1. Check the "Shortcut to Live Data” folder for the number of files. There should be around 85.

2. Look for the New Stx folder.

3. Click on the “Local_Int_Stx” icon to launch InDesign.

4. Under the AP StocksPage menu at the top, select “Flow All.” Ignore any missing fonts messages. You may have to adjust the size of the text boxes to get all of the local stocks. Make sure to adjust the vertical rule, and to bring the “How to read the market in review” section either up or down, depending on the number of local stocks.

5. Go to File – Export. Click on desktop. Make sure you are saving as a PDF, and then give it a name, which we usually do as the four digit date followed by Local Stx. (Example: 0924 Local Stx). Then hit save. Then hit Export at the next window. Reply to any missing font window by clicking OK.

6. File should be saved to desktop as a PDF.

7. Close the file, making sure to NOT save it. (THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT)

8. Go to File – Open and select “New Commodities” from the New Stx folder.

9. Under AP StocksPage menu, select “Flow All.” Ignore any missing fonts messages.

10. Go to File – Export. Click on desktop. Make sure you are saving as a PDF, and then give it a name, which we usually do as the four digit date followed by Commods. (Example: 0924 Commods). Then hit save. Then hit Export at the next window. Reply to any missing font window by clicking OK.

11. File should be saved to desktop as a PDF.

12. Close the file, making sure to NOT save it. (THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT)

13. Go to the desktop. You should see both icons. Open the Shortcut to ANI-Temp folder, and drag both icons to the In folder.

14. The graphics should appear in the ANI-Temp objects basket within five minutes. Place on the page. The Commodities go in the lower-left hand corner, while the Local Stocks go on the right side of the page. If there is an ad, move the ad to above the local stocks and contact info box, and delete the Treasury bonds market info. If there is no ad, place the local stocks above the Treasury bonds market info.

Workflow for Town Talk’s Features pages

Monday: This is Home & Garden Day. Section is usually 4 pages, and usually starts on Page 5. Section is “B”

PAGE FRONT (5): Is an inside page, so you will have to place Features banner on page, which is located in the “Pages” tab under “Window” in InDesign. The banner is labeled “A-Features Banner.” A “Home&Garden” label is located in the FEA-LOGOS basket for this page. A gardening column runs on the left rail. Dan Gill’s “Get it Growing” column from the LSU AgCenter runs the majority of Mondays. Once a month we get a column from a local gardener named Lilly Rabalais. Both columnists’ mugs are saved as shapes. Two other stories for the front are usually wire.

On the bottom of the page is a strip called the “Good Morning.” It consists of a “Good Morning Cenla” photo w/ information; Today’s Birthday (Horoscope for the day) and a “Can you help?” graphic. This is saved as a shape. It goes above the gray bar.

Page 6: Is the advice columnists and games page. We run Billy Graham, Dear Abby, Dr. Donohue and Holiday Mathis horoscopes. We also have Goren Bridge, Jumble and Joseph Crossword. The other standing items are the Horoscope sign and the “Community Snapshot” feature. Community Snapshots are reader-submitted photos that run everyday. The advice page also has three 2x2 ads that run along the bottom of the page. The Advice columns template is saved a shape, so all you have to do is drag and drop edited columns onto their respective spaces. Community Snapshots are in DC5 labeled by date, i.e. “0905snapshot.” This is always a B&W page.

Page 7: Is the Comics page. The comics come as a whole page. (See instructions to download.) There is a strip house ad on the bottom of the page “Careerbuilder.” It is labeled “Comicsfill.” That is located in the FEA-LOGOS basket under “Objects” in JazBox. B&W comics, with strip ad, runs every day except Sunday.

Page 8: Is the back of the “B” section . I use this as the jump page. The one thing to add to this page is the Sheffer Crossword. Advertising leaves a hole for the crossword. And yes, this is a different crossword from the one on the advice page. It only runs in Features on Monday and Tuesday. It goes to the Classified section the rest of the week, so you only download these two days. (See info to download crossword.)

