
Programma lingua straniera inglese svolto durante l’anno scolastico 2018/2019 Gateway and Grammar ReferenceProfessoressa Cristina Antonelli Classe 2EL2VocabularyReadingGrammarLife skillsUnit 7, Job hunting, p. 84? Job and work, personal qualities? Compound adjectiveDo you have an unusual job?Transferable skillsA letter of application and CVModal verbs of obligation, prohibition and adviceSecond conditionalThe world of work: assessing your transferable skillsUnit 8, Best friends forever, p. 96Friendship, feelingsNoun suffixes -ness, -ship, -domA lesson in friendshipLoneliness is common at universeAn email of advicePast perfect Present perfect continuous Used toGerunds and infinitevesPersonal well-being: managing friendshipUnit 9, Bestsellers,p. 110Fiction, non-fictionPhrasal verbs connected with reading and writingThe life of a top children’s author PrologueA storyReported speech, statementsReported speech, questions Art and culture: enjoying fictionUnit 10, Log on,p. 122Using a computer, the internet Collocation with emailThe computer that began it allSocial networking today, no job tomorrow?Text messagesThe passiveHave something doneICT: protecting yourself on the internetGrammar Topics on Grammar ReferenceModal verbs (p. 184-224)Second conditional (p.247)Past perfect (p.127-128)Present perfect continuos (p.122)Used to (p.100-102)Reported speech statements and questions (p.262-274)The passive (p.228-229 and 232-233)Have something done (p.292)Programma lingua straniera inglese svolto durante l’anno scolastico 2018/2019 Pet examProfessoressa Cristina AntonelliPet examReadingWritingListeningSpeakingTest 1Paper 1 (p.10-26)Paper 1 (p.27-33)Paper 2 (p.34-43)Paper 3 (p.44-51)Test 2Paper 1 (p.52-68)Paper 1 (p.69-75)Paper 2 (P.76-85)Paper 3 (P.86-93)Test 3Paper 1 (p.94-103)Paper 1 (p.104-105)Paper 2 (p.106-110)Paper 3 (p.111)Test 4Paper 1 (p.112-121)Paper 1 (p.122-123)Paper 2 (p.124-128)Paper 3 (p.129)Test 5Paper 1 (p.130-139)Paper 1 (p.140-141)Paper 2 (p.142-146)Paper 3 (p.147)Test 6Paper 1 (p.148-157)Paper 2 (p.158-159) Paper 3 (p.160-164)Paper 4 (p.165)Vocaboli aggiuntivi della lista in preparazione all’esameFirma dei rappresentanti di classe Firma dell’insegnante ................

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