
243_2020.10.13Wed, 10/14 2:36PM ? 1:32:13SUMMARY KEYWORDSstate, section, bill, australia, rights, commonwealth, people, constitution, members, parliament, absolutely, victoria, forces, legislation, darren, email, bus, emergencies, page, darrell00:01Good evening everyone and welcome to the no you're right show streaming alive on the internet over the red f m network. From Of course, our new secret underground studio. Our show is, as always proudly sponsored by a webgate IT solutions stretching your it dollar further, if anyone's looking for any IT experts, please do be sure to contact the guys at a webgate dotnet.au. Of course, we do have our three regular show sponsors. Now in addition to our longtime sponsor, greener cleaner, we are also being officially sponsored now by alkaline health and of course, Verona resort in Noosa. You can find out more about all three sponsors on our health page. And we do urge you to check out the great range of products that greener cleaner has. And be sure to book in for a session with Phil at alkaline health. And if anyone of course is looking for a relaxing break, please do be sure to check out the Renault resort in Noosa. And of course, a reminder to mention the know your rights group to receive a 10% discount on all bookings made direct with them. So with all of our show sponsors covered as always, my name is Mike. And I'm joined again by a Darrell who is coming to us live from another undisclosed location. How are you sir?01:31Really good. We have a Skype. Yep.01:35Good stuff, good stuff. And Darren joins us as well for another undisclosed location now ama.01:43I'm good. Thank you, buddy. I'm happier than you could ever imagine.01:48Good to hear. Good to hear. Now, look, as I explained at the start of every show, we formed the know your rights group just over six years ago now. And during that time, we have been desperately attempting to find new ways to wake people up to the truth in regards to what's really going on in the world. And now of course, finding that people's liberties and being and freedoms are being eradicated at an absolutely alarming rate. It does seem like some people are finally starting to wake up now and of course, are wanting to learn about their rights. So of course, as long as people continue to slowly but surely wake up to the truth, we will continue running these shows as regularly as we can. And, of course doing our best to teach people about their rights. And of course, try and restore some of our freedoms. Now, we are still catching up on everything after we are moved to the new studio, we are also earning out a few of the new changes that we'll go into shortly. Which does mean we are still a little bit behind on some of the coaching calls. And once again, despite repeated requests, there are still people who booked calls in but have not provided all the information that we require. So if you are waiting on a call still, can you please make sure that you've emailed us all of the relevant information. And of course, if you are after a more personalised assistance over and above what we cover in our ebook, please note, of course, we can't provide personalised assistance via email or messenger. But you can book in a one on one call with either Darren Darryl or myself. And we will be able to personally assist you in any way we can. And you will find two links to book those calls at the very top of our shop page, which you'll find under our products tab. Now please note, as we're about to explain a very, very shortly that is going to change in the very near future. So if you do want to arrange a call with Darren or Darrell, I strongly suggest you do it right now. Because once we announce what we're about to announce very shortly, those last few remaining spots will go very quickly. And finally, before we do get started another very important reminder that we have now moved over from Facebook to the May we platform. And we do have a telegram group up and running as well. We do still stream our live video updates on Facebook. And they are being uploaded to both our YouTube and big shoot channels. And they're a backup because our old Facebook group is really now only for newbies. So please do understand that to enable us to continue having a presence on Facebook. And that's for people who are just new brand new to learning about their rights. All posts that are in any way controversial do need to be put up on May way and not on Facebook. So please keep that in mind. Now in any event, getting back to our show for those of you keeping track, this is our 200 and 42nd broadcast. And we would of course like to welcome any new listeners to the show, and indeed extend a very warm welcome back to all of our regular listeners as well. And for those of you who are new to our show, and perhaps to our website, you will find a list of all of our previous broadcasts on our radio show page. And that of course, he's Know Your Rights .au forward slash radio hyphen show, and you can access the first 10 of those podcasts completely free of charge. Now these podcasts include discussions on a wide range of topics, as well as interviews with many different people from all around the country. And we cover important topics such as unjust and unlawful traffic fines, the ultimate banking fraud, why personal tax is voluntary. The fact that the ATM is not a legal entity, we also deal with the strongman concept. And of course, the importance of the Commonwealth constitution also reminded that we are replaying all of our radio shows every Saturday morning out at 11am. For those who want to listen to our show again, or for those who might not be able to tune in live on a Tuesday night for one reason or another. So there's lots of really great information up online now for all listeners new and older like to refer to in case you've missed anything, or if you want to refresh on a topic that we've previously covered.05:52So Mike, why do we do these shows05:56why indeed, as always, the point of the broadcast is to inform and educate people about the truth and about their rights. And once people do get their head around some of those basic truths, we really want people to take on board and actually implement the many different strategies and techniques that we share on these shows, for really taking action against these in justices, and helping to set things right again. So in order to achieve that outcome, we will continue doing these broadcasts from our new secret studio as regularly as we can. And look, we really do want to keep people informed as to what's really going on, especially with things are changing on a daily basis as they are at the moment. And of course, reminder that I am still doing my regular live video updates at 830 on a Thursday and Sunday evening. And as always, those videos are being uploaded to our YouTube channel and a bit shoot channels, in case you've missed any. We'd also love to receive listeners feedback as well as any questions they may have suggestions for topics that they'd like us to cover. And you can send those through to us via email at no your rights@. Otherwise, feel free to SMS us on 04127 double one, seven double five. So as we usually do, I'm going to kick off tonight's show with a large number of emails that we've received over the past week. And I'm sure they will be of interest to everyone shooting in. So first off, we've got Tony B says hi, guys, thanks for the wonderful work you're doing exposing this evil among us. I've just listened to the latest podcast and noted there is correspondence between Gough Whitlam before he was Prime Minister and Edward Heath. Do you have a copy of the letter at hand? If so, any chance of getting a copy off you? Thanks, Tony. So who was the culprit that mentioned that?07:47No one's putting their hand up. Come on, guys.07:50One of you mentioned some letter between Prime Minister between Gough Whitlam before he was Prime Minister and Edward Hayes must have been on last week's show. I'm guessing that'll be that'd be Darren. Darren, Darren, think Darren's on mute. There we go.08:08Now, I think that was before my time before. So08:14it's back to the handle to the Jerusalem team. Is it? I say Okay, ready to proceed. We'll pass on that. All right. Ali, has sent us one. Law. This is from the recent CDC report that came out. He says that page 39 of the report says since no quantified virus isolates no quantas virus isolates of the 2019 Cove in Cove are currently available. diagnostic tests designed for the detection of COVID-19 were tested with characterise stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA. And it goes on to explain use of the term quantified in that phrase means the CDC has no measurable amount of the virus because it is unavailable. So what DNA RNA fragments are they comparing against in their panels when they supposedly test you? Who the bloody hell knows. This is yet another reason the PCR test is absolutely useless. Don't get tested as I dare say all who tested positive are false. As I noted before, the PCR test amplifies only fragments of DNA or RNA. fragments alone can be found in all living things. Much like looking for the capital letters Zed in a document. It'll be there in certain documents. But if you're looking for an exact matching document, you need to search using the entire document and the entire DNA or RNA strand goes on to say also Public Health England has officially began combining the reporting of COVID-19 with seasonal influenza as of October 8 2020. So yeah, we've got an article on that which we'll cover a little bit later. But again, this is what we keep