
MINISTERIO DE EDUCACI?NDIRECCI?N REGIONAL DE BOCAS DEL TOROIPT EL SILENCIODEPARTAMENTO DE INGL?S M?DULO DE INGL?S PARA 12 GRADOBACHILLERES: AGROPECUARIA, CIENCIAS Y COMERCIOPROFESORS: NEREYDA NAVARRO, XIOMARA VANHORNA?O LECTIVO: 2020.Dear English Teachers: This learning module is for you to monitor and help parents to support students with the content they should review during this time. Parents are going to be in contact with you to receive your Guidance and support in order to help their kids do the different activities. A portfolio of evidence must be done to gather all of the activities per week. This portfolio is considered a formative assessment tool. Students have two options for presenting their activities: typed or handwritten. We really appreciate your knowledge, experience, and commitment to move forward during this difficult time we are facing in our country. We are convinced that all together will overcome this situation. “Education is the star of our country.”Apreciados Padres de Familia: Debido a la situación que actualmente enfrentamos, el IPT EL SILENCIO, comprometido con garantizar la educación de todos los estudiantes de su plantel, ha preparado este módulo de aprendizaje de la asignatura de INGL?S, con el objetivo de que la comunidad estudiantil pueda continuar su proceso de aprendizaje de los contenidos básicos del idioma. Este módulo se ha elaborado con actividades de aprendizaje formativas Y sumativas sencillas para facilitar la comprensión. Los estudiantes tendrán las opciones de entregar dichas actividades de modo impreso o escrito manualmente en su momento. De la unidad y el compromiso de todos dependerá que logremos el objetivo de seguir educando a nuestros estudiantes.UNIT 1I read, understand and I analyze the following topic with the teacher’s help and the dictionary.Identifies main job requirements and profiles by completing a chart with relevant reading material and jobs ads.Demonstrate the ability to write a report (10 sentences) about five common professions and occupations in Panama.Selects a profession or occupation and designs a colorful job advertisement with the information acquired on vocabulary, structures and reading material.>Articles A, An, TheI read, understand and I analyze the following grammar structure with the teacher’s help and the dictionary.English has three articles:?A,?AN, and?THE. These articles are used before nouns to show whether the nouns are general or specific. Learning how to use?A,?AN, and?THE?can take time. Articles in English - A, An, TheThere are only three articles in English:?a, an?(indefinite article) and?the?(definite article).We use?a / an?when the listener doesn’t know what thing we mean. We use?the?when it is clear which thing we mean.Example: I watched?a?movie last night.?The?movie was thrilling.Use of a and anWe use?a or an- only with?singular nouns.- when we are talking about a?thing in general.Example: I need a new laptop. Hand me a pencil, please.- with?professions.Example: He is a postman.- to show the person / thing is?one of a group.Example: She is a student at our school.- with a singular noun to say something about?all things of that kind.Example: A cat likes drinking milk.Use of theWe use the when we talk about a?specific thing.- when it is?clear which thing or person we mean.- when there is?only one of something.Examples:What is the highest building in the world?Washington is the capital of the United States.The moon is bright tonight.- to talk about?geographical points?on the globe like?rivers, oceans, seas, canals, deserts,...Example: The Nile is the longest river.- when we talk about?musical instruments, plants, animals and currencies.Examples:He plays the piano well.The rose is my favourite flower.The dollar is a strong currency.The tiger lives in Asia.- when we refer to a?system or service.Examples: When does the train arrive?We should call the ambulance.Practice 1Choose the correct article: a, an, the or x (no article)Are you coming to???????party next Saturday?I bought???????new TV set yesterday.I think???????man over there is very ill. He can't stand on his feet.I watched???????video you had sent me.She was wearing???????ugly dress when she met him.I am crazy about reading???????history books.She is???????nice girl.Do you want to go to???????restaurant where we first met?He is???????engineer.He thinks that???????love is what will save us all.Practice 2Fill in the blank with the correct article (a,an,the)Let?s go to ______________ park.Who lives in _____________ pineapple under __________ sea?Isn?t this ____________ awesome day?Do you have _________ best friend?What flavor is _________ cake?May I have __________ orange?I will get ___________ haircut at _______ barbershop.Practice 3Complete the sentences. Write the words in parentheses in the correct order. 10 Points.CRITERIAPOINTSUse the correct auxiliary verb1 pointWord order in questions1 pointDo you know if (like / they / movies / to watch)?