Endangered Languages

?hsan Do?ramac? FoundationBilkent Erzurum Laboratory School2011-2012 Academic Year9th Grade Main Course Term ProjectLanguage Death (Causes and Effects)38506401651000026225523495000Kemal Vatansever9-D 216Teacher’s Name:Asl? Kahramano?lu124396529823100Table of Contents TOC \h \z \t "Heading 1;2;Heading 2;3;Heading 3;4;Title;1;Subtitle;5" Language PAGEREF _Toc320639661 \h 1Endangered Languages PAGEREF _Toc320639662 \h 3Language Death PAGEREF _Toc320639663 \h 5Causes of Language Deaths PAGEREF _Toc320639664 \h 6Poverty-Wealth PAGEREF _Toc320639665 \h 6“Dialect Languages” PAGEREF _Toc320639666 \h 7Degeneration PAGEREF _Toc320639667 \h 8Effects of Language Death PAGEREF _Toc320639668 \h 8Cultural PAGEREF _Toc320639669 \h 8Independence PAGEREF _Toc320639670 \h 9Religion and Beliefs PAGEREF _Toc320639671 \h 9Expression PAGEREF _Toc320639672 \h 10Resources PAGEREF _Toc320639673 \h 11Language Language is the way that human beings use to communicate by the time when the people are created on the world. The language is also the tool that is used by ears and eyes to combine society. This “Language” term comes and changes with human nature by the effects of the nations, politics, and life styles for nearly 5000 years. By the process of formation of the first communication step, the main part was the movement of body parts (each move means a different type of meanings) and mime (sign languages). Thus, eyes were used understand the first language of human nation.342455531115000024130355790500In the process of developing of the language concept, eyes got more importance by the effects of emotions (the base of eye contact) and a new part of the body was used to build another branch of language: Written Languages. People speak each other to create a common point: Understanding.The development of the human nature required a more spaces to live. Some group of people gathered and spread through the world. They had to make a common spoken language and each nation made their common voices to speak. By the time this also required to grow the relations between nations (trade, wars, and agreements) brought “Writing” to make deal. That was cornerstone of Structural Language type. The base of history, inventions, science was discovered with the founder of accuracy.3272790156845By the time, the couple of speaking and writing had one of the highest ranks on the powerful tools list. The nations that have improved their languages got power by knowledge. They got the biggest inventions in education, medicine, military. They have developed with the inability of undeveloped nations so that these countries had to have more resources in terms MONEY and man power to maintain their developments.After the discovery of the power of language, two main branches (also sides) of this power appeared significantly: Influence of powerful languages and Disappearing of depotentiated languages (actually cultures.) The first one is mainly about the effectiveness of the languages that are being supported by powerful economies and politics. The powerful languages become the common spoken language of the world. Unfortunately, everybody has to learn these leader languages and also do their requirements under pressure.-1397022669500The second one is the collapse of languages by the “effective” nations, so again the languages. This is the war between languages. People who want to use their native languages in their daily life become unfamiliar with their own culture when they influenced by the idea that “Why I am trying speak a language that is hardly spoken my daily life?” Also if they do not think like that and they are conservative about their language, they get the pressure of language colonialism. The search of resources rotates the powerful countries to the less-developed countries and makes the colony nations, such as Morocco, Algeria and such African countries. The structure education system is changed by these countries as the idea influence effect in childhood. The native language of colony nations is not spoken, and the colonialist state’s languages are spoken all over these countries.Endangered Languages02934335 An?endangered language?is a?language?that is at risk of disappearing out of world culture. If there are no speakers of this language, it causes endangered language?to become death language. These languages are also called "extinct language". When it is considered that there are approximately 2300 languages from 6900 predicted spoken languages is in danger of language death according to UNESCO Atlas of the World’s Languages in danger (near 34%), we have to know how to classify a language as endangered. To do this there are three steps that must be identified: language documentation, language revitalization (both of these are also used as a rescue for languages about to die) and statistics about the speakers. 35007558001000Language documentation check is the step that the language is examined in terms of its grammar, its lexicon, its oral traditions (stories, songs, religious texts), and its word structure. It so important to take the culture of the language to understand the requirements of this language, its history and what it means when you speak (to understand stand yourself and other people who are speaking this language) to see the future of language.Language revitalization check is the step that the language is examined by the attempts to increase the number of active speakers of the endangered through language community political and educational. Persistence of language is mainly situated on this issue.109855164274500 The third check has the greatest importance in those three: statistics about the speakers. Three main branches of these statistics (number of currently speakers, average of ages of speakers, and the percentage of young speakers) cover a huge area to be discussed. Firstly, the number of speakers is very important when it is known that there are 199 languages have less than 10 speakers and there are 178 languages have 10-50 speakers. Second, it has to be known that the average age of speakers to predict the capacity of the generations to improve and maintain the language. The last and the most significant branch is that the percentage of young speakers of language. If a child becomes distant with his/her own language by effect of environment (mainly education language is different), that will be the end of that language because there is not a person maintain the language with most correct way in terms of cultural awareness and communication skills. Most efficient way to detect a language as endangered language is to make survey on the young speakers of this language.Language Death245872040830500Language death is a process that affects language family where the level of linguistic competence is decreased, eventually resulting in no?native?or fluent speakers of the variety. Naturally, this is not a short time such as 5-17 years, it occurs in the long time intervals as 15-25 