Reinhold Community Service Awards

APPLICATIONORGANIZATION APPLICATION FOR REINHOLD FOUNDATION NONPROFIT LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT AND CAPACITY BUILDING TRAINING PROGRAMS IN 2018Through its?Leadership Development and Capacity Building Initiative,?the Paul & Klare Reinhold Foundation focuses on strengthening the nonprofit sector by strengthening the leadership and capacity of nonprofit organizations that serve Clay County. Any 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides services to Clay County residents is eligible to apply. Please complete sections 1 through 4 on the following pages. The Deadline for applications is Wednesday, November 15, 2017. Section 1: Contact and Organization Information1. Name and mailing address of organization:2. Employer Identification Number:3. Contact person and title:4. Email address and phone number of contact:5. How do you impact the residents of Clay County? (In 200 words or less, please tell us your organization’s “story”—who you are, why you exist, and how you impact the community.)6. How many full-time staff do you have? How many part-time staff do you have? 7. How many regular volunteers do you have?8. Have you read the attached curriculum and objectives for the workshops your organization is requesting to attend?9. Please provide the names and business titles of your Board of Directors. Section 2: Financial and 501(c) (3) Charity Information10. If you have never submitted a copy of your IRS 501(c) (3) Exemption Letter to the Paul & Klare Reinhold Foundation, please attach a copy with this application.11. Please attach a copy of your most recent financial statement (statement of income and expenditures). If your most recent financial statement is included on pages 9-11 of your Form 990 tax return and it is available for review on , you do not need to attach a copy with this application.Section 3: Application Worksheet for 2018 Programs The Paul & Klare Reinhold Foundation is offering a total of 11 days of nonprofit training in 2018 including a Board Workshop Day. All workshops will be held in Clay County. The program curriculums are designed and taught by faculty from the Edyth Bush Institute for Philanthropy & Nonprofit Leadership at Rollins College. The Reinhold Foundation is underwriting all costs of training; thus, there are no tuition expenses for selected participating organizations. Your organization may request to participate in more than one training program listed below.Section 3 APPLICATION WORKSHEETIs your organization requesting to attend the 2018 Nonprofit Team Leadership Development Program (Track A)? (This is a five-day training track and selected individuals must be committed to attending all five days of training. This is designed as a team training program; thus, teams of two to four people are encouraged.)Yes __ or No __If yes, please provide the names of the members (no more than four) your organization is requesting to send to Track A, each member’s title and role within the organization, and the length of time they have been involved with the organization. NamePositionHow long at the organization1.2.3.4.What are your organization’s expectations and what do you hope to learn from attending the 2018 Nonprofit Team Leadership Development Program (Track A) if selected to attend?Is your organization requesting to attend Marketing/Social Media Best Practices? (This is a two-day workshop and selected individuals must be committed to attending both days of training).Yes __ or No __If yes, please provide the names of the members (no more than four) your organization is requesting to send to Marketing/Social Media Best Practices, each member’s title and role within the organization, and the length of time they have been involved with the organization. NamePositionHow long at the organization1.2.3.4.What are your organization’s expectations and what do you hope to learn from attending Marketing/Social Media Best Practices if selected to attend?Is your organization requesting to attend Planned Giving: Gifts of a Lifetime? (This is a two-day workshop and selected individuals must be committed to attending both days of training. Attendees should have some planned giving knowledge prior to attending this workshop.)Yes __ or No __If yes, please provide the names of the members (no more than four) your organization is requesting to send to Planned Giving: Gifts of a Lifetime, each member’s title and role within the organization, and the length of time they have been involved with the organization. NamePositionHow long at the organization1.2.3.4.What are your organization’s expectations and what do you hope to learn from attending Planned Giving: Gifts of a Lifetime if selected to attend?Is your organization requesting to attend Preparing for Leadership Transition? (This is a two-day workshop and selected individuals must be committed to attending both days of training. This training is designed for the executive director and several board members to attend together as a team.)Yes __ or No __If yes, please provide the names of the members (up to five) your organization is requesting to send to Preparing for Leadership Transition, each member’s title and role within the organization, and the length of time they have been involved with