_______________________________________________________________Can you please explain (the documentary / is / what About)?______________________________________________________________Can you tell me (that soccer player / was / who)?_______________________________________________________________I wonder (is / tonight / movie / what / on TV).________________________________________________________________Do you know if (he / in a new show / is)?______________________________________________________________ExercisePersonal PronounsI read, understand and I analyze the following grammar structure with the teacher’s help and the dictionary.UNIT 2EATING GOOD GENERATES HEALTH EL COMER BIEN GENERA SALUD LOGROS 1. Analiza y sustenta la influencia de los medios de comunicación en el consumo de alimentos. 2. Argumenta la importancia de de la pirámide alimenticia y las ventajas de su adecuada utilización.3. Comprende el uso adecuado del verbo To Be.4. Creates a bulletin board contrasting healthy and unhealthy habits in teenagers.A?food pyramid?or pyramid is a representation of the optimal number of servings to be eaten each day from each of the basic food groups.Activity 1The veggie guessing bagTry this activity to increase children’s recognition and awareness of different vegetables. Place some vegetables (real or plastic) in a bag (e.g. pillow slip). Ask children to feel inside the bag and guess which vegetables are there. As a variation, blindfold children and place a vegetable in their hands. Ask them to guess what the vegetable is by feeling, smelling and even tasting it.Activity 2INDIVIDUAL WORK Reading1. Read and analyze the following text carefully with the teacher’s help and the dictionary. Nutritional habits Nutritional habits begin in the family and they are reinforced at school. Nutritional habits undergo the pressures of marketing and publicity effect by the parliamentary companies. Nutrition is a physiological necessity for life that has an important social and cultural dimension. Eating is related to satisfy hunger (to live) and good taste. During the eating process the senses are involved (smell, taste, tact, and the ear takes part when receiving advertisement messages on food). Lately there is a great concern about health and recognition of a satisfactory nutritional diet as an instrument for the protection of healthiness and prevention of sickness. Surveys demonstrate that the selection of food depends first on taste then on the economical factor, followed by the comfort of the simplicity in the cooking preparation. Today’s world turned into a “global village” and under the pressure of the multinationals that make the publicity a valuable instrument of conviction, obtains a great uniformity in the nutritional habits, especially among young people. Nowadays a natural tendency exists among the young population who do not consider inadequate eating as a factor of risk for their health; and this attitude has become a routine, and it is extended for ages. The most important aspects that can help reinforce suitable eating habits or to eliminate the inadequate ones are: The value of the nutritional fact is an essential aspect of life quality. The necessity to change the idea of a good meal to the concept of a balance diet. Consumer education about adequate nutritional eating habits can be reinforced by the information that is incorporated in the labeling of the products. The opposition to accept esthetic that goes against good health, eliminating canons of beauty and modernity and the extreme pathological thinness. The obsession of the consumer for new technologies and new food. 53 The value of the importance of nutritional security, as well as the struggle against the fraud to obtain healthy eating.Activity 3Practice A I fill in the blanks according to the reading. Then I compare with a partner. 1. The value of the nutritional fact is an essential aspect of _______________. 2. Nutritional eating habits can be reinforced by the information that is incorporated in _______________ of the products. 3. Nutritional habits undergo the pressures of ________________________ 4. ______________________ begin in the family and they are reinforced at school. Practice BWe work in pairs to put the words in order to make sentences.to / related / hunger / eating / satisfy / is / ________________________________________________________ 2. the / are / process / the / involved / during / senses / eating ___________________________________________________________ 3. a / for / necessity / nutrition / life / is / physiological ___________________________________________________________ 4. is / risk / for/ healthiness / inadequate / a / eating ____________________________________________________________PRACTICE CWe listen to the conversation. Then, we take turns to practice aloud with a partner. Wanda: Rafael. What else are you having for the party? Rafael: I am having tamales but, I am having a problem. Wanda: What is the problem? Rafael: I cannot do them by myself. I need to buy chickens and