I've been praying that God would prepare the hearts of my family members when I show them the video. I'm praying that God would give them the understanding and?keep them interested to watch it to the end and also keep them awake. ???-------------------------------------------------?Our Best DVD Ever?I believe CONVERGENCE, is the best DVD that we have ever produced! It's jammed packed full of stunningly vivid images and Hi-Def clips, that thoroughly show that we are in the end of the End Times, right before the Rapture and the?Tribulation.??100 % Worded?This DVD is 100% worded for the hearing impaired. Every word the narrator speaks, is clearly on the screen.?A Must See DVD?Every believer needs to watch this DVD and then share it with their friends, family members, and co-workers. Every church, and small bible study group, should watch this DVD and use it to evangelize. There is an?invitation?at the end of the DVD, that gives everyone the opportunity to ask Jesus into their lives!?Evangelistic?tool?It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words, well, then a DVD, with thousands of images, must be priceless. Today's generation does not read books as much as us old school people. But, hand them a DVD, and they are more than?likely?to watch it.??Timely?The CONVERGENCE DVD could not be more?timely! It coincides exactly with today's headlines and current events, leaving no doubt, that all the end times signs are happening, just as Jesus predicted.?ORDER YOUR COPY TODAY!??CONVERGENCE of the End Time Signs"CONVERGENCE of the End Time Signs" -?Bible Prophecy fulfillment is in a period of acceleration, a time of Quickening, the world is racing towards Armageddon, now more than ever we must be ready! We are about to enter a time like no other time, a time that no man has ever seen, a time like no other time in the history of this world, as a matter of fact we are about to enter the end times. Since the dawn of mankind, there have always been wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes, famines, pestilences, disease, strange-weather and false Christ's just as Jesus predicted. Fast forward nearly 2,000 years since Jesus made this prediction, and you have today's headlines lining up exactly with the Word of God. The big thing?isn't?that these events?are happening today, is that they are all happening at the very same time! Bible prophecy is being fulfilled right before our very eyes.? Fulfilled prophecy is increasing in frequency and intensity just like birth pains, and Jesus said when you see these know that I am near, even at the door.All the signs of the last days are converging at the same time. Bible Prophecy is happening right before our eyes and like birth pains, ?the predicted events are happening more frequently and more intently. Never, in the history throughout the world have so many forces, including economic, scientific, techno-logic, ecologic, cultural, geopolitical, moral, spiritual and religion, converged together to bring this world that's already teetering over the edge into the abyss, to a point of no return. "CONVERGENCE" brings it all together and will clearly show where all this heading and what people need to do!CONVERGENCE -This DVD is Now Shipping!!!CLICK HERE TO ORDERWidespread Terrorism Is Just Part of the Perfect Storm That Is Now Descending on the Western World - By Michael Snyder - cannot adequately describe the utter horror that was unleashed on the streets of Paris, France on Friday.? CNN is calling it "the worst violence witnessed in France since World War II", and even though it happened a couple of days ago now, many of us are still having a really tough time processing what took place.? Somehow, a small group of less than 10 radical Islamists was able to unleash a coordinated wave of attacks that killed at least 129 people and injured at least 350.? All of this comes less than a year after the Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris, and many in the western world are now starting to understand that something has fundamentally changed.? Even though France has a highly advanced anti-terrorism infrastructure, and even though it also has some of the strictest anti-gun laws in Europe, none of that did anything to prevent these attacks.? Despite all of our advanced technology, the openness of our society makes us highly vulnerable to Islamic terror.? And as more waves of refugees from the Middle East are absorbed by both Europe and the United States, it is inevitable that there will be more attacks like this.?According to Google, the definition of a "soft target" is "a person or thing that is relatively unprotected or vulnerable, especially to military or terrorist attack."? And as we just saw in France, the western world is literally teeming with soft targets.? I am talking about sporting events, concert halls, schools, churches, shopping malls, power stations, water treatment facilities, mass transit, etc.?For those that wish to create terror, the opportunities are endless.?In the western world, we generally rely on certain deterrents in order to maintain order.? Most sane people do not want to be shot, and most sane people do not want to go to prison.?But what do you do when there are large numbers of crazy people that are actually looking forward to being martyrs??We don't really have a defense for the kind of attack that we just witnessed in France.? What can you really do when you are dealing with large numbers of homicidal maniacs that are not afraid to die and that can strike anywhere at any time?? Unless you can identify the terrorists or their plans ahead of time, it becomes a guessing game.?And the level of evil demonstrated by these terrorists is truly astounding.? At the Bataclan Theater, two of the terrorists fired their AK-47s indiscriminately into the crowd for a full 10 minutes...?At the Bataclan Theater, at least 75 people attending a concert by a U.S. rock band were killed and many more injured, according to authorities. Eyewitnesses spoke of two young men armed with AK47 assault rifles firing repetitively and dispassionately into the crowded venue, targeting helpless victims cowering on the floor.?Julien Pearce, a radio reporter who was inside the concert hall, told CNN he saw two terrorists at the back of the venue, "firing randomly to the crowd. People yelled, screamed, everybody lying on the floor. And it lasted for ten minutes, ten minutes, ten horrific minutes, where everybody was on the floor covering their heads."