the organization. NamePositionHow long at the organization1. are your organization’s expectations and what do you hope to learn from attending Preparing for Leadership Transition if selected to attend?Notice: All above listed workshops and dates are tentative. The Foundation will make grant decisions in December. Applying organizations will be notified of the status of their application by December 31st.Section 4: Signatures By signing you certify that the organization is tax-exempt under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, in good standing, and that the information you provided in this application is true to the best of your knowledge and belief.Signature of person preparing application: Date: Signature of CEO, President, or Chairman:Date:Please email* or mail one unstapled copy of the application to: Amy Parker, Executive DirectorThe Paul E. & Klare N. Reinhold Foundation, Inc. 1845 Town Center Blvd, Suite 105, Fleming Island, FL 32003 Phone: 904-269-5857 ext. 404 aparker@*If you submit your application by email, please call Amy to confirm receipt.The Deadline for applications is Wednesday, November 15, 2017. (Note: This is an attachment for your reference and does not need to be returned with your completed application.)CURRICULUMS AND OBJECTIVES2018 REINHOLD FOUNDATION NONPROFIT LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT AND CAPACITY BUILDING TRAINING PROGRAMS Through its?Leadership Development and Capacity Building Initiative,?the Paul & Klare Reinhold Foundation focuses on strengthening the nonprofit sector by strengthening the leadership and capacity of nonprofit organizations that serve Clay County. Any 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides services to Clay County residents is eligible to apply. The Paul & Klare Reinhold Foundation is offering a total of 11 days of nonprofit training in 2018 including a Board Workshop Day (see details below). All workshops will be held in Clay County. The program curriculums are designed and taught by faculty from the Edyth Bush Institute for Philanthropy & Nonprofit Leadership at Rollins College. The Reinhold Foundation is underwriting all costs of training; thus, there are no tuition expenses for selected participating organizations.In addition, the Paul & Klare Reinhold Foundation is offering a special incentive to organizations that participate in a training program. Organizations can earn “participation gifts” of $500 per person for completion of the five-day Nonprofit Team Leadership Development Program (Track A); $200 per person for completion of the two-day Marketing/Social Media Best Practices workshop; $200 per person for completion of the two-day Planned Giving: Gifts of a Lifetime workshop; and $200 per person for completion of the two-day Preparing for Leadership Transition workshop. Participation gifts are paid to the organization and must be used for one or more of the exempt purposes set forth in Internal Revenue Code Section 501 (c)(3).Organizations may request to participate in more than one training program. The deadline for applications is Wednesday, November 15, 2017. Late applications will not be accepted. Detailed information about the training classes are included below.2018 Nonprofit Team Leadership Development Program (Track A) Workshop Dates: (This is a five-day training track and individuals must be committed to attending all five days of training. Track A training is team oriented and recommended for teams of two to four people per organization.)February 8, 2018, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.February 15, 2018, 9:00 a.m. – NoonFebruary 22, 2018, 9:00 a.m. – NoonMarch 7 & 8, 2018, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.March 27, 2018, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.Workshop Curriculums:Track A First Day of Training (February 8, 2018)Time: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. “Volunteer Management”Volunteers are one of the most valuable resources to ensure the strength of any nonprofit. Organizations depend upon citizen participation as volunteers to carry out their vision, mission, and values. The Instructor will show participants a process to receive and manage volunteers, assure their rights are protected and engage individuals in meaningful activity.Participants will receive these session objectives:Discuss the role of the Volunteer Manager;Review the Volunteer Bill of Rights;Creating a Volunteer Program;Developing a Volunteer Manual and Position Description(s);Details of Volunteer Program Risk Management;Steps to Improve a Volunteer Program.Instructor: Andrea HendryTrack A Second Day of Training (February 15th, 9:00 am to noon & February 22nd 9:00 am to noon; These are separate half-day workshops and attendance at both are required for completion of Track A) “Finding Grant Funding “ (9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. on February 15th)This Instructor will introduce participants to the grant making process and how to use online sources to identify foundations, corporations and federal funding partners.Participants will receive these session objectives:Become familiar with sites dedicated to presenting multiple grant opportunities;Learn about grant funding directories;Understand the cycle of cultivating