corn. Wanda: How much do you need? Rafael: I need two pounds of chickens and four pounds of corn. Wanda: Can you bring them by yourself? Rafael: Yes, I can. Wanda: Thanks a lot for your help. Rafael: OK. See you later.Present Simple: BeI read, understand and I analyze the following grammar structure with the teacher’s help and the dictionary.Positive:I am I’mfrom Japanyou / we / they areyou’re / we’re / they’re ffrom Brazil.he / she / it ishe’s / she’s / it’sfrom India.NegativeI am notI’m notmarried.you / we / they are notYou’re not / You aren’t We’re not / We aren’t They’re not / They aren’thappy.he / she / it is notHe isn’t / He’s not She isn’t / She’s not It isn’t / It’s nota student.QuestionAm Ibeautiful?Are you / we / theya teacher?Is he / she / it tall?UNIT 3The?effects?of?global warmingI read, understand and I analyze the following topic with the teacher’s help and the dictionary.Formulates forms to avoid air, water and soil pollution.Prepares a brochure about the research emphasizing the importance of environment.Conoce la necesidad del aprovechamiento racional de los recursos naturales y la protección del medio ambiente.The?effects?of?global warming?or?climate?damage include far-reaching and long-lasting changes to the natural environment, to ecosystems and human societies caused directly or indirectly by human emissions of greenhouse gases. It also includes the economic and social changes which stem from living in a?warmer?world. Global Climate Change Read and analyze the following text carefully with the teacher’s help and the dictionary.Introduction to Earth?s Dynamically changing climateHow is the Earth's climate changing? Within the mainstream scientific community, the fundamentals of global warming and climate change are no longer in question and increasing evidence shows that human activities make a significant contribution to this change. Examine evidence of climate change from different parts of the Earth’s system and consider what it means to live on a planet with a dynamically changing climate.Impacts of a warming arctic In the Earth system, a change in one part of the system will lead to a change in another part through positive and negative feedbacks. Feedbacks render some parts of the Earth more sensitive to climate change than others. Examine the evidence for changes in ice cover at the Arctic and explore why climate changes at the poles are so important to the rest of the climate system.Coastal consequences of Sea Level RiseThe present and future impacts of global climate change on human populations are unevenly distributed across the planet. Because of a warming climate, sea levels are rising at a rate of more than 3 millimeters (mm) a year. Learn how sea level rise will have increasingly serious consequences for human health and life quality.ActivitiesChoose an activityEarth ToastGlobal warming BingoGlobal warming CollageGlobal warming ExperimentMake a Terrarium Mini-GardenPresent ProgressiveI read, understand and I analyze the following grammar structure with the teacher’s help and the dictionary.Activity 1Activity 2UNIT 4Technology Integration1.Definition of technology2. what does technology do for us?3. types of technologyIndicatorsRecognize the importance of technologyMention the different types of technologyIncorporate these technologies in today lifeREMEMBER (recordar)En esta guía abarcaremos el tema de los textos de tecnología integración enfatizando en el contenido To begin (para empezar) Technology is a body of knowledge used to create tools, develop skills, and extract or collect materials. It is also the application of science (the combination of the scientific method and material) to meet an objective or solve a problem. Technology is more than just a computer.“In general, what does technology do for us?”technology helps us solve problems, makes our lives easier, and extends our abilities to do things. TYPES OF TECHNOLOGYCommunication technology:(comunicación tecnológica) is one of the most common technologies used in our everyday life.it helps ways to communicate from one place to another, also it helps us to communicate with each other with more convenience, in less time and with greater accuracy. Communication technology helps in transmitting data or information by using various devices like telephone, radio, television, and the internet.Examples: Internet, multimedia, e-mail, telephone and other sound-based and video-based Social Media Platforms: (twitter) (Plataforma de media social) allow people to create personal pages, post profile images and updates on their lives, and create a friend list of people who can see your updates.Blogs: are personal websites where people can publish or ‘log’ information for others with an internet connection to read – all around the globe.Vlogs (video logs) (registro de video) using a handheld camera or camera on their computer monitor to record themselves speaking.Live Video(YouTube) (video en vivo) responded to online content consumers’ needs for immediacy