?But these latest attacks are just part of a wider trend of chaos and terror that has descended upon western Europe.? For much, much more on this, please check out this video.?Sadly, what Europe is currently experiencing is coming here too.?When I first start dealing with someone new, I watch to see if that individual will actually follow through on what he or she has promised.? Sometimes this happens, but sometimes it does not.?In the case of ISIS, I would have to say that they are indeed following through on what they said they would do.? Tonight, much of Europe is completely gripped by fear and terror, and the head of ISIS has promised a "direct confrontation" with the United States as well...??Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), issued a rare audio message back on January 21 in which he flatly stated his group's intention to march on Baghdad and move into "direct confrontation" with the United States.?"Our last message is to the Americans. Soon we will be in direct confrontation, and the sons of Islam have prepared for such a day," Baghdadi said. "So watch, for we are with you, watching."?As WND has pointed out, there have been dozens of Islamic terror attacks on U.S. soil since 2001, but most of them have been relatively small.?Unfortunately, I believe that we are moving into a new era.? Instead of just being satisfied with killing dozens or hundreds of people, these terrorists will start getting a hold of weapons that can kill thousands.? Eventually we will see terror attacks inside this country that will make 9/11 look like a Sunday picnic.? And Barack Obama is certainly not helping things by "resettling" thousands upon thousands of Syrian refugees in communities all over America.?Of course increasing terror is just a part of the overall picture.? Many have described what is coming to the United States and Europe as a "perfect storm", and I would agree with that assessment.?Even without Islamic terror, we live at a time of rising civil unrest.? The deep divisions in our country have been demonstrated by what happened in Ferguson, in Baltimore and more recently at the University of Missouri.? Americans are angrier and more frustrated than ever before, and the mainstream media is constantly playing up the divisions between various groups.? And thanks to Barack Obama's refusal to protect our borders, there are now 1.4 million members of criminal gangs living in our cities.? Violent crime is already on the rise in our urban areas, and it is going to get even worse as we plunge into recession.? For instance, the city of Baltimore recently recorded its 300th homicide of the year after only seeing 211 for all of 2014.? Our major cities have never been more primed for civil unrest, and I believe that we are going to see widespread rioting, looting and chaos in the years ahead as the economy totally falls to pieces.?In addition to increased Islamic terror and civil unrest, I also believe we are moving into a time of great governmental shaking, increased tensions between global superpowers, unprecedented natural disasters, and the greatest financial unraveling the world has ever seen.?All of these trends will feed into one another to create the "perfect storm" that I mentioned earlier.? What this is going to mean is a dramatic change in our standard of living, our liberties and freedoms will continue to be stripped away, and our world is going to be transformed at a pace that very few of us ever imagined was possible.?If you have the feeling that everything has changed after what just happened in France, you are right.?But this is just the beginning.?What is coming in the weeks and months ahead is going to be even worse, and it is going to shock the entire planet.?How Do We Reconcile the World's Struggle With Refugees and Migrants? - Belle Ringer - ????? The nations of the world are grappling with the "problem" of refugees emigrating from the dangers of the expanding Caliphate in the Middle East.? Leaders like German Chancellor Angela Merkel maintains that no limits should be placed on the number of people allowed to enter her country; that European values of humanity and compassion in the face of terror need to be upheld. ?????? But the newly-elected government of Poland has announced their country won't accept migrant quotas imposed by the European Union.? And Dutch anti-immigration politician Geert Wilders says, "The only way to deal with it (the refugee crisis) is to regain our national sovereignty and close our national borders... We close our borders to migrants, not refugees."?????? So, what does that mean?? What is the difference?? Actually, as The New York Times points out, there is a legal difference.??? Briefly, a refugee is person who has fled his or her country to escape war or persecution, and can prove it.? More specifically, The 1951 Refugee Convention, negotiated after World War II, defines a refugee as a person who, "owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality, and is unable to, or owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country."