talking about the you know, we've put this up on our vaccinations page that the the PCR tests that they are doing are scientifically meaningless. There is no what's known as gold standard for the testing of COVID-19. So all these people who are testing positive, what exactly are they testing positive for testing positive. All of these are the questions these are the deeper questions people need to start getting their head around and start asking, and of course, the best people to ask Ah, Premier, Chief health officer all these kinds of people. All right now who is this all they're all long emails today, so we'll we'll get to them as best we can. Dennis's said to the three brave patriotic musketeers with their weapons loaded with missiles of our true inherited laws. That piece and shatter all the lies, which have been aimed at the people of Australia for decades. However, I have a bone to pick with the honourable Darren, oh, Ronnie, I, please forgive me if I'm wrong. But in the last show, near the end, you appeared to be under the impression that section 109 of the Constitution has now has no power over the states because they have their own constitution.11:2230 years ago, it was still possible to obtain the original Constitution booklet of Queensland, and it was very similar to the Commonwealth constitution, including section 128, demanding a referendum to change the constitution of the state, and the same requirement for the same oath in the schedule. Sections 106 and 108 cover state constitutions which can only be changed by a referendum of the people. Yet the Constitution of New South Wales that I received this morning, bears no resemblance, no resemblance whatsoever to the Federal Constitution and definitely admit section 109 in Section 128. The whole purpose of Federation in 1900 was to unite all the states of Australia as one nation with a superior federal set of indissoluble laws under God and under the crown of the United Kingdom and Ireland. Australia cannot continue to exist as a nation unless the states are still united by Federation, and they should be kept in line by complying with the superior wise laws of the Commonwealth. Meaning that section 109 has a vital role in that purpose. The states are not separate entities that cannot enact laws independently of the Commonwealth. Otherwise, I repeat, Australia can no longer exist as a nation. Indeed, we are seeing exactly that scenario happening since March this year. With the border restrictions, different quarantine and mass requirements in each state and their economies being destroyed. The result has been an ease utter chaos all because our spineless Prime Minister and federal government will not shoulder the constitutional responsibility of enacting subsection five and 109 and the first paragraphs of sections 51 and 52. Over rebels state premiers the Federal Parliament should remove those premiers under Section 78 after lodging writs in the Supreme Court of each state section 80, or the High Court section 75, based on sections 44 and 45, and 5124 and 25. And the relevant Governor's ordered under Section 62 by the Governor General, according to 61 to prorogue. State parliament in order to refresh election, ample powers exist in our constitution for the good federal government to accomplish all this. Finally, the Commonwealth must re establish our own people's banks, just as we had it Federation in 1901. Otherwise, the future generations of Australia will be total slaves of the private banking cartel, because most of the money's being handed out in the current crisis is borrowed money burdened with debt, $2 trillion of it, that debt can only be repaid by huge increases in taxes of all kinds, unless we have our own bank creating money that is interest free. God bless you all, Dennis. Well, so what do we make of all that?14:06Well, let's begin with the first part of the question in regards to my alleged claim in regards to the states not being subservient under Section 109 because they had their own constitute or they have their own constitutions. That's not exactly what I said. What I said is that it appears that the states are running as their own Kwazii Republic's and my are ignoring section 109. So it was something to the to the words of that. Yeah. Because now I all say this, Dennis, I 100% agree with your interpretation of Section 109. And I'll say this, I was in a state court last year with a particular person Who wanted to question their accuser in regards to a intervention order. And the state legislation says that you cannot question your accuser except by using a legal practitioner. And so we utilised and bought up section 109. We were told to sit down immediately. I heard everyone else. And they all fall out of the court, as they were heard it was all for intervention orders. And then at the end, once everyone left, yes, we were given permission to question the accuser because of Section 109. But they didn't want anyone else to hear that everyone else needed a lawyer. Hmm. Unless they engage section 1099. So although it is alive, and well, you have to claim the right the state court will not provide you that right. And I will stand by the comment that it appears, for example, I think I was referring to Victoria specifically. But you'll you'll look to Queensland as well, and now Western Australia, they all appear to be running as Kwazii. Republic's and they appear to be ignoring not only the Constitution, but section 109. And section 109 is the evidence that the states are not sovereign, because if you are sovereign, you are the master of your own affairs and legislation and laws. And if there is this pink elephant in the room called section 109, that overrides your state laws, then you appear not to be sovereign in the parliament.16:47Absolutely. Absolutely. And what do you what do you say in regards to his suggestion that the Federal Parliament should remove the premiers, you know, by lodging, you know, written the supreme court or the High Court, Governor General, and, you know, should, you know, take action as well. And then some of those points that he raises?17:09Well, I believe, Scott Morrison is correct in saying that, they don't actually have the power to do so. I think he mentioned it was the section in regards to the interstate commission, that the interstate Commission does not exist any longer, which is a bit of a shame that now that they can enact laws, okay, that can change an override the state laws, but it appears that because of the way the country is running at the moment, and they're not really they're running under the Australia act in a parallel universe system, university system Exactly. And it appears that they don't like to go to the constitution for any remedy, because they don't want to make the people of Australia aware that there is a constitution, unfortunately. So when they're operating under the Australia Act, which they are for the Australian courts, that's what they rely on to be Australian courts, and not courts of the Commonwealth. What's going on his year there, they're ignoring the provisions of the Constitution. But yet, they is a way to do it. But it appears that the parliament, the Commonwealth Parliament is showing off any sort of remedy. They're letting everyone run as they wish. So although Having said that, I did write in an fMRI a few months back in regards to Steely Dan, and his involvement with China. And the fact that they the states do not have a legal personality to to do business with sovereign independent nations, namely China. Mm hmm. And the Commonwealth within that FOIA response, agreed, and said there was nothing that allowed for that. And actually, there is a bill that is on the table at the moment in Parliament where they are trying to enact this law, so as to stop any states doing business with anyone overseas. implicitly, he is to be a External Affairs power. Hmm,19:32Indeed, indeed. All right, Bill. Bill sends us hi guys question for the radio show if possible. On the back of my rights notice it states if you're suffering financial hardship, you can apply in writing to cancel or waive for cancellation or waiver of rights under Section 17. Double A of the Local Government Act nine In 89, and he's given us a 16 year cancel my wife the whole part of any rights or charge or interest in relation to an eligible recipient under subsection four, or any other class of persons determined by the Council for the purpose of waiving rates or charges on the grounds of financial hardship. I make all of these criteria, and the council still refuse, refuses to waive my rights. Any suggestions on how I can proceed? Thanks, Bill. Do we have any suggestions for Bill?20:34Well, the ease a couple of suggestions we can we can provide for Bill. Let's just go over what he's brought to the table in regards to a waiver of rights under Section 171 of the Local Government Act. There is definitely provision for waiver. And I've spoken to a lot of retired people in Victoria who have been trying to utilise this particular sub section. And some councils do actually have the waiver forms, but others do not and simply refuse to take part in this particular scheme. That is that is actually bought by the Local Government Act. Now, there's also referencing there to the state's concession act. And not only does it provide waiver for an eligible recipient, and that being a pensioner or a veteran is also if you have a look at section, or if you look at section three in the definitions, you will see there's also provision for us a costs under domestic gas charges, electricity, water and sewage to also be waived. So