grant opportunities, including query letters, funder networking and grant stewardship.Instructor: Terri Chastain, CFRE“Creating a Diversified Fundraising Program” (9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. on February 22nd)The key to successful fundraising begins with a solid plan; then working that plan. The Instructor will stress the need for a diversified approach to fundraising with the goal of having a sustainable organization. Participants will analyze different fundraising vehicles and select ones that diversify their sources of revenue.Participants will receive these session objectives:Understand why nonprofit organizations need to diversify their fundraising;Discuss steps to create a diversified fundraising plan;Maximize the role volunteers have in creating and/or administering a fundraising plan;Steps to evaluate the effectiveness of a fundraising plan.Instructor: Karen Revels, MSTrack A Third and Fourth Day of Training (March 7 & 8, 2018)Time: Two days of training, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.“Nonprofit Management Essentials” (formerly “Ready, Set, Fundraise”) The Instructor will engage participants in nonprofit management best practices, with the goal of offering tools to create a sustainable organization. Funders consistently seek proper accounting procedures, internal controls, an active board of directors, consistent program evaluation and mission based strategic planning. Participants will work through steps in these areas to ensure their organizations have a strong foundation and are ready to diversify funding sources and lead with best practice knowledge.Participants will receive these session objectives:Skills needed in the networking process to secure funding;Steps to write a clear and concise explanation of an organizations’ mission;Write a compelling need statement;Details of budget construction within a grant proposal;Steps to solid program evaluation;Basic knowledge of nonprofit accounting and strong internal controls;Actions needed to comply with various reporting guidelines and funders’ requests;Discuss the role of the executive director versus the role of the board of directors;Capture strategic plan elements and steps to fundraising goal progress.Instructor: Karen Revels, MSTrack A Fifth Day of Training (March 27, 2018)Time: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.“Board Governance for Effective Leadership*”This Instructor will actively engage participants to recognize many aspects of board membership, including responsibilities every board member should fulfill to lead a nonprofit organization to success. Participants will undertake an exercise to evaluate their own nonprofit governance that targets areas for growth, plus identify action items for the board to consider. Discussion will also include legal and ethical duties of board members. Participants will explore real life ethical dilemmas faced by boards of directors.Participants will receive these session objectives:A review of current data affecting the nonprofit community;Articulate what is legally expected of board members;Understand the roles and responsibilities of an effective board member;Recognize the board/staff partnership;Understand the need for and compliance of conflict of interest policies;Evaluate and offer solutions for ethical dilemmas faced by nonprofit boards of directors.Instructor: Chuck V. Loring, CFRE, MBAParticipation Gift eligibility for Track A: $500 per person (Individuals must complete all five days of Track A training above for their organization to be eligible for the Reinhold Foundation’s $500 gift. No partial gifts for a single day attendance or half day attendance will be provided).*Individuals participating in Track A will be required to attend the Board Governance Day in order for their organization to be eligible for the $500 graduation gift. Additionally, organizations will be invited and encouraged to send their executive staff (President, CEO, Executive Director, etc.) and several board members, up to six people per organization to also attend the Board Governance Day workshop. Registration information for attending only the single Board workshop on March 27th will be available later and does not have to be requested in this application. In 2018, The Reinhold Foundation will also offer the following workshops. “Marketing/Social Media Best Practices” Workshop Dates: January 31 & February 1, 2018(This is a two-day workshop and individuals must be committed to attending both days.)Successful marketing is based on discipline, grasp of communications and a keen understanding of what resonates with audiences. The Instructor will actively engage participants to describe the process of building a successful nonprofit marketing and communications program. Many considerations will be explored such as, ‘Who is the intended audience? What is the level of expertise needed to accomplish our objectives? What is internal value of different media options (print, social media, etc.).’ The Instructor will cover the most popular social media channels, the main audiences for each one and how nonprofits use these channels effectively. An opportunity will be given for each participant to analyze the current value of marketing in their own organization.Audience: Marketing / Social Media professionals, managers, volunteersParticipants will receive these session objectives:Thorough understanding of marketing/communications strategy and process;Capture the primary elements of marketing;Review the importance of including all facets of the organization in discussion;Consider the value of various means of communication;Learn different types of social media channels;Analyze how branding adds value to growth and sustainability;Building the right marketing budget;Discuss execution timelines and measuring success.Time: Two days of training, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.Instructor: Melissa Mason Braillard, MBAParticipation Gift eligibility: $200 per person (Individuals must complete both days of training for their organization to be eligible for the Reinhold Foundation’s $200 gift. No partial gifts for a single day attendance or half day attendance will be provided).----------“Planned Giving: Gifts of a Lifetime” Workshop Dates: February 28 & March 1, 2018(This is a two-day workshop and individuals must be committed to attending both days.)Developing a robust planned giving program is crucial to the financial stability of any nonprofit. The Instructor will introduce participants to the concepts and practice of planned giving. Participants will learn the fundamentals of planned giving vehicles: what they are, how they work, how to implement strategies and how planned giving can impact nonprofit organizations.Audience: Development professionals, CEO, managers, board of directors* It is recommended that attendees have some planned giving knowledge prior to attending this course.*Participants will receive these session objectives:Solid comprehension of planned giving vehicles, such as bequests, charitable gift annuities, life insurance, retirement plans, and charitable trusts;Articulate the benefits to donors for making planned gifts;Understand the fundamental tax and regulatory implications of planned gifts;Strategies to develop organizational readiness for a planned giving program with board, staff, and donors.Time: Two days of training, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.Instructor: David Torre, Esq. Participation Gift eligibility: $200 per person (Individuals must complete both days of training for their organization to be eligible for the Reinhold Foundation’s $200 gift. No partial gifts for a single day attendance or half-day attendance will be provided).----------“Preparing for Leadership Transition” Workshop Dates: January 11 and January 25, 2018(This is a two-day workshop and individuals must be committed to attending both days. This training is designed for the executive director and several board members to attend together as a team)In a two day setting, trained facilitators will work with each organization to understand leadership transition and help attendees get a strong start on their succession plans.? All sessions will be a combination of group overview and individual work.? Group work will include concepts and ideas with hands on discussion for each organization, guided by a facilitator.? Organizations will be asked, though not required to share outcomes with the entire group.? Information received by the facilitator will be held in strict confidence.? Each organization will receive a Succession Planning Toolkit, which offers an in-depth background to support transition decisions.? Day OneOverview of Leadership TransitionMini Organizational AssessmentSWOTIdentification of top risk areas for each organization if the ED suddenly departedIs your organization resilient?? Sustainable?Pre-transition Planning – Items to address before a transitionPublic face of the organization / community interactionsCEO compensation and market rates (use of the Nonprofit Center study)Leadership Development – cross training and preparing staff for their next jobIssues identified from each organization’s assessmentDay TwoTransition DecisionsUsing a succession planning decision template, each organization will be guided through individual decisions on each of these facets:Board roles and responsibilities in a transitionUse of an Interim DirectorCommunication PlanningQualities of the new Executive DirectorSearch PlansTransition BudgetCEO ChecklistEach organization will set their own prioritiesIdentify priority areasCreate a schedule with names and dates for completionBoard Succession (Time Permitting)Governance / nominating workWhat is the right blend?? Diversity, representation, skillsParticipation Gift eligibility: $200 per person (Individuals must complete both days of training for their organization to be eligible for the Reinhold Foundation’s $200 gift. No partial gifts for a single day attendance or half day attendance will be provided).Time: Two days of training, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.Instructors: Julia Burns, MBA, Kiki Karpen, and Laurie Price, MHSA----------Notice: All above listed workshops and dates are tentative. The Trustees will make final decisions in December based on the status of the completed applications.Questions should be directed to Amy Parker at 269-5857 ext. 404 or aparker(at).The deadline for applications is Wednesday, November 15, 2017. ................

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