?????? On the other hand, anyone moving from one country to another is considered a migrant unless he or she is specifically fleeing war or persecution. Migrants may be fleeing dire poverty, or may be well-off and merely seeking better opportunities, or may be migrating to join relatives who have gone before them.? So, in the face of the crisis in the Middle East and the onslaught of Isis's atrocities, you can imagine the political and social implications of these distinctions -- and the ensuing confusion. ?????? Under the 1951 convention, countries are free to deport migrants who arrive without legal papers, which they cannot do with refugees.? But complicating the immigration of refugees is what is known as "the Schengen policy".? Again, according to The New York Times, this is an agreement to abolish border controls among the European nations that have joined. For the most part, people in any Schengen country can travel freely to any other without stopping to show a passport or visa, just as travelers can between American states or Canadian provinces. Only when entering from outside the Schengen area are a traveler's credentials regularly checked.?????? So, once an emigrant from the Middle East arrives in Greece, and is registered, he is pretty much free to travel throughout Europe under this policy.? So can you see, in the wake of the Paris terror attack, just how significant it is that Greece is swamped with those seeking admittance into Europe.? In fact, the latest United Nations estimates show over 800,000 migrants have passed through the Mediterranean on their way to Europe this year, with 660,700 landing in Greece and 142,400 in Italy. Based on these numbers, it is not surprising that the Greek minister for Citizen Protection, Nikos Tosca, has announced that one of the Paris terrorists with a Syrian passport was "masquerading as a refugee".? And it just as understandable that leaders in countries like Hungary and Austria and Poland feel that the Greeks are not doing their job properly in securing Europe's borders, but simply processing all that come, and sending them on into Europe.?????? So don't you think that as a nation, the US should be very careful how we handle this thorny and dangerous issue of Middle Eastern refugees?? And do you see just how difficult a situation this is?? Naturally, the Middle Eastern Christians, who are being brutally persecuted for their religious beliefs come to mind when considering who should be allowed to enter our country.? But what exactly is the vetting process for all others?? If, as the news agency Reuters reports, our government is moving to increase and accelerate the number of Syrian refugees who might be admitted into the United States by opening new screening outposts in Iraq and Lebanon... shouldn't this be a major concern and raise some red flags?? In the wake of Paris, doesn't this qualify as a national security issue??????? As always, I try to see any situation from my Biblical worldview, and the Bible clearly tells us that, as Christians, we are to accept aliens into our land and help them to conform to our laws and our traditions.? In fact, the law of the Old Testament was that aliens were to be treated with respect and given aid. If things were so desperate in their home land that people would rather move to Israel and live under Israel's strict judicial and ceremonial law, the Israelites were to honor that desire.?????? However, this does not apply to those aliens who enter a country for the purpose of crime or violence. The caveat God gave the Israelites regarding aliens is that they needed to obey the laws of the land (Leviticus 24:22), and the Israelites needed to make it possible for them to obey the laws of the land by giving them opportunities for sustenance (Leviticus 23:22). Aliens who came in to steal, fight, or draw the Israelites to other gods were to be disposed of quickly.?????? You see, these same laws should be applied and followed today.? Careful investigation and evaluation is absolutely necessary!? But we can all recognize that the world is in crisis, and the sheer mayhem and chaos created by Isis and the schemes of Satan threaten to overwhelm our human abilities.? So, it is in humility and meekness that I approach God, asking Him to show us the way through His righteous and loving nature.? Let us welcome and give aid to those who truly desire it, and repel the wicked plots of our enemies who wish to destroy us.?Nahum 1:7??? "The LORD is good, A stronghold in the day of trouble, And He knows those who take refuge in Him."?Daily Jot: Reality of Islam comes knocking - Bill Wilson - ?As Paris recovers from a horrific terrorist attack, America is being invaded at the behest of an Islamic Marxist "president" who is endangering every citizen with the same policies that led to the terrorist attacks in Paris. History doesn't lie. France has welcomed Islamic immigrants for years and has paid the price often, most notably the latest terror attack. So when do politicians learn? You do not invite asps into your home and expect them to not bite your children. Likewise, Islam spreads violence, death, destruction, slavery, and crime everywhere it goes, yet politicians and many leaders of Christian churches refuse to believe that allah is not YHVH God, and that the "religion of peace" is not a religion, but a political system. ?My deepest sorrow and sympathy extends to our brothers and sisters in France. But how long must they see example after example of riots, terrorist attacks, civil unrest, and unlawful acts before they wake up to the reality of Islam? Likewise, how long will it take Americans to understand that bringing Islamic refuges to America by the hundreds of thousands poses incredible national security risks? As an example of this willful ignorance, the US "president" told ABC News' George Stephanopoulis just hours before the Islamic State attack that killed 128 people in Paris, "What is true is that