any pensioners out there check that out. And Darryl, we've got something to offer.22:05Bill, wasn't it.22:07Mike?22:09Does it build it wrote in yet, Bill? Yet, Bill? Yep.22:13Yeah, Darrell, and I, Darrell, you want to take over22:17Italy, we of course, it's pretty hard with the information that he's given us to give an accurate appraisal of the situation, the lender is a number of factors that come into play when it comes to applying for a waiver depends on the letter that he sent in the light. And of course, it's very hard in this situation to give an accurate, so feel of what is how best to apply to a situation like that. So it's probably best they'll get gets in contact with Darren and I and we will then request more information on him and be able to try to preview23:04it so so if bill could do it, bill could give Mike an email. And just check out that it's the right, Bill, Mike, and yeah, Darrell and I have had a bit of a chat, and we're gonna offer you a free one hour consultation call so that we can work this out for you. Okay, so make sure, make sure you get onto onto Mike. And we'll be able to do that for you on Thursday or Friday. So if you could email Mike, and we'll give you some assistance with that rights dilemma that you23:40have perfect. I will hopefully Bill's listening in. And he can shoot us an email back at info at know your rights group Comdata you and there you go. The boys have generously offered a session to help you out with that. So that's, that's fantastic. Now we do have lots of other emails to get through, but they're all quite long. And given the announcement that we've we've got coming up, I am going to go into our first break it at this point. And when we come back from the break, Darren and Daryl are going to be explaining in detail exactly why they are not in the studio with us exactly where they are, and all within reason and how they managed to escape dictated Danes clutches and depart Victoria. It is a very interesting story and one that you will definitely want to hear, so please do make sure that you stay tuned in for that. Then a little later in the show. We're going to be discussing some more news. important news regarding the great Australian party. We're also going to be clarifying the announcement that was made on last week's show And then to finish off tonight, we are going to be going through a number of very important media articles. And I have quite a few to get through tonight because we've got some really great positive news to report to people and some other important articles that people really do need to be aware of. And of course, we will continue going through the big list of emails that were received. And there's almost certainly going to be questions similar to the ones that you're thinking of asking right now. So again, please do listen in all the way to the end, so that you don't end up emailing us in another day or two with the very same questions that we answered tonight. So like all our shows, it is going to be another information packed show again tonight. On that point, just a quick reminder that podcast members can listen to all of our previous shows. And that, of course, is now all 242 of them. To review all the information that we've shared over more than six years now, you can also listen to our full catalogue of shows from the past six years by ordering our brand new set of 12 podcasts a day packs. And as I mentioned on last week's show those new CDs, those extra CDs, being included at no extra cost for all of our platinum and ultimate Platinum packs. Now also very quickly, speaking of packs, in case you missed my recent video update, we have just created some really great looking, no your rights tote bags, fantastic, too tight down to the shops to carry a laptop around, things like that. And you can purchase those separately, or we are now including them for free with any of our special combo ultimate combo or platinum combo packs. So please be sure to check out what they look like on our products page, we have uploaded some photos and they have come up really, really well. We think they look great. And they're a great way to help spread the word. And of course, they're practical as well. And please, if you're not yet a podcast member and you want to access all of our weekly podcasts with all our music edited out, as well as our show notes for each podcast, the incredible amount of information that we have on our court cases page. And of course, our members only forum, then please do be sure to join up as a podcast member. And of course, if you're already a member, thank you. And please do know that we'll continue doing whatever we can to make our memberships as valuable as possible, including costs and new membership benefit, which is a direct link to each of the articles that we cover on each week show as part of our show notes. Again, we have had one of our members who is using software to transcribe each of our shows. And we are now providing copies of those transcriptions to all of our members as well as a bit of a bonus as part of their podcast membership. So we're going to play a couple songs give you a chance to join up as a member if you haven't already. Also, be sure to check out our products page, check out those new bags, and of course, our YouTube channel as well with all of those new live video updates. And as always, if you do have any friends or family members that may not have tuned in yet, jump on the phone, post a message on Facebook, send them a quick text message or an email just remind them that the show is on live right now in case they forgot, just tell them to go to the website, click on the radio show tab to listen in. They can of course listening off a mobile device via the TuneIn app. Just download tuning and do a search for ret f m otherwise, you can listen live via the red FM website, which is just and click on the player. So we're gonna go to a couple songs and we'll be right back with Darren and Darryl very exciting story of how they escaped dictator Danes collection. And welcome back to the no you're right show streaming alive over the internet on the red f m network. few little technical glitches as I said that we're still ironing out putting this all together. But as the boys are about to explain, there is a good reason for that. So we kept a little bit of a secret. on last week's show we were going to announce it but we thought best to just make sure that we could make it all happen. But you have managed to escape the clutches of dictator Danes. So congratulations, boys. I hope you're enjoying your newfound freedom you bastards. And tell us a little bit about what happened, how it happened, where you are, what you're doing and fill us in because I'm sure the listeners are eager to hear your story.29:38Well, I29:40suppose we should begin by doing a shout out to Tony Doblin of the gap party who gave us a lift to the Melbourne tullamarine Airport.29:49In good old uncle Tony.29:52dropped us off there and Darrell and I proceeded in and they allow you to check your bags in and before they ask Do any questions. And so, Darrell and I checked all our bags in and wenting to the security area where your temperature is taken. And I'll tell you what the The airport is like a ghost town. Yeah, obscene, obscene bus stop setting when Garanimals. did. And yes. So basically we we moved off from the the ladies taking the temperatures and we get to the next checkpoint before the security. And with some d. h h s workers there. Uh huh. And they proceed to stop you and ask you questions. And the first question they ask is, where is your exit permit?30:55exit permit?30:57exit permit? And, and we said, Of course we don't have an exit permit. Right. Oops. And, and they said, Well, if you haven't got an exit permit, do you have some sort of a correspondent correspondence or an email or something you can show us from your employer? That was why you're leaving the state. And again, Mike, we said, No, we don't have such device. And, well, we need this, we need the exit permit for you to get on the flight. Oh, to her? Well, I do believe that. Jill Hennessy, the Attorney General for Victoria, she actually stated that during the pandemic, that the human rights and responsibilities act of 2006 is in full force during the whole pandemic, right. And I brought to her attention, section 12 of the Act, which, which says that every person lawfully within Victoria has the right to enter into leave, and to choose this. So to enter and leave Victoria to choose where to leave. And I said, and and that's my exit permit. Now, she sort of undone odd and I said, Well, you know, it's section 38 of The Act also says that a government employee cannot make a decision that's inconsistent with my human rights, unless it's a statutory provision. And I do believe there is no statutory provision in regards to an exit permit,32:52looked at me and said, Well,32:55we better just get your names and addresses and you can continue on your way. Now, the result, so we weren't just done with that. We didn't just go in there, hoping for the best not the old human. Because, you know, everybody knows that, you know, you meet up with the police these days in Victoria, and they try to tell you, you're have no rights. Yep. And so what we, what we also had prepared was the fact that if you look in the front page of your passport, so see that there is a provision in there that says that the Governor General asked that the person who is holding that passport is to be given safe passage, no matter what. So there's that that you can use. And then there's this third