Name: Tick the six things we know about Aunt Polly and Tom.




1 Tick the six things we know about Aunt Polly and Tom. 1 He is her dead brother's son. 2 He is her dead sister's son. 3 He makes her angry. 4 He makes her laugh. 5 He makes her think. 6 She does not want to hit him. 7 She does not want him to live with her. 8 She loves him. 9 She often hits him.


2 Answer the questions about Chapter One. 1 When did Tom have to work for Aunt Polly? 2 What did Tom have to do for her? 3 Who did he get to help him? 4 What did they give Tom? 5 What did Aunt Polly think?


3 Read the text about Huckleberry Finn. Circle the correct words. 1 Everyone / Nobody in the village of St. Petersburg knew Huck. His mother was dead, and his father 2 did not help / helped him. His old, dirty clothes were too 3 big / small because they were men's clothes. Huck was 4 never / often hungry. 5 And everybody / But nobody told him to wash or to go to school or to wear shoes. He 6 could / could not fight, go to bed late, and say bad words. Because of this, 7 every / no boy in the village wanted to be Huckleberry Finn. And mothers 8 did not want / wanted their children near Huck.


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4 Read the sentences and questions. Choose the best replies (a, b or c). 1 Tom: Hello, Huckleberry! What's that? Huck: a It's a dead cat. b It isn't my hat. c I like my cat. 2 Tom: Why do you have it? Huck: a It's not good. b It's better. c To stop warts. 3 Tom: I know something better ... Rain water in an old dead tree. Huck: a Maybe. b That's not good. c That's not it. 4 Tom: Did you try it? Huck: a No, but Bob Tanner tried it. b Yes, Bob Tanner tried it. c Yes, he did. 5 Tom: Was it day or night? Huck: a Day. b No, it wasn't. c Yes, it was. 6 Tom: Did he say anything? Huck: a I didn't know. b I don't know. c Yes, he said it.


5 Match the two parts of the sentences. Draw lines between them

1 Tom talked to Huck for a long time

a wanted Amy to love him, too.

2 The teacher punished him,

b Tom loved Amy Lawrence.

3 The new student was

c the happiest boy in the world.

4 She had blue eyes and yellow hair,

d the most beautiful girl in the world.

5 Before Becky,

e but it did not matter to Tom.

6 For many months he

f and her name was Becky Thatcher.

7 For seven days Tom was

g and he thought only of Becky.

8 But now Tom forgot Amy

h and he got to school late.


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6 Complete the text. Choose the correct words from the box.







That 1


the 4


, Tom heard Huck in the garden, and he went out through his

window. After half an 3

, the boys were in the tall grass of

with the dead cat. They spoke very little and very quietly. Tom looked at the

and heard the wind in the trees. He thought about the 6



7 Put the events in the correct order (1?8). a Dr. Robinson hit Muff Potter on the head. b Injun Joe put the knife in Muff Potter's hand. c Injun Joe stabbed Dr. Robinson. d Injun Joe told Muff Potter he killed the doctor. e Muff Potter and Dr. Robinson had a fight. f Muff Potter woke up and saw the knife in his hand. g Tom and Huck ran away frightened. h Tom and Huck saw three men take a body from a grave.


8 What do Tom and Huck decide to do after the events in 7? Choose the correct answer (a, b or c). a Make an oath never to tell what they saw. b Run home and tell everybody what they saw. c Wait and see what happens.


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9 Complete the text. Choose the correct words below.

Finally, the trial 1

. There was one question to answer: Did Muff Potter kill

Dr. Robinson?

The trial was in a tall building in the middle 2

the village. Every day, Tom and

Huck waited in the street outside, but they did not stand together. They did not go inside because it

was 3

terrible. Tom listened to people in the street and he learned about the trial.

At the trial, Injun Joe told 4

his story again. At the end of the second day,

everyone in the village understood one thing: Muff Potter killed Dr. Robinson. They wanted


him. The next day, everyone in the village came to watch the end of the trial.