from the start, our goal has been first to contain, and we have contained them." ?Then he jets off to a summit in Turkey--the nation that is using the Islamic State as a military proxy against Iran. In June, CNS News reported, "Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), issued a rare audio message back on January 21 in which he flatly stated his group's intention to march on Baghdad and move into "direct confrontation" with the United States. "Our last message is to the Americans. Soon we will be in direct confrontation, and the sons of Islam have prepared for such a day...So watch, for we are with you, watching."" All the while, US politicians are allowing thousands of Islamic "refugees" to resettle in America, admittedly with no way to tell which ones are terrorists.?Since the days of Esau and Ishmael, their descendants, now organized as Islam, have been deadly enemies to God and the people of God. They are those mentioned in every end time prophecy as coming against God's people. While, yes, we must evangelize them where possible, but we also must understand the reality of the risk. Islam is comprised of those as in Isaiah 59:7,8, "Their feet run to evil, and they make haste to shed innocent blood: their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity; wasting and destruction are in their paths. The way of peace they know not." Politicians must be made to understand that they put our nation, our lives, and the lives of our children in danger by allowing Islamists to resettle in this country.Daily Devotion: The Advice of Kings - Greg Laurie - ?Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is man's all. -Ecclesiastes 12:13?Before Solomon was anointed king, his father said to him, "As for you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father, and serve Him with a loyal heart and with a willing mind; for the LORD searches all hearts and understands all the intent of the thoughts. If you seek Him, He will be found by you; but if you forsake Him, He will cast you off forever" (1 Chronicles 28:9).?David was saying, "Son, listen to me. I know a thing or two about life. I've made my mistakes, but I also followed the Lord and served Him. You need to serve the Lord with an undivided heart. You can't live off my faith, son. You need your own faith."?Initially Solomon followed David's advice. His heart wasn't divided at first. But then he started opening himself up to things that he had no business being a part of. Things went from bad to worse. He went on a little research project to see what was out there. Solomon did everything and tried everything. In the end, here was his conclusion: "Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is man's all" (Ecclesiastes 12:13).?The word for fear that Solomon used also could be translated "reverence," "respect," or "awe." God is the Creator of the universe. He is holy and righteous. To fear Him means to have reverence for Him. It's a healthy respect. Solomon was saying, "Have reverence for God. Keep His commandments."?God's commandments are like guardrails on the road of life, which keep us from getting ourselves into trouble. When Solomon said, "This is man's all," he was saying, "This is what will make a whole man." If you want to be a whole man or a whole woman, then you need to fear God.FROM THE HEART??IF YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED THROUGH THIS MINISTRY, THEN WE ASK THAT YOU WOULD PLEASE REMEMBER PROPHECY UPDATE IN YOUR GIVING - WE ARE TRULY,?TRULY,?THANKFUL FOR YOUR SUPPORT??Prophecy Update has no corporate sponsors. This ministry is paid for and prayed for by readers and supporters. Without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update, Please pray about becoming a monthly supporter - thanks!??If ever there was a time to invest in God's Kingdom, it's now!What on earth are you doing for Heaven's Sake?"Share in the Blessings and Rewards that will last Forever!""Folks, it's all beginning to unravel. America is in more danger of falling than at any time in its history. But I believe Bible prophecy predicts this very decline. From this point on, we believers have to get serious. We are going to face discouragement, disillusionment and, most certainly, persecution in the time between now and the Rapture. But don't be discouraged or disillusioned. The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls for God's kingdom!" - Hal Lindsey1) We need your prayers!- We proclaim the Truth of the Word of God and we are under constant spiritual and sometimes even physical attack.2) We need your encouragement!- We need to hear from you, let us know how the Lord is blessing you through this ministry so that we can share it with others.3) We need your input! - If you have a prophetic article or story or if there is a news related item we missed, let us know. 4) We need your financial support!- To put it quite simply, without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update.I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. Remember, your gift, no matter how small, does make a difference! 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Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else." 2 Corinthians 9:10-13Prophecy Update is a 501 (c) (3) tax exempt -?non-profit?organization, and all your donations are tax deductible.??If you have been blessed by Prophecy Update and would like to help support this ministry financially. You can make a secure donation online by going to:DONATE NOW?Or Visit our website: write us at:?Prophecy Update P.O. Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384-0516???We are very pleased to offer all our readers this FREE download on Bible Prophecy from the Evangelical Bible College of Western Australia - Just download and enjoy and be blessed! 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