1. The …key causes the cursor to jump several positions. The standard position can be reset.

A. Tab

B. Num Lock

C. Enter

D. Insert

Answer: A

2. When you want to create a file on the computer to organize your CD collection, you will use a

A. Word processor

B. Database

C. Spreadsheet

D. desktop publishing package

Answer: B

3. When this key is held down on the keyboard, capital letters, or special characters at the top of each key, are printed

A. Alt

B. Ctrl

C. Shift

D. Caps Lock

Answer: C

4. Which abbreviation can be associated with eyestrain or eye damage due to sitting at the computer for long periods of time?





Answer: CVS

5. Open Source Software is software

A. that is open to use and copy as you wish.

B. that is free but copy protected and can not be copied.

C. that is free and the source code is available to developers.

D. that can contain viruses inside the source.

Answer: C

6. A Good example of Open Source software is

A. Windows 98

B. Linux

C. Mac

D. Palm OS

Answer: B

7. Software that acts as an interface between the user interface and the database access software is called

A. User software

B. Domain software

C. Middleware

D. Malware

Answer: C

8. Which of the following is NOT part of System Software

A. Assemblers

B. Communication software

C. Utility software

D. File management Tools

Answer: B

9. The range of computers designed, developed, manufactured and marketed by Apple Inc. is called

A. Palm I

B. Windows Palm PC

C. Mac

D. Dos

Answer: C

10. Which of the following is the most prominent example of free software and open source development?

A. Mac

B. Linux

C. Unix

D. Windows

Answer: B

11. Correct posture and wrist position when sitting at the computer can prevent

A. Repeated Computer illness

B. Repetitive Syndrome injury

C. Repetitive Strain Injury

D. Vision impairment

Answer: C

12. When working for long hours on the computer, the following would be recommended

A. Sit up straight, keep correct distance from keyboard, sit close to the monitor

B. Sit in a relaxed position, correct distance from keyboard, take frequent breaks.

C. Sit in a relaxed position, keep one leg from the ground, and sit close to the computer.

D. None of the above.

Answer: B

13. ………………………. software addresses the multitude of tasks for which people use computers. It can be used to perform several tasks or specific tasks.

A. System

B. User Interface

C. Application

D. Multi tasking

Answer: C

14. Which of the following can be described to be a portable, multitasking and multi-user in a time-sharing configuration using plain text for storing data and treating devices as files?

A. Windows

B. Unix

C. Mac

D. Palm OS

Answer: B

15. When a person wants to install software on the computer and the disk does not start automatically, he/she has to

A. Click on Start ( Programs( Install the software

B. Go to Applications Installed( Install the software

C. Go to My Computer(Find the disk(Install the software

D. Click on Start ( Programs ( Uninstall the software

Answer: C

16. Charts can be created with the aid of

A. word processor programs

B. games

C. multi-media programs

D. spreadsheet programs

Answer: D

17. Translation of a source program as a whole into a copy of machine code is done by System Software. Which of the following is part of system software

A. Database Utilities

B. Compiler

C. Graphics

D. Communications.

Answer: B

18. Which one of the following is NOT true about System Software?

A. It’s the operating system

B. It controls the operating features of the computer

C. It allows the user to easily switch between different applications

D. It has utility programs the manages the computers resources

Answer: C

19. True/False: To uninstall and to remove a program from the computer is the same.

A. True

B. False

Answer: A

20. The arrangement of keys on most English language keyboards is known as

A. horizontal

B. Qwerty


D. vertical

Answer: B

21. A program which is designed for a specific person and cannot be used for another application is called

A. a generic program

B. system program

C. custom designed program

D. application program

Answer: C

22. A key which will move the cursor on the screen according to their direction is

A. delete key

B. enter key

C. backspace key

D. cursor control key

Answer: D

23. A presentation program like MS PowerPoint is an example of

A. Application software

B. Generic software

C. Custom designed software

D. system software

Answer: A

24. A good example of an integrated package or application suite is

A. MS-Word

B. MS-Excel

C. MS-Office

D. MS-Access

Answer: C

25. Which key would be used to delete characters to the left of the cursor position?

A. del

B. home

C. backspace

D. insert

Answer: C

26. What type of file can also be referred to as a word processor file?

A. Backup file

B. Text file

C. data file

D. programmed file

Answer: B

27. True/False: Wearing glasses when looking at the monitor cures eye strain?

A. True

B. False

Answer: B

28. True/False: Computer users should take regular breaks.

A. True

B. False

Answer: A

29. True/False: A plastic cover over the keyboard prevents the screen flickering.

A. True

B. False

Answer: B

30. True/False: A wrist rest attached to the keyboard may help prevent strain when typing.

A. True

B. False

Answer: A

31. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of integrated software/application suites?

A. It is easy to switch between programs

B. It is cheaper than stand-alone programs

C. It is less powerful than stand-alone programs

D. It is possible to import and export files

Answer: C

32. Which key on the keyboard should be pressed to bring text that is off the bottom of the screen back onto the screen?

A. PgUp

B. PgDn

C. Enter

D. Home

Answer: B


1. A shop trading in spare parts for cars uses a computer. A number of programs were on the installed on the computer. What type of work would each of these programs be used for?

a. E-mail program

Answer: To communicate sending electronic messages (mail) using the internet.

b. Database

Answer: To keep records of their clients and keep a database of the parts on the system.

c. Spreadsheet

Answer: To do invoicing maybe, to do calculations automatically, to create charts of sales etc.

d. Word processor

Answer: To do administrative tasks like typing. They can also use is for basic publishing tasks like creating advertisements etc.

2. Define the term Software

Answer: A set of instructions or programs, which use the power of the electronic computer to perform specific functions.

