
Mr. Flohr Name __________________

World History Date __________________

Period _________________

Important Inventions of the Industrial Revolution

|The Origin of the Revolution |

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|Where did the Industrial Revolution Begin? |

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|What were some key events that led to the Industrial Revolution? |

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|Why were the conditions right for industrialization? |

|England had a large population of workers and good natural resources which included: |

|1. 2. |

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|3. 4. |

|*England also had economic and political stability, a highly developed banking system, wealthy and educated entrepreneurs |

|Key Inventors & Inventors |

|Inventor |Invention & Date |Function |

|1. Jethro Tull | |It allowed farmers to sow seeds in well-spaced rows at specific depths |

|(p. 717) | |More seeds took root boosting crop yields |

|2. John Kay | |A boat shaped piece of wood to which yarn was attached, doubled the work a weaver could do in a day |

|(p. 718-720) | | |

|3. James Hargreaves | |Allowed spinners to keep up with the demand of the weavers by allowing a person to spinner 8 threads at a |

|(p. 720) | |time |

|4. James Watt | |He figured out a way to make the steam engine more efficient and use less fuel |

|(p. 721) | | |

|5. Richard Arkwright | |A machine that used waterpower from streams to drive spinning wheels |

|(p. 720) | | |

|Inventor |Invention & Date |Function |

|6. Samuel Crompton | |Combined features of the spinning jenny and water frame to produce a machine that made thread that was |

|(p. 720) | |stronger, finer, and more consistent |

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|7. Edmund Cartwright | |Increased the speed and production of weaving |

|(p. 720) | | |

|8. Eli Whitney | |Machine that took the seeds out of cotton, increased cotton production from 1.5 mil pounds in 1790 to 85 mil.|

|(p. 720) | |pounds in 1810 |

|9. Richard Trevithick | |First used to haul coal from mines to factories, eventually powered all trains and many types of machines |

|(p. 721) | | |

|10. Robert Fulton | |Attached Watt’s steam engine to a boat and used it to ferry passengers up and down the Hudson River, steam |

|(p. 721) | |boats were later used to transport raw materials and finished products |

|11. George Stephenson | |He built the world’s first railroad, from Yorkshire to Stockton, and then another from Liverpool to |

|(p. 722) | |Manchester and the locomotive for the new line which traveled at a top speed of 24 mph |

|12. Samuel F. B. Morse | |Enabled messages to be sent over great distances, revolutionized communication |

|13. Samuel Colt | |Made firing and reloading much quicker and easier, had a great impact on the Civil War, Law Enforcement, and |

| | |Westward Expansion |

|14. John Deere | |Made farming quicker and easier because it was stronger and self-cleaning, farm production grew and more |

| | |people moved South |

|Charles Goodyear | |Made rubber stronger and more durable, because of this process rubber can be used for hundreds of purposes |

|Elias Howe & | |Called the most important invention in history, it freed people of the long and laborious process of making |

|Isaac Singer | |clothes by hand, revolutionized the textile and clothes industries |

|Cyrus Field | |Cut the time it took to communicate from America to Europe from ten days to just minutes |

|Alexander Graham Bell | |Revolutionized communication, most of all personal and business communication is done using it |

|Gottlieb Daimler | |Was the foundation for all modern automobile engines |

|Thomas Edison | |The first music player |

| | |Provided artificial light indoors, allowing factories and businesses to stay open after dark, and changed |

| | |everyone’s daily lives |

|Nikola Tesla | |This motor was the predecessor for all electric motors which are used in thousands of ways such as in fans, |

| | |cars, phones, and machinery |

|George Eastman | |Made cameras light weight and easier to operate, made film easier to carry and develop |

|Rudolf Diesel | |An alternative to the gasoline engine, provided more power, used to power large machines, trains, and trucks |

|Orville and Wilbur Wright | |The first man-powered air craft, laid the foundation for modern aviation |

|Henry Ford | |The first mass produced reliable automobile, revolutionized transportation, commercial trade, and everyday |

| | |life in America |


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