Top Ten Websites you never knew about

Top 100 Websites of 2012 . . .

Go to the website below:

(by the way, the actual url was condensed into this shorter address using a site that I learned about from the top 100 list published 2 years ago: …)

PC Magazine publishes a list of the top 100 websites of the year … these sites are broken up into two main categories: Undiscovered Sites and Classics. Within each category there is further division of the sites into to following groups: Apps, Fun, Info, News, Shopping, Social and Tech.

Your task is to research the sites given to you by your teacher (the number of sites you must research depends on the number of students in the class; all sites will be researched) and prepare a short presentation of the features of each site.

Some of the sites will not be accessible from the school's computer because of the blocks set up by Gwinnett County.  If this is the case, you will need to explore the site at home and prepare an explanation based on what you find. 


Take screenshots of some of the cool features and put them on a PowerPoint as part of your presentation.  A slide or two per website should be plenty to give us an idea of what the site has to offer and to address the following points:

• What is the purpose of the site?

• What is unique about the site … why did it make the list?

• Were you able to use the site? What were the results? (pros/cons)

• How would a student benefit from know about this site? How could you use this site? Would you use this site?

Each student will prepare a short slide show and present his/her findings to the class. In addition, everyone in the class will complete a summary sheet listing each of the websites presented as well as short notes about the website that were given through the presentations. This summary sheet will be handed in at the end of all the presentations for a grade.

Summary Sheet

Student Name: __________________________________________________________

|Web Site Name |Short Synopsis |Would You Use this Site? |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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