Urbanization Webquest

Name: _________________________ Pd: _______

Urbanization Webquest

Directions: You will complete this webquest using the sites below. Please print clearly. This will count as 2 daily grades.

Go to

1. What is the difference between an urban and rural settlement?

Go to , type in “urbanization” in the search box at the top. Then click on the first blue topic labeled Urbanization and answer the following questions.


2. Name 4 cities that had a population over 5 million in 1975.

3. Name 5 different cities that had a population over 5 million in 2000.

4. Name 5 other cities that are projected to have a population over 5 million in 2025.

5. What percent of the population lived in urban areas in 1800? ________________________

6. What percent of the population lived in urban areas in 1900? ________________________

7. What percent of the population lived in urban areas in 1950? ________________________

8. What is the projected percent of population that will live in urban areas by 2050?

9. Define Urban Area.

10. What is the difficulty in comparing the percentage of people living in urban areas in different countries?

11. What is causing the increase in urbanization?  Give 2 reasons.

12. What could account for the populations of London and New York stabilizing when the other agglomerations in the table show rapid growth?

13. Define megacities. Where are many of the megacities located around the world today? 

14. Why are they more prevalent in these areas?


Go to and answer the following questions.

NOTE: The following questions come from a site out of the UK – you will notice some spelling differences such as urbanization and the use of MEDCs vs. LEDCs (same as MDCs and LDCs but stand for More Economically Developed Countries and Lesser Economically Developed Countries)

15. How and why does urbanization occur?

16. Using the chart, compare and contrast levels/changes in urbanization from 1950 to 1990 in regards to the world, and then comparing MDC and LDCs.

17. Prior to 1950s, why was urbanization found in MDCs rather than LDCs.

18. List the 3 reasons why urbanization has occurred since 1950s in LDCs.

19. What are “million cities?” List the top 5.

When you are at the bottom of the screen, hit the back arrow on the top left screen and then click on Urban Problems in LEDCs in blue on the left. Answer the following questions.

20. What is one of the main problems with rapid urbanization? What are people forced to do?

Go to and type in “favelas in Brazil” and hit “images” to see pictures of these types of housing.

21. Describe what they look like to you and how you think living conditions would be for someone living in favelas.

Go back to the previous website, , then click on “Urbanisation” on the right under “Online Activities” and take the quiz.

22. Take the quiz and record score below. _________________

Using the two websites of and , answer the following questions.

____________________________ Model

23. According to this the concentric model, how does a city grow and what is the center point?

24. Based on the Burgess model, where can you find poorer-quality housing and why?

25. Why is the fourth ring used for better residences?

26. Describe the 3rd and 5th rings and explain why such activities are located in those areas.

27. The Concentric Model is based on the city of _______________________________.

Label the below model. Color each ring a different color and create a key to the right of the model noting the color, the number and type of activity that goes on in each ring.


__________________________ Model

28. According to Hoyt’s model, how might a city develops and why?

29. What is in the center?

30. As the city grows, activities expands in what shape or direction?

31. Where are high class houses developed and why?

32. What type of development is in the other sectors?

33. What did Hoyt observe in regards to the location of low-income households? Then, how is this model related to the concentric model?

34. Hoyt's sector model is simply a _________________________ modified to account for the _____________ of _________________________ systems on ______________________________.

35. Label the below model. Color each sector a different color and create a key to the right of the model noting the color, the number and type of activity that goes on in each ring. Be sure to color the same numbers, the same color.


_____________________________ Model .

36. According to the Multiple Nuclei model, why does a city that include more than one center that activities revolve?

37. List 5 examples of these focal or nodes include found in the Multiple Nuclei model.

38. Some activities go with particular nodes while others do not. Explain.

39. How and why was the Multiple Nuclei model developed? What would “specialized cells” do?

40. Label the below model. Color each ring a different color and create a key to the right of the model noting the color, the number and type of activity that goes on in each ring.





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