
Deacon Carl’s Corner

Let the Church Be the Church

Bill Gaither is one of the most prolific gospel song writers in Church history. One of those songs is called, “The Church Triumphant”; the chorus says:

Let the church be the church, let the people rejoice.

Oh, we've settled the question,

We've made our choice.

Let the anthems ring out, songs of victory swell

for the church triumphant is alive and well

You can find the verses online, but when I say “Church”, what comes to mind? What is the Church’s purpose? NT Wright says, “The point of following Jesus isn’t simply so that we can be sure of going to a better place than this after we die. Our future beyond death is enormously important, but the nature of the Christian hope is such that it plays back into the present life. We are called, here and now, to be instruments of God’s new creation, the world-put-to rights which has already been launched in Jesus and of which Jesu’s followers are supposed to be not simply beneficiaries but also agents.” We are…“to become key elements of the Christian calling to work for his kingdom within the world”.

We are called to serve our Lord where he calls us to serve. We are nudged and pushed by the Holy Spirit through our prayers, readings, world events, being informed, broadening your list of friends and more. God used Mother Pat, Bishop George and Jim Gowland in my life. Who is God using in your life?

Whether we are inside a building we call the “Church” or being the church with fellow followers of Christ over the phone, Zoom, Facetime, 6’ apart etc.– God is calling you to

begin, continue or expand your efforts. There is nothing more satisfying.

As I explore where to serve, NT Wright challenged me with these words. “We dream the dream of justice. We glimpse, for a moment, a world at one, a world put to rights, a world where things work out, where societies function fairly and efficiently, where we not only know what we ought to do but actually do it. And then, we wake up and come back to reality. But what are we hearing when we are dreaming that dream?”

Deacon Carl

During this time of uncertainty, please know that Church of the Good Shepherd will always be here for you. Please email us or phone in your prayers so Mother Susan and Deacon Carl can pray for you specifically if you desire. Both of them are calling parishioners to check up on you and see how you are doing. We want to thank you all for continuing to support Good Shepherd by mailing in your pledges.


Mother Susan and Deacon Carl

The Food Pantry

We have changed our approach for collecting food donations for the Pitman Food Pantry. Each week we will be collecting a different food item. We will announce the upcoming needed food item each week in the trifold. Also we will have a monthly list here in the Crook.

Since we are not at the church on the weekends you could bring your donations directly to the pantry or Sue Burkhard's house. Pantry hours - Tuesdays 6 to 7, Wednesdays 4 to 5, Thursdays 12 to 1.

Food donations for August are:

8/1 & 2 – Peanut Butter

8/9 & 10 – Canned Vegetables

8/15 & 16 – Pancake Mix or Syrup

8/22 & 23 – Canned Ravioli

8/29 & 30 – Canned Fruit

All donations are greatly appreciated and accepted.

Once we get back

Save your spare change

for the Squirrels’ Nests!

They are in the back of

the Church and in the Parish Hall


The THURSDAY STUDY GROUP’s Our new study will be Brian McLaren's book The Great Spiritual Migration: How the World's Largest Religion is Seeking a Better Way to Be Christian.  In his book, McLaren offers a way that we can embrace three powerful understandings that are reshaping the practice of faith - spiritually, theologically and missionally.  It is very timely for the reckoning our country is facing right now.  Purchase your book, read the Introduction and join us at 9:30 am on Thursdays, by clicking on this Zoom link:


We hope that everyone is staying safe and careful during this time of the Covid-19 virus.  We are still not accepting clothes to be delivered to Camden. St. Wilfrid’s clinic is still not in operation so we have no outlet for them at this time. Please do NOT drop anything off at our house. We will be forced to dispose of anything that we receive, due to the virus.  We promise to let you know when we are taking clothing and shoes for distribution to Camden again.



 Deacon Carl and Ellie Dunn


These are some of their names and numbers, if you have any questions.

