
Name _____________________________Day After Tomorrow: How Hollywood Portrays Science in Films In this activity you will explore the science behind the movie The Day After Tomorrow. You will take notes on several scenes in the movie that show climate change and catastrophic events. While you are watching, consider the following questions: How realistic is this scene?Could it ever happen?Attached is a table that will help you organize your thought while viewing the movie. After the film, you will research the science behind the events of the film. While watching, keep track of information by filling in the correct parts of the table below. Use that information to write 2-3 pages about the science presented, events shown and a conclusion about climate change. This packet and your essay will be due on ____________________________.You will watch the film in class and be provided with ONE DAY of class time to work on your paper with my assistance. All other work will be done outside of class. Event1. Jack Hall (Dennis Quaid) is a climatologist studying the effects of global warming beginning in Antarctica Answer During the movieWhy is he taking ice core samples from Antarctica? Answer After the movieWhat does this have to do with climate change?Event2. As the ice shelf breaks off, a large chunk falls into the ocean. Answer During the movieWhat is the reason given in the movie for why this happens? Answer After the movieWhat does this have to do with climate change?Event3. At the conference in India, Jack Hall talks about how fragile the climate is. The Vice President counters that the economy is just as fragile. Answer During the movieNotes: Answer After the movieHow are the climate and economy interrelated? Event4. Massive hail hits Tokyo Answer During the movieNotes: Answer After the movieHow does hail form? Could we see something like the scene from the film? Event5. Dozens of tornadoes hit Los Angeles Answer During the movieNotes: Answer After the movieHow do tornadoes form? Could we something like the scene from the film? Event6. Massive tidal wave hits NYCAnswer During the movieNotes: Answer After the movieHow do tidal waves form? Could we something like the scene from the film? Event7. Jack Hall explains that the climate is changing drastically due to a disruption in the North Atlantic Current. Answer During the movieDescribe his theory here: Answer After the movieHow does the North Atlantic Current work? Could a disruption lead to a cooling trend?Event8. Quick freeze in Northern Latitudes, people being evacuated to Mexico Answer During the movieNotes: Do you think the President made the right decision in evacuating only the South and leaving the North to fend for themselves?Answer After the movieIs climate change likely to affect one latitude more than the others? Event9. Astronaut in space makes the comment “Have you ever seen the air so clear?” Answer After the movieExplain the significance of this statement: Conclusion thoughts~ Our climate is fragile ~ Hollywood does a good/bad job portraying science ~It is OK to take risks with your safety in the name of science Thoughts:Essay Format: 2-3 pages (does not include works cited page) Intro- summarize filmBody- Use the information from your packet to write a concise essay about the different events shown in the movie and how they relate to climate changeConclusion- Summarize how we are dealing with climate change today – use your final box to create 1-2 paragraphs conclusion Key Points*12 size font Times New Roman or Calibri, normal margins, double spaced* Works Cited page- in proper MLA format* Yes- spelling and grammar count- do not ask that question….it always counts! Rubric: Day After Tomorrow Component Movie days in classStudent is engaged, keeping track of information on handout, awake and attentive8- 10 pointsStudent is watching movie, keeping track of most events, needs 1-2 reminders to stay on task 7-5 pointsStudent needs constant reminders to stay on task and/or has head down /sleeping during movie 0-4 points PacketAll parts are completed, showing research, completed thoughts8-10 pointsMost parts are completed7-5 points Incomplete0-4 pointsEssay- IntroIntroduction is clear, and straight to the point. Gives a detailed summary of the film and connects it to the topic. 5 pointsIntroduction is stated, summary is vague3 pointsIntroduction is lacking and does not connect to the topic of the paper1 pointEssay- BodyEach of the events from the packet is discussed. Each event shows research and information is properly and clearly stated15-20 pointsThe events are discussed with a few details, more research should have been included14-10 pointsEvents are not discussed in a clear format, lacking in details and research is vague0-10 points Essay- Conclusion Conclusion is clear, summarizes the main topic of the paper and the authors opinion is clear to the reader 5 points Conclusion is stated but lacking in details about the paper. 3 points Conclusion is unclear or missing0-2 points Essay- Key pointsPaper is between 2-3 pages, sources included in proper MLA format, no spelling or grammatical errors5 pointsMissing 2 of 3 Key Points3 pointsMissing all key points/many spelling or grammar errors 0-2 points Total _______/ 65 in quiz category ................

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