years because of “Sub pressures” that acts slowly but in a deep and effective way to destroy the language. The language deaths caused by these “Sub Pressures” are separated into five groups: Gradual language death, Bottom-to-top language death, Top-bottom language death, Radical language death, and Linguicide.The gradual language death takes the lead of most languages that are death or may be dead. In this process, a community of speakers of one language becomes bilingual in another language, and gradually?shifts?allegiance to the second language until they stop using their original language. This is also called language?assimilation?which may be voluntary or may be by the pressure of society.Bottom-to-top language death (sub-branch of directory of language death, not a type), as represented in its name, starts in a small group of speakers such as at the home or at a -to-bottom language death (also sub-branch of directory of language death, not a type) starts in a high class environment such as in the government or in the statesman council.By time passes less and less speakers of an endangered languages stay on world so these small, isolated population of speakers can also die when their speakers are annihilated by?genocide,?disease, or?natural disaster. This language death is called Radical language death and Linguicide.Causes of Language DeathsPoverty-Wealth-4445326009000328930040259000 By the invention of writing in 3200 BC in Egypt, many and many languages appeared on the world and disappeared by the time. However, some languages’ roots were strong in terms of grammar and economic power of its nation. The language, symbols of the each living nations, was covering the knowledge about these people. As a requirement of human nature, leadership feeling was both in the economy so in the language as a of symbol rank in the class-conscious structure. Money, the main reason of almost all problems and answers, established wars and immigrations for new resources of petrol, mines, and workforce. By these cases, some of the weak languages cannot even have resistance to other languages power; unfortunately disappeared. The powerful languages become a communication language of whole world, and the others that have some resistance to these languages are crushed under pressure of poverty by the changed education systems, advertisements, and the whole written documents between world countries (Most of them in English which is the worldwide language of present). All of the colony countries lose their languages in this way and also their futures with the thoughts of different languages in their mind.“Dialect Languages”19050194945000As a result of communication and long distances on the world between nations, there are over 6000 languages spoken languages and times of these quantity is lost in the world history. From the main branches of the linguistic system, many dialects are derived because of regional differences on the culture and life styles. As in such small regions like villages or burgs, some dialects that are changed too much that they cannot be understood as a branch of language is accepted as a language. Also few members of unknown religion or nations that are conserved from other religions and nations have special languages that are only for them and this language is not needed for other people.In these kinds of small groups, their languages preserved and do not have to change accordi ng to foreigners because there is no foreigner such as a desert in Africa, a village in the mountainside of Mountain Everest. These languages are much closed to risks of Linguicide. A disease or?a natural disaster can bring end to the language by the death all presenters of this language.Degeneration460756045910500 Middle class and upper-middle class countries, for example Turkey, combine and add new words from the worldwide languages to their national languages. The obligation and requirement of human nature; communication and trade combines people. World-famous brands distribute products (From military articles to daily products, mainly technology) to every country in the world. In the course of time, people got used to these common terms in foreign languages for easier and more useful (!) communication. They lose their nationality and also personality with their language. They become unfamiliar with their own culture.Effects of Language DeathCultural327215573152000 The languages are the bridges that combine history with future. Thus, the culture of nations is transferred by these bridges to new generations of civilization. When there are improper stones or cables on these bridges, they can change the direction of the road or completely damage the way. The roots of the words tender the knowledge of patriotism and personality. Each term is combined with the traditions because of that the exact definitions of different languages’ words cannot be found. When the bridges are destroyed by the improper stones, the children, future of a nation, lose their personality and defend other nation’s rights. Not only the language is lost, but also the history, future, and culture is gone with that. Thus, the most efficient way to destroy a nation is to have influence on its language.Independence2603570548500 As in the cultural side, if a person loses his/her language, then he/she will lose his/her independence too. This process covers the base of sub-colonialism. The policy of the present is that to stave secretly. The more words that another language has on your language means more right speak on you because they tell themselves you with hypnosis. With more right, they demolish your language and replace with their language and soldiers in your country. The country is yours in words, but you don’t have a speech to change anything. And if you give up in your challenge to not lose your language, at this point you got out of your independence.Religion and Beliefs395287550927000 The languages changes by the time and identify with its nation in terms of everything. For example, the Bible is written in many European languages that have roots of Germanic languages, and Kuran_i Kerim is written in Arabic. The Bible has the terms of European languages and for example Turkish has Arabic terms, so Turkish nation is Muslim. When the exchange of powerful and weak languages occurs, society cannot live their beliefs in different languages because they are foreign to themselves. Or the phrases of the religion changes according thoughts that are brought by different words. Thus, there will not be peaceful place to live through opinions.Expression-1758951587500As it considered, there is no exact definition of words in different cultures, there will not be a proper expression of opinions that separates human from the animals. In a way that people speak will show a different culture effect and view. So that anybody can improve their individual qualities.Resources ................

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