Rector - The Rev. Susan Osborne-Mott – 732-759-4358

Deacon - The Rev. Carl Dunn – 609-868-7102

Senior Warden – Len Clark – 856/582-1113

Junior Warden – Beth Portocalis – 856/357-3938

Treasurer - Lee Braidwood - 856/228-0737

Asst. Treasurer - George Funk - 856/232-0941

Brotherhood of St. Andrew - Wayne Szalma – 856/469-3028

Women at the Well - Diane Wall - 856/374-9081

Altar Guild - Shelly Harris - 856/589-8160

Youth Group - Chelsea Richmond – 856-723-4123

2020 Vestry Liaisons

Endowment Planning – Diane Wall

Personnel – Aimee Burgin

Youth Group & Activities – Lauren Kaltwasser

Sunday School – Brad Davies

Outreach Ministries – Dana Szilier

Newcomers/Greeters – Len Fedullo

Internal Ministries – Steve Mackay

Columbarium – Diane Wall

Choir – Jeff Bathurst

Women at the Well - Diane Wall

Brotherhood of St. Andrew – Brad Davies

Adult Christian Education – Aimee Burgin

Website & Social Media – Len Fedullo

Creation Care Ministry – Lauren Kaltwasser

Stewardship Committee – Len Clark – Chair, Steve Mackay (2020), Len Fedullo (2021), Jeff Bathurst (2022)

Senior Warden – Len Clark

Junior Warden – Beth Portocalis

Treasurer – Lee Braidwood

Clerk of the Vestry – Chuck Lezenby

Assistant Clerk of the Vestry – Mel Caron

Prayers for Parish Families

For August

Scull family, Sheridan family, Shuda-Hahn family, Siebold family and Sikorski family


Soon we will be able to offer up prayers together in the church. And everyone will be invited to pray with a Pray-er Minister should they desire to. Until that time, please feel free to send your prayer requests to Mother Susan at revmomott@. All requests will remain confidential.


In service to the greater community, Jenn Harrington continues to accept and deliver donations for the Pitman Food Pantry, whose needs have risen greatly due to the pandemic.  Those who live close to Jenn can drop off at her house at 7 Trafalger Court in Sewell.  If you live closer to Church, you may also leave donated food at Beth Portocalis' house at 301 Washington Avenue in Pitman.  You may also leave donated items at the Pantry during their operational hours. (30 North Broadway, Pitman Tuesdays from 5:30 - 7:00 pm; Wednesdays from 3:30 - 5:00 pm; and Thursdays from 11:30 - 1:00 pm)  

Church of the Good Shepherd

Prayers of the People

Prayers for the Church and Clergy

For all Churches in the Diocese of NJ & Ecuador

Michael Curry, the Presiding Bishop

William “Chip” Stokes, Our Bishop

The Rev. Susan E. Osborne-Mott, Rector

Sister Cass, AF

Charles Nakash – Missionary in the Dominican Republic

Rev. Carl Dunn, our Deacon

Prayers for the Nation

Donald Trump, Our President

Phil Murphy, Our Governor

“For all those who serve and protect us at home”

Prayers for the Sick and in Need

Tod Porter


McFadden family

Seely family

Audrey Buck

Joe DeMarco



Rich Reiniello

Mike Daly

Maripat Makalusky

Helen & Ken

Michelle Siegle

Natasha Tuoy

Melissa Czechowicz


Kathy Busser

Janet Paraschak


Crystal Snoke



Mitchell Morgan

Janice Enstrom






April Ellerbe

John & Candace Jemilo

Denise Ladd

Gattinella family




Prayers for all Military Personnel

* We pray for our enemies and for those with whom we are at war. *

“Almighty God, we commend to your gracious care and keeping all the men and women of our armed forces at home and abroad. Defend them with your heavenly grace; strengthen them in their trials and temptations; give them courage to face the perils which beset them; and grant them a sense of your abiding presence wherever they may be; Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”