Tuesday: This is Health and Wellness Day. Section is usually 4 pages, and usually starts on Page 5. Section is “B”

Follow Monday’s list. All three stories for this page are usually wire and jump to the back page, depending on space. Will let you know if there is a local centerpiece for this page.

Wednesday: This is Food & Drink Day. Section usually runs 8 pages, including a double-truck ad on pages 4-5.

Regular section front. Local centerpiece is called “Today’s Special,” were we spotlight a local cook or chef at an area restaurant. Has a “Today’s Special” logo and “Know to go” pullout. “Beer Man” column runs in the left rail. Column mug saved as shape. Other story on front is wire. Good Morning strip on bottom of page.

Page 2 is usually the jump page.

Page 3 is more food wire.

Pages 4-5 is a weekly double truck ad.

Page 6 is the Advice columns page.

Page 7 is Comics.

Page 8 is the Amusement Page. We put Entertainment wire on this page.

Thursday: Has no particular theme. It’s usually a variety of items. Section is usually 6 pages. Only standing item for Thursday is the Pet Corner.

Page 1: Depending on what’s going on for the upcoming weekend, we run local entertainment pieces and wire stories.

Page 2: Jumps. Pet Corner goes here or Page 3 depending on space. Pet Corner is a snapshot of what pets are available for adoption at the local animal shelter. There’s also a label saved as a shape. This usually comes late Wednesday afternoon. I’ll try to get them to send it earlier.

Page 3 is wire stories.

Page 4 is the Advice columns.

Page 5 is Comics.

Page 6 is Amusement. Usually run an entertainment wire story here.

Friday: Weekend entertainment. Section is usually 6 pages. Label is “Your Guide to this weekend.” No Good morning strip this day. Several entertainment calendars are in this section.

Page 1: Local entertainment centerpiece, secondary local story or wire movie review. Reporter David Dinsmore’s weekly column in left rail. Col. Mug saved as shape.

Page 2: Regional concert calendar and Cenla Nightlife calendars are on this page. Both have label heads saved as shapes.

Page 3: Casino concert calendar and On Stage theater calendar. Both have label heads saved as shapes.

Page 4: Advice columns page

Page 5: Comics page

Page 6: “At the Movies”: Synopsis of what’s new this week at theaters and what’s still playing.

Saturday: Religion page. Has a “Religion” label in FEA-LOGOS. Section is usually 6 pages.

Page 1: Local Centerpiece story. If not, Religion wire stories. Left rail is usually a column from a local minister. Regular contributing ministers have column mugs saved as shapes. Good morning strip at bottom.

Page 2: Only thing on this page from us is an item called “Faith Journey: A Profile in Worship.” The format is saved as a shape. With photo and a short profile of person featured.

Page 3: Jumps from Page 1

Page 4: Advice column page. Note one change here: Billy Graham doesn’t run this day only. Dr. James Dobson’s “Focus on the Family” column runs in its place. Column mug saved as shape. Everything else goes on as usual.

Page 5: Comics page.

Page 6: Amusement page. Entertainment wire story.

Sunday: No particular theme. Section is usually 8 pages.

Page 1: Local centerpiece story. Secondary story is usually wire. Left rail is weekly column by Features editor LeCrete Robinson. Col. mug saved as shape.

Page 2: Weddings and engagements. These are paid and classified puts these on the page. Space is saved as an ad. Use leftover space for jumps from Page 1.

Page 3: Milestones. This pages consists of wedding anniversaries, reunion (class or family) information, births and marriage licenses. Wedding anniversaries are usually comprised of two photos (current and past) and information on anniversary. A Town Talk policy box goes in after the marriage licenses. It’s saved as a shape, named “Milestones.” Change folio line to a Topic Banner and label “Milestones.” This is a B&W page.

Page 4: Advice columns. Note change: Jumble and Joseph Crossword don’t run this day. The Incredible Inman column runs in both spaces. His Col. mug is saved a shape.