one, which is when you enter the hotel, sorry, the airport and you're on the airport. Land, you're actually on Commonwealth land. salutely. Yep. Now, as soon as you went to the Commonwealth land, I do believe section 92 of the Constitution comes into play absolute, and the intercourse of people amongst the states comes to play. Yep. And there is no state law that can override that. Dennis will be happy to hear that.34:26I'm sure he will.34:29So say Darrell.34:32Darryl is the EA and yeah, what are your thoughts on what happened, Darryl?34:39Well, so what we were confronted with was sort of tongue in cheek34:47threat34:49to stop us from getting through but she was being really nice, big smile on the face. And it was like being confronted by a salesman trying to sell you something clearly couldn't see her turn stop us a couple of big burly blokes, even if we did want to just keep going. Yes. So I think it was more tongue in cheek but they're really caught the man with the Human Rights Act. And she was in compelled just to take your details. And then she asked us for our phone numbers. And we both said, No.35:31Now, just keep on going takes that out.35:37Right they did. They asked us for their phone numbers. And yes, I didn't actually put the Privacy Act. I said, you were the privacy actually said you have a nice flight.35:47No, no.35:50That was That was the last the last time that we were compelled to, to stain membership in the cult of Dan. And we flew into into sunny Dhawan, where it's been 33 degrees every day with a low overnight of about 2526. And, but but we are in the Howard springs quarantine centre.36:19Oh, and how's that? Yeah.36:22Look, it's it's not bad. There's there's a couple of they've been list they've been learning off Dan put it this way. Oh. If we do step off our balcony, because we've got a nice little room each step off the balcony. Without a mask. We get a $5,000 fine. Is that right? Yeah. But I've been doing it quite regularly. I say.36:44And how many phones have you racked up?36:47Well, none yet? None yet? Oh, I'm trying. You're trying to try.36:52But you've been accused of that many times.36:55Yeah. And as soon as I do that, I'm going to I'm going to put a mail order in for the Know Your Rights book.37:01Yes. Excellent. Excellent. They are sent out via Express post. So you're even up in Darwin, you'll get that quite quickly.37:08Well, I look at it like this, Mike, as soon as I get out of here, and I leave the state. How are they going to get money?37:15Well, exactly. Exactly.37:18So but look, it's it's beautiful up here in in Darwin. And you know, one other thing is? Well, we've got a bit of a surprise happening, haven't we, Darrell? Once we once were will tomorrow will be seven days. So this time tomorrow next week? Actually 9am? We'll, we'll be getting picked up, won't we Darrell?37:43Oh, yeah. We're getting picked up and then we go on the Northern Territory in surrounding areas to37:51tour you're doing it too. Is it like, you know, caca. Do and you know, all the roads or what's your tour all about? Tell us about that.38:02Well, let's the tribal elders will be escorting us to all the good fishing spots.38:10Ah, boy.38:14Are you going? Are you going on a special tour bus by any chance?38:18Well, this big bust with Deaf Rick Rule over38:22gathering the library. Nice, nice anyone's picture that we might recognise on the on the outside.38:30All that? I guess listeners will be familiar with Rob Kelton.38:36Oh, you're on that38:40debt bus, that gap bus. Wow. So you are actually going on the gap bus. That is fantastic to hear. Now, when I hear this, there's some important stops and some important events that that get bass will be arriving at Do you want to tell us a little bit about that?39:04You will the tribal elders will be doing a bit of a ceremony, as I've already done with Rob doesn't really involve the tribal elders up here. Welcoming gap is essentially part of the whole move towards regaining their sovereignty in this country.39:26So I mean, that's that's pretty significant, really, isn't it? I mean, you know, there's no other political party. They haven't sort of sat down and had a power with scomo or Dan Andrews or anyone like that. Have they? Yeah, that's, that's not quite how it works. Is it39:45now Well, let's debate that.39:51It hasn't worked out so well. Excellent.39:53Nice. So I mean, this is this is pretty significant that, that they're getting involved with gap and gaps, getting involved with them, and Combining forces and going to harness the power of the, you know, not only the Constitution, but you know, as you say, of the original tribal elders and the the original people of this fine land.40:17Oh, yeah, in the terrorists fight on the Gaza as well. So it's a significant move forward. And we are not interested in trying to ride roughshod over these people in any way we recognise they are the custodians of this land, and we have to stay in with them in equity. Yep. And that's what get will be providing readily through the, around this country.40:50That the tribal?40:53Well, I'm truly proud of the new Australia that we had to forge with these people and get as many people on board if we were just sick and tired of the current system. Just, it's dead for thieves and liars. We need to refresh we need to hit that reset button. And who better to do it with them? The people that really were done hard by 260 odd years ago? Yeah, we have to be seen to be doing the right thing. It's not about rehashing the old system. It's about straightening that system out and breaking away from it. Legally, there's a word that legally breaking away from it, but resetting it, so we're exposing the misbehaviors. Of course, yeah. And we need people to understand that the laws, both of the sovereign people in the British laws need to be recognised because they're there for all of us. Yeah. And we need in order for the British laws to take effect, we need people to understand that will work just to hand it over to others.42:28Yeah, definitely. Absolutely. And if and, if you don't like current solder, and I do believe the best place to look is in your backyard. And I'd like to take this opportunity to send a big shout out to the original Southern robber Federation who are currently in Alice Springs. And with Bob, Colton. And Rob will be coming up in about seven days to pick us up and then we'll be actually Darrell and I'll be doing the same as what rod has I do believe he was accepted into the tribe is yesterday. Yeah, it was spent about a half hours on the phone with the the the tribal Federation embrasure himself. And, yeah, there's these apparently big slow dance that's happened in Australia currently.43:23Wow. So I mean, this is this is really significant. And our listeners really need to understand what a big deal this is, and how significant this this step is in shaping the, you know, the political future of our country. So I mean, this is this is huge, forever exciting. So I know you guys talked about the gap app, which is going to be formally announced and released at some point this month. And once that happens, people will be able to follow the progress of the bus and see where the bus is and as it goes to various towns and cities and whatnot, you know, they'll be able to come up and and meet with the bus and meet with you guys and and make with rod and, and all the rest of it. So currently in in Alice Springs in heading up to Darwin and and where to from there. I44:24do believe the bus is going to eventually get back to Perth for the Western Australian elections. Okay. And we'll be travelling back down through South Australia. So keep an eye out folks for on the gap app here all the locations where the bus will be stopping. Yep. And44:51Darrell44:54also had this have been speaking to Darryl about these and we're very excited about what's about to have Because the creators of the app have told us that this app is going to change the face x and will probably be taken on board by political parties all over the world, it's basically bringing the the elector back into the parliament, instead of the political parties running without any checks or balances. So you get on the gap app, you'll be able to speak to the the team exclusively. And your boss will finally be heard, as opposed to the political parties pushing their agendas.45:41Yeah, great stuff.45:44Yeah, hopefully be billing exploit early next week. Yeah, that should be when the apps online and ready to, to pair up and go.45:55Perfect. I will I look forward to chatting to you boys next week again, and hopefully we can formally announce the release of it and and people can start downloading it and and following your journey. So you're gonna keep speaking to us, or you're just gonna, you know, forget about the old nerites group and, you know, just be on you know, Merry holiday away from, you know, the cult of Dan. Now, now that you've got your newfound freedoms.46:21This is this isn't a holiday. Now. I46:24was joking.46:27This is this is way way. We're putting our lives on hold to try and restore this great country. So what to say everybody out and about. And yeah, look at the app, which has been released next week. And yeah, hopefully, we can change the face of politics in this country. Indeed, indeed.46:51All right. Well, that is super exciting news, guys. So we are going to go to another break. But I know we've still got lots of other bits and pieces to discuss. We've got lots more emails, we've got some Meteor articles to go through. So we're gonna play a couple more songs. And we'll be back with lots more straight after