What’s Happening In AUgust

2nd & 4th Tuesdays – 9:30 AM Caring Hands via Zoom

All Tuesdays & Thursdays –

9 AM Morning Prayer via Zoom

All Wednesdays – 10 AM Contemplative Group

via Zoom

All Thursdays – 9:30 AM Thursday Study Group

via Zoom

August 2 – Pentecost 9

Sunday, 10 AM Holy Eucharist via Zoom

August 9 – PENTECOST 10

Sunday, 10 AM Holy Eucharist via Zoom

11:30 AM Vestry Meeting

August 16 – PENTECOST 11

Sunday, 10 AM Holy Eucharist via Zoom

August 23 – PENTECOST 12

Sunday, 10 AM Holy Eucharist via Zoom

August 30 – PENTECOST 13

Sunday, 10 AM Holy Eucharist via Zoom



august Birthdays

01 – Robert Earley

04 – Adam Bathurst

04 – Ethan Bathurst

06 – Pat Braidwood

06 – Kallan Stinger

07 – Andrea Startare

08 – Luke Cerveny

08 – Nathan McHugh

11 – Jason Vail

12 – Victoria Nelson

13 – Roger Baker

13 – Art Dilworth

13 – Emily Ruoff

14 – David Wynkoop

17 – Kevin Baker

17 – George Funk

17 – Madison McNally

17 – Diane Wall

18 – Audrey Buck

18 – Darrin Buono

20 – Susan Baker

23 – Patrick DeLooff

24 – Chris Baumle

25 – Frank Jackson

26 – McKayla Earley

27 – Wayne Szalma


The CONTEMPLATIVE GROUP begin a new study of Richard Rohr's "Contemplation" on Wednesday, July 22.  All are welcome to join us at any time! If you've never tried contemplation, this series would be a good one with which to begin.  We meet at 10 a.m. on Zoom at this link:


As the CoViD pandemic lingers on, we are each facing difficult times; people losing their jobs, children needing to be home-schooled (some without computers), families trying to decide whether to buy groceries or pay the rent/mortgage, social isolation, and so on.  Many of you are experiencing anxiety over loved ones you can’t visit.  Our Church is more than a building we visit once a week, it is us, the people of Church of Good Shepherd, the people of God. We are on a spiritual journey together, no matter where we start from, led by the Holy Spirit.  Even though we can’t be together physically for the time being, we are always there for each other spiritually.  

 The Church had a "Families In Need" Fund, and the Vestry has re-opened this dedicated fund given the crisis we are currently facing. If you find yourself in need, please reach out confidentially to Deacon Carl at 609-868-7102 or Mother Susan at 732-759-4358, and they will do everything within the financial abilities of this Fund to help.  

Also, the Vestry is asking each of us as members of the Good Shepherd family to consider the financial needs of other Church members and possibly assist those who are in need by making a contribution to this Fund.  Our Church has always been known for our outreach, but these times of uncertainty are when we most need to help those within our Church family with hardships.  If you would like to donate to this fund, simply make a check payable to “Church of The Good Shepherd” and mark it “Families In Need Fund” and we will put it to good use as Jesus guides us.  All donated funds will only be used for the purpose of helping other parishioners.  

As always, we thank you for your generosity and we will continue to pray for our collective health, welfare and safety, and look forward to the time when we can safely worship and fellowship together again at Good Shepherd. 

Thank You God

for Free Gifts

by Alice Aultman

Life gives us much concern about what we can do for others. Maybe there is no money and in the present time no physical contact plus we are not supposed to be really close to anyone. So what do we do?

