The Message for Aug 25, 2019Awesome GodLuke 13:10-17Rob Miller, PastorThis is the 5th and final week of our 5-week worship series on changing the world through songs. Week 1 - Waiting on the World to Change by John MayerWeek 2 - Live like You Were Dying by Tim McGrawWeek 3 - When the Sand Runs Out by Rascal FlattsWeek 4 - Turn, Turn, Turn by The ByrdsThis week our song is Awesome God by Rich Mullins. Here is some background to this song from Rich Mullins was driving late at night by himself in a pick-up truck somewhere between Tennessee and Missouri. He was on his way to a youth concert in Colorado and was having trouble staying awake. Rich found himself thinking about the image of a "hellfire and brimstone" preacher, the kind that bellows short, sharp proclamations about God to their congregation. He rolled his window down and started shouting these statements into the night, trying to stay awake. Line by line Rich yelled the phrases of what was to become this song. He committed those lines to memory until he got to the venue and found a piano and taught the youth "Awesome God."“Our God is an awesome God.He reigns from heaven aboveWith wisdom, power, and love.Our God is an awesome God.”Here is some more background to this song. Lindsay Terry posted a web article on Aug 21, 2015. She writes… The year was 1995, and the scene was the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville, Tennessee. A great crowd had gathered for the opening of the Gospel Music Association’s annual convention. The performers were in their best apparel, and this was to be an evening of the finest of the worship songs. Each person on the program presented his or her musical offering accompanied by beautiful lighting and orchestra accompaniment with all of the bells and whistles at their disposal.After several performances, the lights were dimmed, and a man walked quietly onto the stage and took his place at the piano. A choir stood behind him dressed in matching outfits. As the lights were going up, Rich Mullins, began to play - some thought somewhat prematurely. He was dressed in scruffy jeans and a flannel shirt and was unshaven. He scarcely looked up from the piano. He was presenting his signature song, “Awesome God.” The music ceased; the lights went down, and Rich Mullins slipped away - out of the building. Such was the man.By the way Rich Mullins died at the age of 41 on Sept. 19, 1997, in a car accident, on Interstate 39, near Peoria, Illinois. Here is a little more of his life’s story by Lindsay Terry…Richard Wayne Mullins was born into a Quaker home in 1955, in a small community near Richmond, Indiana. His parents recognized that he showed a tremendous music ability early in life. His uncle loaned him the money to make his first album.He attended the Cincinnati Bible College, and while there formed a band called “Zion”, which played local engagements. Of course, he later became a major recording artist and formed a band to tour with him. He called the group, “The Ragamuffin Band.”He spent his money for causes that benefited poor children. He lived the last two years of his life on the Navajo Indian Reservation near the Arizona/New Mexico border, working with poor Native Americans. He believed music was the language of the soul and wanted to give this gift to the children. During the first year he lived in a tiny house trailer on the reservation. He then moved into a small multi-sided structure, which he himself built.He could have lived sumptuously during the latter years of his life, however, he only allowed himself the average yearly wage for someone living in the United States. The balance of his money went to a foundation to help children. His mother said she is making sure the money he left goes to the causes he loved so dearly.Terry ends her article with these words, Christian Research Report named Mullins’ “Awesome God” one of the top three Christian songs of the past decade.Have a listen… God is an awesome God! I don’t know about you but sometimes I forget that. Sometimes I go about my day – doing my thing – and I don’t even think about God or how awesome our God really is.And then, when I do remember how awesome our God is, I pray. I pray a simple prayer. It goes like this. Thank you God, you are awesome! Pray that prayer with me right now out loud – Thank you God, you are awesome!Our God is so awesome that God not only reigns in heaven above but became one of us – to live with us – to be in a personal relationship with us through Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Our God is so awesome – God will not abandon us – no matter what. Jesus came to show us that our God is a God of grace, not guilt – grace for everyone. Jesus came to show us that our God is a God of mercy, not meanness – mercy for everyone. Jesus came to show us that our God is a God of forgiveness, not revenge – forgiveness for everyone. Jesus came to show us that our God is a God of faith, not fear – faith for everyone. Jesus came to show us that our God desires to be in a loving relationship with everyone. Jesus came to set us free for that kind of abundant life. That’s what we find happening in our reading for today. Luke 13:10-17 Ever hear or say the words – he or she was in the right place at the right time. Well as it turns out – the woman was.She knows the rules. Jesus knows the rules. The synagogue leader knows the rules. You got to have rules. Rules keep us safe – or they should keep us safe. That’s the only reason to have rules. The rule about the Sabbath was for rest. You got to have rest. “All work and no rest makes one a dull and crabby person.” You can quote me on that.But as Jesus points out – miracles – which come from God supersede rules – which come from humans. Actually Jesus said the only 2 rules we need to live by are – Love God & Love Others. If we did that -- this world would definitely be a better and brighter place.Now -- just about everybody in Jesus’ day believed in miracles. But miracles were not to be performed on the Sabbath. Miracles were considered “work.” You didn’t even cut your toe nails on the Sabbath much less perform miracles. Jesus used the example of watering one’s ox or donkey. That’s work – Jesus points out to the religious leaders. And yet, you do that on the Sabbath… He tells them. In other words they often broke their own rules…So on the Sabbath Jesus was teaching – probably teaching about God’s love. Then to show that love is for everyone Jesus healed a woman who had been crippled by a spirit for 18 years – bent over and could not straighten up.The woman was there because she decided to be in worship that day. Although the people probably didn’t think she should be there. They probably thought that she obviously did something to offend God and was being punished for it -- hence her crippled condition. Of course, we know that is not the case and Jesus knew it too. She went to worship anyway – regardless of what people thought about her. She just happened to be?in the right place at the right time, and that put her in the presence – not to mention – the healing and compassionate hands of Jesus.When you find yourself in the presence of Jesus – things happen – good things – redemptive things – eternal things – life-giving things. In the case of this crippled woman, Jesus set her free from the bondage that kept her from experiencing life to the fullest. She probably walked around like this (show them) with the weight of the world on her shoulders. After meeting Jesus in worship she walked around like this (show them) freed from her bondage. Jesus was more than willing to give her what she needed – what nobody else could give her – freedom. And when she straightened up she praised God. I imagine her saying something like… Thank you God, you are awesome! When we are here in worship – we too are in the right place at the right time. We are in the presence of Jesus. And he can give us what nobody else can. He can set us free from those things that prevent us from experiencing life to the fullest. Freedom from those things that weigh us down and cripple us. Things like:GuiltShameMistakesBad choicesSinful thoughts or actionsUnrealistic expectations of ourselves and othersThat voice that keeps telling us -- we are not good enough or smart enough or have enough. Whatever is crippling us.Jesus can do for us here in worship what nobody else can. And when he does - we can stand up straight and say, Thank you God – you are awesome!The synagogue leader took issue with what Jesus did in worship that day. He is in the presence of Jesus too. But there is a big difference – there is a big difference between being in Jesus’ presence and being present to Jesus. The synagogue leader was there in worship because it was his job. He was in Jesus’ presence. For him, religion was entitlement -- something to be guarded carefully by the kind of rules that people like he had developed. The woman was there in worship because it was her joy. She presented herself to Jesus. For her, it was a matter of grace -- something to be shared with others. Here’s the question I invite you to ponder:Is coming here to worship a job for you or is it a joy?FYI – your approach to worship will show in what you say and do and how you treat the people in your life – a job or a joy?My hope is that you will leave worship here today not humiliated but delighted because of what Jesus has done for you – giving you freedom from whatever spirit ails you – as we then give God all the thanks and praise. Thank you God, you are awesome! Amen. ................

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