3. Describe with the use of an example the term ‘ Application Software’

Answer: Also known as end-user software. It is designed to carry out a specific or more than on task. Example: Accounting application will perform accounting functions, Word processor will perform a secretarial function and a game program will contain the instructions necessary to play the game.

4. Define the term ‘ Generic Package’

Answer: Also known as General Purpose Software, software that can be used in many areas or to perform more than one function. Example: Word processing package can be used in personal correspondence, to produce form letters, basic publishing and many more.

5. Explain what is meant by Custom-designed Software?

Answer: Software that is designed for a specific person and cannot be used for any other application. An example could be like traffic control systems, they can only perform traffic control no word processing or other tasks would be possible.

6. Describe with the use of examples the term Interface.

Answer: An interface is a point at which a connection is made between two elements so that they can work with one another. In this case user interface is the point where the user and the computer can work together. Example: DOS with the typing of commands to execute an instruction or GUI where the user clicks on an icon with a mouse to perform specific functions.

7. What is meant by the term WIMP?

Answer: It stands for Windows Icons Menu Pointer, the method of accessing the computer by making maximum use of the mouse or a similar device to move a pointer over icons or text menus displayed on the screen. For example: selecting an icon may open a window and start a task.

8. In life today the term Electronic Mail is not a strange thing. Explain what Electronic Mail is.

Answer: When correspondence is done electronically via a computer system in a local area network or in a wide area network; meaning messages are sent electronically from one computer to another using a communications medium such as a network or telephone line. The computer keeps all messages received and sent. It can also inform the user of new messages to be read. Faster than communication with normal post.

9. What does Integrated Package (Application Suite) mean? Examples may be used to explain your answer.

Answer: It is an application package in which different computer tasks, such as word processing, spreadsheets and database management, are combined. For example the Microsoft Office Package can consist of MS Word, MS Excel, MS Outlook and MS Access.

10. Shortly describe the advantages and disadvantages of Application suites (Integrated Packages).

Answer: Advantages are that the user can switch between applications such as the word processor and spreadsheet very easily. Data can be used from one application into another when performing a task like copying data from a spreadsheet and paste it into a word processor. Text Graphics can be combined depending on the program being used. Mostly cheaper than stand alone packages.

Disadvantages: It’s sometimes not as powerful as a standalone package. It does not allow as much capability as single applications.

11. Shortly explain what is meant by a ‘Standalone Program’.

Answer: This is where you only have for example a Word processor or only a Database application. Files created in Word Perfect for example can be opened in MS Word but is then saved as a word document. A Photo Editor can also be seen as a Standalone program since you can edit or change photos with the functionality of importing other graphics into the program. It can add text to the graphic but will eventually save the file as a graphics file not a text or other type document.

12. Differentiate between FREEWARE and OPENSOURCE software

Answer: Freeware is software that may be downloaded or obtained for free with no copyright. Open source Software is freeware but the source code of the program is available for developers to contribute to the developing of the program.

13. Define the term Ergonomics.

Answer: It is the term used to describe the relationship between people and their working environment which should be specifically designed in such a way that a person’s physical needs are met and work can be done efficiently.

14. What do you understand by the term ‘User written Software’?

Answer: This is software that the user customized to perform and meet specific user needs. Spreadsheet templates, Database systems and Word processor templates can be created by the user to identify and solve specific issues.

15. Explain shortly the term ‘Public Domain Software’.

Answer: This is software that has no copyright and is available to the public or user free of charge.

16. Shortly state the difference between installing and uninstalling a program.

Answer: To install is to copy the program from a disk to the computer, thus enabling the user to open and use the software. Uninstall means to remove the installation files from the computer resulting in the program being removed totally and the user can not use the program anymore.

17. Write down the three areas of the keyboard and the function of each.

Answer: Numeric keys – when the num lock key is pressed/on these keys can be used much like a calculator or to more easily type numbers.

QWERTY keys – the keys that represent the typing area (letter area) of the keyboard, most keys to the right and bottom of these keys would be used for typing purposes.

Function keys – the F1 to F12 keys – keys used to perform instant or specific commands for example by pressing F1 the help function would be activated automatically.

18. Would you consider the following statement to be true or false? Explain your answer.

‘The keyboard can be seen as both an input and output device.’

Answer: False – since data is entered INTO the system with the keyboard, no data can be viewed from the keyboard or retrieved from the keyboard.

19. Microsoft Word is a fairly user-friendly program. What would you expect from a User-friendly program?

Answer: A program that is easy to use. Functions are clearly visible. Instructions are carried out fast and without much effort. The user should not undergo long hours of training to be able to work on a user-friendly program.

20. To make a printout (screen print) of the screen as it is with menus included. Which key(s) would you press on the keyboard?

Answer: Print Screen (prt sc).

21. In computer language there is a term called WYSIWYG or recently called GIGO. Shortly explain.

Answer: WYSIWYG stands for What You See Is What You Get – this means what you see and entered onto or into the system is what will be output or printed. If the letters YYZZ is typed, that’s exactly what you see on the monitor and also what will be printed.

GIGO stands for Garbage In Garbage Out – meaning whatever you enter into the system is what the system will output. If you enter Incorrect data or information the system will definitely output the Incorrect data.

22. A digitizer is a real-time input device that works with a pen like device called a stylus. Shortly state an appropriate Application package where this device can be used.

Answer: Word processor – since signatures can be made on the digitizer and automatically inserted into the word processor, or text can be written by hand and it will be converted to text on the word processor page, drawings can be made on the digitizer and it would appear as a drawing object in the word processor.

23. Shortly explain what would happen when the Windows key is pressed on the keyboard.

Answer: The Start Menu will automatically open giving the user access to the items in the start menu without having to minimize all the open windows.


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