Here are some thoughtful suggestions that might give you some usable ideas: SMILE, a friendly smile can travel many feet. We don’t have to know the person we see but they know you like them. BE A GOOD EXAMPLE. Don’t limit your smiles, smile at all of those persons you are meeting and they will probably smile back. OFFER SOME GOOD CONVERSATIONS! Everyone likes to talk. SHARE A SILLY JOKE; laughter is the best medicine. COMPLIMENT someone about something they are wearing or are doing. This shows that person you care. BE CHEERFUL, no matter how glum you feel, the cheer is sometimes contagious and in the process you both will feel better. LISTEN, to what that person has to say. You may not be interested, but it is important for that other person to be heard. ASK if there is something you can do for them. A favor will frequently bond a relationship.

Now for some other ideas that can help others that cost little. Drop a note to that person and leave it under the door. A phone call just to say hello helps when a person is in solitude. Again, exhibit cheerfulness, it can come through with your voice tone. None of these suggestions cost money but can sure offer a lift to a dull day.

Tell them you are praying for them and are praying for the best. I thank God that he is there for me!

Caring Hands

Caring Hands is now meeting on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 9:30 a.m. on Zoom (ID 867 3220 8700).  All knitters, crocheters or other needlework people are welcome to join us!


Let’s get in the habit of taking pictures of everything around here! Pictures of Sunday School, meetings, even of events at services if you can be surreptitious! Please identify who is in each photo and what the event is. Thank you!

Maryanne has received some great pics from people. Keep ‘em coming!

Altar Flowers

& Sanctuary Candle

If you are interested in funding Altar Flowers or the Sanctuary Candle in memory of someone or in thanksgiving for someone, the forms are in the Parish Hall, on the back wall on the Bulletin Board near the kitchen. Please fill out the appropriate form with your information for your desired date, as long as it is available, on the appropriate chart on the bulletin board. Please put your completed form in Parish Administrator’s mailbox or under her office door.

We do not have flowers during Advent or Lent. The Sanctuary Candle is available year round.


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Church of the Good Shepherd

315 Highland Terrace

Pitman, NJ 08071

Telephone – 856-589-8209

E-mail – goodshepherdpitman@

The Shepherd’s Crook



A Goal I Never Knew I Had!

   I recently found out via a breast cancer surgeon that the barely detectable lumps I had on my right breast would never have been identified for surgery if I hadn’t had a mammogram. Thank you God! Due to Connie Parent recommending my new doctor and my new doctor sending me over to Jefferson for a routine mammogram, I never would have known. God indeed works in mysterious ways.  I am thankful for friends and for tenacious doctors. I am thankful that I am now a poster child, (poster adult? poster old lady?) for early detection!

   How many of us just don’t want to “bother” with things like medical tests. How many of us just don’t want to take the time out of our busy day? How busy are our days - really? Are we really too busy to save our own lives? How many of us find such tests painful or embarrassing? The ladies who took care of me at Jefferson were very considerate and avoided pain as much as possible. Embarrassing? Well, it doesn’t have to be. Sometimes we need to show our bodies to our doctors. If this bothers you, ask if you can bring an advocate with you, your daughter or son or a friend. It’s always wise to have someone with you to take notes. Conversations with doctors are not always comfortable and we can forget things, even the questions we planned to ask. Bring an advocate with you. 

   Most important - DON’T STALL! Do you really want your daughter or son to be nagging you about that test you were supposed to schedule two weeks ago? A month ago? Six months ago? 

   My father had a theory about medical care. If he avoided it, it would go away! And he was a mortician — he KNEW what could happen!

   When it comes to taking care of ourselves, we can be completely illogical. Advice from our doctors goes in one ear and out the other. “Whatever could happen, it won’t happen to me!” “I can eat whatever I want.” “I can drive like a maniac.” “I never get a ticket.”  “I have a good constitution" (whatever that means). “I have good genes.” Let’s not fool ourselves.  God loves us. God wants us to take care of ourselves. But God did give us free will. If we decide to be idiots, God will grant us that privilege.

