Quiz date: Friday, October 10, 2014 (Thursday, October 9 for first period)Review Sheet for Quiz on Absolutism and the Glorious Revolution1) In English history, the Magna Carta (1215), the Petition of Right (1628), and the Bill of Rights (1689) all reinforced the concept ofa limited monarchyreligious tolerationa laissez-faire economyuniversal suffrage2) The immediate effect of both the Magna Carta and the Puritan Revolution on the English system of government was thatthe power of the monarch was limitedfreedom of speech and press was guaranteedreligious toleration was promotedthe voting rights of all citizens were expanded3) The Magna Carta and English Bill of Rights are documents thatlimited the power of the monarchestablished England as an independent stateintensified the conflict between church and statedecreased the wealth of the nobles4) The Magna Carta was important to the development of democracy because itlimited the power of the monarchcreated a bicameral legislaturetook land away from the noblesextended the right to vote to peasants5) The Magna Carta, the Reform Bill of 1832, and the Parliament Act of 1911 were all steps by which Great Britainevolved toward democratic principlesextended British imperialismcreated a classless societypromoted socialist policies6) The Magna Carta, the Glorious Revolution, and the writings of John Locke all contributed to Great Britain's development ofabsolute monarchyethnic rivalriesparliamentary democracyimperialist policies7)One similarity in the rule of Peter the Great, Suleiman I, and Louis XIV is that each leadershared power with a legislaturepracticed religious tolerationexpanded his territorydecreased the amount of taxes collected8) The Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights are similar in that they bothreinforced the theory of divine rightdecreased the rights of citizenslimited the power of the monarchyencouraged colonialism "Estates General Meet for First Time in 175 Years""National Assembly Issues Declarations of the Rights of Man""Reign of Terror Ends; Robespierre Dies"9) Which event in European history is most closely associated with these headlines?Puritan RevolutionHundred Years WarFrench Revolutionsigning of the Magna Carta10) ? Magna Carta signed by King John? Habeas Corpus Act passed during the rule of Charles II? Bill of Rights agreed to by William and Mary```````These events in English history were similar in that they allpromoted religious freedomlimited the power of the monarchprovided universal suffragesupported divine right theory11) The Magna Carta can be described as ajournal about English feudal societylist of feudal rights that limited the power of the English monarchycensus of all tax-paying nobility in feudal Englandstatement of grievances of the middle class in England12) One way in which the Magna Carta, the Petition of Right, and the Glorious Revolution are similar is that eachstrengthened the power of the popeled to the exploration of Africalimited the power of the English monarchysettled religious conflicts13) The Magna Carta, the Petition of Right, and the English Bill of Rights were created tolimit the power of English monarchsestablish laws protecting the rights of Protestantsorganize England’s colonial empireabolish the role of Parliament14) Which document limited the power of the English monarchy during the Middle Ages?Magna CartaTwelve TablesJustinian CodeRig Veda15) One way in which the English Magna Carta (1215), the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen (1789), and the Japanese Constitution (1947) are similar is that all these documentslimited the power of the monarchprovided for universal suffragecreated a theocracyequalized taxesFour events in world history, labeled A, B, C, and D, are listed below.A. Passage of the English Bill of RightsB. Signing of the Magna CartaC. Latin American revolutionsD. French Revolution16) The correct chronological order for these events isD C B AA D C BB A D CD B C A17) In England, the Magna Carta, the Puritan Revolution, the Glorious Revolution, and the English Bill of Rights led to the development ofa dictatorshipan absolute monarchya theocracya limited monarchy18) The signing of the Magna Carta in 12l5 and the Glorious Revolution in 1688 were key events in English history because they resulted increating alliances with Francedefeating Protestant nobleslimiting the power of the monarchyannexing territory19) Base your answer on the speakers' statements below.Speaker A: Although I spread serfdom in my country, I tried to modernize our society by incorporating western technology.Speaker B: I promoted culture with my support of the arts. Unfortunately, I drained my country's treasury by building my palace at Versailles and involving my country in costly wars.Speaker C: I gained much wealth from my overseas empire in the Americas. I waged war against the Protestants and lost.Speaker D: I inherited the throne and imprisoned my foes without a trial. I dissolved Parliament because I did not want to consult with them when I increased taxes.Which speaker represents the view of King Louis XIV of France?ABCD20) A common goal of Philip II of Spain and Louis XIV of France was tospread Calvinismpromote political revolutionsmaintain absolute powerisolate their nations21) One way in which Sulieman the Magnificent, Akbar the Great, and Louis XIV are similar is that each wasan important religious reformera supporter of laissez-faire practicesa leader of independence movementsan absolute monarch22) Which list of French leaders is in the correct chronological order?Louis XVI →Napoleon →RobespierreRobespierre →Napoleon → Louis XVILouis XVI →Robespierre →NapoleonNapoleon → Louis XVI →Robespierre23) King Louis XIV of France, Peter the Great of Russia, and Suleiman the Magnificent of the Ottoman Empire were all considered absolute rulers because theybroke from the Roman Catholic Churchhelped feudal lords build secure castlesinstituted programs that provided more power to their parliamentsdetermined government policies without the consent of their people"Prime Minister Calls for Vote of Confidence""Labor Party Members Resign from Cabinet""New Coalition Government Seems Fragile"24) These headlines most likely refer to events in a nation that hasa socialist economyone-party rulean absolute monarchya parliamentary democracy25) The Magna Carta, the Glorious Revolution, and the writings of John Locke all contributed to Great Britain's development ofabsolute monarchyethnic rivalriesparliamentary democracyimperialist policies26) Which quotation was most likely made by an absolute monarch?“The government that governs best, governs least.”“I am the state.”“The government must be based on a sound constitution.”“It is the parliament that must make the laws.”27) Many European monarchs of the 1600s maintained that they should have absolute power to rule because theyneeded to defend their nations against threats from the Western Hemispherethought that all people should have the right to a good rulerhad been given their power to govern from Godthought that communism was the superior political system28) One effect of rugged, mountainous geography on the civilization of ancient Greece was the development ofabsolute monarchiesseparate, independent city-statesextensive trade with the Persiansbelief in one God29)Absolute monarchs in Western Europe used the term "divine right" and dynastic rulers in China used the term "Mandate of Heaven" to justify theirpolitical powerrejection of organized religionsupport for religious tolerationstatus as elected representatives... Finally, gather together all that we have said, so great and so august [important], about royal authority. You have seen a great nation united under one man: you have seen his sacred power, paternal and absolute: you have seen that secret reason which directs the body politic, enclosed in one head: you have seen the image of God in kings, and you will have the idea of majesty of kingship.God is holiness itself, goodness itself, power itself, reason itself. In these things consists the divine majesty. In their reflection consists the majesty of the prince...– Jacques-Benigne Bossuet30) Which philosophy of government is expressed by this quotation?oligarchyfascismdemocracydivine rightWho are some of the richest people in the world? Name three.In what two ways did most them make their money?Why does John Oliver refer to the wealth distribution of the USA as a “lottery of birth?”How much of the world’s wealth do the richest 85 people control?How much wealth does the top 1% control in the USA?How wealth does the bottom 80% control in the USA?How much of the stocks and bonds do the top 1% control in the USA?How much of the stocks and do the bottom 50% control in the USA? ................

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