this. And welcome back to The Know Your Rights show streaming live on the internet over the ret f m network. So as I said, we've got lots of emails still to get through lots of important media articles that we want to get everyone's comments on. So I'm going to jump straight back into it. Now. This is a quite a lengthy two part email. It actually has a name here, but we'll whip through it anyway. says hello all at no your rights. Check this out. Has Dan Andrews disaster response gone national. What the hell is this going through federal parliament now? And he's given us a link to an article and it says the article is entitled defence to the rescue. But where are they coming from? Seems like we should be paying more attention to a proposal that could radically expand ministerial powers. There's been a curious quiet around the arrival of defence Legislation Amendment enhancement of Defence Force response to emergencies Bill 2020. On the face of it, the bill, which got a little coverage upon its announcement aims to regulate the coal out of defence forces in response to natural disasters, but some concerning details and an even more concerning absence of details have emerged. A lawyer and activist Kelly train two points out, this bill fails to properly define other emergencies. Delegates too much responsibility for the call out to a single minister permits foreign armies and police forces to be called in, does not restrict the use of force for Defence Forces and extends an unreasonable level of immunity for the Defence Force from criminal and civil penalties. Despite some noise along similar lines from Labour's Kim Carr, were struggling to see any other mainstream coverage of this poll potentially huge expansion of ministerial powers, given say the Australians completely justified concern over the Victorian government's similar expansion of powers under the cover of COVID-19. The silence is rather surprising some more comments about the defence bill. During the first reading of this bill, it appears that to instruct a member of the Defence Force to perform an action or duty, all that is required is a notification by instrument. This function jumps out at me because potentially an ADF member can be instructed to do almost anything that is asked of him or her under the title of a natural disaster or other emergency. The bill clearly outlines civil and criminal immunity to it If members when carrying out any of these orders given to them by instrument, I see major red flags with the term other emergencies having not been clearly defined. Could the bill be relating to civil unrest as a direct result of the path of draconian government overreach that Australia has taken since 2001? Could the term other emergencies relate to civil disobedience relating to the population attempting to uphold the Human Rights perhaps under common law? Could the duties performed by ADF members relate to the following, rounding up political dissidents, forced vaccination, detainment and or imprisonment of members of the population, elimination of members of the population, forced removal of children from families, and the designation of a particular area within the nation to be quarantined from the wrist, which by any number of the above mentioned duties or tasks can be performed? Such an area being cordoned off by roadblock checkpoint or by other means, could the term Commonwealth property be defined as anything within the Commonwealth of Australia and its territories, including the private property of citizens, basically, that the state now owns all property of the population. The bill also defines members of foreign Defence Force and or the police as a protected person under the section of the bill titled immunity. The contents of this bill is shocking, yet not surprising with regard to the direction this country has taken. Perhaps the action of Dan Andrews throughout Victoria, with just a dummy run for the above, I must admit that the mind does begin to start does begin to run away with itself having read this bill, although there is a lot of fear mongering out there on the internet, I believe this is serious, the Australian people are potentially in serious trouble if we don't do anything. My intention here is to create awareness, not fear. However, the bill does have a strike have striking similarities to to the acio bill, from a few months back, the puzzle is starting to fit together.52:11Cheese.52:12So what do we make of that it's, it sounds very, very vague, very open ended. And once again, open to the possibility of have lots of abuse by certain people who might wish to do so.52:33I'd say this, just in regards to the possessions of the Commonwealth. And there was the there was the combining of possibly, you know, the, the land, the sight of all the people of the Commonwealth, I do believe if you go to Section 463, that the Commonwealth needs to come up as established under the Act. And clause three provides that the Commonwealth is the people of all the several States. So I didn't leave it could include the people also, what's really, really troubling is the fact this is for a nada forced coming to Australia and take control of the IDF. Yes. That's a very alarming thing here. And I do believe that this would be the precursor to the United Nations coming into Australia, United Nations having their own army or even possibly Chinese army knows what deals Steely Dan has been doing is in the in the cactus of mighty marine airport.53:52Yeah, exactly, exactly. Now, I mean, the worrying thing is that this is this is going to be Commonwealth legislation. No, not, not state. So, you know, you mentioned before that there's a bill before Parliament being the Commonwealth Parliament, to stop states from doing deals with other countries. But, you know, this being Commonwealth legislation, there's really nothing there, as you say, to stop the Commonwealth from doing a deal with, you know, the Chinese and the Chinese army or the UN and the UN. It all really is there.54:29nothing whatsoever. Um,54:33believe it would be interesting to see if there's been any interpretation by the High Court of the external54:43affairs power.54:47The military power, you know, which what extent does that let the Commonwealth write laws for in respect of that? does this give them an unlimited power? So as to allow foreign forces to come to Australian shores? I doubt it would Delhi you aware of anything in regards to anything in the High Court is, is actually gone before them and had this particular type of interpretation.55:20Not that I can play out of my archives at this point, but my my stress would be in the line of 10, the Parliament of Australia bringing about any form of instruction to our defence forces. And our defence force forces really need to wake up to the fact that the Parliament of Australia have no legislative powers. And they're only controlled through the constitution to take notice of a lawfully appointed governor general. Yeah, element being the people of this country asleep. And while they're asleep, while they're waiting, always get one of these foreign powers taking over this country, and they masquerading as the legislator, and then No, that's very clear. This is why we did what he did what we've done in London. So Australia, you know, they've only got themselves to blame that they can throw day in, and they can try Scott Morrison and all these people aside. But at the end of the day, they've really like they've dropped the ball. We will need to, I think, personally, a cease and desist notice. Similar to what was served on dangerous to be served on skymiles and the Governor General. But none of people unfortunately, are doing this sort of stuff. They keep dragging an interpretation app and thinking that everything's okay that we just have to send these people a letter, we just have to tell them this or that and everything will go away.57:11They're not.57:13They're not. They're just not waking up. Tired. And this is where we're going with the travel ramp because those people are listening. They're listening to us, and they're getting a voice. So it's another angle to come in with respect to the this unlawful. But back to that earlier email that was to put to us that there needs it. Why we kept recognising premieres, and I gave anybody up there to show me in any case, any any state constitution that's been brought in, that's carried over from the Norton century. Can anyone show me in any of those state constitution where there is a premier? And the same challenge? Can anyone show me in the Congo constitution where there is a creature called the Prime Minister, while we keep while we keep corresponding with those parasites in that office? We, we guess, the voice of the Constitution now. And I think we really have to step back and when we correspond with the state we deal with the state governor. Yep. When we correspond with the Commonwealth, we do it to the Governor General. Yep.58:47Prime Minister doesn't exist, the premiers don't exist.58:52Don't get a lie the legislation because they've adopted it. They really have to keep this whole process as simple as possible. And we we really made to just call these people out to show us that they've got constitutional recognition in order to be able to bring about these, these restrictions. People are just falling in line with what the media tells them that gain or whatever their health people are doing. Hmm, no one's looking at the law. No, no. That's a59:29bit awkward and inconvenient might59:32show bloody awkward, isn't it? And59:35the paper will poke fingers at everyone else except