and authenticityConferencing Technology: (tecnologi?a de conferencia) Sophisticated conferencing technology helps workplaces communicate across long distances.Group Wikis: (wiki grupal) is a website where anyone can edit and add content. The most famous wiki is, of course, Wikipedia.Group Forums:(foro grupal) A group forum allows people to post questions and answers for others to respond to. Group forums are also commonly used in education where?online schools?have students respond to a stimulus question each week.Podcasts: are packets of audio information that can be uploaded and stored on cloud technology ready for anyone to download and listen to at-will. A podcast can be automatically downloaded onto a smartphone through RSS. Podcasts emerged out of radio technology.Wearable Technology: (tecnologia usable) help make communication easier than ever. A wearable technology is any information technology that is carried on the body. Examples: Smart Watches, Smart Glasses, Exercise braceletsSmart Speakers: (altavoces inteligentes) are computerized personal assistants placed around offices and homes in order to help people complete tasks hands-free.Web Chat: (charla navegador) a conversation between two friends by adolescents and young adults through Facebook messenger, MSN messengerEmail: (correo electronico) uses to send government, university databases and personal information.Tablet computers (tableta de computadora) used as a portable device that fits in the market between a smartphone that is carried in the pocket and a laptop that usually requires its own bag. CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY: (tecnologia de construccion) is related to the equipment andmethods utilized to build both advanced and basic buildings and structures. Examples: heavy engineering structures like bridges. The methods of construction use different heavy machinery and tools like tractors for land preparation, computer software to design and create a digitalized version of the building or structure.PRODUCT TECHNOLOGY: (product de tecnologia) is the understanding of specifications and characteristics of a service or product created for the needs of the market and manufacturing processes. It is, its manpower, standards, materials, design specifications, procedures and methods. It helps in determining the functional characteristics, properties, and structure of the product to ensure it meets the requirements and needs of the customerMEDICAL TECHNOLOGY: (tecnologia medica) This is the most effective and beneficial type of technology because it assists in improving and extending human life. It helps reduce the pain and speed up the recovery process.ARCHITECTURE TECHNOLOGY: (tecnologia de arquitectura) is the application of modern technology for designing buildings.Such as spans engineering, building science, they are practiced by building/architectural engineers, structural engineers, architectural technologists, and architects.BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY:(tecnologia de negocios) is the application of information, engineering, data and science for businesses related purposes like achieving organizational and economic goals.EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY: (tecnologia educacional) the performance of students by managing and establishing different technological resources and processes in a classroom or any learning environmentINFORMATIONAL TECHNOLOGY: (informacion tecnologica) This technology comprises a set of software and hardware tools utilized to process, transfer and store information.SPACE TECHNOLOGY: (tecnologia espaciacial)is a novel environment due to which working in it requires special techniques and tools. Numerous daily services including satellite television, GPS systems, remote sensing, weather forecasting, and other long-distance communications rely critically on space infrastructure.ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: (inteligencia artificial) is also called machine intelligence. It is the intelligence the machines demonstrate, contrasting to the natural intelligence demonstrated by animals and humans.ROBOTICS TECHNOLOGY: is a field which is related to artificial intelligence. It is the utilization of machines, construction, operation, and designing robots for performing tasks that were done by humansSUPERINTELLIGENCE: is the technology which demonstrates intelligence that surpasses even the smartest and most gifted minds of humans.AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGY: has made way to an era where powered machinery performs the jobs that were performed formerly by humans, as well as animals like horses and oxen.ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY: This technology is utilized by individuals with disabilities to assist them in performing certain tasks that are impossible or difficult for them to perform. OPERATION TECHNOLOGY: is a category of software and hardware which controls and monitors the ways in which the physical devices performENTERTAINMENT TECHNOLOGY: is the utilization of modern technology to create or enhance the entertainment experience. This type of technology includes:Interactive environmentsComputer simulationsScenery fabricationAnimationsSoundsVideosShow controlLight field devicesHigh dynamic rangeAugmented realityAnimatronicsAutomation Final del formulario TechnologyBlog vlog Live video streams Group forum Conferencing technology group wiki Group forum podcast product technology Medical technology architect technology Business technology Education technology robotic technology agriculture technology Assistive technology operation technology entertainment technology Social media platforms ACTIVITY # 1Write the name of each technology (escribe el nombre de cada tecnologia)?? ???????????????Fill the gaps with the correct object below.(llene los espacios usando un objeto de tecnologia)???????? 1. If we want to print out the information in the computer, we use a?.????? 2. A??is a small object which you move with your hand to give instructions to the computer.????? 3. If we want to upload our pictures onto the computer, we use a?.????? 4.?While chatting on the web we usually use?a??to see each other's faces.???????5. It is smaller than a desktop computer and you can carry it with your hands. It is a?Activity 2Choose one of the words related to technology from the table to complete eachsentence. One of the words is not required. (escoge una palabra relacionado con tecnología del cuadro para completar la oración. Sobra una palabra)printer? ? ? wi-fi? ? ? synchronize? ? ? browser? ? ? touchscreen? ? ? mp3 player? ? ? upgrade? ? ? burner? ? ? uploadPrincipio del formulario1. We made a copy of the wedding DVD using the??on the laptop. Then we sent it to my uncle.2. Take the computer over near the TV, the??signal is stronger there.3. These photos look great! Why don't you??them to your Facebook page so your friends can see them?4. I need to read this report on the train tomorrow and our??isn't working, it's got no ink. What can I do?5. If you go jogging around the neighborhood, don't use your??because you won't hear traffic and it's very dangerous.6. The only problem I have with these??devices is that I get greasy fingerprints everywhere and have to clean it every day!7. Every morning, before going to work, I??my home and office computers so they have the same files on them.8. I was very satisfied with the free version of the application, so now I want to??to the paid version.Final del formularioActivity # 3Unscramble the following technology words. (escriba la palabra correcta de tecnología)GLOBDEOIVTUYOUBECASTODPHATCBEWILAEMBLATETSONDUKIWIFIWILOGYCHTENOTIONEDUCAMENTTAINENTERTERCOMPUUBSTOPLABCAMWEBBOOKFACEGRAMINSTASHAPWHATCOMPARATIVE ADJECTIVESWe use comparative adjectives to describe people and things.4358640306070Si el adjetivo tiene una sola silaba le agregamos ER al adjetivoLa hormiga es más peque?a que el hipo.0Si el adjetivo tiene una sola silaba le agregamos ER al adjetivoLa hormiga es más peque?a que el hipo.36918903830319Si el adjetivo tiene una sola silaba y termina en consonante más una vocal, debes de doblar la última consonante y agregar ER El elefante es más gordo que la jirafa.00Si el adjetivo tiene una sola silaba y termina en consonante más una vocal, debes de doblar la última consonante y agregar ER El elefante es más gordo que la jirafa. 36156902442210Si el adjetivo tiene dos silabas o más sin lay Y agrega la palabra MAS delante de la palabra. Si el adjetivo termina en Y solo agrega la palabra MAS, si tiene tres o más silabas. La mariposa es más hermosa que el sapo.00Si el adjetivo tiene dos silabas o más sin lay Y agrega la palabra MAS delante de la palabra. Si el adjetivo termina en Y solo agrega la palabra MAS, si tiene tres o más silabas. La mariposa es más hermosa que el sapo.3977640-72390Si el adjetivo termina en Y remueves la Y agregar IER La ni?a es más feliz que el pato.00Si el adjetivo termina en Y remueves la Y agregar IER La ni?a es más feliz que el pato. ACTIVITY # 4SELECT THE CORRECT COMPARATIVE ADJECTIVE (ESCOGE LA MEJOR RESPUESTA USANDO EL ADJETIVO COMPARATIVO)1. Beth is ______than Eduardo.????more short????short????shorter2. The blue dress is ______ than the yellow dress.????beautiful????most beautiful????more beautiful3. My cat is ______ than your cat.????big????bigger????more big4. His kitchen is _______ than her kitchen.????cleaner????more clean????clean5. This test is ______ than the test we took yesterday.????more difficult????most difficult????difficult6. The brown bird is ______ than the yellow bird.????more little????small????smaller7. His headache was bad yesterday. Today it is ______.????worse????bad????worst8. Yesterday I was sick. Today I feel ______.????more better????better????good9. John is ______ than he was yesterday.????more sick????sickest????sicker10. The boys are ______ today than they were yesterday.????happier????more happy????happyACTIVITY # 5FORM THE COMPARATIVE WITH THE