Poor Muff Potter 6


1 began 2 at 3 more 4 anyone 5 punish 6 looked

begin of to everyone punishing saw

begins out too nobody to punish watched


10 Answer the questions. 1 Who did the lawyer want to talk to at the end of the trial? 2 What did this person say?


11 Complete the text. Choose the correct words (a, b, c or d).

Tom and Huck were frightened of the haunted house, but they went inside it 1 a any


b anyway

c anywhere

d everywhere

They wanted 2

a that b these c this d those

treasure! They dug in the house for twenty minutes but then they heard

someone! They 3

a quick b quickly c slow d slower

hid and they saw two men come in--one of them was Injun Joe!

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Tom and Huck did not know the other man. The men had a bag with money 4 a at


b from

c in

d out

The men dug in the floor to hide 5

a they're b they c them d their

money, but they found an old box there. There was

6 a a lot of b many c much d too much

money in it!


12 Complete the text. Use the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

That evening, Huckleberry 1

(watch) the hotel from the street.

Everyone 2

(go) inside and the night 3

(be) quiet.

Huck 4

(wait), but nothing 5


He 6

(begin) to question the plan. Then the door 7


and two men 8

(walk) out. One man 9

(carry) something

big under his arm. "It must be the treasure!" 10

(think) Huck.


13 Complete the sentences about Chapter Eight. Use one, two, three or four words.

1 After a boat trip

no one could find Tom and Becky.

2 The children stopped at a

and had a wonderful day.

3 After lunch they went into

with candles.

4 Tom knew some of the caves well, but

all of them.

5 Tom and Becky

on the boat back to St. Petersburg.

6 They tried to find

of the caves, but everything looked strange.

7 They had two candles, but


8 They walked for

, until Becky was too tired.


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14 Match the numbers in the box with the sentences.

$12,000 after two weeks three days and three nights two hundred two hours


= The number of men looking for the two children.


= The amount of time with no news of Tom and Becky.


= When Tom saw Becky's father, Judge Thatcher.


= The time it took Tom and Huck to dig for Injun Joe's treasure.


= The money Tom and Huck found in Injun Joe's treasure box.


15 Circle the correct adjectives. 1 "I know something better / best for warts," said Tom. 2 For seven days Tom was the happier / happiest boy in the world. 3 "Speak louder / loudest, please. Don't be frightened." 4 Tom tried to make Becky happier / happiest, but he could not. 5 Tom went to the better / best hotel first, but a young lawyer had room number two there. 6 Room number two in the cheaper / more cheap hotel could be the place.


16 Complete the sentences. Choose the correct adverbs from the box.







1 Aunt Polly turned

and she caught a small boy with her hand.

2 "Of course.

boys can't paint fences."


Amy said, "I love you."

4 "No," said Injun Joe

. "We'll wait. We're doing it tonight."

5 They found some water in the cave and Tom

gave Becky some of his food.

6 Tom talked very

because he did not want Becky to be frightened.


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17 Match the sentences with the correct speech. Draw lines between them.

1 Tom doesn't want to paint the fence.

a "Come on, Becky!

2 Becky and Tom kiss.

Now we will find our way home."

3 Tom and Huck decide not to tell on Injun Joe.

b "Boys, I did a very bad thing

4 Muff Potter is in prison and he thinks

and they will punish me for it."

he killed the doctor.

c "Now, you will always love me!"

5 Huck and Tom want to find treasure.

d "Injun Joe will kill us!"

6 Becky and Tom are lost in the cave.

e "Jim, will you paint the fence?"

f "Where will we dig?"


18 Complete these lists. Put the words from the box into the correct categories.







Doing bad things: Dying: Being in love:


19 Match the words in the box with the definitions.







1 A place in the side of a hill or mountain. 2 To look for something under the ground. 3 Money and other expensive things. 4 It grows on your hand, face, etc. People do not like it. 5 You make this when you say you will do something. 6 It makes light. You can carry it in your hand.


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20 Complete the sentences. Choose the correct words from the box.






1 Huck has a 2 Tom uses 3 Injun Joe 4 A 5 Injun Joe

cat to make warts better. to find his way out of the cave. the doctor with a knife. asks Tom questions at the trial. his treasure in a box in a cave.


/5 /120

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