
Title: Lascaux Stones | |

|School: Lantern Road E.S. Corporation: Hamilton Southeastern Schools |

|Grade Level(s): 3rd Class Periods: 4 or 5 |

|Objectives/Essential Question(s): |

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|Art History-Students will study facts about the Stone Age when read Felix Travels Back in Time by their teacher. Students should complete “Wall’s |

|Well that Ends Well” and “The First Firsts” worksheets and take turns viewing the examples in their supply baskets. |

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|Art Production- Students will create a “Cave Stone” with clay that is first-fired only. Students will draw their choice of “cave painting animal” |

|with pencil. The students will “make” paint by choosing a binder (eggs or lard) and mixing it with stone-crushed, time-period-appropriate hues of |

|chalk. Once dry, the animal is “outlined” with charcoal. |

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|Art Critique-Prehistoric times were very harsh. Daily life centered on survival. Securing food, clothing, and shelter (all while staying alive in a |

|wild environment) were most important. In your journal/sketchbooks, write one paragraph about how and why you believe Prehistoric People took the |

|time to paint on cave walls. |

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|Art Aesthetics- Students will discuss the ArtTalk Card, “More than 15,000 years ago, prehistoric artists decorated cave walls in Lascaux, France. |

|Using paints made from earth pigments and animal fat, they created images of bison, mammoths, horses and other wild animals. These scenes were either|

|a record of past events or painted in hopes of bringing about a successful hunt. If you were to paint a scene of something that you wish would |

|happen, what would it be?” |

|Indiana Visual Art Standards |Indiana Standards from Other Disciplines |

|3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 3.2.1, 3.2.3, 3.3.2, 3.3.3, 3.5.1, 3.5.2, 3.6.2, |Writing (Process)-3.4.3 |

|3.7.1, 3.7.3, 3.8.1, 3.8.2, 3.9.1, 3.9.2, 3.10.1,3.10.2, 3.10.3, |Writing (Applications)-3.5.2 and 3.5.4 |

| |Writing (English Lang. Conventions)-3.6.1-3.6.9 |

| |Speaking and Listening-3.7.1-3.7.4, 3.7.11, 3.7.14 |

| |Scientific Thinking-3.2.2 |

| |Science (Common Themes) 3.6.1 |

| |Soc. Studies (Individ., Society, and Culture)-3.5.3 and 3.5.4, |

|Vocabulary |Materials/Equipment/Technology |

|Lascaux, France, cave, binder, paint, shape, organic, color, hue, clay, |Teacher example, White Stoneware Clay (Cone 05-06), clay tools, examples, |

|fire, Saber Tooth Cat, Mammoth, and Prehistoric. |pencils, eggs, lard, chalk, rocks (to crush chalk), snack size zipper bags,|

| |paint brushes, charcoal, sketchbook/journals, and worksheets. |

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|Activities |Assessments (link to rubrics, worksheets, tests, other) |

|Day 1-Students will hear the chapter of Felix Travels Back in Time |HSE Art Grading Rubric |

|regarding Felix’ visit to the Stone Age. Additionally, students will | |

|complete “Wall’s Well that Ends Well” and “The First Firsts” worksheets and| |

|take turns viewing the examples in their supply baskets. | |

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|Day 2-Students shall create a “stone” with their clay. Students MUST | |

|gently carve their names onto the back of their “stones.” Stones will be | |

|turned in to the appropriate shelf in the clay-drying cabinet. | |

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|Day 3- Students will receive their fired “stone” and should begin drawing | |

|their chosen animal. “Stones” that blew apart can be re-formed on this | |

|day. Those that are finished drawing should visit the Smart Art Cart (free| |

|time cart). | |

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|KNOWN ALLERGIES TO EGGS!!! Students at each table will agree upon their | |

|team’s binder. Each table will be given two colors of chalk, rocks for | |

|crushing, their chosen binder, popsicle sticks for mixing, and paint | |

|brushes for painting. After, the paint creation and mixing are complete, | |

|students may “cruise the room” for the colors needed to paint their stone. | |

|Stones should be placed on the proper shelf in the clay drying cabinet. | |

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|Day 5-Redistribute the stones, and allow artists to outline their animals | |

|with charcoal and outline details on the animal. Create a “cave” and place| |

|the stones inside for display! | |

|Resources (provide any necessary links) |

|Felix Travels Back in Time |

|The Felix Activity Book |

|School Arts Clip Card ® Making Prehistoric Paint (Susan Rushin, Swiftwater, PA) |

| (Virtual Tour of Lascaux and GREAT pictures one can print for free) |


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