themselves. Yep. Because that's where the blame is. It's with everybody, huh? Yeah. Yeah, we've been revenue. What about this? Since this COVID-19 come in, and the first thing we were saying was, where's the water? That little pause to me1:00:05And I still haven't been able to produce whenever they1:00:07when I turn and the quarantine rules don't apply the while they're being applied at the moment. I did not. They did not intend country rules to do what they're doing. Everyone's working on this word pandemic and emergency and started disaster. The word distraction? Yeah, yeah, these people are good at smoke and mirrors.1:00:37I've just been having a look at a bit of case law. And I've come across a case from 1948, called Chao hunting versus1:00:47the coin. Rod.1:00:50And1:00:52accordingly, the legislation that is subject of last question in regards to foreign forces come to Australian soil and be exempt from the laws of the country yet well, the keys to be valid international law, I want to announce an armed foreign force in a country, in pursuance of an actual agreement between governments, the terms of the agreement will govern all questions of jurisdiction, subject matter of agreements. So basically, there is an exemption, and that's consistent with the legislation. So it's all bad news. Now, the thing is, we are parliament, do we want the foreign forces on Australian soil tied in to our Australian Defence Forces? And that's what the question is, and people have to get out there. And I have to call the local members, I have to get urged people to be the boss in Parliament. Do we want these people on our shores? Do we want these people dictating to our armed forces without any form of liability whatsoever? That is the question you need to ask yourself first.1:02:21Absolutely. And this is the question we, once you've answered it for yourself, you need to be asking your members of parliament Now again, people sort of say, oh, but it's no point letters don't achieve anything. They absolutely do. As I announced on the the last Thursday's video update that I did, we told everybody on last week's radio show that there was just 24 hours for the public to make submissions in regards to the omnibus bill. And there was a fantastic response. It was over 9000 people got together and put in submissions in that 24 hour period, which which is just brilliant. And of course, the outcome of that was that the worst part of that legislation was abandoned. There was overwhelming pressure. And they had to abandon it. Yes. The omnibus bill is still going ahead. Yes, yeah. They are still going to, you know, to be debating that in in Parliament and talking about that, but the worst part of it was abandoned now. Should we still keep the pressure on about the remaining parts of the omnibus bill? Yes, absolutely. The whole bloody thing should be scrapped. As I've said, more times than I can count. The numbers in Victoria are coming down. They have come down significantly. Even good old Dan himself keeps rabbiting on about that and telling us how much the numbers have come down. So given that the numbers have come down so much so far, why on earth, is there any need for any further stretch or reach of powers? Why is there any need for any potential further restrictions? There's absolutely none. There is no requirement or whatsoever for any of these amendments to be made. The whole bill should be scrapped. Okay. Again, unless there is some ulterior motive, unless there is something that someone's not telling us, there is no need for this amendment. To the defence, Bill, you know, what, for what is the purpose, you know, no one is explaining to us why this is just so vitally necessary. And on those grounds alone. Again, we urge you all to write to your Commonwealth Members of Parliament, and I urge them to vote against this bill, and ask them why they believe this is necessary. Why such a vote? open ended amendments and legislation are required at this point in time, when supposedly, according to, you know, all the state premiers, according to our Prime Minister, you know, things are more or less under control in this country. Why do we need to allow for any further reaches of power? Why do we need to allow for foreign, you know, defence forces to come in? What is the need for any of it? According to everyone, you know, we've done the hard yards, we've done the hard work where, you know, we're coming to the other side of this, we've done this the right way, and, and all the rest of it. So why are we still talking about further restrictions of any kind? It just doesn't make any sense.1:05:43Now, the final point that I want to make on that, Amanda, send us an email and said Hi, all at No, you're right, Stuart, you might be interested in communication with local federal member read defence legislation that Darren mentioned last week and posted on constitution watch, not really getting any way yet. And she's posted a response that she's got from local MP, Karen Andrews, says good Good morning, Miss Martin. I've received information back from the Office of the Minister for Defence on this proposed amendment to the bill. They have advised that the amendment includes several measures that will enhance the IDF capacity to provide assistance in relation to natural disasters and other emergencies, not requiring the use of force. The existing mechanism that defence uses for providing assistance in these circumstances is the defence assistance to the civil community, da WC policy. The majors in this amendment will enhance the ability to provide the ICC assistance by streamlining the process for calling out members of the IDF reserves under sections 28 and 29 of the Defence act 1903. more relevant to your concerns, though, is that it will provide ADF members other defence personnel and members of foreign forces with similar immunities to state and territory emergency services personnel in certain cases while performing duties to support civil emergency and disaster preparedness recovery in response. Due to constitutional constraints, the immunity provision is limited to assistance directed by the Minister where the minister is satisfied of either of the buck or both of the following the natural scale of the natural disaster or other emergency makes it necessary for the benefit of the nation for the Commonwealth through the use of ADF. Or the department's special capabilities or available resources to provide assistance or be the assistance is necessary for the protection of Commonwealth agencies, Commonwealth personnel or Commonwealth property. This amendment will see defence personnel being provided with immunity from civil and criminal liability, where they are providing assistance similar to state territory, emergency services personnel. I hope this explains why the amendment is being put forward and La as you're concerned about it. Kind regards. No, it does not. Why should anybody be getting immunity? If they've done nothing wrong? Okay, then there is nothing for them to be worried about good having immunity for I mean, there was again, an article that came out this week with scomo has given two of the potential vaccine companies immunity from the, you know, in absolutely, you know, you know, pre determined number of years, essentially injuries or inevitable injuries that will happen from any vaccine. And they've said, Well, look that that's just inevitable, so we won't allow you to be prosecuted for that. Well, hang on a minute. That's not right. Yeah, if the vaccine is not 100% safe, it should not be used. If ADF personnel or foreign personnel can't be responsible for their own actions, then they shouldn't be here taking any there is absolutely no justifiable reason to give them immunity. And as for making it easier to call out IDF reserves, they should be an absolutely last resort, there should be no reason to make things easier to call the amin, you know, onto our streets. If anything, we should be amending legislation to make it harder and make it more specific. So if this is their reasoning, if this is their justification, this absolutely needs to be challenged. And again, as always, we urge people please bombard your members of parliament. In this instance, it's going to be your federal Members of Parliament and hit them with these questions, express your will clearly to them and tell them we do not want this bill passed period. Keep that pressure on because as I said, we did that with the omnibus bill and we achieved some amazing results. So we are going to go to another break. As I said, Please don't go anywhere. We've got lots of very important meeting. radicals that we need to whip through and cover. So we will be right back after these few1:10:06songs.1:10:08And welcome back to The Know Your Rights shows streaming alive over the internet on the red f m network. So, as I said things or things have been happening very, very well a lot of things have been happening this week and and things are moving very, very quickly. Lots of information coming out all at once. So I'm going to just quickly whip through a couple of media articles that I think everybody should be aware of. Now if you missed my last video update on Sunday night, please make sure you you go back and watch it because there was some some vital information there. And one of the most important points of course, was the fact that the World Health Organisation has now done another backflip and is now formally condemning lockdowns, they are saying categorically that governments should not be using lockdowns as the primary way of dealing with this so called a virus. So we have put