Create a Powerpoint to present your research findings on your selected topic.

TASK: You will accomplish the following:


• Introduction: include attention grabber, context, and thesis (5 sentence minimum)

• Body: a minimum of 3 body paragraphs (5 sentence minimum per paragraph)

• Conclusion: restate thesis, synthesize key ideas, and offer final thoughts (5 sentence minimum)


• Develop at least 3 slides to present the main points of each paragraph.

• Each slide must contain the following:

✓ bulleted main points only

✓ at least one illustration

✓ a parenthetical citation.

✓ music and video are optional


Sample Note Card


Sample Slide


Research Presentation Rubric Grade: ____________

|CATEGORY |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Written Expression |*Ideas are conveyed clearly |*Ideas are mostly conveyed |*Expression is often unclear |*Ideas mostly unclear |

| |and concisely |clearly and concisely |*Use of informal language is often |*Use of informal language is |

| |*Formal language is used |*Formal Language is mostly |used |excessive |

| |throughout |used |*More than some repetition in |*Repetition in language and |

| |*Varied language and sentence|*Language and sentence |language and sentence structure is |sentence structure is excessive |

| |structure |structure is mostly varied |evident |*Spelling and/or grammatical errors|

| |*There are no spelling or |*There are no more than a few |*There are more than a few spelling |are excessive. |

| |grammatical errors. |spelling or grammatical |or grammatical errors. | |

| | |errors. | | |

|Focus and Organization |*Clearly-stated thesis |*Clearly-stated thesis |*Thesis may not be clearly stated |*No evidence of thesis |

| |presents central idea |presents central idea |*Many ideas presented do not support |*No controlling focus to ideas |

| |*Ideas presented fully |*Ideas presented mostly |the thesis |presented |

| |support the thesis |support the thesis |*Ideas are not sufficiently |*Ideas are not organized under |

| |*Ideas are well-organized |*Ideas are fairly |organized under headings and with |headings and with bullets |

| |under headings and with |well-organized under headings |bullets |*Related details are not logically|

| |bullets |and with bullets |*Many related details are not |ordered and grouped together.  |

| |*Related details are |*Related details are logically|logically ordered and grouped | |

| |logically ordered and grouped|ordered grouped together for |together.  | |

| |together.  |the most part.  | | |

|Presentation |*Slides are user friendly and|*Slides are mostly |*Slides are somewhat confusing |*Slides are mostly confusing |

| |visually appealing |user friendly and visually |*Insufficient use of color and |* Little to no visual appeal. |

| |*Distinguished use of color |appealing |image. |*Images do not support content.  |

| |and image. |*Sufficient use of color and |*Images are either not appealing or |* Presentation is delivered with |

| |*Images are well chosen to |image. |not supportive of content.  |no confidence and show no |

| |support content   |* Images are mostly well | |preparation or practice. |

| | |chosen to support content   |*Presentation is delivered with | |

| |*Presentation is delivered |*Presentation is delivered |limited confidence and shows a lack | |

| |with great confidence, |with adequate confidence, |of preparation and practice. | |

| |evidenced by volume and |evidenced by volume and | | |

| |annunciation. |annunciation | | |

| |*Citations for all sources |*Citations for most sources |*Citations missing |No citations are present. |

|Research |present |present |*Parenthetical citations may have | |

| |*Parenthetical citations |*Parenthetical citations may |more than an error | |

| |correctly formatted |have an error |*Works Cited format is mostly | |

| |*Works Cited format is |*Works Cited format is mostly |incorrect. | |

| |correct. |correct. | | |

Notes and thesis: 15 points

Final Project: 100 points

CHOICE 1: Career

Lib Guide for career choice:

Subtopics and Questions

1. Job Description

a. What does this person do?

b. What skills and abilities are required?

c. What are the special demands of the job?

d. What is the work environment like?

e. What is the average or median pay? What is the range?

2. Education, Training, and Experience

a. Is there a required degree(s) or certification?

b. Is there an apprenticeship or on-the-job training?

c. How long is education or training?

d. How expensive is the training?

e. Is experience required to enter this field?

3. Outlook

▪ What are your prospects of getting a job in this field now? In the future?

▪ Where are you most likely to get this job? Will you need to relocate?

CHOICE 2: Inventions

Lib Guide for inventions choice:

Subtopics and Questions

1. Origin

a. When and where was it invented?

b. How and why was it invented?

c. Who was the inventor? What motivated him or her?

d. Did the inventor make anything else?

2. Impact

a. Explain the impact your invention had at that time. There are many things to consider…

b. How was the invention used and by whom?

c. Did the invention make work or life in general easier?

d. Did it have any negative or positive effects (or both) on people? The environment?

3. Today

a. Has the invention changed over time? Has its design or purpose changed from origin to today?

b. How does the invention impact the world today? Are there negative or positive effects on people or the environment?

c. Is the invention still used? Is it used differently than originally intended? If not still used, what has replaced the original invention?

d. What would happen if it no longer existed? Why is it still important?


CHOICE 1: Origins (find sources through Google Doc Explore in Tools Menu)

Subtopics and Questions

1. Origin

a. When and where did the activity originate?

b. How and why was it created? By whom?

c. Who was involved in the activity at first?

d. What did it look like at first in terms of rules, practices, equipment, attire?

2. History

a. How did the activity’s equipment or attire change or develop over time?

b. Did rules or practices change?

c. Was there a change in who participates in this activity?

d. Did it become less or more popular?

e. Did it become more regulated over time?

3. Today

a. What is it like today? Again, think of rules, practices, equipment, attire, participants, popularity, and regulations.


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