Page 5: Puzzles Page. Consists of Sudoku (Puzzle and answer grids); Word Warp; Jumble, Word Sleuth, Hocus Focus, Wordy Gurdy, and Los Angeles Times Sunday Crossword Puzzle. Answer grid for LA Times crossword, Sudoku, Jumble and Word Sleuth puzzles are at the bottom of the puzzle page. (See instructions to download puzzles.) Change folio line to a Topic Banner and label “Puzzles & Games.”

Page 6: Amusement page or jumps, depending on space.

Page 7: Weekly TV Grid. (See information on downloading TV Grids.)

Page 8: Sunday afternoon and evening TV grids and Soap Opera News graphic.


Sunday Crossword and Sunday Jumble: -- Login:

aguillot@ Password: Password

Word Sleuth (puzzle & solution) and Hocus Focus: en-us (May need new

Login password. No Sunday versions of these puzzles — use the Saturday before run date.)

Login: 132756

Password: town

(You should be able to get Sheffer Crossword also, if not Sheffer instructions, login and password are

below. )

Sudoku (puzzle & solution): statepoint/Default.aspx User name: lrobinson@

Password: Sudoku

Click login – scroll down to “Fun & Games” on the lower right side

Click on Sept. 14, 2009 Sudoku” – puzzle will pop up.

Click download button and enter date to run and click “Town Talk.”

Click on “Blank Puzzle” and “Solution” and they will download to the desktop.

Wordy Gurdy and Word Warp: (TT Username and password is 128250.

Use Sat. version of Wordy Gurdy)

*9 puzzles/solutions files total

Daily Comics, Jumble and Joseph Crossword:

User Name: Alexandria

Password: comix

Open pages folder and drag the Alexandria_LA_(6pk).0914.sit folder to desktop. Double click

to unstuff.

Open unstuffed file Alexandria_LA_(6pk)0914

Open first of dated folders within: 0914 – double click CMX.laalx.0914 – this launches Quark.

Click “Keep Project settings’

Click “File” save file as EPS (settings should be B&W, TIFF and Binary.

Name “0914 Comics” and save to desktop and drop into HA_TMP_BW folder.

Joseph Crossword and Jumble are in Alexandria La36 folder at TIFF files, drop into

HA_TMP_BW folder

After all show up in Temp folder in Jazbox, move to respective day of the week art folders in the

“Objects” basket, i.e., “ANI-FEA-Monday”

Sheffer Crossword for Monday and Tuesday: (same place for Word Sleuth and Hocus

Focus, but different login and/or password)

Click Login – then click “Continue login”

User ID: 13275601

Password: talk

Click on KFS-Sheffer Crossword

Look for .tif files near bottom of page, i.e., Sheff 20090914.tif

Right click on file name and click on Save Target As and save to desktop.

Drop into HA_TMP_BW folder; will be in Temp folder in JazBox.

Goren Bridge: Get it from the same Web site you get the Sunday Crossword and Sunday

Jumble. .

Click on Goren Bridge link on the left side, scroll down until you see file “Goren on Bridge –

20090915pzbdg-a.sit.” (Files start with Tuesday.) Click download. .Sit file goes to desktop.

Double click on box to unstuff. Open folder “20090914pzbdg-a”

Select .tif files and drop into HA_TMP_BW folder. Go to Temp folder in Objects basket in

JazBox and rename Goren bridge files, i.e., “0914 Goren” and so on, the move those files into

their respective day of week art folders.

TV Grids:

User name: alextotLA

Password: att$05

Select directory: Gannett Group – then select directory; Town-Talk, Alexandria

Double click on pdf file

Click on File, Save As, change name:

For Weekly Grid – 0913 Weekly TV Grid

For Sunday – 0913 TV Grid (This has the Sunday afternoon, evening grids with a soap opera

synopsis. This runs on the back page of Sunday features.)

Rest of week is 0914 Grid, etc.

Drop into HA_TMP_BW folder and move into respective day of week art folders in Objects

basket in Jazbox.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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