Name __________________________________ Date _____________ Class Period _________Infant/Toddler Development ChartStudent Project SheetDirections: Using a file folder, complete a chart that highlights infant and toddler development. Each chart should include the following: Points PossiblePerformance FactorsCompletedPoints Earned10 PTSCover Page that includes:Infant and Toddler Development (Title)NameDateClass PeriodRelated Decorations10 PTSDivide folder into 2 charts with 4 sections16 PTSEach chart should be divided into the following sections: (Toddler Chart/Infant Chart)Physical DevelopmentIntellectual DevelopmentSocial DevelopmentEmotional Development80 PTSEach section should include 10 facts or milestones about that stage24 PTSEach section should include 1 image5 PTSUse at least 5 vocabulary words5 PTSNo grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors150 PTSTOTAL POINTSUseful Resources Infant/Toddler Development ChartRubricCategory4321Attractiveness & OrganizationThe chart has exceptionally attractive formatting and well-organized information. Divided evenly into 2 charts and 8 sections with bold linesThe chart has attractive formatting and well-organized information. Divided evenly into 2 charts and 8 sectionsThe chart has well organized information. Divided into 2 charts with 8 sectionsThe chart’s formatting and organization of material are confusing to the reader.Content-AccuracyChart contains 40 facts and all are accurateChart contains 40 facts and 99-90% of the facts are accurateChart contains 40 facts and 89-80% are accurateChart contains 40 facts and fewer than 80% are accurateVocabularyThe student uses at least 5 vocabulary words accurately within the chartThe student uses at least 4 vocabulary words accurately within the chartThe student uses at least 3 vocabulary words accurately within the chartThe student uses at least 2 vocabulary words accurately within the chartGraphicsGraphics are related to the topic and there is one image for each sectionGraphics are related to the topic and some sections are missing imagesGraphics are not related to the topic and some sections are missing imagesThere are 3 or less images included in the projectSpelling/GrammarThere are no spelling errors or grammar errors within the projectThere is no more than 1 spelling or grammar error within the projectThere is no more than 3 spelling or grammar errors within the projectThere are several spelling and grammar errors within the project ................

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