University of Warwick MSc in Endodontics

University of Warwick

MSc in Endodontics

Preliminary proposal


Endodontics was first mentioned in the 1700`s but it was taken to a new level in the last 18 years. The diagrammatic evolution of Endodontics illustrated by the American Association of Endodontists demonstrates the development of the profession.



Ten study days, to include case presentations. The study days will be taught at Warwick University in 5 two-day blocks

3 practical days based on bench work at Warwick University. The practical sessions will added onto the 5 two day block courses

1 clinical observation day at a Regional Training Centre

60 CATS.

Foundation Course

There will be a 2 day course to teach critical appraisal skills and statistics


One 40 CAT module and a 20 CAT module


Either a 60 CAT research project or a 20 CAT module with a 40 CAT practice project


Day 1

Endodontologic science:

- healthy pulp

- pulp pathology

- accidental pulp opening – managment

- emegency endodotic therapy

Treatment planing

- diagnosis

- differential diagnosis

- anamnesis

- forensic

- infection control

- preendodontic build up

- rubber dam

Optimal Anaesthesia for the Endodontic Therapy

Day 2

Hand files

- glide path

- mechanical shaping

- step down, crown down, balanced force, double flare


Goals of cleaning and shaping

Torque control motors

Rotary instrumentation – the NITI Jamboree

- NiTi materials

Day 3

Rotary instrumentation – the NITI Jamboree part II

- File concepts

- File sequences

- Mechanical shaping – the 3 dimensions

- Mechanical shaping and Ultrasonics

- Multiple files and minimal files usage

Day 4

Rotary instrumentation – the NITI Jamboree part III

- Mechanical shaping and iatrogenic failures

- Management of iatrogenic failures

Chemical disinfection

- Disinfection science

- Disinfection procedures

- The disinfection protocol

Root canal dressing

- Material science

- Protocols

Day 5

Root canal obturation

– Science

– Sealers

– materials: a. GP

b. Resilon

c. Guttaflow

– techniques: a. single cone

b. multiple cone technique

c. squirt technique

d. carrier technique

- Condensation techniques: a. lateral condensation

b. warm vertical condensation

c. thermomechanical condensation

Management of ‘flare ups’

The postendodontic pain management concept

Antibiotics in endodontic therapy

Day 6

The postendodontic rehabilitation 

- To post or not post

- Posts :

material science

selecting the optimal post

optimal cementation approach

- Coronal reinforcement approaches

material science

selecting the optimal reinforcement procedure

optimal reinforcement technique

- ‘Comp Up’ – the direct composite restoration

- Coronal build up for indirect prosthetic restoration

Adhesive science

Day 7

Previous RCT treated tooth and optimised bleaching approach

- Material science

- Techniques

Endo – periodontolgic conundrum (from GBR/GTR to Crown lengthening)

Endo – prosthetic conundrum: Previous RCT treated tooth – integration in prosthetic concepts

Occlusal concepts for RCT treated teeth – rehabilitation concepts

Day 8

1. Re-RCT – orthograde vs retrograde

2. Nonsurgical re-RCT

3. Post removal

4. Re-RCT and atrogenic failure management: from fractured instruments retrieval to closing perforations

5. Surgical re-RCT

Day 9

Endodontics for the deciduous tooth

The caries profunda concept

Direct pulp capping





Day 10

The Endo – Implantology conundrum

- RCT outcome

- Success and failure in RCT

- Difficulty assesment for RCT

- Success and failure of single tooth Implantology

- Minimal invasive tooth extraction

- Implant science for single implants

- Immediate implant placement

- GTR for immediate implant placement

- Temporisation

Case presentation

Candidate will present a case at each study day and monitor its progress and treatment


The assessment for the first year will be based on written assignments. There will be four assignments; 3 x20 CAT summative assignments and one formative assignment. These assignments will be based on the clinical cases. The areas that will be covered in the cases are as follows:

- Consent

- Indications and contraindications for RCT.

- The Straight Line Access Concept.

- The disadvantages and benefits of the “crown down” vs “step back” concept .

- ELM vs X – ray.

- ELM vs paper point technique.

- Mechanical shaping approaches.

- The equipment available such as NiTi files.

- Magnification and light – benefits for the treatment outcome.

- Irrigation protocols.

- Root canal obturation approaches.

- Coronal restoration approaches.

- Iatrogenic failures.


1) Clinical Practice Module 40 CATS

Students will be required to undertake the treatment of 10 cases and demonstrate whole patient care in all 10 cases. There will be 6 days teaching for this module as well as personal supervision to monitor the progress of cases.

The assessment of this module will be a portfolio of the 10 cases. There will also be a final interview which will be based on the 10 cases and an OSCE.

2) Mandatory 20 CAT module

Materials in Endodontics

Instruments in Endodontics

Operational Surgical Microscope

Microbiology in Endodontics

Mechanics in Endodontology

Literature searching and statistics

The assessment of this module will be a 4,000 word assignment to critically appraise literature.


The M Sc year will consist of a series of tutorials that will cover the same areas as the implant and orthodontic M Sc programmes. These tutorials focus on statistics, critical appraisal of literature and research skills.

1) Research Project.

Possible research projects

1. Irrigation and disinfection

2. Comparison conventional RCT long term outcomes using different variables

3. Comparison RERCT long term outcomes using different variabls

4. Comparison coronal restoration of RCT treated teeth - long term outcomes using different variables

5. Mechanical shaping – the NiTi jamboree

6. Electronic Length Measuring

7. Root canal obturation – comparing techniques – comparing outcomes – comparing ease of use – many more.

8. Searching for the adequate coronal restoration

9. GTR and surgical RERCT

10. Endo – Periodontolgy: indications – limits.

11. Endo – Implantology : indications – limits.

12. Endo – Prosthetics: indications – limits.

Regional Centre

It will be necessary to establish a new Regional Training Centre which specialises in endodontics. This centre will be situated in London. It provides all of the equipment needed for modern endodontic therapy. The centre will be subjected to the same quality assurance process that the other dental programmes are required to attain.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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