Coding key:Body image Negative view of instagram impacts Time spent on instagram Cheer uniform impactPeople followed Photo enhancingPersonal ideal of beauty Body image Interview 2019Tianni: Alright if you could just state your name and your year that would be awesome. Subject 4: My name is **** ****** and I am a freshman. Tianni: Ok cool. So today I am going to be asking you some questions about body image and how instagram may influence you. And then im also going to ask you questions about your cheer uniform. Our focus is not how cheerleaders use instagram and how their uniforms can affect them. So do you know about how many hours per day you spend on Instagram? And if you don’t use instagram was social media do you use? Subject 4: I probably spend about an hour or two on instagram per day.Tianni: Later on i'll actually ask you for a screenshot of your time on instagram and we will find out how accurate that is. Subject 4: It's probably going to be a lot more Tianni: Than you think? Subject 4: Yeah Tianni: Ok, well would you say you are generally happy with your own body image and if not do you think it stems from something specifically? Subject 4: Generally no, I'm not. I don’t really know what it necessarily stems from. I think it's just a personal thing.Tianni: Do you think that maybe its like from comparison or media?Subject 4: I think it's definitely from comparison to other people.Tianni: Would it usually be influencers or celebrities or friends? Or maybe even, I know you have some siblings as well. Subject 4: Definitely one of my siblings. Well actually two of them. They're both skinnier than me. But I think it's generally a mix of celebrities and influencers. Tianni: In your own words what makes a girl or a woman beautiful to you? Subject 4: I think what makes a woman beautiful is just to have the mindset that they are like I don’t care what other people think about me as long as im happy with what I look like then i'm beautiful. It shouldn’t matter what anybody else thinks. Tianni: Has using social media affected your views on body image or your personal body in any way? Or have you made modifications or done specific styles to your own body because you think this might look better on me? Subject 4: I think I like tried it out once.. trying to get clothes that I though other people would like more because I saw it online. It just never really worked out for me so I just went to dressing how I wanted to. But I don’t think i've necessarily done any modifications. Tianni: So it's more of adapting to what the newest style was?Subject 4: YeahTianni: Ok but then you usually end up going back to what feels most comfortable to you? Ok good. I know we've already touched on this a bit cause you had mentioned that celebrities and influencers have affected the way you think about your own body… would you say it's negative or positive or maybe both because of role model you have or? Subject 4: I don’t really know. Tianni: For me an example would be the aerie real campaign. Have you heard of the aerie real campaign? Subject 4: I have and I love it. I think it's really a positive thing and it supports women of different shapes and sizes. I appreciate it. Tianni: Would you say that you support arie over Victoria Secret? Subject 4: For sure Tianni: Interesting. Do you think that there are particular ideas about the body that are only ideal, like attractiveness, because of social media? Does media set the standard? Subject 4: Yeah I think media definitely sets the standard, everybody thinks that what you look like online, like influencers and models, that everyone should look like that. If you don’t look like that then it's not right. Tianni: What particular things about, or what particular characteristics do you notice? Subject 4: I guess how flat your stomach is or how small your thighs are. Hair color even. Tianni: I remember the thigh gap phase where girls were posing in a particular way. Did you ever try that?Subject 4: I never tried that. I also heard about them all where you pose a certain way to make your butt look bigger but I never tried that either. Tianni: Good for you. Do you ever post particular photos that make you feel good about yourself? Or with the intention to accentuate certain aspects of your body? Subject 4: Never to accentuate anything but I post in a way to make things look smaller.Tianni: Ok that makes sense. Do you sometimes edit parts of your body before posting to social media? Subject 4: yes Tianni: So this is a common thing that i've been hearing.. teeth whitening, smoothing out your skin.. what are some common ones for you? Subject 4: Not necessarily smoothing my skin but I try to edit them to where my stomach and thighs are smaller.Tianni: You'd be surprised how many people do that and who is doing it. It's really surprising. Do you think social media creates a standard that is almost unattainable or do you think it's realistic?Subject 4: I think people are built a certain way and they can shape their bodies to look differently but it's never going to end up looking like that same person you see on instagram so in a way I guess it's unattainable but I guess a body image closer could be attainable. Tianni: yeah ok… now we're moving on to how cheerleading may have affected you.. how long have you been cheering?Subject 4: 10 years Tianni: ok would you say that cheer has impacted the way that you look at your body? Subject 4: I feel like a little bit just because growing up I was never comfortable wearing my uniform in front of my peers because I didn’t want them to judge me based on how I looked in it cause I was kinda bigger Tianni: So the uniform has definitely cause some type of feelings towards your body. Do you think the positions in the uniform kind of cause you to be more conscious of your body weight? Or the other girls that cheer with you? Subject 4: What do you mean by the position? Tianni: Being a main base, a side base, a flyer, or a backspot Subject 4: I feel like being a base definitely helps me feel a bit more comfortable cause I know that i'm just being under it and lifting it. For some reason I feel like I am a little bit bigger but people are saying oh its ok cause she's lifting girls in the air so it’s a little bit more fine. Definitely I know in High School I was always one of the biggest ones on the team. So all the other girls and all the other bases were pretty small so when I was on the track with them or on the mat competing I was a bit out of place. Tianni: Did you ever considering wanting to fly or was it just an automatic idea that you needed to be on the ground Subject 4: I never considered wanting to fly. I always wanted to base. I could never do it. Tianni: Was it because you didn’t feel comfortable flying or…Subject 4: I didn’t feel comfortable flying.. I was always kind of that one kid that was like I want to lift things so Tianni: Ok well that’s good then. Was your uniform in High School different from your uniform now? Subject 4: Yes Tianni: In what way? Subject 4: The uniform here shows our stomach and there a bit shorter.. like the skirts. In high school it completely covered our stomachs and they were.. some of them at least, like our competition uniform, our skirts were pretty short but our sideline skirts were a little bit longer. That part doesn’t really bother me though.. it's just the stomach part. Tianni: Showing midriff? Subject 4: Yeah Tianni: I don’t know if a lot of people know this but in High School you can get docked for your spanks being show but you can't get docked for it in college. So in a sense were kind of allowed to show more in college. So what do you dislike and like about your current uniform here at college? Subject 4: Well since I don’t like showing my stomach the midriff gap isn't my favorite thing ever but i'm kind of just like yeah ok Tianni: It is what it is Subject 4: Yeah i'm gonna wear my uniform out anyways because I like cheer. The one thing I don’t like is just the fact that I like an all long sleeve kind of top because that’s one of the things I hate most about myself… my arms. So when we were not wearing our sleeves I was always just very uncomfortable. Tianni: So overall, do you think cheer as a sport has made you more confident in your body? Or?Subject 4: I think it has made me more confident… a lot of people would think otherwise but over the years i've learned to just realize that my body is how it is and the sport I do is only going to help me and I shouldn’t be influenced by other people about it.Tianni: Yeah ok, is there anything else you would like to share or? Subject 4: Everybody is a bikini body. Tianni: Ok thank you! Subject 4: yup ................

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