ADJECTIVES FROM THE RIGHT WITH THE CROSSWORD.FORME EL COMPARATIVO CON LOS ADJETIVOS DE LA DERECHA EN LA SOPA DE LETRASUPERLATIVE ADJECTIVESWe use a superlative adjective to describe one thing in a group of three or more things3453765699136Si el adjetivo tiene una silaba le agregamos al final EST al adjetivo La hormiga es el más peque?a.00Si el adjetivo tiene una silaba le agregamos al final EST al adjetivo La hormiga es el más peque?a.3453765250825Si una silaba termina en una consonante más una vocal más consonante debes doblar la última consonante y agrega EST El hipo es la más gorda.00Si una silaba termina en una consonante más una vocal más consonante debes doblar la última consonante y agrega EST El hipo es la más gorda.3796665-72390Si un adjetivo termina en Y remueves la Y agrega IEST El elefante es el más pesado.00Si un adjetivo termina en Y remueves la Y agrega IEST El elefante es el más pesado.379666588900Si un adjetivo tiene dos silabas o más sin la Y agrega la palabra MAS antes de la palabra. Si el adjetivo termina en una Y, solo necesitas agregas la palabra MAS si tiene tres o más silabas . El avión es el más caro.00Si un adjetivo tiene dos silabas o más sin la Y agrega la palabra MAS antes de la palabra. Si el adjetivo termina en una Y, solo necesitas agregas la palabra MAS si tiene tres o más silabas . El avión es el más caro.ACTIVITY # 6Fill in the gaps with the superlative forms of the adjectives in brackets to complete the following sentences in English.Principio del formulario1. Mr Brown is??tutor in our university. (experienced)2.Our house is the ??in the street.. (big)3.??film we've ever seen is "Enter the Dragon". (interesting)4. It was Chris who wrote??composition. (brilliant)5. Spring is??season of the year. (pleasant)6. Tom's room is??of all. (clean)7. Of all Polish writers, Sienkiewicz is??one. (great)8. Jim is??pupil in my class. (difficult)9. Ann is??student in our group. (hard-working)10. James is??person in our office. (open-minded)11. Egypt is one of??countries in the world. (old)12. Canada is the second??country in the world. (large)13. Helen is??girl I've ever met. (kind-hearted)14. That was??mistake. (stupid)15. I think England has??weather in the world. (changeable)16.??hotel in Poznan is "Polonez". (comfortable)17.? Henry; he never tells a lie. (credible)18. For many years, the Beatles were??group. (popular)19. It's??town I've ever seen. (ugly)20. He is the ??of four children. (old)Final del formularioACTIVITY # 7Read the story about football then circle all the comparative adjectives in the reading. Then in the chart change the comparative adjective to superlative form. (Leer la historia , sobre fútbol ponga en círculo los comparativos, luego haga un cuadro comparativo con el adjetivo superlativo.The Football GameYesterday my brother and I went to see a football game. We watched our two favorite teams, the Eagles and the Hawks. It was the second week of the season and the day was much colder than the week before. We arrived at the stadium at 11:30 am, which is a little earlier than usual. We were excited because I love the Hawks and he loves the Eagles. ?The seats were good, but I wanted something closer to the field. However, we sat and enjoyed the game. Well, weenjoyed it until we started arguing. My brother and I both think our team is better than the other team. He always says to me that the Eagles are faster, stronger, and smarter than the Hawks. I never agree. On this day, he was wrong. The Hawks played a lot better than the Eagles. They looked stronger and tougher than the Eagles. The won by 15 points.One thing I didn’t like was that the food and drinks were much more expensive than other places, and tasted much worse. I was surprised that a hot dog cost $7, which is more expensive than the $3 I pay outside the stadium. Also, the hot dog was smaller than normal hot dogs. So I was a little sad about my meal, but I planned?to get something tastier after the game.?Driving home, I talked about how much better my team was than the Eagles. My brother was getting angry, and I noticed he was driving a lot faster than usual. We were lucky he didn’t crash. Finally, he saw a police car so he started to drive slower. ?We arrived home around 7:00 pm, which is later than normal. Usually we get home at about 6:00 pm.?Overall, it was a great day. I love going to the game with my brother. Even though we argue, I wouldn’t want to watch the game with anyone else!ACTIVITY # 8MAKE A COMPARATIVE CHART WITH THE COMPARATIVE ADJECTIVES FROM THE READING. HAGA UN CUADRO COMPARATIVO DE LA LECTURA DE ARRIBA, LUEGO LO PONES EN EL SUPERLATIVOCOMPARATIVE ADJECTIVESSUPERLATIVE ADJECTIVESCOLDERCOLDESTANSWER THESE QUESTIONS FROM THE READING.( CONTESTE ESTAS PREGUNTAS DE LA LECTURA)Who won the game??Hawks?EaglesHow much did a hot dog cost??$4?$3?$7What time did they arrive home??1:30 pm?6:00 pm?7:00 pmWhat is the brother’s favourite team??Hawks?Eagles ................

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