   Brad and I have a good friend who is also Andy’s godmother. We were all roommates for a while when we were younger. She often took care of both Andy and Emmie. She was both a professional stage manager and stagehand. She was also an incredible professional seamstress, making beautiful quilts and Christmas stockings.  I don’t think any of us realized how careless she had become with her health. Or else we didn’t want to know. She lived alone. She drank too much. She finally developed cirrhosis of the liver. She’s now in the hospital on a respirator. Andy sits beside her for hours and holds her hand and all her friends and family visit her through his computer via Zoom. We talk to her and we believe she can hear us. 

   I cannot help but think that slowly but surely she slipped through the cracks - fading before our very eyes, before we knew it, or before we were willing to know it.

   Especially these days, but certainly at all times, let us treasure each other as the gifts from God that we are. Let us treasure each other and ourselves. And let us try to see the whole world, everyone in the world as a precious gift from God. Because that is who and what we are.

Mother Susan+

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Mother Susan+


Mother Susan+


Mother Susan+

Mother Susan+


Mother Susan+

The Shepherd’s Crook

The Church of the Good Shepherd

Pitman, NJ

“We Love Our Church”

The Rev. Susan E. Osborne-Mott, Rector The Rev. Carl Dunn, Deacon

August 2020

Pastoral Emergencies

If a Pastoral Emergency should come up for you, hospitalization, death in the family, please call the Church Office 856-589-8209 or after office hours please call Mother Susan at 732-759-4358.

Please Be Considerate of

Our Neighbors!

When you park near the church, please be considerate of our neighbors and make sure you have fully cleared their driveways. Thank you!



The deadline for the September 2020 Crook will be on August 15, 2020. Please e-mail all articles and pictures to goodshepherdpitman@.

Maryanne Charlton

Parish Administrator


Saturdays: 4:30 PM – Contemplative Prayer

5:30 PM – Holy Eucharist

Sundays: 9:00 AM – Contemplative Prayer

10:00 AM – Holy Eucharist

Tuesdays & Thursdays: 9 AM Morning Prayer

Joseph Whaley

Anne Lewis

Edna Spratt

Katherine Lesher

Steelman family

Sophia Capano

Joseph Capano

Evelyn Recinello

Family of Jessica Carter

Chris Burness

Janet Murphy

Andrew Knox


Dolores Concio

Hilda & Carey


The Santores





Smith family

Ellis family

Naomi Cressman

Lori Bathurst



Deborah Keser

Frank Ziemetz

Art Dilworth

Betty Beard


Audrey & Ed Harlow


Betty Steinberg

John Opel

Gen Portocalis


DJ Bryant


Devon & Steve

Emily Ziemek

Celenies Rodriquez

Brad Mott

Bill S.


Steve Theis

Lee Braidwood


Raymond Harris, III

Steven Sanders

Matt Spangler

Lynn Spangler

Scott Thomas



Dan Hurlbut

Zak Bartelt

Buzz Parish

Charlie Hiemeril

John A. Lukacs

Joe Sheridan

Hal Wagner

Matt Rebecca

Jon S. Lehr

Keith Tucker

Dave McElwain

Hugh Robinson

Andrew Olsson

Joshua Albright

Zachary Guise

Scott McPherson

Matthew Cushinotto

Theresa Cushinotto

Mike Grzybowski


Mike McHugh

Bonnie Weis

Kane Lawlor

Drew Naphy

Rhen Brinkerhoff

Brian Opel

Jonathan Dickson


Michael Marta


Bryan Jensen



Ryan Bubnoski



Robert J. Kunze

Alexandra Wismer



Morning Prayer is on Tuesday & Thursday mornings at 9 AM with Mother Susan on Zoom

Washington National Cathedral

The Washington National Cathedral is offering Sunday services online. Use the link below



 just click on “Videos” at top and you will see the latest service as well as previous ones.

Place Fridge Magnet here!

August 2020

Church of

the Good Shepherd

Pitman, NJ


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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