a link to that article. And it is on our vaccinations page. So if you jump on the on the vaccinations page and scroll to the the lockdowns are unlawful section, you'll find a link to that there. So please make sure you have a look at that. Now we've also put up a link to an app another article, again on that vaccinations page and this one is entitled CDC study finds the overwhelming majority of people getting coronavirus, wore masks. Okay, Centre for disease control report released in September shows that masks and face coverings are not effective in preventing the spread of covid 19. Even for those people who consistently wear them. And it goes on to detail that the majority of people who are getting tested and who are testing positive for covid 19 of those who are wearing masks. Now somebody actually put up a post on Facebook, that makes a lot of sense. And that is of course that you know what we need to realise is the people who don't believe in COVID for whatever reason they think it's not real, they think it's not as bad as it. It's made out to be they think it's a hoax, whatever it is, they are the same people who were not wearing masks, and of course, they are the very same people who are not getting tested for COVID. So therefore the people who are getting tested, and the ones who are returning positive results are of course the people who were wearing masks. So what does that tell you about the effectiveness of masks? Okay, please go and read that article. It's on our vaccinations page. Now, I touched on very briefly, one of our members emailed in about the fact that the UK Government is now combining the flu and COVID reports in one. Okay, now this is an article. It's not on our website, you can go look it up. It's entitled From October 8 UK Government quietly combines flu and COVID reports. If ever there was an opportune moment to claim that the alarmist official narrative was unravelling in Britain, then you need look no further than the latest step by Public Health England. The government body has officially begun combining the reporting of COVID-19 with seasonal influenza as of October 8 2020. What does this mean? On the face of it this step demonstrates the further downgrading of the claim seriousness of the South Cove to virus as a public health threat. By lumping both sets of weekly data reports together, we must reasonably conclude there is no longer sufficient medical, scientific or data difference between these supposedly distinct pathogens. Okay, please again, go and read this article. The fact that the UK feels the need to add in the seasonal influenza numbers into its COVID-19 numbers shows that they are clearly fudging the figures. Now of course, again, a reminder that right here in Australia, we have just gone through the entire winter period, the entire seasonal flu period, and there was zero flu deaths reported Everything has been magically reported as COVID-19 death. So again, if this doesn't tell you that you are being lied to and deceived, we really don't know what does. Now what thankfully, a number of people are waking up. As we reported on our last show. There have been a number of class actions that have been filed. Darryl gave us an update on serene tefa has class action. We spoke about the lady from down the the mornington Peninsula with the cafe who launched a class action and I believe it was either just yesterday or the day before. There's been another class action that's been filed this time in the High Court, again from a restaurant owner down in Sorrento, so people on the mornington Peninsula are very active, very fed up clearly, which is fantastic. So again, I urge you to have a look at this. This article. It's entitled legal case to challenge the validity of Melbourne's lockdown in High Court. A legal case challenging the validity of Melbourne's coronavirus lockdown is set to be followed in the High Court of Australia today, as the state remains under some of the strictest restrictions in the world. Business Owner Julian gerner, who owns a restaurant and Baron Sorento on the mornington Peninsula is the plaintiffs behind the legal action arguing the state's unnecessary lockdown breach the constitutional right of the freedom of movement. summonses, filed in the state of Victoria Melvin's High Court registry, plaintiff is seeking an expedited hearing by the High Court, the Victorian Government is engaged in unnecessary lockdown of the state and economy, denying our basic freedoms as Australian citizens under our federal constitution, including our right to freedom of movement. And look, it goes on to detail a lot more. But again, I mean, this is fantastic. People are, you know, are fighting back, they have had enough. And they're saying, you know, that's it. And this is exactly what we want to hear more of, again, as I announced on on Sunday night's video update, you know, there was a plane flying over most of Melbourne with a big banner on it that said, sack Dan Andrews, and, and cancel the omnibus, I mean, someone's paid money to get that banamine up and fly it around, just to die. There was a boss driving around, you know, full size tool bus, much like the gap boss, you know, with a big sack, Dan Andrews, message painted down the side of the bus. So I put, you know, this is crazy. I mean, I don't know, you guys have been around a little longer than I have. Have you ever heard of any, you know, state or, you know, or Prime Minister, premier or Prime Minister? Yeah, having these kinds of actions taken against them.1:17:59The past tense that Eleanor brought up of at the airport. Okay, that1:18:03was your airport.1:18:05Yeah, Tony masabi. Tony was going to say uncle Tony, the other get buses. It hasn't been painted up yet, yet. They're nice. But I mean, like, seriously, I mean, have you seen, you know, premiers, state premiers, you know, Prime Ministers, you know, where people are so frustrated that they have launched multiple class actions in the Supreme Court and high court that they've painted up buses to say, you know, you need to quit, you know, that they've flown banners behind aeroplanes, yo saying, sack this person? I mean, I just haven't seen this stuff before.1:18:44It's actually a loss of confidence in, in Apollo, and I don't know what is exactly. That doesn't have someone to resign, people actually. Well, they're using, you know, my brafton motor vehicles and aeroplanes and get the message across. You know, they're actually breaching they're probably breaching COVID rules to actually get this message across. And to show these, these is disillusion that that should be occurring in the Parliament and the actual happiness of the Victorian residence.1:19:25I mean, that's pretty close.1:19:26I Marcus I'm so happy Skype1:19:31anymore slays on here from the seven and a half days marked down. But the thing is, I know in seven days, I will be released that people in Victoria, the depression, the suicide, you know, are you gonna you're gonna be like, no restriction. We're going to eat them in two weeks and then two weeks cuz I know we're gonna have to get them going cards gonna go for another three months. It's gonna go for another two months1:19:59when this all started But this was just, you know, going to be a couple of weeks to flatten the curve. Well, Jesus Christ has gone from, you know, 700 cases a day to, you know, 17 or whatever. I mean, if that doesn't if that's not flattening the curve, I don't know what the hell is yet we've got far greater restrictions now than we had when there was 700 cases a day. I mean, this is crazy.1:20:20100% and two children, and reeducation. It's it's criminal. What they do is criminal.1:20:30Yeah, absolutely. And I'm looking, as a lot of people have have pointed out, you know, a few months ago, the whole sector in Andrews and all the rest of it was all good. And well, but I mean, it's gone beyond that. Yeah, yeah, he shouldn't be sacked. He shouldn't be allowed to just resign and walk away. He needs to be held to account now, for the you know, for the absolute damage and devastation he has caused in this state.1:20:56Big trials, Australian. That's all I can say.1:20:59Yeah, yeah, definitely, definitely1:21:02bring back the death penalty. If you see any body doing these politicians need to be sent a message, I need to be held to an account. And message that is sent must be seen with such velocity, that none of them would even think about little and conceive it and suggested in the parliament again.1:21:26Yeah, exactly. Exactly. What again, this is, you know, this is what we talked about in our live events, you know, with what happened with, you know, with JFK, he was about to resign the documentation to remove the US, you know, from the Federal Reserve System. Now, you know, the banking elite didn't, you know, just pick up the phone and, and mica coal and sign on, ah, you shouldn't do this. They, you know, they didn't have a little, you know, meeting in a back alley, and they didn't go and break his kneecaps running, they publicly executed him on television in front of the entire world, to send a loud and clear message to every world leader. If you even consider doing this in your country. This is what will happen to you. And nobody did for four decades. It wasn't until Iceland did that quite recently. And that's the kind of message that we need to be sending, you know, to Dan Andrews right now. Yeah, this is absolutely unacceptable.1:22:32Victory of Legion hanging shame going out to pregnant women, making Facebook posts, people just wanting to exercise the rights, which as the attorney said, are in full force. Now, if