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Name:__________________________________Date: ________________ Block:__________Advanced Language ArtsThe Adventures of Tom Sawyerby Mark TwainPacket 2Informational Text – “The Mighty Mississippi”Questions on Chapters 2210435445135004 - 9Due Date:____________________Vocabulary: Circle the synonym that appears to the right of each boldface word.disconcerteddisconnectedperturbedexiledsadéclat sparklestatehoodeaseconfusionmienmeanthoughtworkappearanceeffusioneffortgushingcalmnesscarefacetioushumorousexpensivethoughtlessfactualpariahoutcastpriestheromodelzephyrnoiseheatbreezestorm cloudcogitatingsquirmingplayingtalkingthinkingTitle of Chapter 4: ______________________________________________________________The chapter ends with the sentence, “Let us draw the curtain of charity over the rest of this scene.” From this statement, we can infer that the author did not describe the rest of the scene because it was…boringembarrassingfinishedforgottenIn the biography of Mark Twain (in packet #1), we learned that Twain often used satire. Often times, he points out the silly things that humans do. In this chapter, the author says that when the judge came to Sunday school “soon everyone was showing off.” What does this tell you about the author’s opinion of human nature? In other words, what is it about people that Twain is poking fun at?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Title of Chapter 5: ______________________________________________________________In Chapter 5, the author is mostly interested in…Tom’s treasuresSunday Schoola church serviceTom’s new dogThe chapter suggests that laughter…never belongs in a churchis always cruelcan be refreshingis entirely foolishTitle of Chapter 6: ______________________________________________________________You can infer that Tom probably envied Huck because Huck…was olderwas richcould whistle through his teethcould do as he pleasedIn this chapter, we again see how Tom cleverly manipulates a situation to go in his favor. In this case, Tom purposely told the teacher that he talked to Huck in order to…sit next to Beckyshow he wasn’t ashamed of Huckget sent homemake everyone laughChapters 4 – 5 – 6True or False__________ Tom tries to memorize five verses of the Sermon on the Mount because this bible selection is one of his favorites.__________ Cleanliness and fine clothes are important to Tom.__________ Tom earns his Bible by bending the rules somewhat.__________ “David and Goliath” is the correct answer to Judge Thatcher’s question.__________ Tom leaves the church feeling cheerful because of the uplifting service.__________ Tom’s illness is an attempt to avoid school.__________ Aunt Polly’s technique for removing teeth includes silk thread and a hammer.__________ Huck Finn is admired by the parents of the town.__________ He is considered a lucky young man by the boys in St. Petersburg because his does not attend school or church, never washes or wears clean clothing, and does not follow any rules.__________ Tom doesn’t believe that dead cats can be used to cure warts.__________ Becky Thatcher is impressed by Tom’s math ability.__________ Turmoil fills Tom during class because of his feelings for Becky.Chapter 7 – 8 – 9 – Number the following events in the correct orderChapter 7:_______ Joe Harper and Tom exercise the tick._______ Becky and Tom give their schoolmates the slip._______ Becky refuses Tom’s gift of a brass knob._______ The schoolmaster interrupts Joe and Tom._______ Tom gives Becky a drawing lesson._______ Tom accidentally mentions Amy Lawrence.Chapter 8:_______ Tom plans to disappear and to return to town as a great Indian Chief._______ Tom reclaims a marble he had hidden in a decaying log._______ Robin Hood and Guy of Guisborne engage in battle._______ Tom wishes to die temporarily._______ Tom plans to disappear and return to town as a pirate._______ Tom tosses a marble away, exclaiming, “Brother, go find your brother.”Chapter 9:_______ Huck and Tom believe the figures approaching the graveyard are three devils._______ Injun Joe reminds Dr. Robinson of an incident that happened years ago. This incident explains why he hates the doctor._______ Huck and Tom recognize Muff Potter, Injun Joe, and Dr. Robinson._______ Huck and tom walk to the graveyard to test their theory about warts and cats._______ The three thieves rob the grave of its coffin and rob the coffin of its body._______ Injun Joe drives Muff Potter’s knife into Dr. Robinson._______ Huck and Tom run away._______ Injun Joe promises Potter his will not “tell” on him._______ Muff Potter and Dr. Robinson fight._______ Injun Joe places the murder weapon in Potter’s hand.Literary Devices: Simile and Metaphor – Re-read the first paragraph of chapter four carefully. How does Twain use simile and metaphor to create the images of a church building and a church service? Which words refer to a building?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Which words refer to a church service?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Irony – Irony is used by a writer to express something opposite from what is expected. What is ironic about the award of the Bible that was given to Tom? ___________________________________________________________________________________________Find two other examples of Twain’s use of irony in the book so far. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Personification – Personification is a figure of speech in which an author grants human qualities to nonhuman objects. For example, “Nature lay in a trance.”What is being personified? ___________________________________________________________________________________________What mood does this create? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Active Reading Strategies – Focus on Making ConnectionsWhen you use this active reading strategy, you connect personally with what you are reading. You can connect events from the text to what you have personally experienced, heard about, and read about. Choose one of the events from the book and, in the space below, describe the personal connection you can make to it. Describe the event and the connection you can make to something you have experienced, heard about, or read about. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Packet 2 Rubric____/1 Vocabulary____/4 Chapter Questions The title of each chapter is spelled and capitalized correctly.Vocabulary is correct and complete.All questions are answered correctly and completely.Student used the question to answer the question (UTQTATQ) for short answer questions.Illustration is neatly done in color and contains details from the text. ____/2 TimelineMain events from the story are included in chronological order.Pictures or sentences contain enough detail to accurately describe each event.Pictures are done in color; sentences are well-written. ____/2 Literary Devices ____/1 Active Reading Strategy portion is neat and well done. An appropriate connection is fully described.____/2 Correct conventions (capitalization, punctuation, grammar, spelling) and neat work throughout ____/12 TOTAL Timeline Summary498729040201850015887704019550003810004018915003453130128143000673798512814300046990128143000On the page that follows, create a timeline that records 5 major events from Chapters 1-9. In the boxes, you may choose to either draw a picture or write a sentence that clearly describes each of the five events. Pictures should be detailed and done in color. Sentences must be complete and well-written. Whether you choose to draw or write, your work must be accurate and neat. The events should be listed in chronological order - the same order in which they appeared in the book. ................

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