you can't exercise or buy, but you know, this particular politician can get away with what they're doing. Now what's the what sort of state is this country in at the moment? It's a disaster zone.1:23:01Eddie's Eddie's and and we do need to keep the pressure on. All right, we are almost out of time. So what we have of course, covered a heap of information on tonight's show. We obviously can't cover everything. So if you haven't enjoyed what you've heard tonight, we would of course encourage you to look into the various products and services that we do have available now. These products have of course been specifically designed for people who want to learn more and really take the knowledge and understanding of these topics to the next level. As always, I want to remind everyone that we didn't go to all the trouble of creating these products because we've got nothing better to do with our time. We certainly didn't do it because we're going to make millions of dollars selling 20 and $30 a days. Okay, we did it to help people access everything that we've learned and experienced so you can learn about your rights in the quickest possible way. And of course at the cheapest possible price. Again, the there's still a lot of Victorian still in lockdown, a lot of other people even around the country haven't gone back to full time employment yet. So you know, this is the perfect time to go to our products page have a search through there. And and have a look at the products that are of interest to you. Of course have a look over our new combo packs. They are proving extremely popular and now they do come with those the added bonus of those new Know Your Rights tote bags. As I said, we do have those one on one coaching sessions available obviously with Darren and Darrell about to hop on the gap bus in just another week's time. There is a very small window of opportunity to get a chance to do a one on one session with those guys because, of course once they're on the bus, they are going to be very, very busy doing other things. So if you want to organise that, please make sure you jump onto our shop page. You'll find the link under the products tab and you'll find the coaching session links up on the top left of that shop page. And of course, if nothing else, please do make sure at the very least, you grab a copy of our eBook The essential step by step manual for understanding and exercising your rights. We do also obviously recommend the Ozzie speeding fines book if you're a motorist in this country, it is by far and away the best motoring investment you will ever make. And of course, the best time to grab that book is before you get a fine. And that will hopefully enable you to avoid the inevitable or in the worst case where you do get a fine, whether it be a traffic phone, or COVID phone or anything else like that, you're going to be in the absolute best possible position to be able to successfully challenge it. We do know that more and more people are struggling financially, a lot of people are suffering under significant debt stress. So again, we do recommend that bank Secrets Revealed book just go to bank Secrets Revealed Comdata you and and have a look at their four step process for discharging all unsecured loans, such as credit cards and personal loans. So I do want to finish up tonight by doing what we always do at the end of each show. And that is to remind everyone that there's many very simple things that people can do. Cost little or no money take up very little time, but really do add up to make a big difference. First and foremost, of course, you can sign up for the local government class action via the link on our local government page. You can also download the flyer that's relevant to your state. send that off with the cover letter that you can also download from that page, send it to your local MP see if they can answer a few simple questions relating to the constitutional validity of local councils. Don't forget our Facebook group that I was explaining Fons Facebook group, the bank Secrets Revealed Facebook group, great Australian party, Facebook group. These are all great groups to join up to and and mix and mingle online with like minded people. And of course to you know, to meet up with people in your in your respective areas, who are part of those groups. We're also urging everyone to please, you know, grab our bumper stickers and business cards help spread the word that way. Just shoot off an email just info at Know Your Rights .au info at Ozzie speeding info at Bank Secrets Revealed Comdata you just say hey guys, I want some bumper stickers and business cards, this is my address, and they'll be sent out to you completely free of charge. As I said before, make sure you order copies of everyone's books, watch the straw man videos on our website. That's such an important concept. Make sure you get your head around that speak to the guys that operate in the private event setting up a private foundation. You know more and more people have had enough of the current corrupt corporate system and they want to unplug and start operating in the private. So be sure to contact them if that's of interest to you. Don't forget, we've got our affiliate programme up and running as well doesn't cost you anything to join. You can earn a 20% commission from everyone you refer. So it's a really great way to earn a little bit of extra income on the side just by informing others about their rights. You will be amazed at how many people still I was saying this to one of our clients today that people just get a phone and think Oh no, well, once I've got the phone, I'll just have to pay it. You know, they don't realise even that they can challenge fines. And you absolutely can. And it really still does concern me a lot that there's so many people out there, you know, still walking around with these senior ridiculous flimsy pathetic paper masks on all because they're worried about getting a $200 fine. Yeah, that should be the absolute last of your concerns. And we haven't got time to go into detail tonight, but I will be addressing it on on my Thursday night video update. But it's now been confirmed that it's only about 5% of all the thousands of things over 10,000 COVID fines have actually been paid. All the rest are being challenged, which is absolutely fantastic. And I'll be reporting more on that on on Thursday night some video so yeah, please make sure you join up as an affiliate Ozzie spending funds are going to affiliate programme as well. But look, whatever you do, make sure you make full use of all the information that's on the websites. Obviously, we recommend know your rights group. Comdata you Ozzy speeding Bank secrets .au operate in the and of course Darren's very, very detailed website constitution .au as well. There's an absolute wealth of information available it's all very easily accessible on those websites. But you need to actually go there, get your head around it and then of course put it into practice. So don't forget we are always looking for people groups companies to sponsor our shows if you would like to do that. You can contact us directly info at no your rights that I you. I do want to again thank all of our show sponsors, alkaline health Ferghana resorts and of course our longtime sponsor, greener cleaner, please do be sure to check out all of their details via the links on our health page. And of course if you do want these shows to continue Throughout the year, we do need our show to pay its own way. And therefore we do need all the sponsors we can get. And we do need people to join up as members as well. As we say on every show, you know, the shows, obviously don't write themselves. And anyone that's seen all the changes, updates, things that we keep adding to the website will appreciate the insane amount of hours that go into making all of that happen. Plus, of course, our our twice weekly video updates as well that take time to put together. And we do of course need to eat and put a roof over our heads as well. So please do remember, for the price of just a cup of coffee a week, you can access our fully edited shows and notes for each show, our extensive court cases page, and of course, our new members only forum as well as helping us out in the process. So if you haven't already done so please do be sure to join up as a member tonight as the show ends. So we are going to finish off there by reminding everyone that as always nothing in this broadcast is to be considered as legal or financial advice. We do recommend listeners do their own independent research into all the topics we discussed. And obviously recommend the websites that we mentioned just before. So that is it for us. We will be back live on air again. Next Tuesday night at eight o'clock. A big thank you to Darren and Darrell. I know we were eating into your dinner time. Over there you're you're a little bit behind us. So thanks for staying with us during your your dinner time. Darryl, always good to chat to you mate. Thanks for thanks for having a chat as1:31:36well. Thanks for having me as1:31:38always my always and and thanks to Darren for all your knowledge and wisdom as always.1:31:44No problem I can. I'd like to say hello. And Logan's people have that doubt.1:31:50Yes, absolutely. Absolutely. And congrats again on on getting out mostly unscathed. Good stuff in Enjoy your freedom voice. It was a lot of fun. Absolutely. Absolutely. All right. We're going to leave it there. And we look forward to speaking to you all again next Tuesday night. ................

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